" God I love it when you believe in me, we'll always find our way back to each other."
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Conrad had pride, which more than anyone knew than the girl who sat besides him in this car. His skin was irritated, he feel the burn when he sat down, forcing his teeth to sink into his lower lip. To avoid him being the one to scream in pain. The burns the skin that needed the cream the repairing but he had pride. Conrad knew Nic she cared, she loved him, it was obvious. But he also didn’t want to be seen as that burden of such. He wanted to be the type of man to hold his own pain. As he settled against the seat, he purposely stayed still because if he moved he’d hurt. And he had that feeling the blonde would notice.
So he stayed put; He didn’t want to fight with Nic, and he didn’t want her to feel inclined to play nurse. Instead he wanted his girlfriend, and the safe bet was to discuss our food orders, oh that beef tended to melt right in your mouth it was mouth watering, but he also knows Nic and I tended to share our dishes the chicken and beef, and I smiled knowing she remembered the order. “ I know you liked the chicken with fried rice.” I added I knew her order like the back of my hand. As the pair rounded to the restaurant to place the order, he was pondering his thoughts. But Conrad had his mind made up in more ways than one.
“ Beef with broccoli, and I know your order, but have it to go.” Go meaning I was done pretending to be okay, I didn’t want to feel the discomfort in a restaurant, I wanted to lay down, I wanted to avoid the itching my skin now felt, the discomfort, but i also hoped Nic wouldn’t rub the I told you so in my face now.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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The sauce, was to die for. Conrad found that he was a foodie at times. And once he got that comfort of the level of food served to him, he tended to offer himself to that deliciousness more times than none. And the amount they poured onto their dishes, oh just the thought his mouth watered, oh he needed the dish given all the amount of pain Conrad was in. Conrad was a fair pain in the ass; especially when injuried. And Nic was a champ for dealing with him.
He knew the smart move was to order the chinese dishes and go back to his place, but Conrad had been stuck glued to a room for days. He needed the air, he needed to feel like he was leaning towards the mend. He hated feeling isolated and Devon’s apartment as small and nice it was. It wasn’t the feeling of homey, or the ability to tell him; he wasn’t alone. And yes he saw the looks of concern written over the blonde’s face, but he got the sense she wouldn’t comment on his pain, the itching he felt on his skin. The cream made his skin burn, and he had to bite down on his lips to avoid screaming out in pain. All that to say; the male had avoided eye content, as he was burning, his skin was crawling with pain. Swallowing thickly now, as his eyes were worn to meet her own, a sparkle, a excitement for the food in question. “ Oh the beef dishes are to die for with the mixed vegetables.” Oh he had his mind made up, and he knew by the time we ordered; he’d be done with his pride.
Because sitting outdoors, in the wind, the air, with clothes on, his skin would be irritated enough to scream and make a fool of himself.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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You’re on your own kid, the tough guy act. It was those protective heroic instincts that kept Conrad on his toes. He knew with Nic she had the ability to read him like a book. Nice probably could tell the burn cream was working magic on his skin, but each time the fabric of his clothing rubbed against the seat, or the skin he felt this burning aching overtake him. Conrad would never admit to it. He was a stubborn guy, who hated to ask for help. Plus it wasn’t as if walking to his apartment blocks away was going to aid him in his pain. He could be honest with Nic, but he also knew his tenacity, to not be fussed over. So his silence for his own pain was enough for him.
He loved Nic, and he knew he was able to let his guard down with her, but it was a creature of habit to hold himself together. And he could tell from the fought of urge for her to roll her eyes at him for his stubbornness, that he was driving her nuts. It was practical for him to want to go home, be in the comfort of his apartment, to rest, have Nic get his chinese food and serve him allow her to help in that tender, sweet Nic way. But for now Conrad was fighting the bounds of his own pain. God knows why. Leaning his head comfortably back against the cushions of her car, he allowed his eyes to shut, to ease the tingling, the burns of pain each time his skin crumbed against the fabric of clothes, if we weren’t on the road, Conrad was gonna rip his shirt off to give his skin some breathing room. The idea of going to his favorite spot, had his mouth watering, the sauce they used on their beef dishes, left a melting sensation on your tongue. “ yes, please, the sauce they use is to die for.”
Amusement creased his smile now, as his hand reached over to place over her knee, to keep that comfort, that physical contact between us now.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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Conrad had the awful tenacity to want to tend to himself. His major flaw was lacking the ability to ask for help. He felt he was a grown man; he was stubborn and he felt like his own ego was wounded now. He got caught in flames, he had burns that caused redness aching against plenty areas of skin. Conrad felt weak, vulnerable to anyone that wasn’t Nic. He was his worse patient; he didn’t like to be fussed over. A habit Nic knew all too well when it came to him.
But given his lack of fast pace movement; the easily way he lost his breath when he walked he knew the aching feeling; even with the medication; hints why he was alluring to the fact he had his ways; he wanted to prove to himself he was healthy enough to be seen out in public. Healthy enough to go eat at a restaurant with the blonde, the girl he loves. But Conrad had this nagging feeling that once he was in the safety of his home; he would lose his desire to prove himself wrong. It was a pride thing; and he knew Nic only wanted to aid in him taking care of himself; not to over extend himself in this recovery process a lesson Conrad found he was slowly learning and grasping onto. As he heard her retorts; he had to escape a laugh from bare lips. It was no shock; Conrad only agreed to let Devon take him in; because he wasn’t allow alone and he and the female were in a fight. A petty one might he add. “ You’d be surprised how hard it was to sneak out, Devon never left the keys with me the spare, and he apparently locks the door from the outside. It was like he knew my every move..” A express of irritation; I tried more than once; I even attempted to climb the back door; the balcony and try to get to the fire escape but I decided to keep that plan to myself I had the feeling Nic may scold me for that. Alls to say; Conrad couldn’t stand still; as he slowly moved outside of the elevator now; the male had taken in the fresh air; the world he had been missing.
Her car in view; as his hand grasped gently onto her; as he removed himself into the passengers seat. Where Nic was able to assist in him sliding into the seat. “ Chinese that way if chance I change my mind we can do take out..” Alluring to his doubts that were slowly creeping into his head.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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Conrad was never the kind to stay put. It was actually a miracle that he had managed to stay still put within Devon’s apartment not that it was a lack of trying. His mind was going stir crazy; the only ounce of connection to the outside world was when he was flickering through the news channels. And he felt lost disconnected. He needed fresh air; and he knew for Nic she was worried about the germs, about him getting sick out in the world.
But he also knows she understands why he needs to walk slowly; and be outside for an hour. But there was a big chance once we arrived to her place he may be in pain from movement or exhaustion to where he wouldn’t want to move. Conrad hadn’t truly moved in days; so the extra activity may have him feeling winded. Nodding his head; trying to fight that smirk off from being right. “ I knew you’d get it even if you don’t personally agree with my need to be in the outdoors.” He uttered with a sense of amusement in his tone. By now the pair had stepped out into the hall of Devon’s apartment building. It was a slow walk for the male over to the elevator, where we shortly found ourselves inside. My hand rested against the metal door; to hold my balance up. The skin on my arm on my upper back was stringing from the burns from the extra movement. Exhaling slowly before I peeked over to where the blonde stood. “ It wasn’t for a lack of trying. I gave it an hour each day when Devon left. And I tried to sit up to stand but the stringing sensation on my skin was too much to bare so I opt to stay put.. “ Admitting I tried to escape wasn’t going to phase Nic; because she knew the type of guy I was.
The ding was heard; the doors slid open as I nearly wobbled out towards the exit doors. It was a short walk to her car; and I tried my best to lift the door open but failed. “ Let’s see what I’m in the mood for..” A mutter under his breath as he stood at the pavement letting Nic help him; he was done fighting; if this meant Nic tending to small needs he’d be satisfied.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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Conrad was aware of the journey Nic and himself had; from fully passionate care for each other; in love to a rocky road of the century. And for the first time in a damn long time, it felt like we’d been on the right page; no more of the push and tug. Conrad was stubborn; he was set in his ways; he knew where his heart was; he had no doubt in his mind that he wanted Nic for the rest of his life. And at the time he now understood her more hesitated ways. Our history; the unknown played a huge part in that outcome. And if I could flip the pages backwards; I’d be more understanding and even utter the words; she could have the space the time she needed.
But I suppose Devon did one thing right; leave me in the dark about Nic coming here today; while I was the wounded stuck to a couch; that wasn’t all that comfortable to begin with. But even as I was typing out a brief message to my friend, I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of being right; of playing the role of Nic and I finding our safe ground with each other. So I kept it vague, and I said I was getting the comfort of another caregiver; i’m sure he would put two and two together; no need to outright say the words.
Once my phone was safely in my back pocket; the male had slowly stood up to his feet. One step after another; and towards the door. Noting that the blonde wasn’t going to allow me to do any real hard lifting here; I shuffled my shoes forward out into the hall and on route to the elevator. The second she asked what I wanted to do; I knew I wanted to go out to eat, I was sick and tired of feeling beaten down, sick of feeling stuck trapped in a room, I needed the fresh air, and I felt her eyes on me as she teased the area of staying at hers and eating at the fireplace, as tempting it was; and I nearly folded. But I left myself in thought before I heard the ding of the elevator noting we now made it down to our floor. And I swallowed my thoughts. “ Stop at yours to drop my things off then food, as tempting it is to want to stay in, I need fresh air Nic, and I know you’re worried I’d overdo it, but I promise I will be careful, besides i have the best nurse at my beck and call..” I aired out with amusement; hoping it would lessen the blow of me not folding to staying in.
But I knew Nic deep down would understand the need to get out and moving; I could feel my body stiffen up at the thought of staying indoors for another night; I just needed an hour and I felt in safe hands.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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Conrad knows himself; his stubborn ass that likes to fight with Nic, but he meant when he said he wanted her; when he said I love you, it’s always been nic for him from the second he laid eyes on her. And he knows he probably caught her off guard with his easy breezy response. That he was willing to agree to a park date. But right now Conrad was hurting; the stinging on his skin at the mere brush of uncovered layers against couch, and he didn’t want anyone else to see him like this. Plus it granted him alone time with the blonde.
Which was all he wanted, As he tilted his head up in amusement. “ Let’s just say I’m trying to turn over a new leaf, I did almost die you know..” He echoed on not wanting to stir the pot, but he was going to use his new lease on life as his why he wasn’t playing hard to get, why he was more willing to go by her rules. Nic had always meant well. She had always wanted the best for her; her pure heart; her need to make you feel comfortable is the why he fell so hard for her. And as he shifted more so to sit again, He used his strength on his arm to touch the armrest of the couch where he pulled himself up onto his feet. Damn that aching against his skin, he knew a alone time; a part was more us for today.
“ I don’t want to share you either, in face if it was up to me, we’d be staying indoors, but I am exhausted of staring at a wall. So I think fresh air may be best or I might lose my mind.” Being confided to a couch; to staring at Devon’s medical posters around his place it was annoying, Conrad was surprised he had yet to lash out at his friend. At the mention of his stuff he nodded to the hall where the bathroom was. “ Toothbrush is in the bathroom, but the rest of my stuff is in the duffle by the wall.” His black unzipped duffle laying against the wall, close proximity, close enough to retrieve if needed. This was goodbye to this apartment I was relieved as I reached for my phone and scrolled to Devon’s name and shot him a message. “ It’s been real, thank you for taking care of me man, but I’m now Nic’s problem. “ I pressed send quite quickly before I slowly inched my way towards the door knowing Nic would be the one carrying my belongings because she didn’t want me to hurt; and as I walked slowly I was in way more pain than I cared to admit.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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“ don’t you know it. Saving people is in my bones.” It’s who Conrad was; his identify. He was a surgeon, he always was the type of man to jump into fire. Not literately of course, of course his last run in with death was the expectation of that. A little boy’s life was on the line. It was nice to joke, to find the lightheartedness in the topic, given the scare I had given Nic, and I knew she felt wary about me. It was justified, but I’d be holding that cape close to my chest the day he presented it to me assuming the blonde was serious about getting it.
I knew the topic of stepping outside, was going to be a toss up. Conrad was never the guy to stay put. He was never the guy that liked to be put down. He’s been dealing with doctors his own kind, the hospital beds, and now felt the stiffness of being attached to the couch. He knew he was aching, sun draped on his skin from the burns might ache, but it was a risk the male was willing to take. All that to say; he wasn’t surprised with the uncertainty tone he got from the blonde. Tilting his head upward, he wore a tender smile, and he just had that itch. The one to step outside, he couldn’t take another hour of being confided to the apartment even if we were moving to mine or hers. I wasn’t screaming to interact with millions of crowds, all I needed was a nice meal with Nic. And I was about to offer a compromise, And it was like the blonde had read my mind, And my smile turned into a grin as I slowly pulled my body back up to sit besides her. Once I was situated I had let my hand reach to cup the side of her face.
“ It’s like you read my mind, I know you’re nervous about me being around people, and for once I was willing to compromise for us, The park sounds great, and as long as I have my chinese food, and you in the same place, I don’t care if it’s only us.” A tender expression ran over his features. We’d talk, find our groove again, get to know the new versions of ourselves. And I was relieved we made it to this place, Conrad didn’t want to feel isolated forever especially from her.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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The burns, the pain of the impact, of the burns against my skin came and went depending on how often I rubbed the bare skin against a hard surface. Conrad was also one to downplay his injuries. If the course of action was up to him, he’d be suiting up and entering the hospital tomorrow. Bell was holding a tough bargain because Bell refused to sign my reinstatement forms. Instead I was forced to go on medical leave against my own will. I tried to rest, but I felt discomfort over every layer of my body, the thin layer of burns that just made the scars present, and the bigger layers of patched skin that were red, indicating the high risk burns.
The cream definitely helped. Light moans escaped bare lips as an pleasurable sigh escaped lips. Not due to the joint of pain that waved through the body, but at her touch. The longing to be touched by her; to find the comfort of soft hands, her hands against my skin. I swore I felt like I was on heaven, eyes blinked shut in contentment. Head tilted to the side, to where my eyes were on the rest of the living room if I were to open my eyes. Each sense of pressure to my skin, pierced my skin in delight. Each delightful moan kept escaping my lips. Conrad wasn’t the one to hide how he felt especially when it came to the affects Nic had over him. It was nice to feel her close, her breath hitched on his skin. He never wanted to go another waking day without her; and yes this the idea of waking up next to her excited him to no end.
“ Super Conrad.” An delightful tone filled his lips. Conrad was a real life superhero most days. He worked to solve the mysteries of a life, he worked to put a smile on an innocent face, and he knew the kids would get a crack out of him wearing a red cape with his name laced upon the fabric over the lab coat, it was all for the enjoyment of the patients. All that in mind, a few minutes of content silence filled the air. Moans erupted in delight as his lips felt her lips upon his, eyes lifted open as his arm had moved from the comfort of the side of his body until his hand was able to cup the side of her face.
“ I love you.” Three words, an awe in his tone as he brushed desperate lips against hers before he released her cheek from his hold, resting his head back down onto the surface of the couch, At the mention of food, he had used his hand that landed awkwardly on the edge of the couch given our position, and I mumbled “ Leftover pizza in the fridge, but I am craving some Chinese food, we can go to the restaurant if you want.” Conrad didn’t want to be roped into an apartment, he needed scenery, he needed voices that didn’t make him seem insane, and he hoped once the cream dried Nic might be willing to sit with him for a meal.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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Was Conrad hurting? Of course he was. He had gone into a room full of fire; the flames that hasn’t left his senses yet. He was only thinking about the kid; not himself. Call Conrad crazy but he only cared about the innocent lives. He could manage; he was able to find oxygen on his own. But Nic she made him feel vulnerable, she made him feel like he was weak. Not because she loved him and wanted to ensure he was safe. But because he didn’t want to disappoint her. Conrad was brave; he was okay with leaping into the line of fire.
But he did risk his life; and now he had to consider himself but the consequences of Nic. We had been distant, we had stopped the direct line of communication. To where the male had let go; he tried to pretend he was over her. But a love so deep and passionate never escapes him. He could never let her go. And yeah the male was at the stage of not wanting to be fussed over. It was stubborn nature of his. But he felt the wobbly notion in his balance when he stood up. And he did do the responsible thing and he reached for the armrest of the couch to catch himself. Conrad wasn’t stupid he could downplay his injuries all he wanted but he felt the pain in his skin. He felt her arms wrap around his frame and he leaned into her touch nearly instantly. He wore a smile as he let his lips find hers; a soft kiss. Nothing too crazy despite his own wants. But he let his his amused grin trace along his lips. “ Well.. it’s definitely a plus..” He added as he pulled his teasing brows closer together. The thought of having her hands all over him; had him tingling. He was prepared for her touch; one he longed for. A accident landed him here; a accident that had him wanting to lay down.
Conrad was the one to slowly lower himself down onto the couch; in a laying position. He rested his head on the armrest; and his body felt still as his feet hit over the edge of the couch. Nic was sitting besides him. He instantly felt her touch; a tingling sensation against his skin. The cream it stung against the burn marks; and he bit down on his lower lip as he tried to mend any stings he felt. “ I can’t make promises.” He added as a low moan escaped his own lips. Nic her hands were magic, he ached for her touch; and now he felt his eyes fall shut. He was the one to feel his toes tingling as he felt the layer of her hand displayed along his skin.
“ Red.” He echoed out; more in a mumble as he was lost in the touch of her hands.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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Conrad knew himself. He was never one to like accepting help. He was never one to like being stuck to one place. He was confident in his ability to heal. To be made of steal meaning no illness, or injury was capable of taking him out. He was brave, he had strength despite his own encouragement in his mind. He did have people in his corner who wanted to take care of him. Who wanted to fuss over his every need and honestly he hated it. He felt small and incapable. Although he knew that was never the intention especially with Nic; he saw the care in her eyes, felt the small touches. Was he hurting? Yes although his bit down on his lower lip to hide any sign of pain he may feel.
Red burns active on his skin. Each irritation of skin when he rubbed his back against the cushions of the couch it stung. But Nic she did have a way with words. She knew the way of getting the male to cave down; and lean into her bait. Did he know the game Nic was playing? Yes of course he did. She was smart; she teased the idea of her touch; and the swim in his stomach; the knots of eagerness that formed; his reaction spoke before his own mind.
“ I’m sure you will. Here..” He arched a brow up as he slowly lifted himself up onto his feet, he needed to stand despite the wobbly notion, but he had a plan. He needed to lay down on the couch but that required for both of us to stand and readjust our bodies. With a coy grin that displayed along his lips. He reached for her; a second before he felt her join him in the stand. “ It’s good to know you finally came to your senses..” A tease in his tone. Conrad knew since the day he met her; the first time we played pool and I pretended to be awful at the game that the blonde was someone I wanted to get to know. I wanted to be with her; with filled mistakes on both ends; we found our way back; a pure love; an ached that filled to make us complete.
A twinkle in his eye as his gaze landed on her. “ what if I said I’m ready to let you take care of me?” A coy grin playful tone; knowing Nic and himself; the thought of her hands on him; made it worth it; to be in her center of vision again. Where we belong.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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Conrad wasn’t one to be leaned into being babied. He hated being fussed over; which was why he tended to lash out. He was confident that his body was able to heal itself. He was very aware that he almost died; that he had burn marks up his back. That his skin was torn; it was a reminder; and yes he was in pain. He felt the prickle of skin each time he adjusted his sitting position. It’s why he was stiff leaning against the back cushions of the couch. Not wanting to move. He was happy to adjust for Nic; to make space for her; but he had no desire to watch himself resolve. He knew Nic; one bite of his lip to hold out the whining of his own pain she’d be asking if he was okay. Fine was a word he said. The more times you sai I’m fine you believe in.
Injured arms, the injured lungs that were forced to repair; it was his own consequences. He was a protector; but Conrad was coming to realize he wasn’t the superhero; he was capable of being hurt; of harming himself each time he jumped in to be god. He felt the burning of his skin, he was fighting each urge from to reach behind him to scratch his back knowing the touch of his fingers would make it worse. Eyes were focused on the blonde when her suggestion was placed on the table. Burn cream? His medication Bell and Devon had warned him the amount of times he’d have to place the cream on his skin each day. He wonder how he was reaching to his back; and now he had a helper, lips moved into a smirk as his brows perked up. “ I can’t promise I won’t get excited, you have that affect on me Nic, but I’d really appreciate it if you could be the one to rub that burn cream all over.” Purposely teasing the words all over in a flirtation way; He was aching his skin was in pain; and he knew Nic; she wouldn’t say no after placing her offer. A shiver ran down his arms at the idea; her hands on him; he longed to feel her touch again. To be hers; he’d even be a good patient.
Danger it called him; but this call brought us back as one; and Yeah the male knew we couldn’t brush over the issues; the why each time we fell into old patterns we tended to shatter and hurt the other. And the time would come where we’d bare ourselves; to open up to the idea of pain; if it meant being the shoulder to cry on. Face inching closer to hers until our lips met; the softness of her lips. That longing filled; Conrad let his lips melt against her own; holding the deep kiss before he whispered against her lips. “ I’m yours always was, No more running.” Between each word he let his lips speak for him. We were the center that always held.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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Pride; it was a damn thing. Conrad held himself up on a pedestal. He never liked to admit when he was out of his element, when he had taken on too much. Nor was it easy ro admit when he made a mistake. Conrad knew he had to make a name for himself; given the hardship he felt he had growing up; who he had to compete with. His father; was well known and he learned if he fell short the backlash fell on himself and his dad. But when it came to Nic when we tried the first time around I was naive, I was foolish. I had a temper and I wasn’t proud of how I acted. I knew why we broke up; I never held that against Nic. It stung; I missed her like hell. But I understood. But now years later; I had changed. I wasn’t the same guy who was too arrogant, I wasn’t the guy that never took accountability to their flaws. I was a man of honor; and I knew what I wanted; and nic had her own pride of issues. But I also had confidence in who we were now. I knew in my heart that either our friends helped out tonight or not; I was going to end up right here with Nic.
Noticing the amusement on her face, I felt a lingered smile full of unsure; yet amusement of my own. Was she doubting my ability to know us? Devon may have gotten me here; but Nic and I were written in the stars. It was always us. Broken wounds; broken that needed to be fixed together; as one. As for those medications; my confidence was due all on its own. I didn’t need a helping hand there.
“ I see you’re underestimating me Nic. My confidence is all part of my charm, as for those pain meds; I doubt they’ve kicked in yet.” It was nice to tease; to be alone without the questionable glances; the hounding whispers. Our business was our own. Arm moved to place around her shoulders as a means of pulling the blonde a tad closer to my frame. Listening; I heard her; the fear in her voice. I was a protector by nature; if I see someone in need I’m gonna jump in head first. But I didn’t want the female to worry about me and the risks I tend to take on a daily. Tilting my head to the side in order to let my eyes meet her own. A softness of care; as I moved my other hand from her knee to raise against her cheek. Finger pushing a loose string of hair behind her ear. “ I love you, I don’t care how we got here, and I promise I’ll always come home to you Nic.”
A promise I intended on keeping. Taking that move; I leaned forward brushing a tender kiss against her lips; a touch I longed for; our lips together once again.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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Being vulnerable or fussed over. Was never in Conrad’s nature. He liked to downplay any injuries he may have. Conrad would limb through the halls of the hospital before he let anyone urge him to lay down, urge him to take it easy. In this case his hands were tied. One because he was barely able to breathe on his own from the amount of damage that was caused in his lungs, And the other he was forced to stay with Devon against his own will. It was neither roll over and let Devon care to his best abilities for him or he’d be in that hospital room still. It was stuffy; it was lonely and just dreadful. At least Devon had a nice place; the fancy dishes, the fancy water bottles he offered him when they first arrived.
Not that Conrad was interested in the wealthy dollars, interested in the wealthy water; he was content on his own in his bent down apartment, his simple wood kitchen set, his pull out bed that came out of the wall. Plus his mattress was a godsend. He’d never give it up for a fancy over the top apartment set up. He had taste but Conrad was a simple man. As for Nic; she deserved the house, the fence when the opportunity came. But given the step we had just discussed taking being exclusive, that’s all the steps he felt the blonde was willing take for today. Conrad was a man of action; but he also knew the toll our fight had taken on both of us; he’d willingly go at her own pace. At the topic of his own cap, his grin broke out against bare lips. He was like a child on christmas day, “ The sooner the better, then you won’t hear me shut up about being a hero.” A red cape to prove how protective he could be. Plus the kids at the hospital would eat it up.
As for Devon giving the boy credit, I thought about it but I can’t. Devon would let it go to his head; and Conrad just wasn’t willing to give it to him. Nic was nicer, she wanted to believe we spoke because Devon a friend had intervene. But no. The male knew we fought, we had disagreements like any normal couple. We had beliefs the other didn’t always agree on. Plus both pig headed; both stubborn as hell. But Conrad wanted to believe he would’ve gotten over himself, but so would have Nic. Because let’s be honest she was coward in that hospital room, playing scared. He wasn’t at fault fully but he was gonna suck up his own pride once. Tilting his head downward letting himself rake over her features.
Goosebumps raised on arms as he spoke. “ It would’ve been worth the wait even if it had been years, but something tells me you would’ve come crawling back eventually. Just look how easy it was for you to knock on his door so soon after my release..” A tease before he admitted the words that might alter the lightness. His injuries; as he lowered his head down to rest upon her shoulder again, Lips grazed over her exposed skin. “ I know I did, but you know I will never let someone get hurt if i can help it, It’s in my blood Nic..” A protector; he’d jump into the line of fire for her.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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Being the patient was never a good look on him. Conrad liked to be the one in control, saving lives it was kinda his speciality. Meaning he was the one who gave orders; the directions to save a patient. He was never keen on being the patient but right now his hands felt tied. He felt stuck and although he was capable of his own thoughts, and who he allowed in the apartment to see him. When it came to Nic he knew he could bark orders at her; he could insist on not being fussed over; that she was here because she cared and adored him. But at the end of the day we all take our abilities to the next level in our own lives.
Letting go; being a loved one; it felt unclear the blurred lines from doctor to loved one. He loved Nic; even when we were beefing over something stupid. And I admired how deeply she cared especially to me. But he also stood his ground, he didn’t want to be treated like a broken record, like he was incapable of handling himself. Like he was weak, he was hurt. His lungs were steady, he was healing at his own pace. But Nic he didn’t want the worry or fuss to occur on his account.
Settling into her side; he heard her loud and clear. Even if she had passed the testament of going nurse mode on him; it was save to say he might be more forgiving because it was her. He’d always forgive her because she owned his heart. We all have a mix of habits of wanting to fix people inside of us. It was hard to let those tenacious go. For the male he knew he felt weak, he was sore and exhausted from the meds. A audible hum slipped through his lips in response as he felt his brows arch up in interest as we ran back around to the cape topic at hand. A red cape in fact; he was kinda a superhero not to toot his own horn now. The male brushed his shoulder against her own as a low laugh was heard.
“ I trust you, I won’t be surprised if the cape is on the table when my first day back to the hospital approaches.” A teasing tone in his voice, a light heartedness on his end. The idea of returning buzzed inside of him; that fire whipping through his veins; he was someone who liked to keep busy, someone who wanted to work. It was causing him pain to be forced to stay still; to stay seated. But the company was the highlight; as for Devon I had trained him into the surgeon and caretaker that he was. I was pride of myself as flickered my eyes over to the blonde. “ I will never give him credit for us, because I know we would’ve talked eventually once I got over myself..” Over myself yeah that was placing blame on myself; but we both made mistakes; it’s how we handle the moving forward that counts. Sure he may have followed my lead; but that was all me, not him. The world would have to turn to ice for me to admit to Devon being right; just wasn’t my plan right now.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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Stubborn by nature. Conrad never wanted to be the one to ask for help. He never wanted to be the one to be seen as weak. He wore a mask; he wore his walls up until anyone dared to break them. Conrad knew he could be tempered at times. He knew he let his emotions get the best of him. Especially when someone tells him what he personally doesn’t feel the need to hear.
It’s probably why Nic and I tended to butt heads despite the obvious love we shared. I was a pig head sometimes; especially when it pain. Although I brushed off the pain I endured as if that fire never occurred. I didn’t want to be fussed about; but Nic she was a nurse at heart; she couldn’t shut off how much she cared. I did appreciate I had her in my corner; even if I tended to lash out from time to time.
Whispered voices shared, he was making a deal; one that felt right for us both. Of course I wanted to fight the urge to roll my eyes at Nic’s insistence that I needed to share when I was in pain, but she said she was here out of love; feeling the hint of a grin linger against bare lips. Conrad rested his head safely against her shoulder. “ Fine, I will let you take care of me but don’t fuss. I can take care of myself. I just need you here as my girlfriend not as the nurse. I can accept that you care; that you only want to make sure I don’t hurt myself farther. “
An understanding, one that felt like process for us both. I would worry about Nic; I had the instinct to protect those I cared about. It was obvious; I didn’t need to agree or give the blonde the satisfaction of being right; I bit my tongue on responding; but Nic felt what I did. The male had mumbled his next reply. “ I’m sure you can make it happen then all the kids will be jealous of my awesome cape. But I was a hero so I feel I’ve earned it.” A hint of amusement laced in his voice.
As for Devon; I could chew him out for mendling, for getting involved in my business; but I decided to leave it as is. My hand had moved to place over the blonde’s hand that was rested on my knee. “ Devon just doesn’t know when to stay out of my business, he’s a fixer is what he is.” A tick of annoyance; not that Conrad cared now; because that idiot managed to do one thing right; get us in the same room. For a moment; it was easy; to figure out what our hearts wanted.
The accident had flickered a change. Not to say Conrad wouldn’t be jumping into the line of fire again. Because let’s be honest he was a protector at heart. He rather be the one hurt than to be the one watching a child, or someone he cared for in pain. He knew he had to have a sense of self control; but at the end of the day; he had the hero tenacity inside of him. And as he played that moment in his head; he knew the kid in danger was priorty and his rage at those firefighters taking their time; it just infatuated him. He loved Nic and don’t get him wrong he appreciated her; and her want to ensure he was okay; but he didn’t need a nurse, he only wanted the girl he’d been pinning for.
She had the caring nature, I saw it; the gentle touches, the easing into showing she wanted to ensure I was okay. I didn’t want her to feel like she was on eggshells around me, but at the same time I was a grown adult, I was capable to eating on my own, of taking in the fluids; hints the bottle of water that sat on the end table, right besides my stay on the couch. I was stubborn as hell; it took a lot of force to get Devon to get me through the apartment doors; better yet to rest. I had a lot on my mind; and now that Nic and I had talked I felt like a weight had been lifted from my body.
The same page; I wanted to be with her; with everything i had. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, I didn’t want to take it slow. But given how our last conversation ended when we pushed; I had to force myself to compromise, for myself and her. I had no desire to move; so the discussion of moving to one of our places was temporary on hold. Offering a gentle smile I nodded my head briefly at her requisition.
“ I promise to be straight with you, If I’m in pain you’ll be the first to know. If I need anything I will tell you.” Communication was key; a spot the male was working on. He had impulse, he had the need to better himself; nor did he go out of his way to damage anyone’s feelings. But he did have to work on communicating on what he felt and wanted; no man wants to feel vulnerable, but with Nic I trusted the love we had; the care we shared for one another. Leaning into her touch; his head had rested gentle upon her shoulder; taking in her familiar scent. His head tilted down to let his lips press a kiss onto her shoulder over her shirt; it was the closeness, the need to feel we could make it work; through our horrific history perhaps now the timing was right. “ I know I’m a pig head at times, probably not the best at communicating, but I’m glad we talked. For once Devon did something right.” The slight fake annoyed retort regarding Devon; but he was a friend someone I could admit I liked having around.
As for the cape; eyes lifted in curiosity against the stance on her shoulder tilting my eyes up on the remark about the C. “ Yes, it sounds perfect, you think you can make it happen?” A tease a gentle lightness to the heaviness of topics we’ve shared so far.
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