ofumber-blog · 5 years
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lord umber found himself weaving in and out of clusters of people, polite apologies falling from his lips as he grazed by those who attempted to get out of his way as quick as he did. a small smile turns the corners of his mouth upwards, blue eyes peering behind him before they turn back towards the blonde. “ my apologies, my lady. if i am being honest, i was avoiding one of the noble lords. tonight is not a night i want to discuss politics. “ there is no shame in this admission, simply a smile that grows into a grin. “ are you enjoying the capital? “
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Corenna had never seen such elegance in a building. Backhaven had always been so dreary but the red keep was so bright, light streaming from seemingly everywhere. The young lady of blackhaven watched as servants and other nobles walked around the courtyard from above. She jumped slightly at the sound of steps right behind her. “Oh!! Am I in the way?? Or were you just looking for me???”
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ofumber-blog · 5 years
elinor targaryen.
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feeling his body move closer to her, elinor couldn’t help but to tense up slightly - as much as she tried to put on a somewhat brave face, the male standing beside her had been her first love and having him stand so close to her when she couldn’t touch him was agony.  ❛ how, how exactly were you protecting me rowan ? what were you protecting me from ? if you had wanted to prevent any heartache, that certainly didn’t happen because i was left with no closure. do you have any idea how it feels to lie there and wonder what on earth you did wrong to make the only person you’ve opened up to, get up in the middle of the night and leave your bed and never return ? with no explanation ? ❜
turning away from him once more, she took a step away from him - needing the space between their bodies before she did something that she would later regret.  ❛ even when i’m here being painful honest with you about how you made me feel, how worthless and unwanted i felt - you can’t even have the decency to look me the eyes. ❜  
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the lord held his tongue as she spoke, listening and hanging on to each and every word that came from her mouth. he did not know the extent of which his actions affected her, this realization was something that he barely wanted to mull over. rowan was raised to do the right thing or at least the honorable thing. he was a northerner through and through. telling her he was to be betrothed was, in his mind, the hardest thing he had ever thought of doing and thus, he avoided it entirely. there would forever be a part of him that regretted how he handled it.
❛ i’m sorry, elinor. ❜ there was an undeniable sense of genuineness that coated his words. ❛ if i could take it back then i would but what’s done is done. ❜ he draws in a deep breath and despite wanting to hide away in any little way that he possibly can, he fixates cerulean eyes on her; a raw and vulnerable thing for rowan to do. ❛ i mean not to offend you. i’m not accustomed to looking at you and seeing anything but happiness        sorrow does not suit you. ❜ but he knows it is because of him that this is the case. ❛ i want you to know that you’ve never been worthless or unwanted, even now. i had to do what was asked of me. i don’t think i would have been able to do it if i had to tell you why i was leaving. i know that is not right but it’s what i had to do. ❜ 
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ofumber-blog · 5 years
elinor targaryen.
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after leaving the crowded room, a shaky sigh escaped elinor’s lips as she tried to calm herself down - an encounter with rowan should have been expected, after all almost everyone from the kingdom was gathered here but it still took her by surprise to see him standing in front of her; looking almost exactly the same but yet so very different. 
leaning against the wall as she awaited to see if he would actually turn up to their once frequented meeting spot, her eyes darted to the floor when she finally heard footsteps approached. looking up at him there was no denying the hurt that was written all over her face - as best she tried to be a blank canvas, when it came to rowan there was no hiding her emotions. ❛ just - why ? why did you just leave ? i would understand if you were afraid of where everything was going but then you went and got married and if been sat wondering what on earth i could have done so wrong for you to just leave in the middle of the night without even telling anyone or leaving a note.  ❜ she told him before her voice broke slightly and she shook her head with a sigh.
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a crestfallen expression becomes his features. a face of furrowed brows, down-turned lips, and a heart heavier than it should be. it was no secret that in the prime of his youth, his feelings for elinor were more present than his arrogance with a sword or the melancholy that overcame him at the thoughts of his family. when he was alongside her, there was no room for experiencing anything but what she bestowed upon him. even now as she questions him, he knows that a part of him would always belong to her. 
❛ it was easier than the alternative, ❜ rowan speaks honestly, hoping that his willingness to be open with her is well received. and the alternative was sitting her down and telling her what he had planned to do. it was potentially having her sob in his arms. it was potentially foiling the arrangement that was made for him to stay with her. love is the death of duty for some, as duty is the death of love for others. ❛ coward’s way out if you will. ❜  rowan approaches where she stands, the gleam of water gathering in her eyes causing him to look outwards at the windows. ❛ i was never under the impression that it would not hurt you, but i thought what i was doing would protect you at the very least. ❜  
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ofumber-blog · 5 years
elinor targaryen.
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the fact that he couldn’t look her in the eye for part of their interaction said a lot to the female and she couldn’t help but cross her arms against her chest - clearly trying to protect herself from him in any way she could, the last thing she was going to allow was to let her guard down around him.  ❛ well, that may be true but coming up to me like this wasn’t your smartest move, was it ?  ❜ elinor sneered once more, taking a deep breath to calm herself down before she ended up screaming at the male who once had played such a big part in her life.
his words made her roll her eyes at the thought of him ‘disgracing his wife’ by simply talking to her when she could bet her life worth that she had no idea of their history - then again she wasn’t sure anyone than the two of them did.  ❛ meet me at the old place we used to meet in five minutes, if you don’t turn up then i will not be willing to meet again - i’m not going to sit around and wait for you. history will not repeat itself.  ❜ she firmly told him before standing up and making her way out of the hall, politely excusing herself from anyone who tried to talk to her.
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❛ i would consider it to be a smart move on my behalf. you’ve barely risen your voice. ❜ there are certain things that rowan umber should learn to do and the main thing being thinking before speaking. a dozen words could spill from his lips prior to him realizing they should not be said. though he would not be the boy she grew up knowing if he tiptoed around her within every conversation. the sudden change in her demeanor has him momentarily rushing to recuperate from the surprise that she instilled in him. truth be told, he did not expect anything more than a sideways glance from her. 
❛ as you wish, my lady. ❜ not a moment later, he is dipped into a bow, and she is on her way. sapphire hues follow her for the briefest of seconds but he quickly diverts his attention to a cup bearer who offers him wine. rowan takes it graciously, sipping on the red liquid until enough time has passed. it almost felt as if he were doing something wrong; it only took him a moment to remind himself the existence of a past did not mean he was unable to engage in conversation. 
as he wanders down the halls that he both recognizes and deems unfamiliar, he draws in a deep sigh. rounding the corner of the keep, he comes to a stop upon finding a silhouette with pale blonde hair stood a few feet away from him. looking rather displeased, if he did say so himself. ❛ elinor, ❜ rowan starts, hardly giving her any time to interrupt. however, he comes up short of any words. ❛ i’m afraid i don’t know where to begin. ❜
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ofumber-blog · 5 years
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with his head high in the clouds, it is no surprise that he ends up bumping shoulders with someone who was passing him by along the streets. “ my apologies, “ he murmurs though he stops as she bids him a good morning. he returns the words with a nod of his head, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly with the question posed. “ i was in search for some fresh air but i have yet to find it. “ his fur coat still hangs heavy across his shoulders, finding comfort of the weight in the unfamiliarity of the city in which he is in. “ are you still recovering from the princess’ nameday? “
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arelia had woken to the sounds of the city, the light of the sun, the pounding of her head from the nameday festivities. but she felt better with some food in her stomach and was certain some fresh air would much improve her sensibilities. but as she headed toward the streets of the city, she bumped into a familiar face. “oh, good morning,” she said with a polite curtsy. “are you in need of a break from the keep as well?”
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ofumber-blog · 5 years
elinor targaryen.
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realising who the male stood before her was, the playful mood she was in soon turned sour and the blonde tensed - being in his mere presence was enough to wipe the smile off of her face.  ❛ why on earth are you even trying to start a conversation with me in the first place? i would have thought that you would have done everything in your power to slink out of here before i noticed - because isn’t that your usual style?  ❜  the female hissed, her eyes narrowing at the brunette. 
it was fairly obvious that there was tension between the two of them and a fake smile soon rose to her face as someone made their way over, asking her if she was alright before being quickly dismissed.  ❛ please, rowan - for the sake of my nieces; just stay out of my way whilst you’re here. i don’t want to deal with seeing you everywhere with your wife, i’m assuming you brought her here - word soon travels fast around these halls. ❜
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such a strong reaction was warranted. it was not unexpected though he finds himself having to briefly look upon the ground in order to unscramble his thoughts. he could not count the days that have passed since he last saw her. it was a time so far back in his life that it felt like another person had lived those memories and all he was left with was the feeling. ❛ i believed hiding from a targaryen in the capital would be a waste of my time. ❜ although he does his best to appear unaffected, he wonders if he is actually succeeding in that prospect.
his posture straightens as they are approached by another, finding that faking a polite appearance came easy to him; it must have been due to his time spent as a lord. ❛ i have no intentions to disgrace you or my wife by speaking with you, my lady. ❜ truth be told, nothing could have prepared him for having this conversation. ❛ if there is another time at a more private place in which we could discuss certain matters, i would hope to hear from you. ❜
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ofumber-blog · 5 years
alester storm.
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         HE   SQUARES   HIS   SHOULDERS ,   HEAD   high   even   as   he   dips   into   a   bow .   no   self   pity ,   no   wince .   he'd   promised   himself ,   hadn’t   he ?   no   more   shame .    ❛   alester   storm ,   my   lord ,   ❜     he   says ,   with   emphasis ,    ❛   of   house   dondarrion .   ❜    father   and   his   lady   wife   would   surely   object ,   were   they   to   see   alester   claim   their   house   as   his   own .   but   neither   of   them   are   present ,   are   they ?
 ❛    more   than   we’d   ever   see   in   our   lives ,   i’d   wager .   ❜    he   should   not   say   we ,   should   not   presume   to   count   lord   umber   among   him ,   but   the   words   are   out   before   he   can   think   on   them .   he   hesitates ,   flushing ,   and   rushes   to   correct   himself .    ❛   apologies ,   my   lord ,   i   spoke   out   of   turn .   ❜    complacent—   after   so   many   years   in   dorne .   in   king’s   landing ,   however ,   he   cannot   afford   to   be .    ❛   i   was ,   once .   this   is   the   first   i’ve   returned   in   many   years .   ❜
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❛ i’m pleased to meet you, alester storm of house dondarrion. ❜ upon his face rests a steady smile and his words could not host more sense of genuineness even if he tried. rowan was far from a religious man. if he were, perhaps he would be more at peace. the old gods had seemingly abandoned him long ago and there was no sense in searching for new ones. he knows, at least in his default religion, that the names of storm, snow, sand, and all those that follow are a stain. he, however, gives it no notice; like many other countries throughout the seven kingdoms. 
❛ aye, it takes an important family to bring together so many people. ❜  lord umber shakes his head and manages another friendly expression. ❛ i am far from the most important person in this room. there is no need to apologize. ❜ he pauses before giving a hum. ❛ i’ve never been too pleased with the places i’ve visited outside of the north but king’s landing has by far always been my least favorite. ❜ he does not hold his tongue in this instance. he didn’t have to like the capital to respect the people who lived within it. ❛ is it how you remember it to be? ❜
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ofumber-blog · 5 years
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“ who knew wine could bring such glee? ” perhaps it was one of the truths he found himself well aware of. while most of the celebration’s attendees had trouble finding their footing in the capital, it appeared that there was a small minority who reveled in it. rowan could learn a thing or two about adapting to his surroundings. perhaps one day.
“ i prefer ale myself. though i’ve heard the tales of dornish wine. more so than anything else. “ he takes a sip from his own goblet, washing it down as if it were a flask of water. drinking he could do; it was something he has done since he was a young man. “ you’ve traveled quite a ways to be here. “
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“oh look. more wine.” the grin on elaena’s face was bright, happy — and only the most well equipped of people would manage to notice what the light of the west truly was: drunk. she reached for the gilded flask, happily pouring herself another glass: never mind the fact she’d promised elwyn they’d visit the ponds and the gardens tomorrow. never mind the fact she still had to read niclas his bed time story in a few hours.
never mind the fact this room, this hall, was full of people who would happily take her little escaped and blackmail her with it. elaena didn’t much care about the latter — let them. she’d done far worse in her youth. 
heartily, she took another sip and relished the woodsy, reddened notes. “it almost reminds me of dornish wine. almost.”
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ofumber-blog · 5 years
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leave it to rowan to wait until the end of the celebration to approach one of the two he was meant to be celebrating. her tone should not surprise him, he has become an expert in regards to body language. and what woman is ever excited when their life is arranged for them? come to think of it, there weren’t many men who were ever ecstatic either. “i had been advised to share my congratulations.” the lord admits, a polite smile resting upon his lips. “however,” he begins, tone teasing, “i can’t say i blame you        i wouldn’t be too thrilled to be wed to a greyjoy.” there is no sense for hoping he didn’t overstep a boundary, the words had already been spoken, though he likes to think that even the most noblest have a sense of humor.
“you do look lovely, though, princess. he’s a lucky man.”
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     all evening all anyone had to say to helaena were their congratulations on her betrothal. she knew eventually her father would find her a match, undoubtedly one she did not want, but that didn’t make her any less annoyed at the announcement that she would be wed. she wanted nothing more than to scream the next time she heard the word congratulations come from someone’s mouth. the princess let out a sigh as she saw another guest approach her, “if you have nothing better to discuss than my upcoming nuptials, you can go, i do not wish to hear another word of my betrothal.”
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ofumber-blog · 5 years
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never one for dressing up, rowan adjusts the neckline of his fitted tunic. it was the idea of one of his advisers to wear something that nodded at the targaryen lineage for the princesses’ name day. so there he was, adorned head to toe in gray; fragments of red detailing placed carefully throughout his attire. he is handed a glass of wine ( not his first choice of drink but it would do ). it is not until sapphire hues catch a glimpse of snow white hair that he pauses, brows furrowed as he approaches without a second thought. her voice sends a wave of nostalgia through him, rendering rowan at a loss for words. though he recovers quickly.  
❛ apologies, my lady. that’s a poor way to start a conversation, isn’t it? ❜
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hair braided and a brand new lavish dress that was clinging to her curves, elinor couldn’t deny that she felt somewhat beautiful tonight at the party - but honestly she felt somewhat inferior to all of the women beside her. a smile resting on her lips as she greeted people on her way to her seat; her hand was quick to reach out and grab a goblet from a member of staff. wine soon staining her lips and making its way down her throat, a more relaxed feeling began to settle in her stomach and her attention was soon grabbed by someone clearing their throat behind her.  ❛ oh, i’m sorry am i in your way or is this your way of trying to start a conversation with me ?  ❜  the female teased, biting down on her lower lip to contain any inappropriate comments.
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ofumber-blog · 5 years
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consider rowan out of his element. lavish celebrations were far from what he was accustomed to and it was not that he did not enjoy a proper party but       there were things he would rather do than trade updates with lords and ladies from other houses. he supposed that was one of his duties, though, so he had no room to complain. most faces appear to be unfamiliar to him, so when he spots a particularly unhappy one, he doesn’t think twice before approaching.
“ pardon me, do you mind? ” he gestures towards a nearby seat, sitting down before he even receives an answer. a teasing tone accompanies his words, “ you know what they say, there’s nothing like a celebration to make a lady miserable. “ 
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aliandra felt wholly out of her element. people seemed to stare, to whisper, to drink more than they should. and all of it was under the name and guise of women she didn’t know, women she’d never met — yet a lack of celebration might be considered treason on her part. ( it wasn’t that she wasn’t happy, persay — she was. it was just… it reminded ali far too much of her own wedding, her own circumstances. it left a bad taste in her mouth and a frown on her otherwise pretty features. )
with careful ease, she swiped a handful of biscuits from a passing server and settled in on a ornate lounge — sighing softly. “what a celebration.”
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ofumber-blog · 5 years
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as hard as rowan tried, memorizing the names and faces of the lords and ladies he would be acquainting himself with was an impossible feat. however, with the help of an adviser that lingered a few steps behind him, he was doing rather well if he did say so himself. it is when he is admiring the structural work of the hall, far different from the halls in which he resided in the last hearth ( but equally magnificent ), does he note a presence beside him. at first, it is a thoughtful hum that he manages as a response. 
❛  i suppose it is to be expected when the crown has gold to spare. ❜  rowan pauses, glancing at his adviser in hopes he could introduce the two, though he is disappointed with the lack of knowledge his associate possesses. ❛  i’ve seen more faces today than i have in a lifetime.       lord rowan of house umber. you’re not from here, are you? ❜ 
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THE  BANE  OF  BLACKHAVEN  EMERGES.   the  gathered  crowds  take  little  notice  –  why  would  they,  anyway ?  –  and  it  is  not  until  he  has  stepped  through  the  doors  that  the  first  wave  of  disquiet  ripples  through  him.   candlelight  dances  across  the  room,  lords  and  ladies  alike  near  gleaming  underneath .   in  the  center of  it  all,  alester  stands.  his  finest  tunic  still  rather  plain,  his  hair  only  barely  tamed.  what  had  he  been  thinking,  accepting  the  invitation ?  what  had  the  queen  and  king  been,  extending  it ?   ❛  i’ve  never  seen  such  a  grand  party.  ❜    he says at  long  last,  ❛  i  suppose  that’s  to  be  expected,  for  the  princesses’  nameday.  ❜
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ofumber-blog · 5 years
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hello and welcome to what is going to be the world’s most unorganized intro and explanation of my guy rowan. don’t be afraid to message me if you want to plot!
( richard madden, he/him ) — high greetings to ruling lord rowan of house umber, lord of the last hearth. the thirty-one year old is known for being staunch but has the tendency to be obdurate too. ( groomed to rule and primed for war, your loyalty to the north outweighs the needs of yourself. blood red leaves and powdered snow fall upon a crown of dark curls and heavy furs. you know nothing but the comfort of a drawn sword, the familiarity of violence. although the north is home, duty and honor pulls you south. )
full name: rowan umber. age: thirty-one. gender and pronouns: male, he/him. sexual orientation: heterosexual.  allegiance: to the north, house stark more specifically. 
hair color and style: dark brown, medium-length with curls. if he is out fighting, it does grow long with less distinctive curls.  eye color: blue. height: 6′0″. attire: in the north, there isn’t much to see besides leather and fur. however, as he is traveling down south, he takes on a more noble dressing of the finest materials. they are dark red and brown in color with silver detailing in honor of his house sigil. 
true to his northern roots, he is wary of outsiders. it takes time to earn his trust. being a rather reticent man, he thinks far more than he acts and because of this, he can come off as a bit standoffish at times. 
once his mind is set on something, there is nothing that can change it. this can be particularly frustrating for those around him and it can sometimes get him in trouble. he does not typically listen to the opinions of other people unless he has great respect for them. 
he is incredibly loyal. he does have a sense of honor, seeing as he was trained from a very young age to be put into this role of ruling house umber. his father and those before him have always been loyal to house stark and thus so is he. rowan takes command well and strives to be the best that he can be in representing house umber. 
although he is considered a good man, there is a hint of violence and anger that resides within him. he can be quick-tempered if the situation calls for it. 
considering there are no spots for family within house umber that come before him, i have done a bit of thinking about where he came from. similar to ned umber from the show, i think that he was an orphaned boy alongside his brother at a rather young age. he was thrust into this role far earlier than anyone ever intended. 
because of this, he can be a bit brutish. as a young lord, he had to grow up faster than most. this can lead to him having problems expressing emotion. the loss of his parents affected him deeper than he cares to acknowledge. with that being said, it is hard for him to prioritize anything that is not ruling, serving, or protecting. family sometimes get prioritized below his duty. 
trained at a young age, he has become a talented swordsman. it is one of the first things he turns towards if he is feeling upset. it is an outlet of sorts. 
i might update this at a later time but this is all i got for the time being 
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ofumber-blog · 5 years
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cosimo de’ medici in every episode | 1x01 original sin
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