oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
I don’t know if I’ve done this, but if I have, I just wanna pop in and say pretty much all of my colorations are very similar when they’re similar themes, because I feasibly cannot make super unique work 100% of the time and have it be affordable.
I really don’t want to be rude, but sometimes what Aywas considers good payment, isn’t enough s^: Making unique work for a site that you forfeit your rights to...should be charged at industry standard.-- which for illustration is roughly 20-50 bucks an hour (A LOT more for a reputable company if you have the skill to be hired by one).
Something that still bugs me from a long long time ago is when I commissioned a colouring from an artist and it was absolutely gorgeous, no complaints there. I thanked them, paid them and gave them what I thought was a really nice tip. All is well, I upload my custom and go on my merry way. Few days later I find out that the artist must have loved the work they did for me so much that they used the colouring that I paid them for on their own custom. I wasn’t informed and I had wanted mine to be… you know. Unique. It was a common design/print but at least they are all different because you can never do the exact same twice and it just… still upsets me I guess? It is still in their lair and I was never able to bring myself to say anything to them as their are a fairly well liked player :/ 
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
While I think the PBC/SCC queue thing is moot, you have to be fair in remembering that some of the staff members are new. 
It’s understandable they’d take precautions after how past changes, without the foresight, have negatively effected the site. 
staff is fuckin stupid if they think cheaper scribble coins would effect scc or pbc queues at all. no wonder this site runs like shit.
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
For the amount PBC artists get paid, that’s up to quality. There’s a reason a lot of the artists have quit.
Users wont suffer from their unhappiness. Users will still be able to choose which artists they want to work on their coin. If they don’t like it, they can choose a different artist. 
I’ve known this artist for at least 8 years by now, and know that even if the style is simplified, they put A LOT of time into their work. 
 <div class=“tumblr-post” data-href=“https://embed.tumblr.com/embed/post/7qj3CaoheE7d0x1YGvESKw/163819288017” data-did=“2c305ec70618b544cc2572dff658a48ece5ca85f”><a href=“https://birdat47377.tumblr.com/post/163819288017/some-pbcs-that-were-a-tad-overdue-ive-decided”>https://birdat47377.tumblr.com/post/163819288017/some-pbcs-that-were-a-tad-overdue-ive-decided</a></div>  <script async src=“https://assets.tumblr.com/post.js”></script> https://birdat47377.tumblr.com/post/163819288017/some-pbcs-that-were-a-tad-overdue-ive-decided I don’t have tumblr, so I have no idea if I shared the post correctly.  Either way, tips are bonuses for producing quality art.  You may want to rethink your strategy here.  I wouldn’t tip you at ALL if you gave me babies of this quality.  If you’re so unhappy, quit the team.  Don’t make the users suffer for your unhappiness. 
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
I’m a little late on some of mine (PLBC), but should be turning in a batch of 10 soon. Things have been pretty hectic and overwhelming. You can PM me and ask if I have your breeding if curious ( #8188 ).
I have so many breedings that are currently assigned and OVER the deadline, most of which are painted. I understand Kaiyo just got back from vacation, but…is this an artist thing or is it a lazy thing?
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
Learn to use adblock, dumbass. 
bugbear’s oc is so frickin ugly, I hate seeing it EVERYWHERE, I wish I could just block them so I don’t have to see their avatar and HA. now they’re in the faux box. can you maybe use an ounce of creativity and make something that DOESN’T just look like a rejected loony toon’s character?
(inb4 the white knights come rushing in to defend them. this is a RANT blog for a reason. I’m getting out my anger here.)
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
Pet cremations, on average, cost 70-150 dollars. These are just for cats.  Some larger cities cost more. Private cremations on average cost about 125-225. 
http://www.cremation.com/pet-cremation-search/cost-of-pet-cremation/ :^y
Here, our vets don’t even do the cremations. They have to send the pet out to a cremation service
These typically don’t come with any respectable container for the ashes either (such as an urn), other than a plastic cup. 
I can for sure say that he did get his cat cremated, and it’s pretty shitty to post this before doing a god damn google search while someone’s grieving. 
also chaos made a comment about fixing cats-- here it used to be about 80 dollars and tax, then 30 extra for meds, now the price is over 350-400 dollars. Took about that much to get my rabbit fixed too. :^V
They have services here that charge 40, but they have to ship the cat out to do it. Our town is too small to economically run the program locally. 
edit: gunna note that our fixing is that high because our local vet wont do it w/out tacking on the check up/visits, and immunizations. 
I had this on my chest a while now & I  feel like someone needs to say it because noone else has the balls. I have doubts that theunholiestofkings (Archer #662) used any money they got for their cat like they said. 200$ to cremate a cat? That sounds hella fake.. I work as a technician for vet’s practice & we charge 80$ to cremate a pet & give the ashes to the pet’s owner & don’t charge a examine fee. Who knows what they did eith the money but I feel sorry for who ever bought their story.
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
yeahhh it doesn't look maintained. I just made a wiki account now to look around a bit.
What happened to the Wiki. I wanted to look up the new shops, not 19 year old vietnamese guys and car loans.
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
ToS Discourse™
ty for posting this
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
actually, let me rephrase.
When you agree to their rules, you agree to give them their right. That agreement is not the refusal situation itself, but the right to give first refusal in a later agreement. The actual act of refusing the offspring is not the same agreement as giving them the right to do so.
If they do not respond to you, that means an agreement is not yet struck, but you previously agreed they have the right to decide that sales agreement.
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
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you agreed prior to the breeding by accepting their rules. You haven’t come to an agreement if you haven’t been given a refusal, so it cannot be fulfilled. 
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
Having everything pointed out all at once can bring people into a panic sometimes. 
I’d also like to mention that the “not reported” thing isn’t something that needs to be clear. It’s still against the rules. It’s along the lines of “you’re only in trouble if you get caught breaking the law”. :^s
You can get wrapped up if you pay too much attention to the AC, the comments, and miss-information. The discussions tend to draw up a atmosphere of charged negativity. 
For me this confirmation wasn’t negative. I felt it positive because this actually protects the users’ rights they have of their pets. As someone who is on hiatus often for health reasons (longer than 6 months), if suddenly my pet/breeding/species rules didn’t matter, that would be an infringement on my rights and be really upsetting. 
In the case of people complaining about this, they basically want to throw away the rights of the original user to make a buck off a pet they don’t want with rules they agreed to (I don’t know how to phrase this less harshly). 
To me it’s always been pretty clear that when the TOS says you must abide by all agreements, this means to abide by them to the word. I think it’s been like that for over 5 or 6 years, if not, since 2010.
The newspost did say they’re writing a KB article on it though, so there will be that.  
I’d like to clarify that on the not reported thing, I mean as in people who are gone from the site for a while. Not people who don’t want to “press charges”.
Look, I know they’re doing the best the can and all. But it feels like Aywas really is becoming a business, and that’s spilling over to the users a bit much.
I get the site needs rules, but between stricter and stricter breeding/customs and more and more rules it’s starting to feel more stifling than anything.
Between that and users screaming for people to quit ((spoiler alert they have been or have you not noticed people quitting in droves and a lack of submissions, on top of that I’ve noticed an increase in casual lurkers with the people left onsite heck I’m nearly to that point)) I’m concerned for the site.
YES users can get heated, but that’s on both sides. Guys don’t act like defending the site gives you some shield and free pass to get even more aggressive. I keep seeing that, it’s some real toxic stuff and doesn’t help.
Right now I think tempers are high because we keep getting more restrictive rules every time we take a breath. We’ve gotten so much negative that has mad the site that much more complicated to play. I was already afraid of being banned of some weird rule. Now I’m TERRIFIED.
The site is too complicated rule wise and too simple game wise and that’s not a good mix to keep people engaged. If the site were giving more right now, yeah people would still be upset don’t get me wrong BUT I genuinely believe that they wouldn’t be as upset. It’s felt like so much take recently. And there’s only so much people can feel like everything is on them and they’re getting taken more than they’re given before they do leave.
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
Chaos, I can see your heart is in the right place, but this is not a new rule, so It can’t be activated retroactively. It’s always been the rule.
This is a rule I was even aware of before the post. The post was just made because people hadn’t considered what should happen when agreeing to breeding rules. 
This isn’t something users will have to fix-- they’ve always had to monitor their breeding rights, and bring to staff if a rule is breached. If the breeding rule break is never reported, no one gets in trouble or has to do reversals (reminder that trying to get away with this intentionally is, of course, breaking the ToS). 
Look, I know they’re doing the best the can and all. But it feels like Aywas really is becoming a business, and that’s spilling over to the users a bit much.
I get the site needs rules, but between stricter and stricter breeding/customs and more and more rules it’s starting to feel more stifling than anything.
Between that and users screaming for people to quit ((spoiler alert they have been or have you not noticed people quitting in droves and a lack of submissions, on top of that I’ve noticed an increase in casual lurkers with the people left onsite heck I’m nearly to that point)) I’m concerned for the site.
YES users can get heated, but that’s on both sides. Guys don’t act like defending the site gives you some shield and free pass to get even more aggressive. I keep seeing that, it’s some real toxic stuff and doesn’t help.
Right now I think tempers are high because we keep getting more restrictive rules every time we take a breath. We’ve gotten so much negative that has mad the site that much more complicated to play. I was already afraid of being banned of some weird rule. Now I’m TERRIFIED.
The site is too complicated rule wise and too simple game wise and that’s not a good mix to keep people engaged. If the site were giving more right now, yeah people would still be upset don’t get me wrong BUT I genuinely believe that they wouldn’t be as upset. It’s felt like so much take recently. And there’s only so much people can feel like everything is on them and they’re getting taken more than they’re given before they do leave.
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
Actually, people have been quitting. Not sure where you’ve been. 
While I think the rules are too strict in some places, I do agree with the reminder about the breeding rules though. It’s not like it was anything new and it’s important to protect the rights of users.
Not to mention, a ToS isn’t always enough of a safety net from IP infringement lawsuits. P sure facebook has been sued a couple times over their ‘we now own this’ clauses. 
If you’re that unhappy: quit. You won’t because you enjoy being angry and have nothing else in your life that stimulates you like throwing a tantrum over pixels.
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
iirc this did happen
sometimes i wonder if a large group of artists on this site decided to quit together because of bad pay and strict custom rules
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
I hate digging on it, because I know staff work so hard on the site-- but one of the core problems is with the custom making process and complexities of the site. 
Staff fails to compare the site with other successful contemporary games to see what the flaws might be (in this case, over-complexity; which also, in-turn weakens accessibility) and instead think the solution to this is more KB articles rather than to remedy the system. 
Granted, KB articles will solve a lot of problems when they’re in place, but the complex nature of the site is still its downfall. 
I recognize t’s no easy fix though, and that they’re trying their best. 
I mean I guess the site is getting a facelift and that’s good for everyone, but dang I feel like it’s going to need it at this rate because it’s going to need new members.
Look, I get the site needs to change to grow. That being said I DON’T think the site needs to keep making customs and breeding ((predicts/on site artists)) stricter and stricter let alone without actually keeping up the KB and having a DETAILED set of info about how every single thing works at this point.
I keep seeing more and more complaints from people about how suddenly SURPRISE with no warning something no longer passes and there was little or even NO word on the change. Yet the site continues their stance of ‘ignorance is no excuse’. Which is fair when it’s even possible to know, but most if not all of the times I see this it has been LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO KNOW IT WAS CHANGED. There’s NOTHING about it anywhere.
The site can’t seem to afford to make the core gameplay more fun, it’s not getting enough user content to keep pet collecting at the forefront, and with this cracking down more and more with no real clarification without having to put in the work/funds and then if it doesn’t work a sorry too bad so sad I don’t see the appeal of trying to do much predict/edit wise anymore.
My gut says BC/Dates are in for a storm if what I read is true, especially BC which is going to get up to HBC times I feel like at this point even without coins coming out.
Breeding and customs are being slowly strangled while pet collecting is slowing. While Aywas is gaining draws to it/improvements, i feel like it’s losing more than it’s gaining right now. It’s not a good feeling to feel like 95% of the changes penalize people, often largely. The onus keeps falling on us, and we don’t even have a chance too often to know what that is.
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
Even if you don’t consider that the game was originally this way, this was a much needed change to the feature. Without the reset, it’s harmful to the economy and greatly favors users who have been on the site long term without discerning whether they’ve been actively keeping their streak up or not.  
We all like free things handed to us or easy to get each day-- I know I do for sure!---but little sacrifices such as this help improve the game’s overall play system!
by this point though, it’s just a site glitch of a luxury we’ve all gotten used to. :^o For the longest time, I actually didn’t even know it was broken, so I kept at my streak thinking it did reset still...
The site has always been really good to it’s users in my experience but today is the first time in a long time I feel they just aren’t listening. The musing game getting fixed, causing the bp though amount to go to zero if you miss a day is bullsh**. They should work with the usets to find a compromise. Maybe it loses 50bp per day you miss or something. It’s a bs mechanic and a lot of people know it.
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oldmanmacbeth · 7 years
this reeks of insecurity and compensation
Lmfao y'all piss off. I could enter a HA set but I’m busy just like everyone else who couldn’t enter a set this round, busy working multiple jobs and then spending my only free time making art for you guys. Ooh, yeah. You guys have probably spent money on me. And you guys have been for years.
That’s right valkyrieslament, I’ll rant on anon all I want because at least people will still pay me money because I put out quality work and it will stay that way. 
Also, Macbeth you’re right. It does cost exactly $0.00, but boy-howdy if it don’t make me feel better to point out the shit quality the site lets through nowadays. Used to be a lot better. But thanks anyways, I think I’d rather be a salt-encrusted asshole. xoxo!!
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