ohimreallyscared · 4 years
and within seconds the tension was back, all relief she’d felt at having this conversation in private gone as soon as oscar opens his mouth again. it’s a jab at her that claudette feels in equal parts is absolutely deserved and is also completely unfair. “i don’t know how i could have given that impression,” she counters, even though she knows exactly why he might feel that way right now. but she would argue that her actions in the past few months speak far more than one drunken night. this was a conversation she’d dreaded for many reasons - not wanting to admit to anyone, let alone oscar, just how badly she’d fucked up being one of them. but also… discussing this situation was opening the door for a potential conversation about what really was going on between them, and that was something claudette didn’t want to face. not when she felt fairly certain it wouldn’t go the way she wanted - much like those type of conversations never did. “because they’re drunk,” she answers, finally turning around to face him and staring him straight on. “that’s all.” it’s not entirely the truth - there were other factors that came into play like regrets about the past and all of the what-ifs and what-should-have-beens that came along with them. but in the end, it truly was the alcohol that pushed both of them over the edge. and though she hasn’t talked much about it with adam yet, has yet to figure out exactly what they’re doing, claudette knew they both stood on the same page of realizing this was a fuck up.
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denial. was she really going with denial? he laughs darkly. “you married another guy. generally people have a conversation before doing that. or drop a fucking text.” as much as oscar enjoyed games himself, he hated being played and he was a terrible loser. he didn’t get close people and he didn’t let them close to him. it was the best way for him to protect himself, his family, and his business. he knew first hand the things people were willing to sacrifice in the name of profit and he was no one’s bargaining chip. but claudette...claudette had surprised him. he found himself wanting to trust her, wanting to bring her closer. he couldn’t explain why and after finding out about her marriage, hated that he’d let himself get so weak. he never should’ve let his feelings get involved. “see, now i’ve been drunk a few times and never once thought it was a good idea to marry my ex.”
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
the truth was paperwork had been filled out, neither of them the type to do anything half-assed, and as far as the law was concerned… claudette was now officially a bete even if she wasn’t calling herself one. not while she had no fucking clue what she and adam were going to do about all this. and certainly not to the other man that she had attachments to. as he motions for her to lead the way, claudette doesn’t hesitate to head right towards her office and open the door for them both. once they’re inside and in privacy she relaxes just the smallest amount. whatever they were about to discuss likely wasn’t going to be pretty - but at least she doesn’t have to worry about it being said in public. “i’m assuming you have opinions,” she starts the conversation, moving further into the office and keeping her back to him for the time being.
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oscar had to laugh, she certainly had a way of understating things. “oh, i have lots of opinions. i get the impression, though, that you don’t give a shit what i think.” now that they were behind closed doors he could drop the niceties, no need to smile or maintain his public image. he was glad she’d opted for privacy, best not to make a scene and with how uncertain he was with how this conversation was gonna go, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep himself entirely in check. “pretty quick wedding though, very short list of reasons why someone would do that.” he muses darkly, jaw clenched as his eyes stay focused on her back.
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
hearing the familiar voice call out her name, claudette stops for a moment, her shoulders tensing as she turns to offer a polite smile at him. this was a moment she had been trying to prepare herself for since she’d woken up new years day and realized just what had happened. of course, she had hoped that somehow oscar simply wouldn’t find out about it, that perhaps the whole thing could be kept under wraps long enough to be handled before she had to face him - but that had been wishful thinking and she knew it. “no. it’s still bijou,” she answers as she sets down the tray of baked goods she’d been restocking in the display case and nods at an employee to silently instruct them to continue behind her. moving around the counter, she stops in front of oscar for a moment, not saying anything before glancing over at her office door. this wasn’t a discussion they could have in public - not with claudette and adam still so unsure of how exactly they were going to handle the fuckery they’d gotten themselves into on new years night. “can we talk in my office?”
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there were few things that oscar enjoyed more when he was in a bad mood than making people squirm. seeing the discomfort on claudette’s face seemed to be doing the trick. he was actually proud of his ability to surprise her, even just a little. “i get it. lots of paperwork, kind of a hassle.” he continues, shrugging his shoulders as his amusement only grows. he glances around, more for her benefit than anything, before silently nodding in a agreement and motioning for her to lead the way to her office.
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
oscar hated being the last to know things, even gossip, but he especially hated being the last to know things about the people in his life. knowledge was power, and finding out through gossip that the woman you’ve been seeing got married to someone else made you look like an idiot. oscar hated that even more. “miss bijou.” oscar greets as he walks into the bakery, a polite yet sinister smirk on his lips. “or is it bete now? i hear congratulations are in order. mazel tov.” @claudettebijou​
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
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It’s over, Frank.
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
taking the glass as it’s handing out towards her, gillian smiled politely at the waiter as he left to go refill his tray before her face shifted into something a bit more sinister as she shot oscar a smirk and took a sip of the champagne. “i’m a councilwoman, i can’t be seen fighting with people at a royal event,” she returns. “besides, i knew you’d make the smart move.”
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“no, of course not. public scenes are beneath you.” oscar agreed, amusement evident in his tone and expression. “i usually do.” he points out with a wink. he reaches out as soon as another waiter walks by, snatching a drink off the tray. he raises the glass towards her with a smile.
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
reaching her hand out to take the last glass of champagne on one of the waiter’s tray, gillian stops herself just as another stretches out to grab it before her. there’s a twitch in her fingers, but her face remains neutral as she lets out a small huff of a laugh. “i supposed you beat me to it,” she comments, turning to offer an even and practiced smile to the person as she drops her own hand back to her side. “fair and square, it’s yours.” though her words don’t say it, gillian hopes she’s implied enough that the other will give the drink over to her instead.
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“aw, here i expected you to put up more of a fight.” oscar teased, feigning a disappointed tone as he pulled the glass from the waiter’s tray. he smiles, holding the champagne out towards her. the stuff wasn’t his drink of choice anyhow, better to avoid annoying gillian over something so small, and so early into the night. 
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
☕( barrel )
oscar rubbed his gloved hands together as he walked into the bordes house, tailed by his youngest. weather had little effect on his business and despite the cold, they still had work to do. he pulled his gloves from his hands and the hat off his head, flipping on the coffee maker in the kitchen. “you know the drill.” he informed barrel as he shrugged out of his jacket. “clothes in the laundry room, yeah? you want somethin’, i’m making coffee.” @fckbernardo
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
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#rio throwing his head back laughing like a little kid #cured my depression
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
barrel stops in his tracks the moment he hears his father’s voice. no matter how angry and out for blood he is, he’s the only one able to stop him. “ maybe i am! ” he says a little too aggressively for who he’s speaking to. “ that maldita perra fucked my girl and he needs to die! ” barrel knows its not a good idea but he still tries to push past him towards the door. “ i need to go! ”
“cuidado con lo que dices. who are you talking to like that, boy? cause I know it’s not me.” oscar didn’t raise his voice, but his tone and expression proved he wasn’t playing. he put his hand on barrel’s chest and pushed him back when he still tried to pass. “the fuck are you whining about, huh?”
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
continued from here. @claudettebijou​
oscar didn’t like being told what to do, he never had. you could say he had a bit of a problem with authority. but that was the beauty of being the guy at the top, no one could tell you shit without your say so. the way claudette slid smoothly into his focus managed to halt his pacing for the moment. he’s not sure what it is about her that quells any anger he might’ve felt towards her presumptions. “i think you’re confusing ‘can’t’ with ‘shouldn’t’.” he pointed out, but felt himself beginning to relax.
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
“you better not be walking out of this house right now.” oscar snapped, seeing his youngest at the front door. "now i know you’re not that stupid.” he added, moving to put himself between barrel and the exit. @fckbernardo​
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
the second oscar let’s go of her face, he rubs his jaw. barrel wasn’t scared of shit but when it came down to his father? as much as he admired him, barrel feared him in an equal measure. “ the fucking lost boys.. ” he replies, tone quieter than before no matter how angry he was bringing up those assholes. “ i was defending myself this time. ” for what its worth, barrel knows he fucks up. his sister makes him aware every time she gets. but this time? what was he supposed to do? just let them jump him? “ I swear on mami and papi. i didn’t have a choice, pa. ”
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oscar cursed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “they fucking saw you?” after a long moment of silence, he punched the wall just above barrel’s head. “you’re grounded.” he states sternly, finger in the boy’s face. “you hear me? you lay fucking low. you stay in the house and you don’t show your face anywhere that i don’t say so. just until i can clean this shit up.” he sighs. he recognizes that barrel didn’t have a choice, but he couldn’t blame the lost boys for defending one of their own. that mistake of being seen was on barrel and he was going to learn.
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
what are you most proud of in each of your kids?
“shock is tough, not just in a fight. she’s strong, willful, and more than capable. She smart, determined, loyal. lock is calculating. he’s detail oriented, harsh, but fair, and clever. barrel has fun. he enjoys his work and it shows. he’s passionate, creative, and dedicated. my kids are loyal and hardworking. who wouldn’t be proud.” 
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@shockbordes @lockbordes @fckbernardo
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
“i’m gonna kill these fuckin’ kids.” oscar growled, frustrated and angry. he felt like he was losing control and he hated that more than anything. it felt like yelling at a wall, nothing he did could fix it, nothing he said could ever stop it. once he put out one fire another one had already been set. he worked hard to be who he was, to have the things he had, and he worked just as hard to keep it, but there were too many variables, too many things that put everything at risk. he was spiraling and he didn’t ever handle that well. “i’m gonna burn this whole fuckin’ island to the ground.” @claudettebijou​
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ohimreallyscared · 4 years
barrel knew he was in deep shit the moment his adrenaline high from the fight wore off. he promised oscar he’d behave and stay out of trouble and yet.. he hoped coming in in the early morning hours would hold off the ensuing confrontation but the second the loud bang of his door woke him up, he knew he was dead wrong. With the soreness setting in from the fight and the sleepiness still written all over it, its not until oscar grabs his face that everything hit him. “ i was doing what you said, pa! lo prometo! ” he argues back though he knows he should be careful. “ los pinche pendejos tried to jump me! ”
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oscar aggressively released his son’s face. the explanation didn’t curb his anger, but he was willing to hear it out. it wasn’t like he’d be any happier if barrel had just let himself get jumped. “who?” he asked, the question short and sharp as it left his mouth. “who fucking tried to jump you?” it didn’t seem plausible really, who was stupid enough to jump a bordes? but he wanted names, because whoever was responsible for hurting his family was going to answer to him.
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