Hi I’m Star!
37 posts
Just some random witch on tumblr who is trying their best to help out other witches and maybe make some friends!! (Green/ Kitchen Witch)Bisexual- Pronouns: She/ Them
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
Emoji Spell for LGBTQA+ witches to have the courage they need to live authentically, and to be accepted by those around them.
Likes to charge,
Reblog to cast.
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
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LOVE+, a tarot/oracle/cartomancy spread! aka: “ok sure relationship spreads and love readings are all wonderful and dandy but how are my relationships gonna f*ck up the rest of my life” (there’s an image description below the cut!)
Keep reading
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
Me: I’m a green/ kitchen witch 🌿🍂🍀🍁
You: But... your name is Star...
You: and your theme is space... isn’t that a little misleading..?
You: You literally no nothing about astrology...
Me: I do what I want, thank.
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
I’d like to add one
Roses- a rose bush can grow nearly anywhere with little to no maintenance. They usually can survive winter very well and will continue to grow for years without overtaking your garden
Good Plants For Beginners
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These are a few plants that I’ve found to be more difficult to kill than others.
For those who want to start gardening but are afraid that they are going to kill everything. 
Snapdragons: These flowers don’t take up all that much space since they are thin and grow upwards. They are also perennials, so they come back year after year. These have the potential to spread if the area around them is fertile enough.
Pansies: Little, low to the ground flowers that are good fillers and ground cover. They’re pretty versatile and can be put pretty much anywhere that will hold a plant. I like to put them in herb gardens to bring some color because they come in so many different designs and colors.
Mint: Super easy to grow, grow into big bushes. They are a little high maintenance when it comes to pruning because if you let them go too long, they will take over everything and spread.
Chives: I don’t know if it’s just where I live, but I once planted a little chive plant because it was cute and now I have a whole field of chives. These babies can spread everywhere. They are good to use in a lot of dishes. I interchange them with green onion.
Tomatoes: I think everyone should have a tomato plant, it’s almost like a rite of passage lol. Tomato plants are pretty hardy creatures and can continue on into fall and winter if you take really good care of them. They just require a lot of water compared to other things.
Lamium: The bees where I’m at love these little flowers. These are also perennials so they come back through the years. They are cute, little bell-shaped flowers that grow close to the ground and have a lot of blooms. It’s so cute to see the bees shove their heads in the flowers!
Phlox: These flowers smell sooo good!. Like the lamium, they too are also small blooms and grow close to the ground.
Cactus: I find cactus to grow the easiest out of succulents and the like both inside and outside. I recommend putting them in a size appropriate pot so when the frost comes you can bring it inside and keep it growing.
A parting tip: some plants will grow better in different places than others. If you live in a desert climate, some of the more fragile plants may not thrive as much as others, but if you live in a tropical area, some plants may get overwhelmed and can drown. Plant what you can handle and take care, which will help save both time and money.
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
I’m kitch witch
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call me a necromancer bc i just raised a meme from the dead
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
Easy Motivation Spell! ✨
I use this for small and bigger things that I’d like to accomplish. :) Saw this somewhere online a while ago, and have been just doing my own little version ever since!
What you need:
-tea light candle (white or yellow are what I use)
-small plate
-coffee grounds
-dried orange peel
What you do:
1. Write down the things you wish to accomplish on the orange peels.
2. Set your mirror in front of the plate, and place the tea light candle in the middle of the plate.
3. Place the orange peels around the candle (be careful, they are flammable) and sprinkle the spices on the peels.
4. Light the candle and think about how good it will feel once you’ve accomplished all of your tasks.
5. The spell is over when the candle burns out. :)
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
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For When Shit is All Fucked Up:
1. - 2. WHAT THE: (Center Cross) The face of my current challenge. The crux of what hounds me. 3. ACTUAL: What is real about this situation? 4. FUCK: What is wrong about this situation? 5. ?: Where do I need more information? Where do I need to ask, research, and listen? 6. !: What can I do? What first steps can I take in action?
Hang in there loves!
Full post on the blog: http://www.interrobangtarot.com/blog
And if you like this spread, you might like some of my others: http://www.interrobangtarot.com/contents
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
✨ I’ll be using this on my own Obsidian necklace ✨
Protection Amulet
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✨small dish of salt
✨white candles
place the obsidian and necklace in the dish of salt with the candles surrounding the dish
focus on your intent of protection and wave your hand of the bowl anti-clockwise
if it is a gift, chant
“may this chain and charm have a charge, protect the recipient from harm no matter how large,”
not a gift,
“I am protected no matter the harm as long as I wear this chain and charm,”
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
✨ Love these ✨
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Daily Witch Rituals for Busy Witches
As soon as you wake up, open your curtains and let sunlight into your room! It’ll help wake you up.
Stretch and greet the sun. Ask her to watch over you again today. 
Draw a daily tarot card.
Enjoy a cup of tea. Stir clockwise to attract, counter clockwise to banish.
Pick an outfit with color correspondences to match the day. Even if you feel tired, dress in bright colors and smile in the mirror. Manifest the happiness you deserve. 
Pocket a small crystal. Amethyst for protection, rose quartz for love, labradorite for courage, moonstone for clarity, etc. 
Water and talk to your plants. They protect your home by absorbing negative energy and curses. Thank them!
Cook with intention. Use herbs, colors, and flavors that correspond with what you’re trying to manifest. 
Meditate, even if it’s just for five minutes. Set aside time for yourself to empty your mind and relax. During this time, forget about upcoming deadlines, this week’s grocery list, or any other reminder you keep in the back of your mind. 
Before you go to bed, review what you’re thankful for. Talk to your deities or just remind yourself of all the good things you got going for you!
Greet the moon and ask her to watch out for you while you rest.   
I do Pay What You Can Tarot Readings!
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
A spell to make someone think of you.
I found this spell awhile ago and, after adding my own twists to it, used it previously to attract someone and it worked perfectly. So I have decided to share it with all of you in case anyone was looking for a working attraction spell.
First, set out a dish in front of you. Make a small pile of salt in the dish.
Recite this spell over the salt:
It is not salt I set to fire, but the heart of the one I seek;
let them have no peace of mind until they come to me.
In the spell, replace words like ‘one’, ‘them’, and ‘they’ with that person’s respected gender/pronouns if needed. Think of them whilst saying it.
Optional: Memorizing the spell and repeating it in your head throughout the day whilst thinking of your individual could make it more powerful or fast acting.
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
🌹‘Amortentia’ Tea 🌹
inspired by jk rowling’s “Amortentia“, a potion-drink to bring you self love or strengthen love with another
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“Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them.”
🌹 1 rose bud
🌹 1 tsp orange extract
🌹 1 cup black tea
🌹 1 tbsp black pepper
🌹 dried orange slices
🌹 cinnamon to taste
🌹 cardamom to taste
🌹 steep 3-5 minutes
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
Siren’s Lipstick Spell
A spell to make one’s words more desirable to listen to and to capture the attention of listeners. Helps them hold onto your every word and especially good for flirting.
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You Will Need:
Red Lipstick
A Mirror
(Optional) Rose Quartz to place before you
Wash your face and do your  make up as you normally you would. 
“My words are as sweet as sugar, they attract and lure like a song” 
Take your sugar and place it onto your tongue and close your mouth. Let it dissolve away, as it does think about how you want your words to affect others.
“I will captivate.” Say this three times looking into the mirror
Take your red lipstick and paint your lips with it. Hum during this part a melody that you associate with beauty.
Rub your lips together and do a ‘mwah!’ to the mirror. “May my song begin!” And close the spell as you see fit such as blowing a kiss or winking at the mirror. 
Other Notes: this spell can be enhanced by pairing it with perfumes that attract love and represent beauty such as rose perfume. 
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
Love this
Sweet Talkin’
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This spell comes from the idea of “sweet talking” in order to achieve a goal. It works a lot like a honey jar which I have a post about if you’re interested in the history/how to make them. The sugar and honey act to “sweeten” your speech convincing the candle/spirit to work for you.
For this spell you will need:
1) Honey (or any other liquid sweetener ex. agave, syrup, molasses, etc)
2) Sugar
3) Something to mix with
4) A bowl or cup
5) Candle of your choice
What you’re going to do is mix the honey and sugar until it makes a paste. It should be pretty thick and not too runny. Then, using a candle you have already put your intention into your going to smear some of the honey onto it. Be careful not to overcoat it as this can cause fires/uneven burning. With the rest of the honey you’re going to put it on your tongue (DO NOT SWALLOW YET) and “sweet talk” the candle. Tell it what you want it to do, when it will be done and how. After you have said everything you wanted to say light the candle and swallow the honey mixture.
This spell can be used for money, love, or anything else really. I have had amazing results using this for money and have noticed this spell always works fast when I’m in a hurry.
Additional ingredients can be added of course, for example when using this spell for money I usually use cinnamon (powdered) and bank dirt (I have a post on this!) Happy casting!
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
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This is a lucky charm specially made for one of our commission patreons but obviously anyone can use it!
Just put the citrine quartz, cinnamon, mint, and a paper with your intention written in it inside a bottle and use a yellow candle (but any candle will do) beside the bottle for a whole day or until consumed and then bring the bottle with you or leave near where you sleep.
Hope you like it & thanks a lot for the constant support! 
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
💛☀️🌼 Happy Thoughts Tea 🌼☀️💛
This is my go to tea when I’m having a particularly bad morning (or I’ve been having a rough week). It’s a great afternoon tea and taste perfect paired with some yummy homemade lemon cookies. ~ disclaimer ~
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☀️ Black tea (loose or bag) - simulates your conscious mind which may help aid in clearing mental blockages.
☀️ 1 orange slice - promotes happiness
☀️ A few blueberries - protection from negative energy and thoughts 
☀️ 1 strawberry (sliced) - attracts luck and positive energy 
☀️ A teaspoon of honey - to bind your intentions and to ‘sweeten’ your current situation and mood
How I Make It
💛 I like just putting all my fresh fruits (and honey) in after the tea has done steeping for a few minutes. Something about actually seeing the bright colorful fruits in my tea adds to the happy feeling the tea itself gives me.
💛 But if you don’t like little bits floating around in your tea you could put the tea bag and the fruit together and steep them at the same time. Allow it to steep for at least 10 minutes, then strain out the fruit.
💛 You could also make a bigger patch of this tea and drink it cold. Though i would suggest just steeping the fruit and tea together and then straining out the fruit first before storing it in your fridge.
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“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” - Winnie the Pooh
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
Some things you can add to your tea, as a witch
🍓 Berries - There’s nothing like a hot cup of camomile tea with a few fresh blueberries. Blueberries = Protection // Raspberries = Protection & Love // Strawberries = Love & Luck // Blackberries = Protection, Healing & Money
🍯 Honey - Adds that extra bit of sweetness and honey is great for love and binding. Green tea with a little honey would be the perfect start for a self-love spell or ritual.
🥛 Milk - I like to use almond milk. Almonds are great for fertility, money and luck spells. It also taste really good! I find taste best in black tea.
🍋 Lemon - Tastes great in green tea. Lemon is great for purifying and cleansing in spells and rituals. Would be an awesome tea to enjoy next time you do a cleansing meditation for your chakras.
🎄 Cinnamon - This one makes me think of winter and Yule but it taste so good. Especially when you pair it with a little bit of honey. Cinnamon is most commonly used in witchcraft related to healing, love, money and happiness.
🌿 Peppermint - It’s an acquired taste, for sure, but it’s very yummy in most teas and can help relieve nausea, gas and stomach cramps. 
🥄 Ginger - Another that’s an acquired taste. It’ll definitely add a zing to your tea but it can help with flu symptoms and nausea. Used in witchcraft to help “speed things up” or “add passion” to spells.
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oh-look-a-star-blog · 6 years ago
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Tarot spread for when you’re feeling frustrated and blocked. When there’s something wrong but you can’t quite figure what that is.
The cork, what’s keeping card five trapped.
What you need to keep an eye out for, the negative repercussions that this reveal will give you
The positives that will come from this being let into the light
What you should do to work on the negatives of card two, how to move further through them.
The central issue, the thing that needs to be let out into the light
How the positives found in card three will inform and shape and improve your life.
This spread actually helps me a lot with shadow work - if I keep running up against an emotion I can’t figure out the reason for, I work on this, but it also helps when I’m feeling stifled.
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