ohana-fc · 7 years
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ohana-fc · 7 years
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ohana-fc · 7 years
Hotbar Macro Tutorial!
Are you running out of space on your Hotbars? Can’t seem to find great places for some of your abilities? Well, look no further because I have a surprise for you!
Ran here with a tutorial for a neat little trick for those more complicated string of attacks for your hotbars.
When I play Summoner, both my Dreadwyrm Trance and Summon Bahamut have a nifty macro they execute when used.
I play in a more unconventional method, so spreading out my Hotbars and placing every ability on them is not viable and really puts a strain on my wrist and ends up feeling like I had a jerk-a-thon or something, but I digress.
Anywho! Let’s have a look at my Hotbar set up on Summoner, shall we?
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Without nit-picking, one of the things that should standout is the lack of Akh Morn, the other being the little symbol at the top right of my Dreadwyrm Trance and Summon Bahamut icons. Those signify that there is a macro set for those abilities.
We notice that Deathflare is set on 3 and Akh Morn is no where to be seen. After having played the job from 60 to 70 and relearning muscle memory, I have cemented in my brain that my ‘finisher’ is placed on three.
So, when I go to do my wombo-combo for Dreadwyrm Trance, I’ll hit Contagion, then go into Dreadwyrm Trance and then quickly Tri-Disaster my target. All the timers will line up with each other, so not only will I get a complete duration of Ruination, but Contagion will last the entirety of Dreadwyrm Trance and still have a couple seconds left by the time I use Deathflare.
Now, what happens when I have two Dreadwyrm Aether charges? I will simply hit Alt-4 to Summon Bahamut, but something magical happens:
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Notice how nothing changed on my Hotbars aside from Deathflare being replaced with Akh Morn.
We all know that we can fit two Akh Morn’s in the duration of Summon Bahamut, once when he’s summoned and then once more at about 4 seconds left on his duration.
Due to my muscle memory knowing my ‘finisher’ is on 3, I won’t have to worry about fat fingering something on accident and not getting that second Akh Morn off.
“Ran, how do you do all this?!”
Let me show you!
My Dreadwyrm Trance macro is as follows:
/micon “Dreadwyrm Trance” /ac “Dreadwyrm Trance” <me> /hotbar set “Deathflare” 1 3
Let’s break it down!
The command for /micon is simply to set the icon of whatever ability you want. Hell, you could have /micon “Cure” but have it be Dreadwyrm Trance if you really wanted to.
The second line is the syntax for executing an action. Whether it be Physick, Cure, Provoke, etc. As long as you have /ac “Ability” <target>, it will execute said action. Pet Actions are different however.
Then the last part is where the magic comes in.
/hotbar set “Ability” # # will change whatever ability is in that current slot to whatever ability you tell it to.
So, for my example, every time I go into Dreadwyrm Trance, Hotbar 1/Slot 3 will change to Deathflare every time it’s executed.
The same will happen when I use Summon Bahamut. 
My macro looks like this:
/micon “Summon Bahamut” /ac “Summon Bahamut” <me> /hotbar set “Enkindle Bahamut” 1 3
So, taking what we know from above, we know that every time Alt-4 is pressed, Hotbar 1/Slot 3 will changed to Enkindle Bahamut every time it’s executed.
No need to worry about changing it back for Deathflare as every time you go into Dreadwyrm Trance, it’ll change back to Deathflare.
Pretty neat, huh?
The same can be done for any Hotbar and ability combination.
For example, back before Cleric Stance was changed, my Scholar had a neat macro to change into offensive mode.
/micon “Cleric Stance” /ac “Cleric Stance” <me> /hotbar set “Bio II” 1 1 /hotbar set “Miasma” 1 2 /hotbar set “Bio” 1 3 /hotbar set “Bane” 1 4 /hotbar set “Aero” 1 5 /hotbar set “Miasma II” 1 6 /hotbar set “Shadow Flare” 1 7 /hotbar set  “Ruin II” 2 2 /hotbar set “Broil” 2 3
Basically, what that did was literally every time I went into Cleric Stance, Hotbar 1/Slot 1 through 7 and Hotbar 2/Slot 2 and 3 would change to all my DoTs and offensive abilities.
And since we can’t further customize macros to auto-change or have a macro to execute another macro due to botting possibilities, I’d have another macro nearby that would look like this:
/micon “Cleric Stance” /ac “Cleric Stance” <me> /hotbar set “Physick” 1 1 /hotbar set “Adloquium” 1 2 /hotbar set “Succor” 1 3 /hotbar set “Stoneskin” 1 4 /hotbar set “Indomitability” 1 5 /hotbar set “Leeches” 1 6 /hotbar set “Lustrate” 1 7 /hotbar set  “Emergency Tactics” 2 2 /hotbar set “Deployment Tactics” 2 3
Every time I’d take Cleric Stance off, all my DoTs and offensive abilities would change back to all my healing and support abilities.
Obviously those are out-dated now, but the coding is still the same:
/hotbar set “Ability” Row# Slot#
I also have Summon macros similar to this that change out my pet abilities the same way.
For instance, Summoner:
/micon “Summon III” /ac “Summon III” <me> /hotbar pet “Crimson Cyclone” “Ifrit-Egi” 8 11 /hotbar pet “Flaming Crush” “Ifrit-Egi” 9 11 /hotbar pet “Radiant Shield” “Ifrit-Egi” 7 12
For every time I’d summon Ifrit or:
/micon “Summon” /ac “Summon” <me> /hotbar pet “Shockwave” “Garuda-Egi” 8 11 /hotbar pet “Aerial Slash” “Garuda-Egi” 9 11 /hotbar pet “Contagion” “Garuda-Egi” 7 12
For every time I’d summon Garuda. Scholar:
/micon “Summon II” /ac “Summon II” <me> /hotbar pet “Fey Caress” “Selene” 3 2 /hotbar pet “Fey Wind” “Selene” 3 3 /hotbar pet “Silent Dusk” “Selene” 3 4
/micon “Summon” /ac “Summon” <me> /hotbar pet “Fey Illumination” “Eos” 3 2 /hotbar pet “Whispering Dawn” “Eos” 3 3 /hotbar pet “Fey Covenant” “Eos” 3 4
(Notice the change in syntax for Pets!)
For my Warrior:
/micon “Deliverance” /ac “Deliverance” /hotbar set “Inner Release” 1 7 /hotbar set “Decimate” 1 8 /hotbar set “Fell Cleave” 2 12
/micon “Defiance” /ac “Defiance” /hotbar set “Unchained” 1 7 /hotbar set “Steel Cyclone” 1 8 /hotbar set “Inner Beast” 2  12
There’s a lot you can do with it, and with some of these new abilities we have now, these come in handy. I already have my 70 RDM set-up ready and raring to go.
Hope this helps!
PS - A little something extra for those who want to tidy up their Armoury and Inventory:
/isort condition armoury category /isort condition armoury lv asc /isort condition armoury ilv asc /isort condition armoury perception asc /isort condition armoury gathering asc /isort condition armoury control asc /isort condition armoury craftsmanship asc /isort execute armoury <wait.1> /isort condition mh category asc /isort execute mh <wait.1> /isort condition oh category asc /isort execute mh <wait.1> /isort condition inventory category asc /isort execute inventory /echo ♥「Inventory sorting complete!」♥
Happy gaming, Eorzeans!
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ohana-fc · 7 years
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Once Keelah discovered that her birth father had survived the Amalj’aa raid that killed her mother she quickly sought him out to reestablish some form of bond. Keelah found him living on a quiet farm along the La Noscean shore. After an awkward first meeting and a few drinks to ease the tension her father slowly recounts the night of the attack. This is a small snippet of their conversation.
Okay, so I doodled a crude version of this almost a year ago and have been wanting to redo it since its creation. This isn’t the high res version I wanted to do, but honestly I am probably never gonna redo it again so have… THIS!
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ohana-fc · 7 years
Othardian Preservation Society Open Rp Event -Resistance RP opportunity
Othardian Preservation Society
Pamphlets and flyers have been handed out and posted around the Eorzea advertising the Othardian Preservation Society.
From far and wide the people of Othard are invited to gather together bi-weekly to participate in the Othardian Preservation Society public forum. This is a gathering to promote a place for discussion on Othardian issues, promoting of Othardian events, to request aid and support from your fellow Othardians, to advertise Othardian merchants while bringing our people together and continuing to strengthen bonds.
Bi-weekly on Earthsday, within the tenth ward of the Lavender Beds, there will be two gatherings of the Othardian Preservation Society. The first at the third evening bell and another at the ninth evening bell. Each gathering will have time to allow four speakers with a quarter bell of time allowed to them to present to those gathering and a quarter bell for questions. Those who wish to present to the gathering must visit with the overseer at least two suns before the event to be granted their time.
The first meeting of the Othardian Preservation Society will be The second sun of Earthsday of the Third Astral Moon. The overseer for this gathering will be Mishi Mizuchi.
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The Othardian Preservation Society is an event for Othardian RPers, FCs and individuals who are looking to ICLY promote their events, storylines and create connections with other Othardian RPrs as well as IC access to the Othardian Resistance.
The events will be the every other Tuesday with one at 3pm est and one later on in the same day at 9 pm est (so both our UK RPers and our NA RPers can benefit from this server event)
Each event will have one overseer who will keep track of things OOC as well as IC.The overseer is responsible for making sure that all four slots of the gathering are filled and that they have ICLY and OOC been spoken to and assisted with their presentation.
Each presenter is given 15 minutes to present their idea, event, or speak their heart out for 15 minutes afterward for questions or comments from those gathered. It is expected that any questions or comments not addressed in the allotted time will spur RP after the event is closed.
For those who are interested in the Othardian Resistance:
Because a Resistance is supposed to be secret but it’s hard to ILCY promote with secret advertisements we have opted for a slight tweak.
ICLY your character may have heard whispers that there are resistance leaders and members that frequent these gatherings. ICLY you would have been told to say. “The Magpie forever flies over Othard. “ Which if you are speaking to a Resistance member should respond with. “The Dawn and Dusk are forever watchful.”
It is considered to be  ICLY a secret that ONLY official resistance members will know the response for this greeting. We respect that through RP non-resistance members could figure this out, but we are using this a tool to bring resistance RPers together under the IC umbrella that it is a secret.
The event is not for advertisement of Free company recruitments.
When: The first event will be May 2, 2017, 3pm est and 9 pm est
Where: Ward 10 of the Lavender beds.
Overseer: Mishi Mizuchi
If you would like to be a speaker or to be involved in future events, please contact Mishi either in game, via tumblr (here) or via email : [email protected] To set up a time for RP!
Likewise, you can contact ICly in-game: Keiho Jizutsu or Saya Igarashi which can normally found at Kasasagi Dojo, Mists Ward 8 pot 23.
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ohana-fc · 7 years
Hello everyone and thank you for waiting! I am well again, and here to announce your models for Cycle 7 of Eorzea’s Next Top Model~! If you are a model, please check your email for important information.
So I’ll just cut to the chase, your models for Cycle 7 of ENTM are as follows!!
Doki Kodoki of Hyperion
Rivienne Cotrlaint of Malboro
Nadede Lasalle of Bismarck
Stephen Fairbrook of Bismarck
Noesis Phobos of Balmung
Wow Wie of Balmung
Kusuh Valentione, of Faerie
I can’t wait to see what you do this cycle! As we did last cycle, there will not be an elimination so you will have to bring it every week to make it to the top of the pack!
Along with our lovely models, I have 3 wonderful Judges who have stepped up! Thank you, I can’t do this without your support!!
Flare Avagnar
Katarh Mest
Gangly Zilla
 ENTM will kick off on May 1st, so please look forward to it!! Kai
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ohana-fc · 7 years
A Timeline of the Garlean Invasion & Its Effects
[circa 1510]
- At the turn of the 16th century, an engineer attempts to create a smaller version of the stationary steam engine, but chose instead to utilize ceruleum as a fuel source. His creation is weak but portable, and soon has the backing of Garlemald’s military funding. The first magitek engine is born.
[1513] (64 y/a) 
- Solus zos Galvus’s becomes a Republican Legatus and begins making reforms to use magitek in the military, pushing for increased spending in military applications of magitek technology.
[1515] (62 y/a) 
- The Republic of Garlemald begins invading and subjugating its neighbors in Ilsabard.
[1517] (60 y/a)
- Solus zos Galvus is named Dictator of Garlemald. The first Republican magitek airships launch. The small nation of Dalmasca in Ilsabard’s central mountains falls, securing Garlemald’s control over the majority of the northern territories.
[1522] (55 y/a) 
- The northlands of Ilsabard are united under Garlean rule. The Republic becomes an Empire, and Solus zos Galvus becomes the First Emperor. Several influential Garlean Houses, such as House Darnus, are elevated to positions of power in the Senate or military. A new calendar is adopted by the Garlean territories, the years counted according to the Emperor’s reign.
[1528] (49 y/a) 
- The Garlean Empire begins its invasion into Othard, attacking Rabanastre and Bozja.
[circa 1530] 
- The Othardian nations summon an unknown primal to stall the Garlean advance.
[1550] (27 y/a)
- Ancient Allagan relics are unearthed in newly annexed Imperial territories. While Garlemald’s engineers were never able to replicate the fundamentals of the Allagan devices, the secrets gleaned from the ancient machina progressed Garlemald’s technology by leaps and bounds.
- Garlean engineers are successful in using ceruleum engines to reanimate a number of these uncovered Allagan machina. Some of these ancient war-machina begin appearing on the front lines.
[1552] (25 y/a) 
- The Garleans seize Doma, crushing the last resisting nation in the Far East.
[1553] (24 y/a) 
- With the remaining lands of Othard quickly being annexed, Garlemald turns its full attention towards Aldenard and begins attacking the Eorzean city-state of Ala Mhigo, drawing attention away from Baelsar’s ongoing political subterfuge in the region.
[1555] (22 y/a) 
- Cid Garlond and Nero Scaeva enter Garlemald’s Magitek Academy, their fiercely competitive rivalry fueling the Imperial military with countless new inventions, many of which would come to be used against Ala Mhigo.
[1557] (20 y/a) 
- Ala Mhigo finally falls after Garlean infiltrators incite civil war in the city-state. The small resistance put up by Ala Mhigo’s defenders is put down in the most brutal fashion.
- Sharlayan attempts to negotiate a peace treaty with the Garlean Empire. The Garleans refused to meet the Sharlayan envoy. Negotiations failed, the Forum votes to abandon Sharlayan’s colony in the Dravanian Hinterlands. Preparations are made so that their knowledge does not fall into the hands of the Garlean Empire.
[1561] (16 y/a)
- The Eorzean Alliance is formed by the nations of Limsa Lominsa, Ul’dah, Gridania, and Ishgard - Ishgard boasting the largest military presence of the four. To bolster their numbers, the city-states begin drafting soldiers, mercenaries, and sellswords en masse.
[1562] (15 y/a) 
- After amassing their forces in Ala Mhigo, Garlemald pushes south into Eorzea, seeking to lay claim to Silvertear Lake in Mor Dhona, but are thwarted by Midgardsormr and the Dravanians he calls to war. This singular event, later known as the Battle of Silvertear Skies, is the catalyst for almost every major world event to follow.
- In the massive explosion of aether from Silvertear, the first Eorzean primals are summoned from the fears of the Beast tribes. From then on, the tribes learn to summon these primals repeatedly against their enemies. The Echo begins manifesting in countless individuals after reportedly seeing a “starshower” in the sky.
- The XIVth Legion, utterly crushed by the Dravanians, retreats to Ala Mhigo and begins construction on Baelsar’s Wall to keep the beast tribes and their “eikons” at bay.
- Seeking a method to defeat Eorzea’s primals, the Emperor gives the okay for Midas nan Garlond’s and Nael van Darnus’s “Meteor Project,” seeking to use the power of Dalamud as a weapon against Eorzea. Their first test site is Bozja, the largest commercial hub in Othard.
- Dalamud awakens and a beam of energy evaporates the entire city of Bozja, desolating the entire region. Garlemald attempts to coverup this “Bozja Incident” but it is impossible. Fear spreads throughout Othard. Nael van Darnus takes her failure out on the Othardians, worsening conditions there. The first whispers of Far Eastern resistance begin.
- Having witnessed the destruction his magitek inventions visited upon Ala Mhigo and the obliteration of an entire region at the hands of his father, Cid nan Garlond and several of his engineers defect from the Empire. In Eorzea, Cid founds the Garlond Ironworks and readies the Eorzean Alliance for war by creating magitek enhanced weapons and airships.
[1563] (14 y/a)
- Unwilling to divert their forces away from the Dragonsong War and the most recent awakening of Nidhogg any longer, the Holy See of Ishgard withdraws from the Eorzean Alliance, closing its gates to all but the Temple Knights.
- Limsa Lominsa, Ul’dah, and Gridania remain an Alliance in name only. As the Age of Calm settles over Eorzea, the alliance disbands its drafted armies, leaving countless scores of infantry without work.
- A famed Lominsan mercenary leader by the name of Lodewicus the Leal establishes the Adventurers’ Guild, an organization for the displaced sellswords to find work bettering the realm and its smallfolk. The Guild acted as an intermediary, finding capable takers for a variety of tasks submitted by townsfolk-in-need. Thus begins a decade-long time period known as the Age of Adventure.
- The Adventurers’ movement was not warmly received by all. With the flood of new adventurers entering the cities, many smallfolk found their jobs and livelihoods taken over by these hired workers. This compounded Ul’dah’s unemployed Ala Mhigan refugee crisis, heightened tensions with foreign poachers in Gridania, and guilds across the realm reported a noticeable decline in the quality of their goods.
[1569] (8 y/a)
- Imperial Dreadnaughts of the XIVth Legion begin shooting down airships over Eorzean skies. Garlemald increases airship patrols over their annexed nations. Hostilities come to a head when a Highwind Skyways airship transporting several civilian passengers is shot down.
- Between Dravanian attacks and Imperial Dreadnaught patrols, Highwind Skyways suspends all regular airship service indefinitely. Flights become limited to instances of “extraordinary circumstance.”
[1572] (5 y/a) 
- Nael van Darnus and her VIIth Legion leave the Far East and occupy Ala Mhigo, driving the slaves there to redouble their military efforts. The VIIth and XIVth Legions harry the city-states, cutting off trade routes in and out of Eorzea. Trade between the East and Eorzea begins to dwindle.
- The newly appointed Elder Seedseer of Gridania, Kan-E-Senna, urges the nations of Ul’dah and Limsa Lominsa to reform the Grand Companies of eld. 
- The second incarnation of the Meteor Project comes to fruition in the recently Garlean-occupied Mor Dhona. Dalamud descends upon Eorzea. The XIVth Legion retreats to Ala Mhigo to crush Ala Mhigan resistance there. The VIIth Legion entrenches itself in Mor Dhona, sending out cohorts to attack the city-states.
- The Calamity and the start of the 7th Umbral Era. The calendar Year resets to Year 1. For the next 5 years, the XIVth Legion pushes into Eorzea, creating castrums to prepare for another round of invasion. However, all further aggression halts as First Garlean Emperor Solus zos Galvus’s health sharply declines.
[0005 7th Umbral Era] (~1 y/a) 
- Operation Archon. The Eorzean Alliance pushes back in a unified assault on all Garlean castrums, rooting any planned Imperial advance. Gaius van Baelsar, legatus of the XIVth Legion is slain. The empire quickly sends reinforcements to the Eorzean castrums to hold their position.
[0001 7th Astral Era] (~1 y/a) 
- Solus zos Galvus passes. A War of Succession breaks out between the Emperor’s youngest son and the Emperor’s grandson. During this War of Succession, the resistance in Doma rebels, taking back several villages from the Garleans.
- The War of Succession ends abruptly with the grandson, Varis zos Galvus, taking control over his uncle. Varis tightens his grip on the East, the Doman rebellion is put down, its capitol is razed, and anyone captured associated with the rebellion is publicly executed alongside their families as an example to Othard’s other peoples.
- Yugiri leads a group of surviving Doman refugees to the island nation of Hingashi (and its cities Kugane and Bukyo) seeking asylum. Hingashi refuses them, fearing they’d face the fate of Bozja and Doma. The refugees then sail to Thavnair. They are also refused there. Yugiri finally turns towards Eorzea, sailing for two months to reach Vesper, whereupon Ul'dah also refuses them aid. The Doman refugees finally settle in a border town in Mor Dhona called Revenant’s Toll.
> The events of Stormblood to come…
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ohana-fc · 7 years
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S P E L L B R E A K E R   M E L E E 
A public roleplay tournament on balmung, coming soon!
Always wanted to beat up that feeble nerdy mage that keeps boasting how he’d just sleep you and beat you with his staff? Or perhaps you wanna show that warrior his axe isn’t all that when facing the might of your ice spells? 
Well, now you can! On the 8th April 2017, at 3PM EDT/8PM GMT+1, the Spellbreaker Melee will take place and give you the chance to determine which is better, physical prowess or magical talent. Using the simple Grindstone rules, people will be pitted against each other in 1v1 matches, a mage versus a mercenary. It could get bloody, but healing will be provided thanks to The Matron’s Reach!
The Spellbreaker Melee will be hosted in The Mists, Ward 12, Seagaze Markets Subdivision. More details and rules can be found under the cut, and we hope to see you there! 
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ohana-fc · 8 years
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It’s me again! I know Sophia Ex isn’t exactly the most difficult, but I run into people who don’t completely understand the tether/tilt mechanic. If you’re the type to rely on friends to take you to safety, maybe now’s your chance to understand what’s going on there!
Rather than a step-by-step strategy guide, I’d rather break down mechanics into something simple. I took my Zurvan Ex guide feedback and tried to improve on this new one.
Hope this helps you guys!
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ohana-fc · 8 years
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More beautiful @whm-sical arts!♡♡♡
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ohana-fc · 8 years
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I think dear @whm-sical is having a little too much fun with this :p
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ohana-fc · 8 years
Black Lotus Black Market Event: now open to outside vendors
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Rumour has spread in the streets of Mor Dhona of the return of the Black Lotus, a crime syndicate known throughout Othard. The Doman merchants spin tales of this clandestine organisation that existed in Othard for countless ages, working in the underbelly of organised crime, providing services to whoever would provide the highest price. Extortion, money laundering, smuggling, assassination and black market trading are amongst the list of services the Black Lotus provided to the public. The Black Lotus will do almost anything criminal for the right price.  
Due to ongoing interest, The Black Lotus is having its first open trade Black Market. Vendors who trade in more “illegal” items are encouraged to attend this event and hawk their wares.  Unlike our previous markets, this event will be taking part in an open world location, in Central Thanalan. This event is spread via word of mouth within criminal circles. The advertisement is ooc.
Where: Central Thanalan, The Caves outside of Lost Hope, Pos 27, 14. Balmung server. When: Saturday the 4th of February, 2017 8 p.m EST til Midnight.
For more information about how to sign up as a merchant or the rules of the event, please look under the cut.
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ohana-fc · 8 years
FFXIV - Little Crafting Help XIII
My lasts 5 guides :
Crafting : Crafting Basics III : Leveling from level 1 to 50 Crafting : HW Relic Items Rotation Gold Saucer : Skinchange We Can Believe In Gameplay : Macros I : The Text Commands System. Crafting : Blue Scrips Farming Rotation
> Click here for more ! <
The Catch Up (Patch 3.3)
This guide will be a little peculiar since I will explain how to catch up when you’re fresh level 60 and want to gear yourself in order to craft your own Ironworks gear. We will speak of gearsets, of melding and of the Rath’s Rotation so get ready for a lot of borings explanations ! I’ll try and post some complementary Catch Up guides if some new crafting gears are released in the upcoming patches ! ⚠ This guide will be full of gearsets links as well of some very boring calculations and numbers. I’m sorry in advance D: ! ⚠ If your game isn’t set in english, it is possible to change the language of each gearset linked in that guide by clicking on the flag on the top right of the website.
If you didn’t pick your Specialist Classes yet, I recommend you Weaver, Leatherworker & Alchemist to be as independant as possible to gear yourself. BSM, ARM and CRP can craft some Main and Off Hands, CRP and GSM can craft some jewels, but this guide will focus on the pieces shared by ALL your classes, aka the pieces of Gear which are crafted by LTW & WVR while ALC will allow you to craft the Luminous Fibers which are needed to craft the Ironworks. Of course, those are only some recommendations ! The Specialist recipes are unlocked every new patch and the whole Ironworks gears will eventually be craftable by every classes !
Still, this guide will allow you to reach the Ironworks stats for ALL your classes while relying only on 3 Specialist Classes : Weaver, Leatherworker & Alchemist.
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ohana-fc · 8 years
HAPPY 2017!
Hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season~  Eorzea’s Next Top Model will be returning soon, so we can’t wait to see all you models again!
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ohana-fc · 8 years
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((OOC Post))
Carteneau Ethérique Recherche Network & Ohana Free Companies team up complete a Full Party Bismark EX Bird Farm. 
In one session, eight birds obtained by the party! (One already had the bird and one switched out mid-way and was replaced by one that didn’t have the bird).  It was a lot of fun for everyone involved and it was a joy making sure everyone came away with bird. Which EX will be next?! In Photo & Participants: @beinghawkish @thrasclan @natsumimontenbelt @zephyrusmontenbelt @mackaylas-journal @kiyocrafts (No tumblrs: Kae Sagitta. and another who I forgot their name that we picked up from PF T_T ) Let’s do this again! We still need to get @laurenlovecraft-ffxiv <3 Thank you Ohana for all the help!
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ohana-fc · 8 years
Balmung RP Events for the week of 2016.12.19
Have an event you want to put on the Calendar?
Submit it here or send us an email.
Join the RP Event Notices linkshell to get announcements ingame!
This Week’s Events:
Monday - 12/19/2016
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EST - Lominsan Fight Club - Lominsan Lominsa Lower Decks (x9, y15)
Tuesday - 12/20/2016
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EST - Wayward Star Bar - Mist Ward 6, Plot 1
Wednesday - 12/21/2016
2:00 PM to 6:00 PM EST - Green Rose Cafe - Goblet Ward 9 Subdivision, Apt 74
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST - Stellazzio Pizzeria - Goblet Ward 11, Plot 27
7:30 PM to 11:30 PM EST - Last Bell Bar - Mist Ward 9, Plot 31
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EST - Bird ‘n Buncle Holiday Party! - Lavender Beds, Ward 6, Plot 5
Thursday - 12/22/2016
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST - Black Cat Café - Goblet Ward 11, Plot 39
6:00 PM to 11:00 PM EST - Keeper’s Kiss: Starlight Gala - Mists Ward 11 Plot 5
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EST - 7th Haven Tavern Night - Lavender Beds Ward 7, Plot 5
Friday - 12/23/2016
3:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST - The Pathfinder D20’s Stalight Ball & Banquet (EU) - Lavender Beds Ward 6 Plot 3
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EST - The Happy Raven Café
8:00 PM to 1:00 AM EST - The Pathfinder D20’s Stalight Ball & Banquet (US) - Lavender Beds Ward 6 Plot 3
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EST - Vana'diel’s Pleasure Dome - Goblet Ward 2 Plot 30
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EST - Coeurl’s Whisker Open RP - Goblet Ward 9, Plot 8
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EST - Spellguard Tourney - Mist Ward 6, Seagaze Markets
Saturday - 12/24/2016
4:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST - Venturers Respite Open RP - Mist Ward 6, Plot 27
5:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST - The Cat’s Meow Open Stage - Goblet Ward 12 Plot 55
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EST - The Sword and Rose - Minigames - See URL
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EST - Grindstone Tournament - Cen. Thanalan (21, 25)
Sunday - 12/25/2016
3:00 PM to 7:00 PM EST - Drunken Moogle Open RP - Lavender Beds Ward 4, Plot 8
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EST - Mystic Runestone - Cen. Thanalan (21, 25)
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EST - Qalli Circle - Lavender Beds Ward 11, Plot 45
Grab the iCal feed here.
Looking for a RP Hotspot to drop in on? Check HERE!
Support the RP Event Calendar on Patreon or by tossing something in the Tip Jar
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ohana-fc · 8 years
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Welcome to the Grand Opening of the Bird & Buncle Tavern!
We would love to have anyone with a festive heart and their dancing shoes to join us on the 21st of December starting at 8 pm EST at Lavender Beds Ward 6, Plot 5 to bring in both the holidays and to celebrate opening our doors.
We will be selling raffle tickets during the event with prizes ranging from plush toys for your homes, bardings for your Birds, and even a chance at a MogStation prize and Sketch commission! Prices and a full prize list will be posted here before the 18th!
We are looking for performers! We have a small number of slots open (four) so anyone who wishes to perform please contact us via private message or contacting Burrick Hawke in game throughout the week! Signups will end at 11:59 Friday the 16th!
@crescent-ffxiv @balmungrpcalendar
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