ohuhra ¡ 4 years
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Doe eyes as wide as ever, Leonard can’t help but to gasp at Finn’s shockingly close proximity, taking a skittish step backward into his well decorated dorm room. With his ears burning red, he clears his throat quietly. “Oh… right, l-like I said… s’not my business.” The drama student flutters his eyes closed, turning his head away after taking in his appearance a moment. Why Finn continued to lay on the charm, he wasn’t so sure. And considering his desperate, pitiful attempts at remaining closeted, Leo was finding it more and more difficult to lessen his obvious attraction toward the other man. “Are you… quite finished?” He speaks breathlessly. “As much as I would love to entertain– I-I’ve– really got to be getting back into bed. You should do the same… wouldn’t want you to be out of sorts during lectures.”  
“I’d be willing to tell you, if you asked nicely.” Finn returned coyly, bouncing on the back of his heels and shifting his hips upwards a little. “Pretty decent story, actually. Quite scandalous.” His words came as a tease, but it became clear as they did that Finn was simply dropping out a thinly-veiled hook for Leonard to snatch up. His eyes followed Leonards own as they coasted over his body in covered glances, as quick as possible, trying to pretend he wasn’t what he was. It would be almost cute, if it wasn’t so sad. “Just so you know-” He cut himself off, leaning in just that little bit more, voice barely above a dull roar. “Straight guys don’t stare at other guys dicks.” He inched back out, a soft smile drawn on his features. “I was just waiting for you to invite me in, Kitty. I don’t have anywhere else to stay. No pocket for my keys and the spares aren’t gettin’ here ‘til tomorrow.” 
His arms drop to behind his hips and he pops out his lower lip in a poorly-acted cutesie feature. “You’re not gonna let me sleep on the floor, are you Kitty?”
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
“Alright, can do.” Julian wasn’t going to say no, but Finn thought he was hot shit, and for the most part he was, but Julian loved taking down guys a peg or two. With his whole dramatics, Julian was left smiling awkwardly at the man, chuckling with how ridiculous he truly was, but he guessed that was also part of his charm. “The only thing that could act as a cushion for you is my ass, and I’m not about to let you fall on me, I’d die.” he giggled. “Hmm, I don’t know, but I’m definitely not straight. Maybe you’re just not my type you know, it happens.” he shrugged.
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Finn couldn’t help the laugh that spread from the core of his stomach, bringing a tear to his eye as he almost doubled himself over. “That’s such a hilarious joke. Oh sweet mary mother of god.” He wheezed openly, slapping himself on his knee. He righted himself after a few moments of laughter, wiping a real tear from his cheek. “Brilliant - best joke I’ve heard all day.” As fast as he’d begun laughter, his features returned to normal and with nothing but a blink of his eyes, he simply stated..
“I’m everyones type, Julian.”
And then he winked. Because of course he did.
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
Though heading out of his dorm late at night was not Sebastian’s ideal way to spend the evening, a certain nagging craving came on fast as he was getting ready for bed. He did his best to just ignore it, but, like usual, that wasn’t successful. Seb quickly threw on a coat, heading out to try to catch an acquaintance that might be able to help him. Once he was at the entrance to the building he sent the other a text, electing to wait as long as it took to get in touch with Finn. Luckily, it only too under ten minutes for the other to abruptly show up. Sebastian turned around, furrowing his brow when he saw Finn’s outfit. “Christ, aren’t you cold? What are you doing walking around half naked?” he asked, stepping aside to let the other through. “Though, I never mind a view like that, it’s not why I’m here tonight. I was hoping you could help me out.” 
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Suffice to say that when someone tested you at two A.M with something akin to ‘Come quick, it’s urgent’, balls-deep in a dick-hungry twink or not, even someone as twisted as Finn tended to go running. Well, he could hardly call Seb an asset if the kid ended up dead (or worse expelled), now could he. Practically barreling his way through Seb’s doorway and into his dorm, ready to throw down in his underwear (and not for the first time in his life), Finn came to an almost comical stop in the middle of the room. He paused, turning himself around as his features settled into a slightly grim stare. “If there isn’t a bomb strapped to your chest I’m going to nut you right in the fuckin’ throat.” He grunted, eyes offering only a squint. “I am cold, yes. I was warm and happy ploughing some femme-queen up until three minutes ago when you texted me ‘S.O.S, come quick’. I don’t see you being murdered or kidnapped. And worse yet, my dick is no longer inside something.” 
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
Finn was certainly a spritely fellow — a coquettish one at that. This wasn’t lost on Floyd, who was unfortunately not immune to his young student’s charms. He couldn’t help but notice the way he clearly liked showing off his body in the way he moved. But it had to be delusional for him to think Finn was trying to flirt his way into Floyd’s good graces…
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“That’s an interesting perspective,” Floyd muses, trying his best to avoid staring at Finn’s full, meaty crotch, practically calling out to him on purpose. Then he smirks at Finn’s implication. “I don’t know what you mean by that, but no, I’m not necessarily a person who craves power or control. I suppose I do have some manner of authority as an educator, but that’s not why I chose this job. But the way you speak of it, I presume you like power and control, then? What does that mean to you, exactly?”
And better yet, why was Floyd feeling the tiniest bit aroused by this topic?
Finn was not a naturally intelligent young man, nor was he gifted with much of anything by mother nature herself. Instead he had spent many a year forging for himself the gifts he’d always wanted; those being a near-flawless body, a sound (if false) personality full to the brim with charm, and most importantly a level of egotism that naturally brought him to the stars. Suffice to say, if anyone was willing to effectively sell themselves for a passing grade, it was Finn.
His legs opened a little wider, a hand moving down to graze strong digits over the ample, thick bulge that was seemingly a little fuller and meatier than it had been a few moments ago when he’d entered, now pressed up against his inner thigh. No, no; he was definitely doing this on purpose. “No, Professor. I think you took what I said wrong. Actually, I was asking the opposite of you. What I mean is..” He inched closer, blocking Floyd’s viewpoint of his crotch. “Do you like taking control or giving control.” He shifted forward, placing both hands on his thick hips and leaving the older man eye to..well, with the very thing he’d been offering glances to.
“Say I wanted to settle my grade by doing some extracurricular work. Would you be willing to let me take control of the situation?”
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
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Clutching the water bottle close to his damp chest, Leo pouts a bit at Finn as he lowers his other hand from shielding his eyes slowly, revealing his flushed cheeks. “D’you have to be so vulgar?” His voice cracks. “… What are you doing out of bed at this hour?” He inquires as he gazes up at the other, doing his best to keep his eyes from wandering lower. “N-Never mind… it’s not my business, really…” Leo mumbles, shifting his focus to the wall. 
Like a predator stalking prey, Finn encroached on Leo’s space with a few smooth steps, placing one hand onto either side of the doorframe and inching inward, lips opening only inches away from those asking him to lessen his vulgarity. “I can’t tell you, Kitty-Kat. It’d be far too vulgar for someone as pure-hearted as you.” His arms tugged upwards, placing themselves behind his head, and in doing so forcing the muscles from his arms and upper torso to present themselves. “Wouldn’t want you blushing too much. You’ll end up exploding.”
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
“If I wanted you out of your boxers, I’d be on my swing or tied already, settle down there tiger.” Julian giggled as he stepped a little closer to the man. Yes he had a flirty personality but most times he was just being friendly, Finn was definitely cute, but his mind was a bit preoccupied with another man entirely. “I do declare, miss southern belle that you might have gotten the wrong idea,” Julian grinned stepping a little more closer to the man. “Just here offering you a shower, and well if you wanted me to shower with you, you would have offered, and I’ll find something for you to wear, so no worries. We set?”
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“Shower with me then.” Finn replied simply, words coupled with a lopsided smirk that showed perhaps he wasn’t being as serious as he had once hoped to convey. Coupled shortly after with him asking Julian to ‘scrub his back’, he couldn’t help the off-handed chuckle that fled from his lips shortly after the words left them. “Quickly, Julian - prepare the fainting couch. I think I might take a tumble. Oh!” With that he placed his still-limp wrist to the fore of his head and faux-collasped forward. He caught himself just inches from flattening the smaller of the two men, righting himself.
“Wait. Are you trying to say you wouldn’t fuck me. Are you straight? I’ve never had that happen to me before.” Though perhaps not entirely upset, there was evidently a tinge of shock in Finn’s voice.
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
when you come back from wasting an entire day playing genshin impact like the lifeless nerd you really are, only to remember you now have to spend like an hour typing up five? replies because you forgot to do them when you originally said you would, a thesis by me. 
chapter 1: i done fucked up. 
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
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Having gotten up for the sole purpose of getting water, a drowsy Leo had wandered out of his chicly decorated dorm room, and into the dim halls. After retrieving a bottled water from the vending machine, he’d cracked the top to take a sip– and to his misfortune, had the sound of someone barging up the stairwell give him quite a scare, spilling water on his satin button up. “Agh– seriously?” He grumbles, shuffling toward the door to peek out, brow furrowed with annoyance and a bit of remaining terror. However, as the door opens, Leo reacts to the wintry wind and cowers a bit, holding his palms up to shield his face a moment. “Jesus, you had me absolutely petrified.” He scolds Finn in a hushed tone and lowers his hands hesitantly, though he quickly brings a hand to his eyes. “H-Have you… LOST your mind? I-I-It’s freezing, and you’ve been out there like that?” Leonard grimaces, taking a step back carefully to let Finn through, peeking through his fingers for a brief moment. “And toss that awful cigarette before you step foot in here, for Christ’s sake.” His voice wavers meekly.
Leonard. Ah sweet, sweet Leonard. Finn almost felt bad that the kid honestly believed there were friends, despite the perhaps obvious warning signs that Finn was an absolute fucking shitbrick. Having tossed the cigarette out as he made his way inside, Finn exhaled the last of the smoke from his lips and waved his hands expectantly in mid-air, showing Leo tha he’d done so. “Can I come in now, before I loss a body-part I really like?” He teased, stepping forward. He placed both hands on the embrace of Leo’s doorframe and inched forward a little, smirking. “Or would your neighbours start about your semi-nude late-night visitors.” 
“Leo, you dog.” He teased, bright smile forming on his lips.
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
“It’s really hard to concentrate on the story when you’re shivering so much, almost makes me wanna hug you,” Julian laughed looking over at Finn almost as if he was a lost puppy. “Honestly sounds like a really good story to tell but not to live through, not being able to finish and getting kicked out into the cold is harsh,” He couldn’t help but smile under the charm of this one Irish boy, but then again he always had been a sucker for accents. “Oh sorry, you can keep telling me more, I actually don’t mind hearing the details to be honest, not when you actually know how to carry a story. Plus, none of it grossed me out, so kudos for that,” he blushed. “Hmm, funny I was heading to shower myself. But you can the use the one in my room, I really wouldn’t leave you out here.” Now he was truly blushing at that shaking his head slightly while he smiled. “It’s not the worst I’ve seen, but I really can’t say much else since I haven’t truly seen it,”
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Every once in a while it became obvious that Finn’s eyes had been trailing off to different parts of Julian’s form, effectively checking the smaller of the two out with the same off-handed nonchalance that he was known for. At the end, he offered only an accepting hum and a nod of the head, arms falling just a little to cover his abdomen. “Going to get so much sympathy at the bar, I assume.” He teased, though with how blunt his words it could be assumed he was thinking on something with a certain dedication. When the other offered him a hot shower, FInn couldn’t help the chuckle that left his lips.
“Are you trying to get me out of my boxers, Sir? Well, I do declare.” He teased, faux-fanning himself with a slightly limped hand. “And here I was only asking for a shower. Seems someone has other plans.”
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
“Well, it’s the thought that counts, isn’t it?” Floyd says, unable to shake the vague feeling that Finn was flirting with him. That could’t be the case, right? Floyd was surely projecting his lack of dating around much lately on his young, attractive student with the palpable sense of charisma…. right?
Floyd decided that was the case and tried to ignore it.
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“There’s an exam on Monday, yes,” confirms Floyd, his eyebrows furrowing as he tried to deduce where this conversation was going. “I can certainly try to help you in any way I can, Finn… what are you struggling with specifically?”
When he noticed how Floyd was against the ropes, metaphorically speaking, Finn simply decided that the approach he had been taking was the best course of action. He spread his legs a little, showing off every inch and curve of his thick, lightly-muscular body; down to the curve of his crotch in the too-tight trousers, leaving little to the imagination other than how he’d managed to get through campus with no boxers on. 
“It’s just this course on power, authority and patterns of social organisation. I don’t understand why those with power are so often seen as evil or unjust when we as humans require law, order and structure to get anywhere.” It was likely growing evident just how much Finn already knew about the subject, especially with how rehearsed this all sounded. 
He paused, shifting his body slightly towards the teacher. “Don’t we all like a little power in our lives, Professor? Or are you the type that prefers having it taken away.” He smirked, offering a soft chuckle. 
“Metaphorically speaking.”
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
The night had not gone the way Mike had wanted to. He came all the way to this building with the hopes of fucking some twink till the whole building hated him but here he was locked out in the cold. He sighed as he took a Drag of his smoke and looked at his phone. 25 minutes since the kid had looked at his text. He was just about to call an uber for himself when this half naked douchebag walked over too him. “If the clod bugs you that much we this thing called clothes now they do an amazing job of keeping you warm when you wear them.” he spoke as he flicked his smoke apart. “Sorry man you don’t have anything i want to see unless you are going to offer me a piece of that ass.” He spoke as he moved to the side. “Youre going to need a key by the way doors locked i tried” he spoke as he looked at him “You here for a hook up or something?” 
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Okay. He was cute. Very cute. Like nearly cute enough that Finn could potentially overlook how much of a dickhead he was. Perhaps he was cuter when his lips were occupied. The rest of the lanky males words broke Finn out of his ‘oh he has cupid bow lips’ trance, and a raise of the eyebrow signalled that he’d actually started to listen. “Usually you’d need to pay for the privilege. You know how many men want my ass?” FInn teased, visibly giving the taller male a once over, then taking it a step further by slowly walking around him, checking out every detail. “Strong hips. Nice butt too; though you don’t look like you exercise often.” He ran his fingers down the faint traces of a beard he’d allowed himself, then smirked. “All that from, what I assume is, fucking the resident twinks? Very nice.” He stopped dead before the man and smiled sweetly. “I am now.” He extended his hand, fluttering his eyelashes just a little. “FInn O’Hara. But you can call me anything you want, sweetheart. How about this - take me back to your place and I’ll let you see it in all it’s glory.” A brief pause, and
“Although, if your dick is as small as I assume it is, I’ll probably just let you suck my dick.”
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
Growing up Finn had no semblance of what a normal, stable home life actually was. It was like a perfect storm of ‘how to build a sociopath’, with drug and alcohol abuse, allowing their son to fall into the clutches of an abuser and eventually having him removed from their care only after the emotional and psychological scars had been placed. Placed into foster care, Finn was considered too old for adoption, and the scars only deepend through the twelve awful years of being shipped between foster homes, each one telling him they just didn’t have the time to raise him.
Eventually Finn became closed off to the world, ‘understanding’ his own view of the cold, bleak and lifeless world where everyone around him only really cared about themselves. He stopped crying and started practicing the new-normal of his personality; hypermasculine, charming and honeyed, the type of person everyone loves. If he couldn’t have happiness, in his eyes nobody deserved it. Since then, he’s become exceptional at not only masking his own emotions but indeed creating and manipulating them to his whims. So good is he at the arts of deception that he often finds himself second-guessing his own stories, spending hours finding fault in his own methods and stories to make sure they’re fool-proof.
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
“I’m sure if I wanted to see it I could just google it and it would pop off,” he retorted with a smile before looking the man up and down. “Here,” he said said as he slid off his jacket and scar, passing it onto the other man. Hearing the other’s tale was quite…something, he didn’t really need to hear the details but at least the accent was cute. Julian chuckled here and there, before his mind wandered elsewhere and he thought about how he could paint this guy for one of his pieces, before the other was snapping at him. “Sorry, wasn’t really looking down just got lost in thought, but to me it sounds like you didn’t even get to finish because the other guy didn’t appreciate you calling him a closet case.” he giggled. “Either way, you could do better than the self loathing ones, those are the ones that talk bad about you and try to make it seem as if you came onto them or something. Fair warning,” he mused. “But for your information, I actually haven’t seen many.”
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His arms stable across his chest, Finn made sure his body looked as decent as he could with the near-constant shivers that ran through his spine, each one leaving his body jittering in the air; which didn’t really help him keep certain parts of his body in-tow. Despite this, he couldn’t help the smirk on his features growing as Julian spoke. “Poor old me, huh. Didn’t even get to finish and he tossing my boxers out; with me right behind them.” He spoke, accent carrying the tone of his voice beautifully. “Selfish too, frankly. Already ma-” He paused, remembering that Julian had off-handedly mentioned he didn’t need the details. “Keep the coat, thanks all the same. But if you don’t mind, I’d kill for a hot shower right now.” 
With that he pats the sides of his boxers, raising his hands after with a ‘Oh no’ sign. “No keys.” With those last few words, his smile only grew, and Finn shifted inwards a little. “Aren’t you glad I came around then. One more to add to the collection.”
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
Julian was just getting back from the art studio, putting away his things and getting ready to sequester himself in his room, or probably Seb’s bed and just hijack his room to watch some guilty pleasure shows with an ridiculous amount of snacks. That is until he was met with an almost naked, Finn. “Hmm, I don’t know I’m kind of debating here. It’s like a philosophical question time for me, and…” he said while peering down and giggling. “I might’ve been,” he admitted as he stepped inside, and pulled the other man in by the elastic of his waistband. “There, you’ve been saved from getting frostbite on your schlong, now we’ve saved the campus from going into seasonal depression because their favorite candy cane isn’t going away.” he teased. “So, were you doing your victory lap back to your room?”
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Finn barely had enough time to take a last drag of his dying smoke before tossing it out into a nearby trashcan, hoping the cold of the night air would cease any further burning, before he was tugged into the embrace of the warm inside by the hem of his boxers, leaving everything one might want to see open to the air. “If that was a cunning ploy to see my knob, y’coulda just asked.” He returned, running both arms over the opposite one in a crude attempt to warm himself up. “Actually, funny story about that. Picture the scene.” He trailed as a shiver ran through his body, before he continued to speak. “I’d just gotten done making some closet-case in-” Another pause, while he thumbed the air towards the opposite building, seemingly ignorant of the actual name. “That there fancy-folk building scream my name like I was the fuckin’ savior reborn, when he checked my phone-” Another brief pause as Finn ran his hand through his hair, releasing an awkward chuckle. “Seems he doesn’t like being called a closet case. Kicked me out in my boxers. Gonna have to go back for my clothes eventually.”
He raised a hand, snapping his fingers to return Julian’s gaze. “Oi. Eyes are up here. Acting like you’ve never seen a bulge before..”
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
Finn certainly had a joie de vivre about him that Floyd found interesting. Always bouncing around like he owned the place with an air of confidence he could personally never relate to. He wasn’t sure if he found Finn’s demeanor to be something he wanted to emulate, or something he was attracted to.
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“I’m always willing to help my students, of course,” he smiles in response. “I was really in no rush to leave anyway, so you’ve got my full attention. What did you want to speak about?”
In response to Floyds initial words Finn could barely help himself, with a smile crossing his lips. “I knew you’d be here to help me, Professor.” His words were plain, but the way in which they delivered was sure to be received in a certain way; almost flirtatious. He stepped forward, offering the bitten apple for Floyds eyes to take in before he spoke again.
“I brought you an apple, as per custom, but I got hungry on the way here.” A pause, and he removed the remnants of liquid from his lips. “Always did have problems with not taking what I wanted.” And with that he shrugged, replacing his smile. “See, my problem is, Professor - I have a test with you on monday, but as hard as I study, I just can’t figure any of it out.” 
He bats his eyes, stepping forward and running a hand down onto the taller mans arm. Almost seductively. Almost. 
“You can help me, right professor?” 
It was odd - his voice sounded almost pleading, but his tone came out nearly as a command. 
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
Perhaps he was walking through campus in near-freezing temperatures wearing nothing but a pair of tight boxer-shorts, a can-do smile and a lit cigarette peeking from between his teeth, but stranger things had happened in the word, and he shant be judged for his slight indiscretions. Especially ones that had gotten him laid. Thankfully, late at night as it was, there were as many people around the grounds as there were parents that cared for him on the earth; that is, few-to-none.
Minutes into his journey, with his smoke nearing the end of it’s life, Finn took the stairs two at a time to approach the only door he knew to be unlocked, onto to find the entrance covered by the form of another person. He released a sigh in the form of smoke matched with cold air and shook his head. “Might stepping asid there, Lad? I’m about thirty seconds from losing my unmentionables.” He paused, then smiled, tapping the smoke to release ash.
“Unless you’re too busy catching a peek. In which case, y’can do it further inside. Where I’m now dying a death of cold.”
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ohuhra ¡ 4 years
open to: anyone!
Floyd may very well be the only person in academia who likes office hours.  As much as he takes his job seriously, there’s only so much he can do with students in a classroom setting; one-on-one time often yield the best results in them. Not everybody feels comfortably seeking out the counsel and expertise of their professors, unfortunately, so he usually found himself talking with other faculty instead. But not always.
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While in the middle of packing up his things to go, he hears a knock at the door, ultimately finding someone standing there. “Oh, hello,” begins Floyd. “I was actually going to head out right about now, but if there’s anything you would like to discuss, I suppose I could stick around,” he says, offering the other a polite smile.
Reminiscent of a high school chick-flick, he strode through the halls like Apollo across the sky, leading gazes as the god led the sun. He bit through the reddened skin of an apple and allowed the juices to fall down his throat, turning a corner and practically marching down the hallway towards Willett’s office. It took him mere moments to pry open the door and step inside, swallowing his treat with a rosy-red smile.
“Professor.” His words came honeyed, and the sweetness of his accent only served to bring them home. “So nice to see you again.” He teased, knowing full-well this was the older mans office. With a twist of his hips, he used one of them to close the door, stepping into the warmth of the office, from the chilly din of the outside.
“I had a bit of a problem, and I was hoping you could help me out. I know school hours are about to end, but you’ll make an acception for me. Right, professor?” 
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