I am a student at 2nd SLO IB Warsaw. This is the blog on which I post my reflections and other materials concerning CAS.
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Service - Helping a Younger Friend
Even though there is a coronavirus, and I cannot meet face-to-face with my younger colleague, I still decided to work with him. I contacted him via the Microsoft Teams and helped him with physics. I saw that even though he knew less about the topic that we were working on, he still showed me a different way of approaching the question. I was very surprised. This showed me that even though I might know more than my friend about things in a particular field, I need to be still open to different ways of reasoning, which I might not be aware of.
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Creativity - Additional Philosophy
Today, I wrote my first draft of the essay. Although I was not fully satisfied with it, I decided to talk it over with my teacher. He gave me great feedback, which really helped me in the process of writing. I realized the importance of giving my work to another person at some stage, as they might see things that I do not - sometimes even really obvious things. This will be very helpful to me in the future.
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Activity - Elliptical trainer
It was tough training. However, I completed it. This is because I had in my head the future benefits of the session. This showed me the importance of keeping in the head the positive consequences, as this might in turn positively affect my work.
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Service - Charity
I saw that I often too quickly provided the answer to the children’s school problem. I realized that this might not be the most beneficial for them. I understood that it is very important that they (but also I in my works) need to have more space for independent thinking, as this is better than simply checking the answers.
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Creativity - Additional Psychology
Today, I learned about the different quirks of the human mind. This is a very new time, as before this lesson I mostly embraced the basic neoclassical economic model. This experience showed me that sometimes even my firmest idea might be seriously challenged, which showed the importance of being open for another perspective and to question my point of view.
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Activity - Swimming
I swam for two hours, and in a few different days. It was a great time. I understood that it is very important to change the activity that I perform. This allows the body to improve at a higher rate. I am happy that I observed this.
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Service - Charity
Today, I again had a chance to work with younger children. This was as always very rewarding. It again showed me the importance of appreciating things in our possession. Last time I thought I already learned it, but now I see that there is a long way to really understand it.
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Creativity - Additional Philosophy
Today, I did research on another essay during the two-hour class. This showed me that with time the research skills can also develop. Sometimes it feels very tiring to do thorough research, but when once done, it allows me to perform the same research much faster in the future and at the same time significantly improves the quality of the philosophical investigation.
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Activity - Elliptical trainer
Today, I understood the importance of constantly challenging myself. I realized that the distance that I set on the machine until today should be upgraded so that I can develop at the same, or faster, rate as at the beginning of training. I am very happy that I noticed it, as this will contribute to my future training sessions.
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Service - Charity work
It was another one-hour meeting with young children. I realized the importance of showing to other people that I appreciate them. I saw that when I underlined the positive aspects of the children’s work, they were much more willing to complete it.
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Creativity - Additional Philosophy
Today, I debated with my teacher on the topic of personal identity. I was fixed on my point, and could not see the weight of my teacher’s argument. I found out that sometimes the most difficult part of writing the essay is thinking objectively about the other side of the debate.
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Activity - Elliptical trainer
I just found out that I made one little mistake for more than a month. This revealing showed me the importance of constantly checking if I perform the exercise correctly.
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Service - Charity work
I am very happy that I can help children with their school work. We were reading together a literature book. One of the interpretations of children surprised me. This showed me that I should always be open to the fact that people with seemingly less knowledge than I do might surprise me with their quality answers.
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Creativity - Additional Philosophy
Today, we again read the same books as a few weeks ago. I was surprised. I found in it many new things that I had not noticed during the first reading. This showed me that time might sometime significantly change our interpretations of the book.
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Activity - Elliptical trainer
Again, I spent an hour of training. Today, I skipped the warm-up exercises. This was a mistake. In the evening, all my muscles hurt. I realized that I need to think more about the future negative consequences, and so perform a difficult task even when very tired in order to avoid them.
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Service - Charity work
It was another day at the charity. For an hour I taught children mathematics. Sometimes I was very frustrated when they could not complete the question. However, I realized that when I was patient enough and listened to their problems, in the end they always completed their tasks. It is always very good to reward ourselves after good time of work. We decided to play chess after the mathematical tasks.
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