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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
alright i’m going to go over/update my spreadsheet and make a muses page, and make a new icon and hit drafts. during this, i need more plots! i want some more substantial, plotted threads, so like this or come at me via ims/dickord!                                con / brynn / leo / joey.
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
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Dove Cameron & Katherine Mcnamara Manip
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
Considering how hot the nuclear wings were, this was definitely not the first time Nathan witnessed someone order a glass of milk at the bar, but that didn’t make it any less funny. Nathan grinned widely, and snickered when the bartender returned with the glass of milk. “It came to me just now, watching you struggle! You gotta remember, no one’s asking you to do this. You decided to burn your tongue off all on your own.” He drank from his bottle, then motioned at the remaining wings on her plate. “What are you gonna do with those? 
 Don’t tell me you still plan on eating them!”
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“i know, i know, it’s my own dang brain makin’ me doing this. curse my pop for raisin’ someone so competitive! i also blame the uncles too, they were always goadin’ an’ eggin’ me on, can y’ blame me? you just know i gotta beat ‘em, nate.”  she shakes her head and takes another swig from the milk. she sighs at the relief it brings to her palette and she eases back against her seat. “heck no, i’m just ‘bout done. when i get home, i ain’t eatin’ anythin’ but white bread. for a long while, too!” joey laughs and she brushes some of her red hair behind her ear. “what’s the hottest you’ve ever tried the wings?”
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
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“Can’t you like
 send a blast or something? Like hey hot chick dancing on pole, please tend to fires later.” The sad part about the words that actually left her lips was that she was dead serious as she said them. Nevertheless, she let go of the pole and decided to walk over to Joey with a wide grin, pulling the other girl into a quick hug. “So like.. you’re like totally doing good, I hope?”
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joey laughs and shakes her head, “yeah, i’ll get right on that, ‘lia. it ain’t like my dad would kill me for it, or anythin’.” she jokes. granted, her father has always been rather gentle in consequences when it came to raising her, but he never particularly had reason to be strict. her arms wrap around her friend and she smiles, “oh yeah, totally. happy as a honey bee in a pussy willow field.” she grins. “how are you? i’m so happy you’re back!”
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
“You’re just top thrill seekin’ all the time? S’funny, I remember your dad bein’ a sucker for this stuff when we were kids too. Pretty sure he’s the one that broke me in on this whole thing back in the day.”
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“it’s gotta come from somewhere and i remember my momma bein’ one to play things safe. i think my pop’s adventure was enough to get her adrenaline goin’ all by himself.” she giggles, “that don’t surprise me. he’s all about gettin’ people to try new things too.”
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
“No need to apologize, Joey” he assured as he flashed her a warm smile, shaking his head. TĂ©odore have always been someone who loved to have company. Being all alone could be nice but not when it happened time and time again. “Just come and join me. I have plenty of room for you here at my table” he gestured for her to join him, clasping his hands and leaning back into his seat.
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“well don’t mind if i do then,” she chimes with a smile. she slips into a chair across from him and she leans forward. her forearms rest along the table. “how is youre day goin’, teo?” she asks with her head tilted, interest evident. joey is the girl who, when she asks how someone is doing, she genuinely cares and wants the answer. it has never been a conversation filler to her.
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
Ava nodded her head at the suggestion. “Steaks would be good, I think. Almost anything goes good with ‘em, too, so we could make a whole dinner out of it. Assumin’ I don’t burn them, that is.”
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“y’ ain’t wrong; i ain’t ever heard some someone turnin’ down a good steak and potato dinner, or steak an’ eggs breakfast.” joey nods, suddenly swarmed by every possible side that could accompany a steak dinner. “y’ gotta have faith in y’erself, ava!”
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
Nadia laughed softly, “Certainly hard not to love those animals. They always look like they won a million dollars when the goats slurp up some food from their hands.” She shook her head at the thought, “Always brings such joy to my day seein’ them smilin’, laughin’ and all around having a good time.” She admitted to Joey, “Just makin’ sure. Don’t want to give you anythin’ you’d hate.” 
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joey laughs at the mere thought of the way those kids look when at the farm. "ah, i remember bein’ a frantic an’ excited youngin’ whenever i’d go down there. heck, still get a little giddy.”  she admits with a smirk. she nods, fondness smoothing out her features. “hmm, i can only imagine. them kids are just dolls.” she hums. “ah, ain’t no worry ‘bout that.”
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
Zach inclined his head and chuckled. “You’re right, at least it’s glitter and not sharpie, or something far more obnoxious.” He let out another hearty chuckle at her words. “It’s true though. I didn’t end up on some weird episode of Criminal Minds, some guy got cheese fries out of it and I’m very confused, very hungover but otherwise no worse for the wear.”
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“hey, i’ve been very confused an’ hungover before and ain’t no one got cheese fries or this story from it, so you’re a step ahead there too.” joey chuckles, silently recollecting in her mind the hangovers she had endured and the wildest stories. “i think the most confusin’ one was when i ended up in someone else’s camper when i was ‘bout nineteen but it ended up just bein’ my friends who apparently, i texted to come meet me while i was a few beers in.” she shrugs her shoulders.
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
“Yeah, I won’t say no to another beer honestly.” Morgan chuckled as she took another sip just about finished with the one she was working on. “Should probably get more fries too to balance it out. If I get fries, you’ll have a couple, right?” She asked looking over at Joey.
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“ah, perfect then,” the red head turns to order the two of them each a beer on her tab. her attention comes back to morgan and she smiles, “you know i ain’t ‘bout to turn down french fries.” she giggles with a nod. 
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
“i know, it’s terrible. i think it’s rigged, really. no way it can be real.” he stated, shaking his head. “a beer, just what i need. you know, i think you can read my mind, jb.” he smiled, before laughing at her comment. “nah, i don’t think so. if you’re tryin’ to set me up though, i won’t complain.”
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“hey some people have beat it! y’ can’t tell it ain’t real, okay? i’m workin’ on conquerin’ it and that would just ruin my fun.” joey tells him with a small chuckle and shake of her head. she bumps his shoulder . . . well his arm, with her shoulder playfully. “set y’ up? like on a date? sorry pal, but it’s just me tonight.” she gives him a lopsided grin. “take it or leave it.”
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
(closed for @ohjoeyb​)
Amelia hadn’t seen Joey since her last visit to Frostford and now that she was bad, she wanted to spend some quality time with her favorite ginger woman in the entire world. Due to the fact that the pole in her apartment had to be taken down due to unfortunate circumstances, she decided to attempt her pole dancing activities at the next best place in town, Frostford Fire Station. As she looked over at the older girl, she raised both eyebrows and held onto the pole with a sly and devious smirk on her face. “So
 will I like
 get arrested if I like dance on this?” she asked in a tone that was low and seductive yet still playful.
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joey waltzes into the main area of the station when she was told someone had been waiting for her, and a grin coats her features the moment she enters. taking sight of amelia with her hands wrapped around the pole, her head tilts and she chuckles. “you can’t get arrested for it but it ain’t suggested. plus, i ain’t gonna like peelin’ you off the floor when some full grown man comes slidin’ down on top of y’.”
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
Ava nodded and smiled at Joey’s proposition. She brought her drink up to her mouth and took a sip before she propped her forearms onto the table and leaned in slightly. “I’m on board, then. What’s the easiest thing for someone to start barbecuin’ first?”
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“hmm . . . “ the ginger tilts her head in consideration and thought and her gaze wanders away from the woman before her. “maybe burgers? or steaks, y’know, somethin’ that if y’ don’t cook ‘em entirely through, it’ ain’t a bad thing. people actually prefer it, y’know?”
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
“No, no.” Resa shook her head. “It’s fine I don’t wanna worry about wearing it and washing it and what to do with these clothes and
 it’s a whole headache. I didn’t really wanna swim, anyway. Do you, like, not wanna be back there at the party or something?”
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“alright, well if y’ change y’er mind, the offer is there!” joey chimes and smiles softly to her. she shakes her head, “nah, that ain’t it, i was just wanderin’ around and lookin’ around the beach. i’ll find my way back, what about you? ain’t you wantin’ to join the party?”
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
“That’s a lot to fit on a gravestone, but maybe on a card attached some flowers.” She laughed at Joey’s comment, not understanding how she was able to even attempt the challenge. Just smelling the sauce made Morgan’s eyes burn. “Well good, you won’t be needing that gravestone for them anymore. How bout another beer since they’ve returned?”
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“yeah you’re probably right.” joey chuckles with a nod, “yeah, a beer sounds good. do you want somethin’ too?” she asks and catches the eye of a waiter lingering about the restaurant. 
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
Just having a moment for himself had always been something he took for granted. That was until he started to study and later work as a police officer. He was constantly busy which meant that he often overworked. That was why he had decided to just sit at a coffee shop with a cup of iced tea in his hand. Sitting in the sun, eyes closed, he relaxed the best he could. That was when he heard footsteps approach him and then come to a halt. Opening one eye, he looked at the other. “Can I help you?”
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“oh i didn’t mean t’ interrupt a moment, teo.” joey excuses herself nearly immediately and she steps off to the side but keeps closer to her friend. she had a day off herself, and she was all about strolling through the small town, potentially bumping into friends or even just hanging out on her own. “just saw y’ hangin’ out and thought i’d come by and say hey.”
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ohjoeyb · 5 years ago
“So, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Calum asked as he left his work, his hands undoing the tie he had on until it hung from his neck and pulled it, shoving it deep into the pockets of his slacks. He was tired, but luckily during the day Fox & Hare didn’t have many customers unless it was rich housewives or the little old ladies of the town, plus all he really did was pick up dishes, so he couldn’t complain too much. “I can promise you I ain’t doing that challenge. I’ll cheer you on.” / @ohjoeyb​
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joey laughs and shakes her head, “i ain’t doin’ it. i just did it like a week ago and my mouth still ain’t forgave me yet.” she chuckles and her gaze lingers over the tall brunet. “i was just thinkin’ ‘bout a beer or somethin’ after y’er shit, y’know?” she offers with a shrug. “what, y’ ain’t gonna wear the tie at bootleggers? -- ain’t i a fancy enough date for that? ” she teases playfully.
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