OJT Blog
14 posts
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ojtblog-belgado · 6 years ago
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ojtblog-belgado · 6 years ago
Week 13 (October 1-5, 2018)
After all the time we've been staying here at the office, and the things that happened, we're really gonna miss going to work. And the people here have been really nice. We're still not finished, but we're trying really hard to accomplish something before we go. We continued doing our assigned tasks throughout the week and hopefully,get it done.
It's our last week. I've learned so much from this training, that I know, someday can help me on the years to come when I finally have a career of my own.
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ojtblog-belgado · 6 years ago
Week 12 (September 24-28, 2018)
And we’re back!, here at the office. Last week was a blast!. I had so much fun playing with my friends, even though we didn’t won the championship. By the way, this month is almost over and the deadlines are coming near. I can feel the pressure on all of us, we’re doing as twice as fast as we can so that we can finish our work on time. I’ve added some rows on the database and updated some table. Our designer has done some polishing on some pages of the design.
I was a little worried because we still have some problems that needs to be fixed and there’s not enough time for us to get it done. I feel like my head’s gonna explode. I really hope we can finish all that we have to do and survive this semester.
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ojtblog-belgado · 6 years ago
Week 11 (September 17-21, 2018)
The day we’ve all been waiting is here! So this week, as I’ve mentioned from my previous blog, we’ll be going to attend the 49th founding anniversary of Bicol University. That said, we won’t be going to work for this week. Whoo! Jonathan and I will be playing baseball with the CSIT baseball team. Wish me luck.
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ojtblog-belgado · 6 years ago
Week 10 (September 10-14, 2018)
This week was no different from last week. Like what they say, “Same old, same old” but the only difference was that we were making a progress. We had to rush things a little bit because on the next week, we won’t be staying at the office for the whole week. Our reason was we will be participating on the different events of the said occasion.
I felt excited because every single day that passes led us closer to our vacation. Finally, we’re have a break from all this stress and worries and just enjoy for the whole week.
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ojtblog-belgado · 6 years ago
Week 9 (September 3-7, 2018)
This week we continued doing our respective assignments. While our system analyst revised our papers for chapters 1-3. I had to make some changes on the database. While our programmer tried working on the functionalities of the proposed system.
I was laid-back that time because we were doing just fine.
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ojtblog-belgado · 6 years ago
Week 8 (August 27-31, 2018)
We had so much work to do. And this week was the right time to do it. Our programmer started coding. I started constructing the database. While the designer was still modifying the design. It has been a tiring week for all of us. But that’s why it’s called “work”, isn’t it?.
I felt weary throughout the week, and I think all of us did. While I was working on my task, I keep telling myself that, “I can do this, just a bit more.”, and that’s what kept me pushing to finish the things I had to do.
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ojtblog-belgado · 6 years ago
Week 7 (August 13-17, 2018)
After an exhausting week, another week has come. This week mainly focused on the changes we had to make. When our supervisor wanted to check what we were doing that time, he wasn’t very comfortable with the design so he told us to change it and make it simple. Also we had to add and delete some table from the database because of some problems we’ve encountered.
I was confident with our work and I think to myself “We can do this!”, which we did. We did what we were told to do and get it done. I did my job, we all did.
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ojtblog-belgado · 6 years ago
Week 6 (August 6-10, 2018)
So it’s the second week of August and this week is also the week for the proposal defense. We’ve done countless preparations for this week. The powerpoint presentation, chapter’s 1-3 revisions and the design for the project. And when the day of the proposal defense came, we knew we were ready. After the presentation, we’re delighted because all our hard work paid off.
I was worried that we wouldn’t finish our work on time, but all my troubles was washed away when the panel was satisfied with our presentation and gave us a thumbs up. I’ve never been so happy that time.
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ojtblog-belgado · 6 years ago
Week 5 (July 30 - August 3, 2018 )
Oh how time flies, a month has passed and I didn’t even noticed. We’re still confused of how the processes work and we didn’t understand what the users exactly do but we knew what they were supposed to do. So we told our supervisors about this and they scheduled a meeting for us with the division chiefs. After that meeting, we had an insight about their work and their routines.
I learned this week that if you don’t know or understand something, it’s not bad to ask someone because only then you’ll realize that you still have much to learn. I’m really grateful on how the PRO5 cooperates with us.
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ojtblog-belgado · 6 years ago
Week 4 (July 23-27, 2018)
It’s the fourth week for the month of July. This is the week where we had so much work to do. Aside from the assignments from our advisers we also had to prepare a powerpoint presentation for the client. Our supervisor told us that we need to, at least, let the people who will benefit from our project know what we’re doing and how it can help their institution. It has been a hell of a week but, we survived.
After that week I realized that no matter how big the problem is, you can always work something out of the situation and get it done.
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ojtblog-belgado · 6 years ago
Week 3 (July 16-20, 2018)
On the third week we started working on the database and the design for the proposed project. We were making progress. Until one day, our office suffered from a short-term power outage which lasted for 3 days. Because of what happened, we didn’t go to the office for the next 3 days. But we continued doing our jobs in our respective houses.
During that time I wasn’t very productive because of the distractions while I’m at home. But I still managed to finish my work even though I constantly lose focus on what I’m doing. At the end of the week I was happy that despite of what happened we still accomplished our work.
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ojtblog-belgado · 6 years ago
Week 2 (July 9-13, 2018)
This week we consulted our content adviser about our project. We told him what our project is, who’s our client and what the client would like to see in our work. He told us that in order for us to know what we really need to do, we have to see how their current system works. So we checked their system and found some problems that we need to work on. Our adviser also gave us assignments to prepare for him so that he knows that we’re doing it right.
I thought that I knew what we really need to do, but I was wrong. There’s still so much thing that we didn’t knew that time about how their program works. And because of that we were behind the schedule. But despite all that, at least,now we know what needs to get done as soon as possible.
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ojtblog-belgado · 6 years ago
Week 1 (July 2-6, 2018)
We read and studied the book about Target Output Policy, which the RPSMU Office lent us and planned on how we’re gonna work on our proposed system. When we didn’t knew about some details from the book, we would always ask our supervisors about it and sort things out. The people there are nice. Also they have a cook so, we had free breakfast and lunch everyday, which is pretty awesome. Pretty much, all we did on the first week was understanding what Target Output Policy is and knowing what our client needs.
Well it’s our first week, and I think I did just fine. We didn’t have any problems at all. I did my part on the job like we all did. So far, we’re good.
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