okitagumi · 4 months
not a single reliable narrator in sight
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okitagumi · 4 months
one thing i hate about english is your open compound words. what do you mean it's a light switch and not a lightswitch or a water bottle instead of a waterbottle. get real
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okitagumi · 4 months
the holy trinity: bisexual, bilingual & bites u
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okitagumi · 4 months
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I'm obsessed with this tweet
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okitagumi · 1 year
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okitagumi · 1 year
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okitagumi · 1 year
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Life with ME/CFS and some other spoonie conditions can feel like this
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okitagumi · 1 year
taylor swift: she was the piss on the carpet / I was the floor's poo / she would always be his number one / while I was the number two / little did we know / he would flush us both
white women who have lizzo blocked on twitter: I'm SOBBINHG. the METAPHORS. did she know she would define a generation with this? 😭😭😭
gayboys who own every switch pokemon game: agsshdjdkdakh no okay but why is this better than everything on the radio for the past ten years 😭 THIS ICONNNNN. EVERYBODY SHUT UP I'M IN MY FLUSHING ERA 📢📢
asian giant hornet in a japanese honeybee nest:
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okitagumi · 1 year
love is a drug and babygirl, im a faggot
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okitagumi · 1 year
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taemin always making sure we know he's the funniest kpop idol
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okitagumi · 1 year
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okitagumi · 1 year
Literally Just The Cain Parts Of Arc 2 Chapter 20 (chapters 1 and 2)
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Owen: ……
Cain: Owen…
Owen turned his face away, without even a smirk on his lips. I glared at him. I didn't think I could do anything else. I couldn't see what expression Arthur was making right now. It's not as if I couldn't see him because of my injury from the [Great Calamity]. But I felt so guilty, the kind of guilt that can't be properly formed into words, that I couldn't bear to look at him. That was when I realized something. I was trying to come up with some sort of excuse for all of this. What the hell am I doing?
Arthur: It's alright. I have an escort. Ah, right there.
Arthur glanced over towards me. Owen was still not looking at me, his arms crossed--I'd never seen him act like this before. And then, I saw him sneak a glance at me. I just kept glaring at him full force. I'd never wanted Arthur to see me like this. I hated Owen as much as I hated myself. But for just a moment, I saw something I couldn't put a name to flickering in his eyes. That just made me feel even more guilty, and I didn't know why. It was as if…I was seeing the little Owen because of how messed up things had gotten. But soon enough, he met my glare with his own equally sharp one. Like a beast.
Cain: (If he's making that kind of face, he has to be the real one.)
Arthur: Alright, thank you. Owen. Could you come here too, please?
Arthur took one of Owen's arms and together, they came over to me. I had no idea what to do. Owen didn't, either. All I could do was steel myself and look up at Arthur. He…wasn't looking at me with contempt, or even disappointment. He was in his blue training outfit, and his clear blue eyes were sparkling. Seeing him like that…I felt my face turn grim, and I started to yell at him.
Cain: Artie, what are you thinking? Only high ranking military officers are allowed in here! Grunts like you should know their place!
I lightly knocked Arthur away and then stuck my finger towards his chest. The worst thing that could happen here is anyone else here finding out who Arthur really was. I was just trying to get him out of here safely. He looked startled at first, but on realizing what was going on, decided to match my pace.
Arthur: My sincerest apologies. However…
Owen: You don't need to apologize, Artie. Just sit down right there. Next to Sir Knight.
Owen roughly forced Arthur down next to me. The women and officers I'd been talking with quickly moved out of his way. It was me, Arthur, Owen, plus the women by me and Owen. That was our current lineup.
Woman: Have a glass. One for you, too.
Owen and I were handed glasses while we glared at each other over Arthur's head. I asked him something, keeping my voice low.
Cain: What are you trying to pull? This is a dirty prank.
Owen: Hmph. The only one playing around here is you. If you're really so sure of yourself, then surely you can keep doing the same in front of Sir Prince?
Woman: Prince?
Owen's slip of the tongue stabbed a bit of fear into me, but he simply crossed his legs and smiled at the lady next to him.
Owen: I'm talking about myself. I'm the prince of the Cerberus Kingdom. And I'll bite your throat out.
Owen had meant it as a threat, but because of the alcohol, the woman took it as a joke. She blushed, and then tilted back her head and presented her neck.
Woman: Ooh, how scary. But I don't mind if you want to eat me right up.
Owen: Are you stupid? You'd get along great with Sir Knight. I've fed him to my dogs before, too.
Cain: Come on…
Right as I was about to argue, Arthur suddenly moved to look at me. He took up my whole field of vision, the only thing I could see.
Arthur: I need to talk to you. Err, rather, I have something I'd like to speak with you about, Sir Cain.
Cain: What's up, Artie? Is it something so important you had to talk to me here? It's already late. Kids should be in bed by now.
Arthur: Kids?
Arthur raised one eyebrow. I think…I made him a little mad.
Arthur: It's an important conversation regarding your honor, Sir Cain. You are a very devoted person, but should you have betrayed yourself to that end…
I saw a pale finger extend past Arthur's cheek, and then Owen grabbed Arthur's face and forcibly turned his head. He murmured something into Arthur's ear. They glanced at me during their quiet conversation, leaving me completely baffled by their newfound…familiarity. This couldn't be anything good. I suddenly felt restless.
Arthur: …Understood.
While I was being set adrift in a sea of confusion, Arthur simply nodded, and moved away from Owen. This time he got closer to me, putting his arm over the back of the sofa. Arthur's lips approached my ear. His hair and skin smelled of expensive perfume, the kind that no amount of effort could hide. The idea of having a one on one talk with him was making me just a little bit nervous. Over Arthur's shoulder, I could see Owen. Arthur whispered into my ear.
Arthur: …Please don't do anything that would deprive you of your knightly spirit.
I didn't know how much he'd heard from Owen, but the sincere and earnest tone in his voice made my chest ache. As Arthur pulled away from me, I whispered something back.
Cain: …Don't misunderstand. I'm trying to win over the Western military to get information on Nicholas. It's dangerous for you to be here. You should leave immediately. Oz and Riquet should still be…
I glanced up, and my words trailed off on their own. There were heavy footsteps making their way towards us. They were even and composed, like those of higher ranked or commissioned officers. The lively atmosphere around us had become tense. Maybe the general they'd talked about earlier, General Barnett, was here.
Gill: ……
If it was the Western general, it was entirely probable that he knew what Central Country's crown prince looked like.
Cain: (I can't even imagine how things will blow up if the prince of an unfriendly neighboring country is found in a military club.)
I immediately pulled Arthur closer to me, my hand on his back.
Arthur: …Wha--?!
Cain: What's wrong? Are you not feeling well? You must've drank too much. We should get you on your way quick. Owen!
Owen: Excuse me?
Cain: Take care of Artie for me. Or at least take him to the inn.
Owen narrowed his eyes at me.
Owen: And why do I have to do what you tell me to, Sir Knight?
Arthur also looked up at me, frowning a bit.
Arthur: I am still not done talking with you.
I wasn't listening to either of them. I was busy worrying about if General Barnett was here, and I picked up the book I'd dropped earlier with one hand. This was a popular novel the general liked. I'd been reading it aloud to try and catch his attention. That was the plan, at least.
Cain: Sorry, but please, I need you both to leave. I need to read this book.
Arthur: Right now?
Owen: Why?
Cain: Because the general likes it. He'll be excited if we like the same things, right?
Arthur: Do you like it, Cain?
Cain: Well, I haven't read it yet…
Arthur: He won't be happy if you're only pretending. When he realizes you're lying, he'll only be sad about it.
Arthur's words reminded me of my mom, and my heart clenched in my chest. I shook my head, a bitter feeling at the back of my throat. I glanced around, and then murmured something to him.
Cain: …You and Oz are no good at telling lies. That's why this is something I have to do. I'm doing what I do best.
Arthur: Trust isn't something so easily won. Trust balanced on top of lies will come crashing down when it's most important. If trust is lost on the battlefield, then who can you entrust your life to?
I felt like he'd just punched me in the face. Exactly like Arthur had said, morale dropped under leadership that couldn't be trusted. Everyone put their life on the line for their pride and sense of justice at some point. And if you weren't sincere about it, all you'd get is corrupted authority and false justice. That's why you can't just start running forward. Arthur's eyes held the same noble look I'd seen in the portraits of previous kings in Granvelle Castle.
Arthur: Cain, you are my knight. You don't need to concoct any devious plots.
My heart was wavering in my chest. I wanted to live up to Arthur's pure, unsullied feelings. But, I think someone who betrays those feelings would serve him better. Nicholas and the white-haired woman. The sunken Adams Island expedition. Should I just give up and try a different method of attack? My honor didn't matter. What even is true devotion? What would Leno or Shino do if they were in my place?
I stole a glance at Owen. He was frowning, and then he sighed as if to say "Well, there's no helping it." He reached over Arthur and put his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me closer. And then, he whispered something in my ear. Owen's voice was oddly shrill, as if he was embarrassed about something.
Owen: Hey… If it's the only way, then. I'll kill the Western general for you.
My eyes widened. Owen frowned, making a weird face, like he was trying to hide his embarrassment. He was messing with his bangs like he was annoyed, but he was eyeing me with a certain sense of pride.
Owen: But only for tonight, okay?
My blood drained out of my face and I shook my head.
Cain: Don't even think about doing something like that. It'd become a massive diplomatic issue.
Owen: …Hah?
Pretty sure Owen thought that he was offering to do a good deed, which was why he was so embarrassed about it, but it was still undeniably an offer of assassination. A Northern wizard killing the Western army's general in front of Central's prince was just a recipe for disaster.
Cain: You don't need to come up with any plots, just take Arthur and…
Owen: Plots? I'm saying I'll help you, and you say I'm plotting?
Cain: I'm grateful for the offer, but right now, your talents aren't really what I need here.
Owen's trunk appeared out of nowhere. I looked up at the ceiling, and then tried again.
Cain: I said not right now, right?
Owen: I'm going to turn you to stone. I don't take orders from anyone.
Woman: D-didn't he just pull that trunk from nowhere… Was that…magic?
Owen smiled threateningly at the pale woman.
Owen: That's right. Didn't I tell you? I'll bite your throat out.
Arthur: Could you kindly stop, Owen?
Woman: …I--I'm not scared! I'm not scared of wizards. There are so many officers from the Magical Weaponry Division here. Everyone, please…!
Cain: Let's calm down! Owen, put your trunk away! Absolutely do not open it!
Owen: …Don't order me around!
Arthur: We're not giving you orders. Neither Cain nor I are trying to subjugate you, Owen of the North.
Arthur placed his hand on Owen's arm, and then he looked up at me.
Arthur: This goes for you too, Cain. My desires are not meant to be chains. They shouldn't keep you from listening to your heart.
Those painful words felt so good. My heart. My thoughts and feelings could change everything. And how easily mine had been changed. What could I do with these feelings?
Gill: And what is going on here?
Owen and I stood ready at the same time. We didn't even have to say anything. Both of us were prepared to guard Arthur. I couldn't see who had spoken. But I could tell enough from the air around them. This was General Barnett. The cheery, drunken sense of relaxation in the club had changed. Not in a bad way. There wasn't any fear shooting up my spine. But all the soldiers in the room remembered something now that they stood before him. All he had to do was stand in the same room as them, and the Western army's soldier remembered their pride. Their spirit. I hadn't even seen his face, and General Barnett had already overwhelmed us. If he was this charismatic on a normal day, I wondered how far his leadership would take him on the battlefield. Speaking as a soldier from the neighboring country? I wasn't looking forward to seeing it.
Cain: …My apologies for disturbing you. I am Cain, a former knight of Central Country.
I smiled amiably and held my hand out to him. I could only wonder if he'd accept it. But I only had to worry for a couple seconds. A large hand grasped mine moments later. The same moment, a tall, capable-looking young man appeared in front of me. He had the sociable, reliable air of someone you could call an ideal commanding officer.
Gill: Gill Barnett, at your service. Would those be your friends?
Still feeling the strain, I introduced the two of them.
Cain: My subordinates. Artie and Wen.
Owen: You're a wizard, aren't you.
Owen announced that right to General Barnett's face. It caught me off guard for a moment, but I knew why he'd felt that, so I explained it to him.
Cain: Don't be rude, Wen. Watch your mouth. This is the man who leads the Magical Weaponry Division. Using that many mana stones can make someone have the same presence as a wizard.
Owen: Mana stones…? …Just how many would you have to use to feel like that.
Owen smiled a thin smile at him, the expression dripping with malice and hatred. But General Barnett was unmoved. His eyes moved to Arthur, and he gestured for him to sit down.
Gill: Please, sit.
Arthur: Thank you, sir.
Although Arthur took a seat, General Barnett did not. Instead, he sat down next to me, taking the place of a woman who had gracefully offered up her seat. His leisurely manner was also a smart one. And it wasn't like he was trying to intimidate or overpower us. It looked like he was being considerate of us.
Gill: You said you were a former Central soldier, didn't you?
Cain: Yes.
The general smiled at me, friendly-like.
Gill: As the general of Western Country, I could call myself its greatest hero, but surely that means little to a Central knight. From Central's oldest knight to its youngest trainee, each one is fearlessly brave. Now that's true glory. They don't get ahead of themselves when victory's in sight, and that's how the names of so many heroes have been engraved in their history. And you are one of them. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Cain: Ah… Thank you very much. I'm undeserving of such praise.
I knew it was nothing more than flattery, but my chest was still full of emotion. Even the general of another country saw the same splendor in the Central knights that I'd admired ever since I was little. Arthur's eyes also glowed with the praise.
Gill: And that is?
The general gestured towards the book next to me. Seems like the story about him liking this series was true. Finally, I could work on fulfilling my intended objective here. I picked up the book with vigor.
Cain: A book from a series I like. I'd heard that you enjoyed it as well. I was thinking of reading some aloud, if you'd be fine with that.
The general smiled at me, and I looked over my shoulder towards Owen.
Cain: Wen. Cover Artie's ears for me, would you?
Owen: What? Why?
Cain: I've got a feeling there's going to be some events that children shouldn't be listening to.
Arthur: You keep calling me a child, but I am no longer… I am not a child, Sir Cain.
Owen: I'll let him listen. Give us a tale so terrifying it gives Artie nightmares.
Arthur: No matter how terrifying a story it is, it won't keep me awake or give me nightmares. Because I am not a child.
Cain: It's not a scary story. Well, it shouldn't be…
I remembered the bit I'd read just before as getting a bit…spicy. I glanced over at the general. As if the friendly air he'd had earlier had been nothing but a lie, he was now completely filled with bloodlust.
Cain: Is… Is something wrong, sir…?
His eyes met mine and slowly, slowly his head turned to join them.
Gill: That book is a stellar adaptation… Don't speak of it as if it's some vulgar, tawdry product.
Cain: Ah… Um…
Gill: The play it is based on is an action/adventure coming-of-age story centered around the friendship of a landed noble caught up in an inheritance dispute and one of her maids. In any case.
Cain: Yes.
Gill: The two protagonists fall in love with a traveling merchant, and both compete for his affection in further more impossible ways. You said you liked it, didn't you?
Cain: Uh, yes.
Gill: To be frank, I am absolutely appalled. No further conversation is required.
Cain: W--wait! My apologies. Let me be honest. I'm…
Gill: The Sage's wizard, Cain Knightley. And that would be another Sage's wizard, the Northern wizard Owen. And this gentleman would be… No, enough with names.
The general had been looking at Arthur when he said that. Arthur, however, took a deep breath and said his next words very pointedly.
Arthur: Please, allow me to introduce myself. I am the prince of Central Country, Arthur Granvelle. My apologies for being misleading with my identity, General Barnett.
The general's eyes widened at such a forthwith introduction. For the first time in this conversation, he was shocked. After carefully observing his surroundings, he simply shrugged his shoulders.
Gill: …My sincerest apologies. I had not heard you would be visiting. Had I been aware, I would have knelt before you. To do so now would be, well, conspicuous.
Arthur: Let me apologize as well. I was distracted.
The general smiled at Arthur's immediate apology. He leaned forward, lowering his voice.
Gill: …Please listen without showing surprise. Important citizens of my country have of late been collapsing with sudden illness. Their health worsens very quickly, and as it stands, it is doubtful they can even make it through the night. Were it to be known that a foreign dignitary is visiting me during this plague, it would draw suspicion. Please, leave as soon as you are able.
Arthur: Western country's dignitaries…
Gill: I cannot speak further than this. You understand, yes?
Arthur: Yes… Thank you. However, may I ask one thing?
Gill: You may.
Arthur: Why did you warn me?
Gill: I'd rather not cause problems for myself by complicating things with easily-rectified matters.
The general smiled calmly. His manner was arrogant, but Arthur's eyes were happy all the same.
Gill: You are young, and there is still hope in your heart. Though we may live in a broken world, I keep faith that it shall one day be beautifully reborn. I would rather do you a favor of something more valuable than saying your name too loudly and bringing both of our nations trouble.
Arthur: My thanks, General Barnett.
Gill: Please, just call me Gill. Now, I would not say this is advice, per se… If you have no urgent plans, I would suggest staying in the City of Wealth for the moment.
Cain: Why?
Gill: A coronation ceremony shall be held on a day very soon from now. I believe the Sage's wizards were also given an invitation.
Those words alone told me everything I needed to know about the state of the West's dignitaries, and which among them had fallen ill. Western Country was a monarchy, after all. It seemed we'd arrived at a very delicate time.
Gill: Well then, I shall take my leave. May there be good company on your way home.
With a bow, the general began to walk away from us. I was after him in a flash. He was a fair sort of person. I needed to do something to get rid of the guilt of lying to him.
Cain: Hold on.
Gill: What?
Cain: …Sorry for lying to you. Err, my sincerest apologies, I mean.
His shoulders shook with laughter. At least the look on his face meant I hadn't insulted him.
Gill: What a very Central thing of you to say. No, it was quite fine. Why were you trying to gain my favor?
Cain: Huh?
Gill: You pretended to have read a book you'd never touched for the sake of my favor, to the point of troubling your comrades.
Cain: That's, well… I really do apologize for that. I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
Gill: It certainly seems that way. I've yet to meet someone from Central who enjoyed deceit. Nicholas was the same way.
My eyes widened the moment I heard Nicholas's name.
Cain: You remember Nicholas?
Gill: Of course I do. He was once a hero who stood as Central's head of knights. It was quite exhausting having such a great man foisted onto me as one of my subordinates.
After that bit of complaint, the general smiled at me.
Gill: I heard a bit of you from him. He called you the kind of genius that only comes around once every thousand years. Nicholas had been quite proud whenever your name was brought up. It was clear that he loved Central Country and Central's knights from the bottom of his heart. What happened to him was very unfortunate.
The general put his hand on my shoulder. The sudden rush of emotion in my chest was so strong, I could feel my breathing waver. Even if he had fallen as something evil, Nicholas had once been someone I admired. Hearing words of praise for him made my chest tight. Even though I'd tried to convince myself there was no other choice, I'd always hated how things had turned out. If the reason that the gallant knight I admired had become a villain was because I'd cornered him, then didn't that make me the evil one? The general shook his head, as if to reject the self-hatred I'd never voiced aloud.
Gill: My only complaint is that you led the knights after someone like Nicholas had been driven out. You're not the kind of person who would be here to try and gather information. The right person for the right place, after all. Though it's true Western Country tends to discriminate towards wizards, but we are still generous enough to welcome the philosopher Hart to the royal palace with open arms. Those from Central are less sociable. The generosity seen when the King of Knights Alec established that country alongside wizards is nowhere to be seen. The current system in place only shames that sincere warrior. You don't need to look at me like that. If you're going to turn your sword on anything, turn it on the system.
This foreign general's words were like a guiding light that had saved me. Perhaps they were simply honeyed words to win me over. But I wanted to think they were true.
Cain: Thank you very much, sir.
Gill: Even wicked customs can be changed that way. Should your revolution fail and you go into exile, I would gladly welcome you to our country.
Cain: I'm not planning on abandoning my country. I am a Central knight.
The general smiled warmly at me.
Gill: I thought that's what you'd say.
Cain: General Barnett. Did anything strange happen to Nicholas during his time in this country?
Gill: Why do you ask?
Cain: I heard that he headed an expedition to the sunken Adams Island. He wasn't exactly a man who was fond of the sea. But if he left anything behind that might tell me what his goal was, then…
Gill: I see. A very Central expression of camaraderie. I'm fond of Central's knights because you're all like characters in a book. Now then, regarding Nicholas… Although he was one for etiquette, there were times when he crossed the line when it came to me. I imagine he couldn't forgive himself for it.
Cain: I see…
Gill: Oh, but there is one thing I recall. He once asked me if I was an avid reader. Specifically, he asked if there were any accounts handed down through Western legend of an account of a path through Hell.
Cain: A path through Hell…?
Gill: Yes. I'd never heard of something like it. What about in Central?
Cain: This is the first time I'm hearing of anything like it, too.
Gill: I see. I apologize, but that's as much as I can offer.
Arthur: A path through Hell… I've never heard of it, either. What about you, Owen?
Owen: Who knows.
Arthur: Perhaps you keep it within that trunk of yours?
Owen: Sure. Want to take a peek, Sir Prince?
Cain: Knock it off, Owen.
Owen: Hmph. So you failed to become a villain, Sir Knight. Well, it's just a matter of time. I'm looking forward to seeing it happen.
Cain: …tsk, he's gone… God, he's so…
Arthur: Owen was worried about you, Cain.
Cain: As if.
Arthur: That was why he came to me. …Am I wrong?
Cain: You're wrong. Maybe he's not as awful as I thought, but… He's still awful. Don't let him fool you.
Arthur: You think so…?
Cain: …A path through Hell… Sigh… All that work, and that's the only clue we got.
Arthur: We did get to meet with the Western general, thanks to your infiltration. Thank you, Cain.
Cain: Arthur… No, I should be the one thanking you.
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okitagumi · 1 year
oh so when BARBIE wants to stop being a doll and interact with the real world as a real person, it's fine and fun and great, but when I, charles "chucky" lee ray,
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okitagumi · 1 year
"Special Gifts for a Celebratory Night" Cain SSR Story - The Flowerfall Game Hall, With You ~ Invitation for Cain
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Akira: (I wonder where Cain is. If he's not in his room or in the lounge, then…ah!)
Mithra: Are fwe fone yet.
Cain: I just have one more question. You were alone with the Sage inside, right?
Akira: Did I do something?
Cain: Master Sage! How long have you been listening…?
Akira: I only got here a moment ago. I was looking for you, Cain. Are the two of you eating some snacks together?
Cain: Something like that. Did you need me for something?
Akira: Yes. It's almost your birthday, so I wanted to invite you to the Flowerfall Game Hall…
Mithra: Oh, what good timing. Then I will leave the explanation to you.
Akira: Huh?
Cain: !
Mithra: He's been pestering me endlessly about what kind of place it is. He could just ask one of the other--
Cain: Mithra, Mithra! Here, take the rest of my snacks. You can have all of them. Thanks for giving me your time.
Mithra: Mm, thank you.
Cain: …Whew. Sorry to cut that short, Master Sage.
Akira: Oh, no. But if you wanted to talk about the Game Hall, then…
Cain: I heard about it from Arthur, and I've been really curious about it since. It's a miniature garden that one of Shylock's old friends left behind, right?
Akira: That's right. Their magical power is in its decline and it's making it difficult to take care of the hall, so Shylock's been holding onto it and I've been borrowing it. At least, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the hall with me to celebrate your birthday?
Cain: Of course. I'd be happy to, Master Sage.
And so, the day we agreed to go to the Flowerfall Game Hall together arrived.
Cain: Did you hand-make this invitation? You decorated it with all sorts of my favorite things.
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Cain: You really know me well, Sage.
Akira: Ahaha, I'm just happy you like it.
Cain: So by using a little magic, the door to the hall opens, right? Alright… <Gladius Procella>
The invitation began to glow with a gentle light, and slowly, the door to the hall began to open. And we were enveloped in white mist--
Cain: --Woah, this place is amazing?! This is the first time I've ever seen that, or this over here! And this outfit… If I heard right, this is an outfit that the Hall itself prepared for each one of us, right?
Akira: That's right! It suits you well, Cain.
Cain: Ahaha, I'm glad to hear it. Since I'm getting the chance to escort you today, anything less than the best wouldn't feel right.
Cain's smile was so bright that I started to smile too, just seeing it. But then I straightened my back, trying to be a bit more serious. *I'd practiced how to properly escort someone who knew how many times before today. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for *that pose, the standard one for something like this.
Akira: …Cain. Allow me to take you to the Hall proper. Please, give me your hamb!
Cain: …
Akira: (…I messed up…)
Cain: Pfft, ahaha! Thank you for the wonderful invitation, Master Sage.
Akira: I want to dig a hole and bury myself in it…
Cain: You can't do that. Then I'd have no one to escort me. So, once again. I'd be happy to, Master Sage.
As Cain said that, he gently placed his hand on top of the one that I'd reached out to him with. His hand was so warm. Warm enough to melt away all my stress and embarrassment from screwing up.
Akira: …Thank you, Cain. Let me show you this area first! First up, this is sort of like a rollercoaster… Umm, I was wondering if you might want to ride this with me. It's like a…ride that goes really, really, really fast.
Cain: That was one I heard about from Arthur, where you go down a fast-moving current of water with a swim ring? It sounded really fun, so I asked him about it.
Akira: That sounds just like you. But this is a different one, where we'll go round and round around a volcano.
Cain: Top speed around a volcano… That sounds super fun!
We walked while we talked, and before I knew it, we were already at our destination.
Cain: A mountain of little flowers…? No, wait, there's flames coming out of the top. Is this the volcano you were telling me about?
Akira: Yep! We're going to ride around it in that cage made of woven vines. There's a lot of rides that go really fast, but I want this to be the one we ride first!
Cain: Woah, there's so many hills on this ride! But doesn't that mean it can't go very fast?
Akira: It's probably about to start speeding up! This is actually the first time I'm riding this one too, so I don't know what kind of speed it's going to have.
Well, that's what I said, but I sure do know about this rollercoaster. When Shylock told me that we had one, I thought it'd be fun to take Cain on it, so I didn't really get to do a test drive--
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Akira: Gyaaaahhhh!! We're fallingggg!!
Cain: Ahaha, that's one hell of a scream! But yelling from your gut really makes riding this even more fun.
The cage we were riding in hit such a speed that I thought we were going to fall right into the volcano's crater, and we did get close enough that I could've reached out and touched the flames--but then we hit a turn and went back to the mountain's surface. On a normal rollercoaster, you could tell where it was going to go by looking at its rail, but on a magical one that moved freely, it was impossible to tell what was going to happen next.
Akira: Th--that was actually a scream from my heart… But, Cain. You're fine letting go of the vines holding you in place, even at a speed like this?!
Cain: Well, it feels better like this, yeah? Oh, Master Sage. There's a phantom boulder chasing after us now-- Oh, now there's a whole waterfall of magma! A magmafall! Alright, then let me-- Woooooooooooo!!
Akira: Gyaaaaahhhh!!
Cain: Ahh! That was super fun.
Akira: You…were able to ride it ten entire times… That's some energy you've got…!
Cain: Ahaha. If you wanna go again, I'm still good for it.
Akira: (He's so powerful… But, it looks like he's completely satisfied.)
As I was staring at his smiling face, Cain suddenly stood up. And then he looked at me, staring deep into my eyes.
Cain: Master Sage. Could I have a moment of your time?
Akira: ? Yes, of course you can…
Cain put one hand to his chest. It was such a sincere and gallant…and knightly pose. He bowed to me, like a proper knight would.
Cain: Master Sage. I thank you kindly for giving me this wonderful present, this wonderful, unforgettable time with you. Thanks to you, I've been truly, genuinely happy. Which is why I wish to offer you the same favor.
Cain held out a single white envelope. I couldn't read whose name was written on it, but still, I had a feeling I knew exactly what it said.
Akira: Is this…for me…?
Cain: Yes. It's an invitation I've addressed to you.
He knelt down on one knee, and respectfully, almost reverently, extended his hand to me.
Cain: I want to make you exactly as happy as you made me today. So next time, allow me to escort you as best as I am able, so that I may be the one to make you smile.
The expression on his face was a straightforward and sincere one. His words and movements didn't have a single trace of hesitation, and I felt the tension drain from my cheeks.
Akira: (I really am no match for you, Cain…) Please, I would be delighted!
As soon as I said that, flower petals began to dance around us. Cain and I glanced at each other, and then up towards the ceiling.
Cain: It's so beautiful… Is this the sign that it's time to go home?
Akira: Yes. The flowers begin to fall once the wizard that's activated the Hall is satisfied…
Even as I spoke, mist began to cloud over my field of vision.
And before I realized it, we were back inside the manor.
Akira: Ah…we're back. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself in the hall, Cain!
Cain: Yeah, it was amazing! Thank you, Master Sage. But to tell the truth, I was nervous the whole time. I kept thinking about when our time together was going to end. Even though I talked to Mithra and the others so I could get a surprise ready for you in advance… Like, it'd be really uncool if you were escorting me and the hall up and kicked us out early, right?
Akira: (Oh, I see… So him asking about the hall was so he could surprise me.)
Cain's smile was lighthearted, like he was joking around, but my chest felt warm. That warmth made me want to do something to make him happy, one last time. I gently took his hand and squeezed it, and he made an odd little expression at me.
Akira: (There are so many things I want to tell him, but…) Cain. One more time, happy birthday! I hope that this coming year is a year full of smiles and happiness for you.
I'd never be able to match Cain, but I still did my best to look cool about it. There's no special power in my words, but-- May these seeds one day bloom into flowers. May magic one day turn plain stones into jewels. May my words one day become blessings so powerful they can protect his heart. With these wishes all wrapped up in my words--
Akira: …That's my final surprise gift for you. Was I cooler than when I first tried?
Cain: … Yeah. You were the coolest, Akira!
Gifts Painting the Future
Akira: Cain, what are you reading?
Cain: Oh, Master Sage. Tada! Check it out. This was a birthday gift from the other Central wizards.
Akira: Wah! Does that mean it's handmade?
Cain: Yeah, it's a story about a wizard that becomes a knight. Apparently Riquet was the one who said they should do this. "This is the Cain of the future," is what he said to Arthur, his eyes blazing with passion.
Akira: You must be so happy to hear that…
Cain: None of them really have much experience with writing stories, so they also drew pictures to make sure the flow of the narrative is properly communicated. Here, look.
Akira: Oh, wow! Would this brave little boy be you, Cain? Who drew this… Could it have been Oz?!
Cain: No, Arthur was the one who drew that. He's super intense and cool, right? And these kind of stiff parts are by Riquet, and the backgrounds are by Oz.
Akira: Ahaha, each part is so them.
Cain: I know right--oh, wait. I need to get going soon.
Akira: Do you have plans later today?
Cain: Yeah. Owen told me to come to his room later so he could give me a birthday present. It's…definitely not going to be something very respectable.
Akira: (Yeah, I don't think so… That's beyond suspicious.)
Cain: But I don't want to reject his feelings, so I'm going either way. So, see you later!
Akira: (…Cain's the kind of person who would go if someone asked him to, even if he knew something bad was waiting…)
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okitagumi · 1 year
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i need to show him off here on tumblr as well hi look at the loml
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okitagumi · 1 year
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okitagumi · 1 year
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