ohheylookitsablog · 24 days
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thanks tumblr, maybe i will try ringworm if you dont have anything else
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ohheylookitsablog · 24 days
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I knew Clarence Thomas was corrupt but this is just silly. He’s accepted more than five times as many gifts as every other Supreme Court Justice of the last 20 years combined.
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ohheylookitsablog · 4 months
Happy international women’s day anything that can be destroyed by women’s liberation should be destroyed by women’s liberation xoxo
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ohheylookitsablog · 4 months
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ohheylookitsablog · 4 months
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ohheylookitsablog · 4 months
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ohheylookitsablog · 7 months
the ninth doctor came, served cunt so hard he rebooted an entire franchise, and then died. icon
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ohheylookitsablog · 8 months
love when ppl defend the aggressive monetization of the internet with "what, do you just expect it to be free and them not make a profit???" like. yeah that would be really nice actually i would love that:)! thanks for asking
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ohheylookitsablog · 8 months
sorry for being a husk of a person it will happen again
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ohheylookitsablog · 8 months
i need my spine taken out & cracked like a whip
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ohheylookitsablog · 8 months
ever since i was a little girl i knew i always wanted to violate intellectual property and copyright law
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ohheylookitsablog · 8 months
oi dont care if mundays bloo.. chewsdays grey and wendsay too... thursday oi dont care bout yew .. its froiday.. omin luv...
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ohheylookitsablog · 8 months
While You Had Your Back Turned I Was Going Out Of My Mind And Doing Weird Shit You Wouldnt Expect
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ohheylookitsablog · 8 months
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ohheylookitsablog · 11 months
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this is so funny to me
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ohheylookitsablog · 11 months
today the girl ringing me up at the gas station said “ok, have a nice day. i love you” and i said “what” and she repeated “i love you” with better diction
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ohheylookitsablog · 11 months
today the girl ringing me up at the gas station said “ok, have a nice day. i love you” and i said “what” and she repeated “i love you” with better diction
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