ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
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kimberly hart’s hair transformation
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ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
“I understand why we can’t, but I wish we could.”
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ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
the elder williams wasn’t one for throwing his emotions all over the table for everyone to see. he was sad but he didn’t want anyone to know that. he took out all of his emotions on working out to keep his head straight. it was something he learned over the years. there was no room for emotions if you wanted to get ahead. he didn’t want to talk everything out like some of his family members. everyone had their own ways to get over a tragedy and while brandon’s might be more unconventional, they worked for him. running away from his life in springfield also worked for him and he was able to achieve his dreams without anyone trying to convince him otherwise. once everything was final, he wasn’t even planning on staying in town. 
his eyes followed the movement of the brunette, silently thanking her for turning on the coffee pot so he could officially start his morning. there wasn’t a day that passed that he went without the liquid. with his small amounts of sleep, coffee was his best friend and that hadn’t changed because he was back in town. “no, that’s fine. i can order room service when i get back to the hotel. i’m not a huge fan of left overs.” a sigh left his lips as his body relaxed against the stool and counter. his muscles were sore but that only motivated him to stay in shape day after day. “not really. more of a bummer for you. running releases a lot of endorphins necessary to survive.” he shrugged. his eyes glanced back at her face at the next question, quickly followed by the shake of his head. “not today, v. anything but today. i’m not really in the mood to pour my heart out.” by not today, he meant not ever. he wasn’t drunk right now and it was far too early in the day. 
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"Ooh, how fancy. it must be nice to have breakfast in bed. at least breakfast that someone else will make." she shrugged before eventually hearing a ding, to let others know coffee was ready to be served, and the brunette grabbed two cups, one for him and one for herself. since she also needed her coffee in the morning, it was a reason why she didn't mind making brandon some. she gave him his first before taking her's and going back to where she was originally sitting and placing it a bit away from her tablet, in case it spilled. leaning against the seat, she had her arm on top, so she would continue facing him. "--I'll consider it. i assume you won't stay in town for long, so i have to make most of the time you're here, right?" she flashed an innocent smile then glanced at her tablet before taking a few sips of her coffee. now that rosie was gone, the coffee, along with everything else, certainly didn't feel the same, but it was still semi-decent.
she was about to pick up the pen, but stopped momentarily when she heard his response. she showed a small pout for a second before shaking her head. "Alright, i get it. no more questions about your feelings, but i still think it’s better to talk about your feelings than hold them in. i just care about you and i want you to feel better, so i'm always here if you want to talk about anything."
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ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
despite all his nerves, once val started speaking, bodie locked into her eyes, and most of his uncertainty faded away. it wasn’t the easiest thing to talk about, for him at least, but having one of his best friends on the other side of the table did make everything feel warmer–– like no matter how the conversation went, things wouldn’t end in a big falling out. or so, he hoped. bodie had a special talent for turning good things into bad and ruining his chances for better things. it was why he decided to slow down things with valerie in the first place. he cared for her far too much for her to become attached to him, when he knew that what she deserved to have as a companion was something more than what bodie could offer. he’d seen it too many times before in nearly all of his past relationships. and he didn’t want his friendship with val to turn sour like them.
bodie relaxed his arms and laid them across the table, his hands nearly next to hers. the whole time she spoke her truth, he listened, intently, only dragging his eyes away when he absolutely couldn’t stand the saddened look in her eyes. when she leaned away from him, bodie nodded–– he understood her frustration, and didn’t hold it against her in the slightest. it took him a few seconds to start his avalanche of words. “val, you didn’t do anything. seriously. it’s not you.” to avoid adding the cliche, it’s me, bodie tried coming from a different approach. “i want to be friends. and i liked what we were doing. it was… great.” how else could he describe their constant hooking up? “i just… i don’t want you to think that i’m expecting… more to come out of it. does that make sense?” he began to doubt himself again, and dragged a hand across his face. “i’m trying to say that… i don’t want you to be stuck with me. i want to be your friend. but anything more serious than what we’ve been doing, i don’t think it’s… smart.” there was one looming factor that danced right above both their heads. “especially right now, after rosie. i think maybe a break from us hooking up would be good. and i… i didn’t just say that before because, i don’t know–– i’m kind of terrible at it. you know that, though…” there was a small smile that flashed on his face for a mere second, so quick that he hardly felt it form, “i’m sorry. fuck–– i didn’t mean to make you think it was anything you were doing. i just… i didn’t know how to talk to you about it.”
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the atmosphere felt more tense by the second, but was unsure if it was just her or not. moving her hands onto her lap, she fiddled with her thumbs out of nervousness as she couldn't look him in the eyes, until he started responding. slowly turning her head, she listened to everything he had to say. at first, she was glad things were going well, especially when he mentioned when it wasn't her fault, but by the end of the conversation, she felt unsatisfied. she knew he had good points and respected what he wanted. nonetheless, she couldn't stop the feeling of discontent within her, even when all of what he mentioned made sense. she just felt hurt. pursing her lips, she grabbed her bag and stood up without considering anything else and faced her body towards him. "I guess i just wished you told me this sooner and even when you say you didn’t know how to talk about it, there’s always texting too, but i agree with you, a break is good for us. especially with everything going on.” gripping the strap of her bag, she tilted her head to one side. “And i just need to figure out things for myself. --anyway, i’m glad we talked about this and i’ll see you next time at work, right? i think it’s getting late, i still haven’t eaten dinner, and i’m sure you’re tired from your shift, so i’ll see you around.” taking a step back, the girl soon turned around to head toward the exit.
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ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
Turn your sadness and troubles into an art.
Hira (via hedonistpoet)
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ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
everything had been moving so fast from the moment brandon stepped off the airline back home. there was not a moment that he was able to think to himself about the entire situation, except that night he was drinking and making bad decisions, at least. things had been go, go, go from the start and brandon hadn’t had time to clear his head. he wasn’t sure how to take all the news about being the co-owner of his grandmother’s restaurant or what him and georgina would decide. he could tell that it was still very popular from all the people in and out the day before but was it worth keeping open? would it still be floating years later? all these business things that he had to uncover and make a decision that was best for everyone. he needed a closer look at the books and right now, before the busy rush as a good time for that. 
his head shook as valerie acknowledged him. a hand lifted to run through the sweaty mess of hair on his head. “this is a normal time for me. it’s always best to run to start off the day.” his shoulders shrugged as he approached the woman in front of him. “i am hungry but coffee will do for now. i’d hate for you to work before your shift actually starts.” 
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with everything that happened to rosie, she couldn't imagine how much harder it was for brandon. which was something she planned to bring up eventually because she wanted to make sure he was doing alright. which was weird for the girl. the only people she would usually care about is her parents and friends from her hometown considering she wouldn't even stay in one area for more than a month, but since it's already been seven months already, she slowly was enjoying the place and getting to meet more people, ones she didn't would be a part of her life. at first, springsfield was going to be temporarily and yet, she was happy it wasn't because of the moments she's had in town.
standing up, she went to go turn on the coffee maker, but showed a smile while passing him by. “I think we have a few things leftover, if you really want those. like pies, muffins, or something.” once the machine was on, she placed her elbows on the counter with her head on top of her hands. “I would say i'd like to join you on your runs, but i don't think exercising early is for me. bummer for you, huh?" she teased, giggling softly afterward. however, she took a moment to pause as she pursed her lips before asking, “So--... how have you been? i feel it’s been a while since we actually had a heart to heart.”
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ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
I need to stop fantasizing about running away to some other life and start figuring out the one I have.
Holly Black, The Darkest Part of the Forest  (via gulfinspo)
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ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
“it’s fine, it’s been slow anyways.” it had been, for the past hour or so, at least. there were only a few customers left and they already had all gotten their food. bodie was left in the waiting game to see if they would all leave and he could close early, or if another wave would come through. while val ran off behind the counter, bodie kept a proud smile on. he had missed the other girl’s company, especially with the changes going around the restaurant. she was normally everywhere he looked, and she was, without a doubt, always able to brighten his day. after the week they’d been through, bodie was craving that. when she returned with the wallet in hand, his smile got even bigger. for a moment, he attempted to match her excitement, but it was really her that was the more bubbly between the two. 
bodie stiffened up a tad at her request. he had an inkling about what she might want to discuss, and even without knowing for certain, it made him nervous. trying to play if off, bodie nodded quickly. “yeah, for sure. once these guys get out of here i’m turning the sign off. you want to just stick around till then?” after they had made their agreement, bodie went back to work. he was all too aware of his friend sitting off in her own booth, killing time. every few minutes he’d steal glances back at her between wiping countertops and sweeping. there was a part of him that wanted the last customers to stay longer, but he was relieved nonetheless when they stood up and thanked him. he hurriedly bussed their table and turned off the bright neon OPEN sign so that no more late-night stragglers would come in. there were still plenty of tasks that needed to get done before he could go home, but bodie loved procrastinating, and val was helping him by being there. with one final moment to stall, he checked his phone for the time, and braced himself for, probably, a terribly awkward conversation with one of his closest friends. bodie walked over to where valerie was waiting, and sat down across from her, stretching his arms behind his back. “what’s going on?” again, he tried playing it casual.
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upon the agreement of talking after his job was done, she nodded her head before replying, "Yeah, that's fine with me." val then went to a booth farther than the rest of the customers as she didn't want to disturb them or bodie. idly going on her phone, she scrolled through social medias before plugging her earphones in to watch black mirror as she watched the show sporadically. although, she was quite tempted to grab a bite to eat, considering she was already at the diner, but considered elsewhere later. as time was passing by, she was getting anxious and soon closed netflix after watching one episode. she felt unprepared and was nervous about what to say and how he would react. even so, she stayed calm and already began thinking that no matter what, things were going to be okay. whether she fully believed that is questionable though, except she knew the conversation was important.
by the time he was done, she had her arms on the table and laid on top of them while listening to one of her random playlists on spotify. her eyes stared out at the window, continuing to think of how to start the conversation in the first place and thankfully, he brought her back down to earth when he finally took a seat in front of her. pursing her lips, she slowly sat up and pulled the earphones out before placing them and her phone away. valerie originally had an idea of what she planned of what she wanted to say, however, she said fuck it to that and decided to wing it at the last second. her eyes eventually looked at him as she gave a shrug. "I don't know, you tell me. one day, i thought we were good, the next, you don't say much to me at work. if i said something that offended you or hurt you, then let me know, so i can make things right between us." she paused for a moment, staring at him with seriousness before continuing a second later, "I only want you to know i want you to stay in my life, but if you don't feel the same and if you don't want to be friends anymore, then that's fine. i'll respect that. i just don't want to keep wondering where we stand or if we'll go back to how we were." after finally talking about what she wanted for days now, she leaned back against the seat before crossing her arms.
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ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
it was early in the morning. so early that brandon wasn’t even sure that anyone in the town was awake but with the recent tragedy, he was sure that wasn’t true. with all the people that came in and out of the diner the day after rosie died, he grasped just how much she meant to them. it was probably one of the busiest days in a long time. that entire day had been a blur, though and his visit still wasn’t over, though, much to his dismay. he couldn’t remember half of the conversations nor faces but that wasn’t a big deal to him. his final year of law school was starting in a month which meant business had to convene and decisions had to be made. his head shook from the thoughts as his running paused to a slow walk. like every morning, he started it off with a clear head but being back in springfield meant that wouldn’t last for long. 
he made a turn, heading towards the diner instead of back to his hotel to enjoy the quiet of the establishment before all the madness started. the watch on his wrist read 6:45 am which meant no one would be around for another fifteen minutes. when he approached the diner, he was sadly mistaken. the lights were on and someone was inside. or someone broke in. he wasn’t sure. his feet stepped into the doorway, glancing around. “hello?” he questioned. he wasn’t sure who opened up but they obviously had a key. seems like something rosie would do. 
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it was rare for valerie, but it would happen a few times. being up and out of bed so early. the reason this would only ever happen is to watch sunrise. during the day, she sometimes looks forward to sunrise and sunset as she thought they make the sky look so beautiful. usually, when she does watch either one, she would draw it more for safekeeping. as if it was the same as the phrase “take a picture, it’ll last longer.” through digital cameras though, it just isn’t the same as looking at it in person. the reason for her being at the diner was because she had a morning shift anyway and decided to watch the sunrise from there. bringing out her tablet and pen, she sat near the window in a booth as she would glance back and forth between outside and what she began to draw. what made it better was how quiet it was. the brunette did tend to have a multiple thoughts running through her head, but at this type of environment, she felt more relaxed and more peaceful within herself.
nonetheless, it didn’t stay that way for long. when hearing the door open, she glanced over her shoulder before smiling softly. “Wow. you’re awake? i didn’t really take you for a morning bird.” standing up from her seat, she crossed her arms while walking toward him. “Or were you looking to grab a bite to eat? because hate to break it to you, but i don’t really plan on cooking until the diner actually opens. unless, of course, i’ll be getting paid.”
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ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
“your wallet? is it the little mario one?” bodie could remember a handful of times in the past in which he made fun of the goofy design. not in a serious mater, of course. he actually though it was pretty cool. he shook his head in response to her, and glanced around the restaurant briefly. “i haven’t seen it. no one’s brought it up, either.” before valerie could let the news worry her, he stopped, and gave her a confidant smile. “we’ll find it. you already checked all these booths?” he referred to the ones he noticed her stopping at earlier. “i’ll look by the jukebox corner.” before bodie went over, he doubled checked that everyone at his tables were happy and in no need of him. 
everything felt natural around val. it made things both easier, and more complicated. bodie thought about how this was maybe the most they’ve spoken ( outside of work–– he might have been on the clock, but she wasn’t ) in the past few weeks. definitely since rosie passed. he shoved his hand in between the booth cushions, hoping to feel something other than crumbs sticking to his fingers. after checking the floor of the last one on his end, he sighed, and stood up straight. he waited for val to check out her last booth before shrugging his shoulders, and offering another idea. “did you maybe leave it in the back?” 
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she hesitated for a moment and squinted while looking at him. "Yeah. --are you making fun of me right now?" tilting her head, a smile was brought on her face before licking her lips. just as she was about to frown for his next comment, he was lucky he picked her right back up instantly. "I really hope so and i can check again." she gave a nod to his suggestion before going back to searching through the booths. she checked every table, every seat, in-between seats, and on the floor, but no dice. as she stood back up, she sighed heavily when she saw bodie not having any luck either. however, she appreciated what he was doing. he could have gone back to work and told her if he saw it, he'll just text or call, but instead he was willing to search the place with her.
"Sorry if i'm bothering you on a busy night, bo," she mumbled, placing her hands on the back of her jean pockets. "And thank you for helping me out. i feel the night shifts get a lot busier compared to the day because who doesn’t love burgers and shakes for dinner and dessert, right?” given the idea that it might be in the back, the thought of where her wallet may be located instantly popped into her mind. without saying another word, she rushed past the front area  before heading toward the clocking in machine. upon twirling around she looked at the tables nearby then finally sighing in relief. once and for all, she found her wallet and after quickly grabbing it, she went right back to bodie with a big smile on her face and placed her hands on his shoulders once she close to him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. you honestly saved my future because i don’t know how i would pay rent without my money inside.” upon realizing where her hands were placed, she immediately moved them away before scratching her forehead lightly and looking at the ground. “--There’s also something i want to talk about. after your shift.” as much as she wanted to talk now, she knew work had to come first because she also didn’t want to get him fired.
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ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
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Naomi Scott - Speechless
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ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
bodie had noticed the girl coming in the diner right when she walked through the door. but he had only given her a mere wave, slightly confused, and didn’t even register if she saw him or not. he went on with his work, but it was tediously slow–– people knew that the diner was closing up soon, and rosie’s had a reputation for customers just as great as the service. they knew not to idle around and waste his time. when he had finished cleaning up behind the counter and was about to head back into the kitchen to kill more time, he stopped, watching valerie for a moment. after she tapped on yet another customer’s shoulder, he let out a small chuckle. 
when she was finished looking around in that booth, before she moved on to the next, bodie came up and stood beside her. “what’d you loose?” he knew his coworker well enough to know that she left something behind, but each day it seemed to be a new trinket lost. once a notebook, a special pen, her phone… the list of things they’ve both scrambled to find went on and on. 
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when it came to brodie, it would feel like her heart skips a beat. however, it wasn't always like that. he was just a guy who was a friend that became a casual sex type of friendship and before she knew it, she was getting to know him better. such as getting to know his interests, his favorites, etc. the more she got closer to him, the more she grew to have feelings for him. now, there was an awkward phase between the two and she didn't quite know why. one day she could talk his ear off, the next they were barely having a conversation with each other and she missed that. out of everyone, she felt she was most closest to rosie, bodie, and two or three more friends around town.
valerie was caught off guard for a moment, quite surprised he went up to her in the first place. sure, he talked for a bit before moving on, but she assumed that was only during both their shifts. crossing her arms, she shrugged nonchalantly before glancing away. “Just a wallet.” pausing for a moment, her lips pursed as she raised her shoulders then finally looked at his eyes. “Please, tell me you’ve seen it. i must have left it at least fifteen minutes ago.” now that they were talking for a bit, she decided she’ll finally ask what’s been going on between them after she finds her wallet. it’s already been weeks and one of things she really wanted was him back in her life.
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ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
it was the first time rory had slept in since the morning after her twenty-first birthday. every day, she was up and at ‘em by 6:00 am and ready to take on the world. a glance at her phone told her it was already 10:00, and she hadn’t even moved from her bed. she couldn’t. she knew what she needed, and she knew that the only person in the world that could give it to her was unavailable. permanently. an ungodly amount of texts, tweet replies, and instagram comments littered her notifications. the only important one? “rosie’s is open.” that was all it took to send rory practically flying out the door.
it didn’t take long before she was sliding back into those familiar booths, a wave of emotions crashing over her as she let the blues and pinks consume her. she gripped the table in attempt to gather some sense of balance, eyes clenched to prevent the tears from spilling over. when she opened them again, a familiar ( and equally sunken ) face was across from hers.
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getting out of bed was rough. honestly, valerie even considered not going to work because she knew it wasn’t going to feel the same without rosie there, so what was the point? well, the brunette still got up, got dressed, and went to the diner anyway. mainly because she still cared about the place. which was quite new for the girl. she hardly cared about anything. there were old friends and her mom, sure, but she left them to go on her own and try to figure out what to do in life because up to now, she still has a sense of being lost. she felt she only had the diner now that rosie’s not here and with bodie hardly talking to her. if it weren’t for this place, she’d leave and go to a different town. “Hi, what would you like to order?” she questioned with a monotone voice, holding a notepad in one hand and a pen in the other.
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ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
always being a scatterbrain, valerie was just disorganized, messy, and forgetful. so it wasn’t surprising when she wasn’t able to find the wallet she left behind at the diner. she was off the clock for the night and planned to spend her time laying on her bed while watching tv, but instead, she was going through the each empty booth, attempting to find what she was looking for. by the time she checked the place two times, there was still nothing. so her next thought was someone possibly stealing it. groaning, she rubbed her cheeks roughly and attempted to stay calm by breathing in and out. “Awesome,” she grumbled to herself. tonight was just not her night.
yet, she didn’t bother giving up. she assumed that at least someone here might have seen someone taking a wallet randomly. at least, that’s what she hoped for. pursing her lips, she went from person to person, politely apologizing for disturbing them while they ate, and asked if they saw a mario wallet that looked a bit beat up.  moving onto the next person, she tapped their shoulder before asking, “You haven’t seen a black wallet with bowser and mario around, have you?”
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ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
tag dump.
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ohvaleries-blog · 5 years
hello, everyone! after so long, i finally have my intro typed up for valerie vance. i also have a rough connections page, but i’ll be editing it for a bit. in the meantime, i’ll be sending out ims to people! i know, i already said this on the discord, but i just wanted to talk a bit about myself. i’m sora and s is just short for that. 22 yrs old, est, she/her. some things i’m into are anime, overwatch, and disney movies. ♡
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「 s, 22, est, she/her 」oh, you’re looking for NAOMI SCOTT? i bet they’re at rosie’s! no wait, that’s just VALERIE VANCE, the TWENTY-FOUR year old LOST SOUL. rosie always loved how they were FAITHFUL and COMPASSIONATE. it just sucks that they can be so CARELESS and BLUNT! 「 muse d, cis female, she/her 」
i. about
she was born as jamini soni.
school wasn’t the first thing that came to mind on what she’d want to do in the future. sure, she stayed in elementary, middle school, and high school because she was supposed to. however, she didn’t exactly do a good job when it came to homework and assignments. she ended up being in summer school multiple times and teachers kept questioning why she was like this, but all she could come up with was she didn’t care for it at all. she didn’t even have plans to go to college. so all she did throughout her middle and high school years was staying out late, partying, drinking, etc.
however, her parents were finally fed up with her attitude and eventually kicked her out. her living arrangements soon became to living in a car and jumping from friend to friend to sleep for the night. 
she changed her name to valerie vance. she kept her mom’s last name as she was always closer to her than dad and still stays in contact with her once in a while.
she went from one job to another, not really sticking to one for too long as she would get bored easily. she would save up money to go to different places too. from one town to the next, never feeling quite satisfied with what she was doing with life. she just felt lost in the world. until she came across springfield.
that was when she ran into rosie and her diner. she was just stepping in for a quick bite, saw a “now hiring” sign, and applied. however, she didn’t think she was going to stay long. only for a summer, enough to save up on gas, a motel, and food. as time ticked by, valerie saw how lively the place was, how everyone was nice to each other, and how close everybody felt. the co-worker and food were just a bonus. she eventually felt rosie was more like a parental figure.
ii. details
clothes all over the floor, making tears on jeans by your own hands, bedhead hair all day, trying to find something at the last minute but not being able to, seeing faces but never knowing their name
+ traits: faithful, compassionate, caring, adventurous, determined
- traits: careless, blunt, disorganized, forgetful, impetuous, doubtful
her fashion sense is inspired by a mix of anna coleman from freaky friday, beca mitchell from pitch perfect, and viola hastings from she’s the man
valerie’s closet consists of graphic shirts, jackets, jeans, sweat pants, cargo pants, and sneakers. her hair is usually longer than her shoulders and switches between leaving it down or having it in a ponytail
some nicknames she goes by are v, val, and vivi (pronounced vee-vee)
she’s still clueless on what she wants to do, but one thing that’s clear is she wants to keep the diner alive
her hobbies include dancing, digital art, reading, and playing guitar
she’s considered going into digital art or music, but is kind of insecure and is unsure if she’ll actually be good enough career-wise
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