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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
No warrant is needed to get your phone's location data, U.S. appeals court rules #1yrago
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In a major blow to security and privacy advocates, a U.S. appeals court on Tuesday ruled that police don’t have to have a warrant to obtain your cellphone location data. The ruling means that in America, you have zero expectation of privacy over the historical location data generated by your cell phone.
You can read the full ruling here.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)’s comment on the ruling is here.
Your mobile carrier captures and stores that information, and law enforcement agencies want access to it to catch and convict bad guys. With the appeals court ruling, now investigators don’t even have to get a warrant from a court before knocking on the door of your wireless provider’s server room. The big concern is that this amounts to a systematic violation of the privacy and security rights of Americans who have done nothing wrong, and aren’t suspects, or shouldn’t be considered suspects.
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia voted 12-3 that the government may get cellphone data, because of a decades-old legal theory that you have already willingly shared this data to a third party—-your mobile service provider.
The U.S. Justice Department has not yet commented on the decision.
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
Activists investigating Ivanka Trump shoe factory in China arrested, then 'disappeared'
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A labor activist who was investigating labor conditions at a Chinese factory that makes shoes for Ivanka Trump’s brand was arrested by police, and has now disappeared, say his wife and a China labor rights group. Two other activists are also missing, and are also presumed to have also been detained by Chinese authorities for nosing around in Ivanka’s supply chain.
All three activists were looking into labor conditions at the shoe factories in Huajian, China for China Labor Watch, a New York based workers’ rights nonprofit.
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
Voice of Baceprot: Indonesia’s all-woman, hijab-wearing heavy metal band
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Voice of Baceprot is a hard-driving heavy metal band made up of three hijab-wearing Muslim teenaged women who met at school in West Java, Indonesia, and whose rocking out is designed to “combat the stereotype of Muslim women as submissive or voiceless.”
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
ACT NOW! In 9 days, the European Parliament could pass a truly terrible copyright expansion
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When MEP Julia Reda conducted a wide-ranging and open consultation on updating EU copyright, she came up with some great, sensible reforms: making it legal to take pictures of buildings, making it legal to link to newspapers, creating a Europe-wide set of fair dealing exceptions to copyright, capping copyright terms at life-plus-50 years, and making sure that the rights you get to analog media (like the right to give your books and music to your kids when you die) carries over to digital media.
Naturally, the copyright lobbyists and their friends in the Europarl and Commission hated these ideas and have been running a dirty trick campaign ever since to sabotage them, and make copyright in Europe into a way for giant corporations to extract rent from the public and creators.
Now there’s only nine days until a key vote that will determine which direction Europe goes. On the one hand there’s a proposal to force online spaces to continuously surveil all user-posted material and censor anything an algorithm thinks might infringe copyright and to allow companies to decide who gets to link to their websites; on the other hand, well, there’s the sensible stuff.
The advocates of copyright maximalism are running the dirtiest of dirty-trick campaigns to get their way, armtwisting Parliamentarians behind the scenes.
Europeans can call their MEPs for free and tell them to reject the dirty tricks and corporatisation!
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
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“The Polluter“ by Eugenia Loli
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
I think I might need to go see a therapist, but I'm scared that I dont really need it. I'm a 14 years old, so I'm worried that any of the problems I'm having are just because of hormones and I dont want to take up resources that other people could need. So how do I tell whether I need help or not? And if I need to go, how do I ask my mom? Thank you so much and I'm sorry for any inconvenience I've caused.
Not a problem at all.
I think most (if not all) people should see a therapist from time to time, so if you’re at all unsure of things going on, it’s well worth the stop in. Just like your physical health, having a quick check-in with a professional on your mental health is a good thing to do. And if you’ve got some things going on, it can always be helpful to get a removed professional perspective, some coping strategies, and just have a place to safely get some of it out in the open. So seriously, if you’re able, I’d encourage you to go - even if it just ends up being one or two sessions.
In terms of asking your mom, that likely depends a little bit on your relationship with her and how much you generally share about your mental health and the things that are going on. I’d hope that your mom would be willing to take you, no questions asked, if you asked to see a therapist, but depending on your relationship it might help to share a little bit about what is going on. Alternately, if you really feel uncomfortable asking  your mom to take you, you could see if your general practitioner could refer you to a therapist for a follow-up on mental health concerns.
Either way, I’d say it’s well worth your while to do a little homework and try and find a therapist that is a good fit for you. I found mine by combing through Psychology Today and looking for someone who was (1) a woman, (2) had LGBTQ+ experience, (3) took my insurance, and (4) was fairly local. Then I called and had a conversation with her to assess fit a little more before I went to my first appointment.
Best wishes to you!
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
Come on you smart folks at @worldeconmicforum get #DavosPlanB working!
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Breaking: Trump will withdraw US from Paris climate agreement
President Donald Trump is expected to pull the United States out of the historic Paris climate agreement on Wednesday, according to a report by Axios that was later confirmed by CBS News.
According to the reports, specific logistics on how are still being arranged by a team that includes EPA administrator Scott Pruitt.
The Paris agreement, in which the U.S. pledged to lower its greenhouse gas emissions 26% by 2025, was formally signed by 195 countries in December 2015. The pact is the world’s largest effort to reverse the damaging effectsof man-made climate change. Read more (5/31/17 9 AM)
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
Corruption isn't ok in government. Period.
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All treasonous. All poison. All lining their pockets, exploiting tax payers.
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
Leaks: Mercenaries targeted Standing Rock water protectors with anti-terrorist tactics
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Tigerswan, a secretive private mercenary company, was hired by Energy Transfer Partners to run campaigns against Dakota Access Pipeline protesters in five states, including states in which they were not licensed to operate – the measures they deployed were developed as counterterrorism tactics, including
Tigerswan prepared reports that called the indigenous-led protests “an ideologically driven insurgency with a strong religious component” and compared them to jihadi fighters. The reports were leaked by a Tigerswan contractor to The Intercept, who supplemented the with thousands of pages of documents secured through public records requests.
Tigerswan appears to have also run an online disinformation campaign, “creating and distributing content critical of the protests on social media.”
Tigerswan conducted substantial infiltration and provocateur operations against the water protectors. These infiltrators engaged in “exploitation of ongoing native versus non-native rifts, and tribal rifts between peaceful and violent elements.”
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
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okupi-blog · 8 years ago
@nikivandel shared @undocumedia's post with you. WE WON, AGAIN.
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