okarnoto · 6 years
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Hello! I know this account is long dead but I’m trying to sell my Okamoto Nobuhiko “〜いとをかし〜;RE” (2011) photobook and wondered if anyone on Tumblr would be interested!
I’m selling this for $60AUD with free shipping and it’s in very, very good condition! I bought it secondhand, so I didn’t receive it fresh from the press either. This photobook was released in 2011, and includes photos and interviews from 2008 until the published year! It also features never before seen childhood photos of Nobu! The entire book is 95 pages long and contains a lot of interviews and Q&A.
“Why is it so expensive?”
The original retail price was 2300YEN but it’s been almost a decade now since its initial release, so the price has gone up to 5500〜8000YEN. You can refer my prices with the ones on Amazon!  I‘m selling it a bit cheaper for the price that i bought it for which was 6000YEN ($72AUD). 
If you live in Australia, I’m happy to trade bank numbers! If you live overseas, I accept payment via PayPal (with additional $2 for PayPal fee).
If you’re interest, feel free to leave an ask or message!
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okarnoto · 6 years
this is the first time i’ve logged in here since my last post and i noticed that this blog is still picking up followers so just wanted to say yoooooooo — please follow: sunset--haze !!!!! they’re translating nobs’ blog!!!! and they are doing GUH-REAT!!!
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okarnoto · 7 years
it’s a bit soon (and probably obvious -- sorry), but i’m going to discontinue this translation blog ( ; ; )
if anyone is interested in picking it up, i’ll be more than happy to add you as a member
thank you for your kind words prior to this!
i hope the translations were able to provide help to many!!!
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okarnoto · 7 years
Today’s Vatican event was so much fun!
It’s my first time at this place at Yokosuka and I wasn’t sure how things would go down, but thank you so much to everyone that came!
The flowers in my dressing room were beautiful! I’m so happy!
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Beauty Plus 1!!!
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Beauty Plus 2!!!
It’s been a while, Yuu-san!
Screen Mode was so cool!!
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Beauty Plus 3!!
It’s Wingu!!!
I didn’t get to take a photo with Yusa-san!
Also, thank you Washizaki-san for always being such a great host!!
I want to do Vatican again!
Come back next time too!
I have stuff again tomorrow morning ------!
Good night!
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From now!
It’s Vatican!!
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Whose strong fingers do these belong to?!
See you!
It’s almost time for the night part now, isn’t it?!
About the finger quiz from before!
It was actually Yasumoto-san?!
There were so many people that answered Suwabe-san!
Yasumoto-san was so sad!
I wonder if this is okay with Suwabe-san?!
So, everybody!
Say sorry to Yasumoto-san!
The Suwabe-san fingers that everybody has been waiting for!
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See you! Later!
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okarnoto · 7 years
From now!
It’s Vatican!!
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Whose strong fingers do these belong to?!
See you!
It’s almost time for the night part now, isn’t it?!
About the finger quiz from before!
It was actually Yasumoto-san?!
There were so many people that answered Suwabe-san!
Yasumoto-san was so sad!
I wonder if this is okay with Suwabe-san?!
So, everybody!
Say sorry to Yasumoto-san!
The Suwabe-san fingers that everybody has been waiting for!
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See you! Later!
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okarnoto · 7 years
It’s the Vatican!!!
Vatican! I visited the Sistine Chapel one time and I was taken aback by the magnificent “The Last Judgement” painting. I want to see it again!
I saw this at the station! Don!
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While I was walking in the station, I was so surprised to see myself!
It’s Sacramento!
Also, I didn’t want this photo to have other people in it, so it’s become vertical!
Let’s look forward to tomorrow too --!
Do you know the answer to the finger quiz?!
Half of the comments’ answers were! Correct!
It was Shimono-san!
Air cleaning Shimono-san! [There’s a product called Shimono that sell coolers and fans, I assume this is what he means.]
He’s always wearing a watch!
A new song title! “Black Thunder!!” [Name of the chocolate he always eats.]
Make sure you guys tune in!
Although there were so many answers, even if he didn’t have his watch, his nails give quite specific characteristics!
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okarnoto · 7 years
Whose hand is this?!
A sudden finger quiz!!
There are no hints, but you know it already, right?!
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The hint is already in here!
If you’re having a hard time to understand what I mean!
The hint are those two items that they are using!
The “air” is good too!
That’s also a hint!
That’s already three hints, so you should know now!
Thank you everyone for your concerns!
I don’t have time to play Monster Hunter and that makes me really upset!
There’s so many people that love the Chocolate-holic drink!
I also prefer frappuccino over hot drinks!
Now then! I can’t just go off doing this and that, I have to practice!
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okarnoto · 7 years
Oh no ---!
It’s already this time of the night and I haven’t finished checking my scripts! But first, I’m going to update my blog before it hits 3AM!
I’m nocturnal for today!
I’m busy again tomorrow from early in the morning, so I’ll do my best!
Today’s photo is!
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It’s Chocolate-holic!
Everyone’s been recommending this to me, but I’ve actually been drinking it already since before then!!! FU FU FU!!!
It really livens you up ---!
I’m doing my best to convert my chocolate into my energy!
I’m literally no longer a human anymore and I’m getting really worried! But too bad! I’m still human!
A good food for the throat is meat!
That’s why seiyuu eat a lot of meat!
Now then! This has really gone out of hand but I’m going to do my work!
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okarnoto · 7 years
Meat and chocolate again today!
Today again too!
Yesterday I talked about my meet up, but the photo for today is!
This very, very, VERYYY delicious roast beef from Girl’s Smile! Don!
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It tasted so good!
Still, it’s so expensive!!!!
To the staff who I have known from the very start: I am showered with gratitude!
At the same time, I think that it’s fine to have people come over at your house unexpectedly!
Also, this is a reward for myself for shouting so much today!
I ate everything!
I’m not good at mimicking other people, but I think that it’s good as it is!
It makes me happy even when you know what I’m doing!
You don’t know when I left?!
I guess that can’t be helped! It was a one day trip after all! I really wanted to be there for longer --!
Now then! Time to check my scripts!
See you!
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okarnoto · 7 years
I think everyone knows about this, am I right?!
That’s just the internet for you!
As expected!
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陸尊会したよ![Sorry, I don’t know what this is in English or Romaji. If anyone could help out and let me know what this says or what kind of meet up this was, it’d be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.]
Ryohei-san and I!
Ryujiro-kun and Jin-kun!
We ate meat of course!
Everything tasted amazing, but my favourite were--!
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It’s been a great pleasure! 
Also, guys?!
You don’t think I’m good at Monster Hunter?!
I can’t play Monster Hunter!
You’re probably curious as to where I went yesterday!
Moving on from that [lmao], when I took that video yesterday, Kouchan was standing right in front of my eyes!
Okay then! I’m going to do my script checking now!
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* @morethanmorallydepraved 陸尊会 should literally be Riku Takeru meeting/party, & Riku is Ryohei’s chara, whereas Takeru is Nobu’s chara from Prince of Stride. They were sorta celebrating the start of the live stage version, & the anime version? I’m not sure about the anime part, but maybe there’s something new that was announced recently.
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okarnoto · 7 years
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okarnoto · 7 years
Good morning!
Yesterday was really too late at night to write an entry! I stopped writing anything until it turned into morning!
I feel like I ate too many sweets and other foods with high calories. 
I’ll share that story when I’m able to!
I take too many photos of sweets already, so in times of trouble, I’ll share this photo! Don!
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Chip Star Chocolate!
If I ate this at the recording site, I would’ve gotten caught by Kaito-kun!
Daiki-kun was saying, “Yummy, yummy,” and was just munching and munching on this!
With its unique scent, Chip Star is excellently compatible with the light chocolate flavour!
Deragaya?! I see?! That was it, right?!
I also look forward to reading your comments!
Furthermore, doing it with Daisaku-san?! (Kishio Daisuke)
If it’s Daisaku-san, then there’ll certainly be lots of fun and laughter -- no mistake about that!
Also, people were asking in the comments if I got a perm, but really, I don’t want to spend a lot of time doing my hair!
Straight hair is the best!!
That’s why I’ve straightened my curly hair. 
Let’s do our best today too!
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okarnoto · 7 years
Bean Throwing Festival! (Setsubun) What is it?!
Today! I had! Meat AND meat!
The next few days I’m going to be eating a lot of meat! This is bad!
Also, I haven’t done ehomaki recently!*
And, since everyone was telling me to do it!
I cut my hair!
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I think my bangs just end right at my eyelashes, don’t you?!
This is a good length for a tenpa style hair!
Because regardless of the day, my hair will be resting just on my eyebrows!
I’m so glad that quite a lot of you were able to watch Ono-Nomi!
Also, I received a lot of praise in the comments?!
That’s the best! Thank you!
It would be great if I could participate in Setsubun next year!!
I ate too much, so I’m gonna take a half bath and then prepare for tomorrow! I have to be up early again!*
I’m going now!
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* Ehomaki is eating a sushi roll (maki-zushi) on the day of Setsubun, with belief that doing so will bring good luck! 
“Half Bath” is a popular bathing method in Japan. It’s believed that by soaking only the lower part of your body right below the chest, you will receive many therapeutic benefits for your health and well-being! (Source/Read More)
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okarnoto · 7 years
AH!! My bad!!
I lied!
It was a sweets collection!
And when I bought from the underground stores, I got a prize!
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It’s Yoku Moku’s Butter Rich Cream Sand Cookie!
Ono Yuuki said that it tasted good, so I bought it!
And then!
I couldn’t stop eating it!
Why does this taste so good?!
The smell of the butter is so strong, but I don’t hate it! Rather, it feels light?!
So basically!
I’m not going to stop!
Everyone should try it too!
You guys have so many chocolate recommendations, don’t you?!
As for me! I’ve said it so many times, but Jean-Paul Hevin’s Praline is my favourite!
I love AOKI Sadaharu’s chocolate cake too! 
Recently, I’ve also started to buy Cacao Sampaka regularly!
Premium Malts tasted so good, I’m glad!
I’m still sticking around as a guest, so keep listening!
It’s always a pleasure!
Good night!
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okarnoto · 7 years
Looks like the answer has been known!
So many people already knew who was who!
From the right, it’s Daiki-kun! Then me! Then Ono Yuuki!
The biggest tip was the very masculine hair on Ono Yuuki’s hands, though it’s not in this photo! [Refer to Daiki’s.]
We went to Salon du Chocolat!
It was so much fun!
AOKI Sadaharu-san was there too!
I was thinking of calling out his name, but he looked really busy so I decided not to!
Which kind of chocolate do you guys like?!
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Paradise NOW!
This is heaven!
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After a long time: it’s a finger quiz!
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okarnoto · 7 years
Paradise NOW!
This is heaven!
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After a long time: it’s a finger quiz!
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okarnoto · 7 years
The moon?!
I received a lot of Natsume Souseki confessions from everyone! So, thank you!*
Tonight is the Super Blue Blood Moon!
I tried to take a photo!
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Alright, yep!
That looks normal!
I took! A photo of! The! Normal moon!
I was too late!
It’s great that everyone got to see it too though, right?!
Also, it seems that two days from now, there will be a snow fall again, so be careful!
GODIVA ice cream!!
Where should I upload it!!
Chocolate Holic!
The secret to my energy is chocolate!
By the way, guys! Yesterday, my hair looked really good but it’s long and I don’t know if I should cut it?!
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* Natsume Souseki was a novelist. I don’t know the full story, but I do know that he’s the guy that translated “I love you” to, “The Moon is Beautiful,” which is “Tsuki ga kirei desune.” So regarding the whole red moon thing, everyone used it as an opportunity to confess to him orz. It’s a really popular saying nowadays (probably as back then?).
Also! You can message Nobu’s LINE with “Tsuki ga Kirei.” He replies with:
The moon is beautiful?! That isn’t something that you should go around telling people so easily! Be careful! But, thank you!
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