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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
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“ book ? she said with a sarcastic smirk as she grabbed a cool tray of cupcakes to ice. “ i have no idea what you’re talking about the last book i read was the lorax. ” of course she’d heard about the book but it was her least favorite topic of discussion because it was usually followed up by a series of inquisitions to try and pinpoint just which character she might be. 
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       “oh, come on .. the lorax, really?” rosie cocked an eyebrow in suspicion and scoffed out a small chuckle. “everyone has heard about it, you can’t be the exception.” she took a seat at the nearest table, her eyes still scanning the bakery; she took in the pastries and the pictures that were hanging along the walls. “you know, i got three dirty looks just on my walk here.”
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
&.   chances are, the well-occupied  FIVE FOOT THREE  hairstylist didn’t pick up on the silvery peal of bells above the salon’s door ; understaffed was an ambiable term to be paired with the wednesday afternoon ambience of metal curlers seething the thin of grey hair & enough iridescent, shimmered hairspray to coat your skin about two inches thick. mercurial, acrylic decorated nails chased the plastic comb to the ends of the client’s dampened tresses, just before retrieving the scissors cushioned between the rosette tint of her lips, to snip away at an angle. “ TRIM’S five dollars & mamá won’t let me touch her new products for highlighting so try back again tomorrow if that’s what you’re searching for, honey ! ” conveying warmly as her dialogue transcended with the disco notes, gaze still not meeting the newest addition to the crowd of impatient clients.
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        rosie entered the salon; eye scanning all around until she heard the sound of ritz’s voice and she finally spotted her. this has become one of her favorite spots in town. not only did it hold tons of great memories, it overall had such a nice sense of home to her. “ugh, what terrible service. i have to a whole day? wow.” rosie teased the girl with sarcasm since she hadn’t looked up to notice her. a giggle escaping from her lips as she glided over to where ritz was working on a client.
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
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“ hey, ” she said half heartedly, she knew the girl’s mother very well. the woman came into their bakery almost every week and she almost always got the same thing so when she got an order though the woman’s name wasn’t on it she was pretty sure who it was for. “ oh yeah i know we love your mom but you’re a little early. i actually just pulled her cake from the oven about fifteen minutes ago so they’re actually still cooling. if you give me thirty minutes or so i’ll get it frosted for you. ”
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        “oh! i’m sorry. i’m always early to being early .. that’s my bad. but, it’s no problem, i can wait here.” she backed away from the counter and glances around the place. rosie bit her lip and thought it would be better to start a conversation with drew rather than stand there in awkward silence. “so, i’m sure you must have heard about the book by now, huh?”
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
hi babie i hate to do this but i've got some personal stuff coming up in the next few weeks that i just found out about and i don't wanna hold a role that someone else could have :( love u all so much
hey ! omg that’s perfectly fine, i hope everything is okay ! 
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
how long has the book been out?
it was released january 1st 2017 and started blowing up in conway sometime in late january early february .. also just became a new york times best seller dsjkadsd
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
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honestly drew couldn’t wait to get out of the pepto bismol pink building, every time she stepped inside she felt like a rag doll in a barbie dream house. she’d agreed only agreed to work in the bakery because thought it was going to be a temporary thing a few days a week because her older sister ferin had just had her baby and she couldn’t be around as much anymore, that was a year and a half ago. “ welcome to cherry on top i’ll be with you in just a second ! ” she shouted from her perch in the back, honestly she’d just been sitting there playing best friends and waiting for her cakes to finish baking. groaning dramatically at the thought of having to put forth an effort she made her way to the front timer pinned to the front of her apron and sarcastic smirk ever present on her face, “ what can i do for ya ? ”
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        when rosie stepped through the glass doors, a little jingle from a bell went off so it was no surprise when she heard the girl call out to her. “thanks!” she shouted back in response. even though she knew drew worked at this bakery, it was always still slightly awkward every time she ran into the blonde. therefore, when drew turned the corner and approached her, rosie tensed up. “oh -- hey, drew!” she flashed a polite smile her way, “it’s my mom’s birthday, actually. turns out her favorite cake is from here.”
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
are you still taking apps?
no, i’m sorry ! all ten spots are full at the moment ! i’m hoping none of them open up either so if they don’t i may think of expanding a couple spots !
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
we are officially open for interactions ! feel free to post starters, texts, snaps, ask memes, honesty hour links, private threads, or anything you want ! i’m stuck in classes until about 8pm est but i’ll get to replies as soon as i’m home .. and i’m also going to get to setting up some tasks and all that for the future so if anyone has any ideas lmk !
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
i think i might've inhaled you.
follow !
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
i’m going to sleep now bc i’m exhausted ! i have class like .. all day tomorrow so if i’m disappearing randomly tm you know why ! i will, however, be making a post on when we open for interactions tomorrow sometime in the afternoon so keep an eye out for that :’) also i’m going to reply to ims and message everyone as soon as i wake up to plot <3 thank you guys again for joining ilysm .. goodnight !
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
[adele vc ] hello it's me
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
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it’s literally 1:37 am and i am still not done with this paper that is due tomorrow wow ! i’m half asleep right now and really sad that my college didn’t cancel class tomorrow fml .. but anyway .. hello i’m so glad you guys joined and i’m super excited to get the ball rolling ! i go by b, i live in the est timezone, and i use she/her pronouns .. enough about me tho, you can read some information about rosie under the cut ! i’m down for any and all plots so if this gives you inspo for a plot then gimme .. if not you can message me and we can brainstorm something !
trigger warning: drugs.
        ROSALINA, OR ROSIE, WAS BORN and raised right here in conway, nh. she grew up under a lot of stress since her father, who is a hot-shot surgeon, and her mother who is the high school counselor, fought every second they were together. her way of coping with the shouting and screaming of her parents was to lock herself in the closet of her room and read. read, read, read, was all this girl did. she found comfort in it because she could live all these different lives and escape the one that was right outside that door. when she was around the age of twelve, the fighting turned to silence, and then by the age of fourteen, her parent’s divorce was finalized.
        THEIR RELATIONSHIP DEFINITELY SHAPED HER personality. since most of their fighting was about the fact that her father thought he was the better half since his job brought in more income and that her mother didn’t do anything for the family. on the other hand, her mother thought that he was away too much and that she was the better one in the relationship. from them on, rosie was determined to be the better one at everything. if you grow up around two people who strive to be the best, that’s all you know.
        SO, IN HIGH SCHOOL SHE was quite the bossy figure. after reading probably every book ever written when she was younger, she became way too smart for her own being. she was 100% a know-it-all and believed she was right even if she wasn’t. her goal at the time was to be valedictorian and be class president because it looked amazing on college applications and med school was her dream. rosie was the alpha bitch when it came to her academics so if anyone got in her way, she would find a way to bring them down .. mentally, of course. she didn’t care about popularity or people liking her .. she only cared about winning and being the best ( thanks mom & dad ! )
        HOWEVER, BESIDES HER STUBBORN QUALITIES, she was a very kind person. she literally talked to every clique at school and made lots of friends because she was in every club, pretty much. so, if you didn’t cross her, she was probably your best friend. rosie is sweet to those she cares for and is even usually the clumsy or dorky one out of the group. she was so focused on school that she never had a boyfriend, so she’s super awkward (: but, during her senior year, the pressure was really put on her. everything had become so real and it was stressing her out. she didn’t feel like she could possible complete all she had to do for classes, college, her social life, and even sleep .. so, she began using adderall even though it was not subscribed to her. rosie got into other drugs, too, not very hardcore drugs but ones she probably shouldn’t have been touching. she started having a problem with this combination of all these drugs and pretty much had a mental break down.
        AFTER THAT, SHE LEARNED HER lesson and she slowly began to quit using. she got into her dream college, is now in med school and is even volunteering at the conway hospital. she’s changed. she’s grown to be more skillful ( if that was even possible ) and has toned down the crazy, bossy attitude .. she still a know-it-all though :/ but, she’s happy and can usually always be caught with a smile on her face. the subject about behind closed doors, though .. omg when she finds out who wrote it, she will Ruin their life honestly .. because it’s ruined hers.
anyway .. that was long i’m sorry but i’m literally so pumped ! i’m seriously ready for all the plots so pls give me <3
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
follow !
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
is there a tag we should be using?
yes, use #bcdintro for your intro posts ! we can use the bcd ( behind closed doors ) abbreviation for all the tags so #bcdstart, etc. !
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
in the name of the father, and of the son, and of diana ross.
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
hate the sin, love the sinner !!
follow !
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ofrosies-blog · 8 years ago
wink wink nudge nudge
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