Want to RP (Skype/Discord for now)
Many muses available! 
-Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Twilight Princess) -Ike (Fire Emblem) -Angeal (FF7) -Scarlet (FF7) -Hojo (FF7) -TG/Ruluf (FF7) -Karamatsu (Osomatsu-san) -Prinny (Disgaea)
Skype: Director-Scarlet Discord: Cremageuh
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“The less you know, the better.” Cold. To the point. Impersonal. I stopped my stroll next to the young man, not even deigning to glance at him.  “Remove your coat, boy. And everything waist up.” Without even looking at him, it was hard not to notice how the other man was tensed up. The air around him was tainted with uneasiness.  “Everything that happens behind this door stays behind this door. This is the only reason you get to avoid the civilian doctors.”  And your paparazzi. 
This last tidbit was left unsaid but clearly evident in my tone. Barely veiled threat.
Hojo x Rufus Experiment
I heard of our Science Research Division Head, but never really met the guy. I had heard rumors he was slightly crazed about his work and demanded nothing but success or he’d be up all night no sleep til he got perfection.
I got a chill just thinking about the rumors, unfortunately, I was overdue for my regular analysis of my health check up and if my body needed the injection to nullify poisons. Coming up to a door, I knocked loudly on allowing the one behind the closed door know someone was there.
“Hello? I’m here for my vital’s check up?” I had no idea what to expect of Hojo.
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The voice, masculine and warm, unknown to me, pulled me out of my reveries. With a grunt, I pressed the button under my desk, unlocking the door and allowing it to slide open in a hiss of hydraulic fluids. “Sit down in that chair,” I commanded with my usual gravelly voice as I vaguely pointed one of the worn leather chairs thrown here and there in the room.  I grumbled and pushed back my own desk chair and padded to area I had designated earlier, bringing along a rolling table adorned with all kind of medical apparatus.
Hojo x Rufus Experiment
I heard of our Science Research Division Head, but never really met the guy. I had heard rumors he was slightly crazed about his work and demanded nothing but success or he’d be up all night no sleep til he got perfection.
I got a chill just thinking about the rumors, unfortunately, I was overdue for my regular analysis of my health check up and if my body needed the injection to nullify poisons. Coming up to a door, I knocked loudly on allowing the one behind the closed door know someone was there.
“Hello? I’m here for my vital’s check up?” I had no idea what to expect of Hojo.
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Anybody wants to RP with one crazy Hojo? Pwetty pwease? -bats eyelashes-
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“Just take this needle, “ -hands over a syringe- “jam it in your coworker’s arm and wait for the effects. I kind of forgot what is in there, so you might as well want to open a pool and guess what’s gonna happen. Fun times garanteed.”
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Has a mighty need for some younger!Hojo verse thread!
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“Tsk. You were so much easier to deal with when you were a miserable child.” Whirl around and walks away. “You know where to find me for your monthly Mako dose.”
“Though, that you are only wondering about that now… You’ve lost your edge, Sephiroth. My lab. Now.”
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“Though, that you are only wondering about that now... You’ve lost your edge, Sephiroth. My lab. Now.”
“Considering the injection I gave you the last time, it is quite possible that you are losing your mind, boy.”
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“You’re a SOLDIER yourself and you don’t even know that ? How pathetic can you be!”
“You know… I wonder how hard it would be to torture a SOLDIER. I guess catching one would be the hardest part - and I imagine it could be dragged on for quite a while, considering our enhanced status… What would be more efficient of a method? ”
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“Considering the injection I gave you the last time, it is quite possible that you are losing your mind, boy.”
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“Either someone is attempting to sneak up on me or I’ve lost my mind. Either one is equally possible.”
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The creature’s eyes slowly opened and Hojo couldn’t help but feel a slight surge of excitement at the simple action. It meant that the creature was indeed alive, and strong enough to counter the effects of the sedative it was floating in, at a degree. 
And then it spotted him. Bright eyes burned a glowing red has the being’s sight focused on the scientist. A shiver ran down Hojo’s spine, his skin covering in goose bumps. Fear. That’s what Hojo’s first reation was. But it quickly morphed in morbid curiosity. His heart was beating loudly and quickly in his ribcage, pumping adrenaline through his system but almost skipped a beat when he heard its voice. 
Her voice. In his head. 
He couldn’t help but gasp in terror and take a step back. He was quick to gather his composure, however, and closed the distance between the tube and himself once again. A quick glance to each sides of the room told him that he was alone in the room. With her. 
He quickly righted his necktie and pushed back his glasses on his face, clearing his throat in the process. 
“Nothing for now. Everything.” He whispered against the tube as he pressed his forehead on the container, his breath fogging the thick glass, his dark brown eyes.
“I could learn everything. From your physical height to your molecular arrangements. The Cetra’s past. No. Yours. You are not Cetra.”
It wasn’t a question. An affirmation. That’s what it was. As much as the other scientists in the community were glad to finally have their hands on a fine specimen of Cetra, Hojo was the black sheep of the group. He’d been excited at first, like the rest of them. But his guts feeling were telling him that it wasn’t what they all expected. They told him that he was destined to much more, where the entity was concerned.
“I could learn everything from what you were and are to what you will become.”
He was blabbering and he knew it. It was preposterous of him to even think that the creature would even share an once of its secrets with him. He internally cringed. Stupid of him. Now it knew what he wanted. It might as well just decided that he wasn’t even worth sharing such information with him.
No! He would uncover the secrets of this Jenova, Cetra-wannabe by himself, even if it mean intrusive manners. Jenova itself wouldn’t be able to stop him.
A manic smirk spread on his thin lips as his eyes finally met hers. Or that least the one that was in her face.   
A young and curious Hojo padded to Gast’s lab, clearly nervous. Excited, maybe. 
Today was the first time he’d get to see The Calamity from the Sky, the Cetra’s Bane. Jenova. He held a pad and a pen in his right hand, his other nervously tapping against his thigh.  ‘And now, ladies and gentlemen, Jenova.’ At Gast’s words, the metal shutter that had been lowered to hide the creature from the rest of the world was slowly lifted with a rattle of chains. Beneath it, in a large cylinder full of liquid, laid a silhouette. One of a woman. Easy to tell, what with the swell of her naked breasts and the smooth curve of her hips.
Around Hojo, however, he could hear various disgruntled whispers and scared murmurs. 
‘It doesn’t have arms!’ ‘It’s full of scales!’
‘It’s got an eye nipple!’
Hojo, though, couldn’t bring himself to find the creature atrocious. No. It was curiously looking like a human, but deep inside, he knew it wasn’t. He felt compelled to step forward and put his hand to the glass tube, glancing at her feminine, gorgeous, scale-covered face. Her eyes were closed, her face partially hidden behind a curtain of flowing silver hair.
“Beautiful…” He whispered, his breath taken away. Beautiful, yes. But not in that artistic sense of the term. Lucrecia, his beloved, was beautiful. All softness and flesh and love. 
But this creature, Jenova. It was so strange, a mystery to be solved. 
So absorbed in his observation, he didn’t notice the others weren’t in the room anymore.
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Tumblr is being a dick and eating replies. If I owe you, just like this thing! Or if you want a starter, you can also like!
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“Two of my specimens escaped last night. From Nibelheim, that is. It is crucial that I recuperate them.”  The Prof tossed the pad he was holding to Tseng, not even caring if the Turk would catch it or not. “Zack Fair is the first one. The second one is an infantryman. Most likely comatose.”
He could not stop the wary look that crossed his face at the sight of the professor. Why in the world was he approaching him.
A notepad stuffed between his arm and ribs, his hands shoved in his lab coat’s pockets, the sinister Professor stopped at a polite distance before the Turk’s commander.  Not a smile nor a nod to greet him. “I need your loyal dogs.”
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"Dearest, don't torment the Turks. It's bad for our budget."
The scientist simply shrugged and took a sip from the mug of coffee he was holding and placed his newspaper on the table.”Even if we lost a fourth of our budget, we’d still be way over the Turk’s, money-wise. Turks are strong, that’s a given. Money is stronger.”
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“What are you doing? What…?"
“Stop your petty whining. This is only a vaccine, Turk.”
An acid-looking, putrid-smelling one at that. But shhh.
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                                             I’M so SORRY … 
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