okayykyle · 9 days
people will outgrow you, and that’s nothing against you. there’s a time for everyone in our lives and that time can pass.
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okayykyle · 9 days
Recovery doesn’t mean being happy all the time. Recovery doesn’t mean having boundless energy and never showing symptoms and being a ray of sunshine at every moment. 
You can still be in recovery if you have bad days. You can still be in recovery if you show symptoms. Recovery is having fewer bad days, coping better with your symptoms. 
Recovery is having the coping mechanisms in place to deal with bad days when they come along so they aren’t as bad as they might have been before, and not falling into unhealthy habits that may have made them worse, made them last longer, or made them happen more often. 
Recovery is prioritising the energy you do have effectively, and doing things that help to maximise that energy. Recovery is forgiving yourself for being tired and allowing yourself rest. 
You don’t have to aim for perfectly, unfalteringly happy to be better, you just have to aim for better. 
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okayykyle · 9 days
Reblog and put in the tags how many pieces of jewelry you wear on a daily basis (like rings, piercings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.)
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okayykyle · 9 days
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okayykyle · 9 days
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mini charms!! ☀️🌱 yogurts.net
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okayykyle · 9 days
I always have to click through to view your posts because I have "SPN" filtered. 😔
You filtered Service du Patrimoine Naturel (French natural history museum / natural heritage service)?
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okayykyle · 11 days
shaking myself (very gently) . being in pain takes a lot of energy!!!!!! being in pain is exhausting!!!!!!! you are not lazy or weak because you need to spend so much time resting, this is your body coping with how much pain you’re in literally 24/7!!!!!!!!!
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okayykyle · 11 days
i will heal no matter how long it takes and no matter what it takes
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okayykyle · 12 days
Do you know anything i can donate to for palestine that's not the gofundmes because the idea of having to choose who needs my money more is just. scary to me they all need it 3: maybe there's a thing that splits/distributes money evenly???? idk but help would be appreciated
Gazafunds actually deals with this anxiety and makes a decision for you if you want. Their home page has a spotlighted fundraiser and the code consider things like how close the gfm is to finishing, when the most recent donation is, etc. So it's randomized to help as many people as possible.
There's also @helpgazachildren which if you donate, you can help multiple people at once since it's a whole mutual aid fund, or at least close to it. Hussam distributes money to people who need it when he's asked.
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okayykyle · 12 days
also, i know this might sound corny but like.... please be nice to other people online. not even trying to say this in a like a, 'oh because you never know what they might be going throughhhh' kind of way just like. be nice man. stop hate following along with things. be more patient with strangers. stop trying to get off cunty one liners for your five seconds of smirking like a dreamworks poster protag.
ive said it before but as a tool and a 'place', i really love the internet, genuinely. i dont like the resignation that it has to be, and stay, a place thats full of misery and fighting. ive met a lot of really wonderful people here, and i think we could all have a nice time together if everyone did their part to make it so that was possible. im not speaking down to you as someone whos never made these mistakes, im asking as someone whos also made them alongside you.
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okayykyle · 12 days
It's okay to 'grieve' things that aren't just death. I've allowed myself to grieve a friendship ending, a situationship, losing something important to me, etc. It's okay to give yourself time to process the loss of something. Grief looks different for everyone, try to find a way that works for you to help make it easier for you.
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okayykyle · 18 days
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jellycat 🐀 Lachlan Sad Rat
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okayykyle · 18 days
this is a list of the palestinian survivors and their families who've reached out to me lately — please donate if it's within your means to do so, and REBLOG TO BOOST. thank you!
eman zaqout, vetted by 90-ghost, $23,597/$40,000
aya alanquar, vetted by 90-ghost, $10,282/$15,000
amal and family, vetted by 90-ghost, €8,185/€50,000
eman and family, can't find if this is vetted yet, $255/$50,000 (VERY LOW ON FUNDS)
mohammed and family, vetted by 90-ghost, €19,120/€35,000
musab, vetted by 90-ghost, £5,395/£8,000
mahmoud alkhaldi, vetted by 90-ghost, $12,820/$50,000
ayaa and family, vetted by 90-ghost, $3,435/$20,000
wafa and family, vetted by 90-ghost, $6,489/$50,000
ahmed and family, vetted by apollos-olives, €2,764/€30,000
yousef hilles, vetted by el-shab-hussein, €15,181/€23,000
muhammad atalla, vetted by 90-ghost, €14,075/€82,000
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okayykyle · 19 days
You may not feel your best, you may think no one cares about how hard you’re trying, but YOU care. You care enough to keep struggling through and that is what’s important. Keep trying. It’s worth it. You are worth it.
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okayykyle · 19 days
You may not feel your best, you may think no one cares about how hard you’re trying, but YOU care. You care enough to keep struggling through and that is what’s important. Keep trying. It’s worth it. You are worth it.
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okayykyle · 19 days
You may not feel your best, you may think no one cares about how hard you’re trying, but YOU care. You care enough to keep struggling through and that is what’s important. Keep trying. It’s worth it. You are worth it.
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okayykyle · 20 days
I want to put your pngs into one of these bad boys:
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Please do!!!
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