Of Serpents And Doves
31 posts
welcome to the official tumblr for the good omens fanfiction Of Serpents And Doves (A Reverie Endeavor). enjoy your stay !! (banner by turtsy)
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ofserpentsanddoves · 5 months ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! hope it is going well!
-🐛🐛🐛 guest user
AHHHH THANK YOU !! i appreciate it !!
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ofserpentsanddoves · 5 months ago
if you’re american im so sorry about what is happening to us. thank you for letting your creativity and joy shine through your writing. i hope you’re doing okay.
-guest user
i truly really appreciate this. my lovely beta and i are managing alright. i am american, from a county that decided the election, and i'm very upset by the amount of voter disenfranchisement that's been going on. my birthday is coming up on the 12th and this has been a wonderful (please note my sarcasm there) birthday present for me.
that being said - i try to keep this space politics free, so i'll leave it at this. support your neighbours. love your friends. take care of each other and show love as much as you can. the people in this country are the ones that make the difference. there are still going to be people on the ground pushing for our rights. the whole world is watching.
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and as always, my dear guest user, i appreciate you. i'm going to assign you an emoji to sign off with because i desperately want to know when it's you, even if i don't know your name.
thus, i assign you... 🐛. feel free to change it if you so choose.
and much love to all of my american comrades.
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ofserpentsanddoves · 5 months ago
Chapter 38 - A Messy Breakfast
Maggie makes a strange face, like she’s trying desperately not to cry, and then nods. “Thank you, Mr. Fell. You’re so wonderful to me- an angel.” She laughs and wipes her eyes.
“Isn’t he?” Crowley growls, the noise not particularly threatening but certainly enough to startle another omega only feet away. The ginger takes her mate’s hand from the table and presses his knuckles to their lips, kissing them with the kind of horrendous energy of some sort of recently angered bog witch, fixed precisely on Maggie.
“Dove,” Ezra chides before Maggie can say anything, only earning another small growl from his mate.
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ofserpentsanddoves · 5 months ago
hi! i was wondering if you’re open to chapter idea? if not then just ignore this, absolutely 0 pressure to do this at all. i understand how busy lives get and this is YOUR story to tell! if you do take ideas….. then perhaps you could write some about crowley struggling with eating and kind of how ezra walks through helping her through that! just an idea though!
hi anon !
that's a lovely idea, and while i likely won't include a whole ton of the ideas that y'all give me, that is something i wanted to work into the plot a lot more in the past and kind of fell by the wayside. it is something i can absolutely include in a future chapter, for your sake as well as mine :))
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ofserpentsanddoves · 5 months ago
Chapter 37 - In The Heat of The Moment
She freezes for a moment, staring at Ezra with wide eyes. “...Did I do something wrong?” she asks softly, clearly scared.
“No, love,” Ezra answers gently, taking her hand and flipping it to look at her wrist. The burgundy wrap that she uses to conceal her scent gland has little dots of dampness on it, and when he moves closer to check the patches on her neck, he sees that they’re completely soaked through. He takes a deep breath, holds it for a second, and nods.
“What’s the matter, angel?” Crowley whines softly, clearly extremely confused by the whole thing.
“My dear, I may be mistaken, but I’m almost certain you’re going into heat."
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ofserpentsanddoves · 5 months ago
On the next update
Hi everyone ! I'm sorry to do this to you, but I'm going to be postponing the next chapter a week. I said when I started posting again that it likely wasn't going to be weekly, and my beta and I both need a week off. Worry not, I'll be working on the fic consistently throughout, this'll just give me more time to add stuff to the backlog so I Can post on time for y'all, hopefully.
All that being said, the next chapter will be out on the 27th. Maybe reread your favourite old chapter, and we'll be back with you a week from this Sunday !
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ofserpentsanddoves · 6 months ago
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Relating to Chapters 36 and 37 - The dilemma of seeing your lover as comparable to your God.
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ofserpentsanddoves · 6 months ago
Chapter 36 - The Common Tragedy Of Love
“Do you want to leave?” Ezra asks shakily.
Crowley gives him a look like he just slapped her, scoffing. “No! Why would I want to leave? I love you, Ezra.”
Ezra finds himself letting out a dark laugh, and he regrets it the moment it slips out, but continues anyway. “Are you trying to suggest that I don’t have the same feelings for you?”
“How could you?” the ginger blurts, glaring at him for several moments before slowly wrapping their arms around themselves as tears begin to flow.
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ofserpentsanddoves · 6 months ago
Chapter 35 - A Dangerous Situation
“Crowley- Fuck. Don’t look, I think you’ve caught a stray,” they whisper in her ear. She feels her body go rigid but tries to maintain composure as she takes their hand and continues walking.
“What- you can’t just say that and not explain,” Crowley hisses back, her eyes flicking to her friend’s cautious expression. “The fuck does that mean?”
Bee grips Crowley’s hand tightly and leads them to the left, into a lingerie store. When they’re safely hidden between aisles of lacy panties, the omega’s friend looks them up and down. “What? What’s the matter?” Crowley asks, confused to the point of annoyance. “Why are we hiding?”
“There’s a guy- an alpha. I think he’s tracking you."
Bit of a bummer chapter this Sunday, so as a reward, i present you: updated ref sheets. Courtesy of me and my iPad.
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If you don't like angst, I'm sorry, and if you do... enjoy the chapter ;)
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ofserpentsanddoves · 6 months ago
Chapter 34 - A Vital Conversation and a new Little Friend
The little thing is dark, sunset orange, covered in a beautiful pattern that resembles dappled sunlight through leaves. He has pale yellow markings around his eyes, and as Crowley sets the tupperware lid down he raises his tiny head and lets his tongue out to sniff.
“Oh my god, he’s adorable,” the omega stage whispers, clearly trying to contain their excitement.
“He’s much smaller than I expected,” Ezra comments, watching as his mate sets the entire container down in the substrate of Crawley’s tank.
Happy Sunday everyone ! This one is lovely and domestic, unlike the next couple that are coming. Enjoy !
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ofserpentsanddoves · 6 months ago
Chapter 33 - The Thrill of The Chase
"Crowley nearly chokes, standing perfectly still. They know that if they wanted to dart now he’d only chase them, and while she loves the thought of being caught, it might be easier to…
Her mind short circuits for a moment.
She loves the thought of being caught.
She looks around the vast kitchen, down the hallways leading off of the room, and something in her hindbrain makes a choice."
Hello, ladies, gents, and everyone in between! It's been a long minute since I've posted a chapter, but finally, FINALLY, it's here. I'm very actively working on this fic again and having a lot of fun doing it, it's lovely to be back. Enjoy your read!
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ofserpentsanddoves · 8 months ago
A bit of an update on this - The edits of the first ten chapters have been posted today, and you can read them to your heart's content ! The other chapters will be uploaded in chunks in the following days, and you'll know they're updated by the chapter titles.
I know I promised no new material, but I did add a bit of ✨bonus content✨ to the couple of chapters posted most recently as I wrote them in a rush without a beta, so I would suggest rereading them before new chapters begin to roll out in the coming weeks.
Big updates to Of Serpents And Doves !
I'm sure many, if not all of you, saw the update I made to Of Serpents And Doves a little less than a month back. I've been and continue to be very busy, but I have some treats lined up for you.
Currently, I'm in the process of re-editing the entire fic to match my current standards of writing and formatting, and that comes with a few things:
- I'm adding little bits of story to old chapters and fixing the flow to the best of my abilities, because surprisingly there were several events that I felt were a bit rushed
- The exciting new edition of chapter titles, which I've wanted from jump but simply could not figure out how I wanted to do
- Minor edits to formatting and word choice
Re-reading the fic will not be necessary for old readers, as all in all not much will change, but it will be an enhanced experience and you may have a fun time looking for new additions if you do read.
I'm hoping the edited chapters can be up on this coming Sunday (8/3) but I might end up having to push it back, as I really want all of them to go up on the same day. Unfortunately editing 32 chapters of fanfiction will take a lot out of a guy, so we'll see how productive I can be. If they don't go up on 8/3, they'll go up on Sunday, 8/10. I'll keep you all in the loop :)
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ofserpentsanddoves · 8 months ago
Big updates to Of Serpents And Doves !
I'm sure many, if not all of you, saw the update I made to Of Serpents And Doves a little less than a month back. I've been and continue to be very busy, but I have some treats lined up for you.
Currently, I'm in the process of re-editing the entire fic to match my current standards of writing and formatting, and that comes with a few things:
- I'm adding little bits of story to old chapters and fixing the flow to the best of my abilities, because surprisingly there were several events that I felt were a bit rushed
- The exciting new edition of chapter titles, which I've wanted from jump but simply could not figure out how I wanted to do
- Minor edits to formatting and word choice
Re-reading the fic will not be necessary for old readers, as all in all not much will change, but it will be an enhanced experience and you may have a fun time looking for new additions if you do read.
I'm hoping the edited chapters can be up on this coming Sunday (8/3) but I might end up having to push it back, as I really want all of them to go up on the same day. Unfortunately editing 32 chapters of fanfiction will take a lot out of a guy, so we'll see how productive I can be. If they don't go up on 8/3, they'll go up on Sunday, 8/10. I'll keep you all in the loop :)
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ofserpentsanddoves · 11 months ago
chapter 32 -
in which Crowley and Ezra's night is ended with a bang.
nsfw below the cut !!
Half of Ezra’s clothes are off before they make it up the stairs. Crowley feels drunk- not on alcohol, having only had two glasses of champagne- but on an all consuming, adoration fueled lust; a nearly violent urge to claim the alpha as her own.
Crowley’s own clothes are harder- while she was able to easily tug off Ezra’s cravat and suit jacket, dropping the first to a crumpled pile on the stairs and holding the second tight in her hand, her dress is tightly laced up the back.
As they crash down the hallway and away from the din of the ballroom, the omega slams their mate into a wall. They grind their cock against his as well as they can through the layers of tulle, attacking the alpha’s throat with sloppy bites and kisses.
Ezra is immediately gasping and squirming under her, his body responding intensely to the sudden stimulation. “Ah-hah- Crowley! A bit of- nnh- patience!”
“Don’t have time to be patient, angel,” the ginger mouths against his throat, sucking a deep bruise into his skin. “Get this dress off me- rip it,” they demand, pulling at his skin with her teeth.
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ofserpentsanddoves · 1 year ago
chapter 31 -
in which Crowley finally has her presentation.
a bit of a different post for this chapter. i already posted a sneak preview of the chapter, so instead i'm going to supply ✨supplementary material✨. so ! here are Ezra and Crowley's outfits for the presentation, in a shocking two (2) colourways !
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in addition to this, i wanted to share some photos of the house i loosely based this chapter's setting on- it is in fact, a refurbished church in Knightsbridge.
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now that you have a bit more context to this chapter, you're free to enjoy to the best of your abilities. have a fun read !
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ofserpentsanddoves · 1 year ago
hey you
yeah, you
chapter 31 is done
it'll be up tomorrow
okay goodnight
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ofserpentsanddoves · 1 year ago
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here's a peek at what i'm working on for chapter 31 ;) the presentation is soon to come.
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