oheric · 5 years
The evening had been going better then Eric had expected, maybe thats what should have triggered him to knowing it wouldn’t last -- nothing good seemed to last around him. He had eaten his weight in fried food, had allowed Gemma to put fake tattoos on him, he had even spoken to the human Tessa who needed his help, and he had just been standing in line for another beer when he felt the air shift. It always amused Eric how animal he was, the change in energy set the hair on the back of his neck up, his senses heightened as if in overdrive. 
It was chaos before Eric could do anything to stop it. The Ferris Wheel lay on the ground as panicked people seemed to run in every which way around him as he scanned the area for a potential threat, someone to eliminate -- to stop this chaos. His eyes fell on bright blonde hair that was on the ground. Gemma. He moved without thinking, his previous mission forgotten as he rushed to her side, a continuous hope that she was okay running through his mind. 
“Gem --” He fell to his knees next to her, his hands searching for her noticing that her leg was trapped under the pod of a Ferris Wheel.
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oheric · 5 years
“Wait there’s cheese curds here? And I missed them?” Mac asked, looking around in disbelief, “And I’m a geneticist.  Or I was a geneticist, at the moment I’m actually a blogger. It’s kind of a funny story, but by funny I mean humiliating so we’re just not going to get into it right now,” she said, brushing it off, “I just didn’t get my PhD. for people not to call me doctor, you know? And if you’re being serious, no there was no welcome basket but you can make that up to me by buying me cheese curds.” 
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“Oh yeah, there are definitely cheese curds -- especially with some ranch, to kill for.” He grinned at her, “Listen you got a PhD, you definitely deserve to be called doctor -- I’ll call you doctor all you want. Woah -- hold on, I’m pretty sure you offered to buy me funnel cake and now you want me to buy you cheese curds?” He raised an eyebrow at her, “Well come on, cheese curds are this way.”
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oheric · 5 years
Eric had rushed to Hole in the Wall once he had made sure Gemma was safe. He needed to find Emma, make sure she was okay, to find out what the plan of action was, to figure out what the hell had happened. Things had been perfectly fine, he had spent the fair with Gemma and Tessa and had eaten his weight in funnel cakes and cheese curds and then -- then everything had suddenly changed. Witches. Eric shook his head as he walked through the familiar doors, searching for the familiar face. It was easy to find the blonde alpha, his make-shift sister of sorts in the empty bar that was typically loitered with people. 
              “What the fuck just happened? You alright? Is -- Is he dead?”
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oheric · 5 years
It had taken her a moment to recognize the face, and she almost kicked herself once she did. Gemma laughed, leaning back in her chair as she gestured him over “Oh shit–It’s really you, ain’t it?” With a shit-eating grin on her face, she shook her head. “How long have you been in town, Eric? Last I saw you, we were both wandering around the country like lost puppies. I figured I would’ve heard from you if you ever made it to Aurora.”
Eric chuckled, his grin widening as he sat down in the small chair that was made for children getting tattoos. “In the flesh.” He looked at the female, she hadn’t changed much since they had been together. “About two-ish years, I came here kind of expecting you to be here but when you were I couldn’t get a hold of you. Figured we would cross paths eventually -- what about you? What finally made you decide to arrive?”
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oheric · 5 years
Tessa had earnestly been dreading this moment the entire time she’d been at the fair. It was her excuse to go and have a good time, to release just a little bit of the tension that’d built up over the past two weeks. But, as she finally made her way towards the spot she’d chosen as the meet up, she could feel the tension simply rise again in her body. She sighed, taking a sip of the beer she’d gotten from a local vendor in an attempt to calm her nerves. Things were going to be fine. Her friend, Mark, had sent her here because there were packs of wolves, and he’d specifically sent her towards the man she was meeting today–Eric.
Why she’d picked the Ferris Wheel for such a serious conversation was beyond her. Maybe a bit of irony. She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to find the stranger from Facebook as she stood in the line, saving their spot. He’d been kind enough to meet up with her in the first place, but there was no guarantee he would help her out. Maybe he’d be revolted by the idea of helping a twelve year old murderer. Maybe… She caught sight of one of the tallest men she’d seen all day approaching her, recognizing the face from his profile photo. As she gazed upon him for the first time, her mouth sputtered out the first thing that popped into her head before she could really formulate a proper greeting.”
“–You’re taller than I thought.”
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Eric had gotten the facebook message late in the night, someone needed his help and they had been sent his way through a mutual friend, Mark. Mark had been someone Eric had travelled with, trusted and spent countless full moons with, so when his friend, Tessa Hanson as it said on her facebook, messaged him asking for her help he had agreed -- only after he had called Mark and asked if he was sending him into a meeting with a hunter because he had pissed him off by forgetting his birthday or something.
She had chosen to meet by the Ferris Wheel, which Eric thought was quite funny to potentially meet at one of the busiest rides at the carnival, maybe it was for her safety -- after all she knew what he was and that he was Mark’s friend, but that didn’t guarantee she would be safe so maybe a populated area had been strategic on her part. He made it through the crowd, smiling at the familiar faces, a beer in his hand as he finally arrived in front of the Ferris Wheel. She wasn’t hard to pick out in the line, even though she was much shorter then he was and the general population but she looked like her profile picture, except for the sadness he could see in her eyes. Eric couldn’t help but chuckle as she commented on his height,
“--Yeah, I’ve heard that before,” he smiled down at her, taking a swig from his beer, “I’m Eric, it’s nice to meet you officially.”
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oheric · 5 years
“Well while your taste in fair food is lacking, I can definitely get you a funnel cake then,” Mac offered, before closing her notebook and rearranging everything that she was carrying so that she could put some of it in her purse before extending her hand.  “I’m Mac…or Dr. Adler if you want to be formal. Which probably sounds awkward,” she rambled, “But I just haven’t met a ton of people in town yet.”
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Eric raised his hands in mock defense, “My taste in fair food is spectacular -- it’s just more sophisticated then fried twinkie, have you had the cheese curds?” He questioned her though he took her hand and shook it firmly, “Well Dr. Adler, my name is Eric. Just Eric, nothing fancy.” He smiled at her cheekily as he began walking towards where he last saw the funnel cake stand. “What type of fancy doctor are you? Oh and welcome, I suppose to Aurora -- did you get your welcome basket?”
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oheric · 5 years
The fact that pretty much everyone was in town at the same time was the perfect time for research.  There had to be something that was going to happen…something that she could blog about. Proof that would only start people on seeing that she was right. Mac just wasn’t entirely sure where she should start.  Looking over some of the notes that were in her file as she walked, she looked up in time to realize that she had almost walked right into someone. “I am so sorry,” Mac said, her eyes widening, “Do you want me to buy you a deep-fried twinkie to make up for it?”
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Eric wanted nothing less then to be at the festival, he would have preferred to be at the bar serving drinks or at home on the couch with his dog smoking, but instead he found himself absentmindedly walking through the festival (like the good beta he was) looking out to make sure things went according to plan. He had been looking on the other side of the street when a smaller figured nearly knocked into him. His tall frame looming over her as he looked down, “I am more of a funnel cake kind of guy then deep-fried twinkie.”
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oheric · 5 years
In an effort to seem more sociable, Gemma had signed up to do temporary tattoos and henna for members of the community. It was one thing she could do that didn’t necessary mean she had to talk with the customers. She had just finished up a henna tattoo on one of the kids when she poked their cheek and chuckled. “Don’t touch it, kid, or you’re gonna mess it up.” With that, she gestured for the kid that they could leave before handing her business card to the parents. “Bring my card in to Skin Deep and you’ll get a discount if you want a tattoo.” As she watched the family walk away, she could sense the presence of someone nearby. “Are you gonna keep staring, or do you want a tattoo,” she said, turning to look at the person in question.
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Eric had been wandering the festival aimlessly, looking through each booth with feigned amusement. He had already had his share of cotton candy and funnel cake and he was pretty sure if he ate a fried twinkie he would start to resemble one. He had finally made his way to the temporary tattoo tent, in mild disbelief when he saw a familiar face. “I mean if you can find room you know I am down or another.” A smirk on his lips as he looked down at his arms covered in dark ink.
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oheric · 5 years
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oheric · 5 years
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Casey Deidrick in Driven (2018)
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oheric · 5 years
Forget about prince charming. Go for the wolf. He can see you better, hear you better and eat you better.
Wolf’s angel (via but-you-promisedx)
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oheric · 5 years
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oheric · 5 years
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oheric · 5 years
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oheric · 5 years
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