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isla sinclair. written by sol for maplecreekhq.
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oflunas · 3 years ago
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Alex held onto her hand, squeezing gently to show she was still there. She squeezed a few times, opening and closing her hand. “I’m okay.. i swear i’m a big tough girl that’s just… a little scared of blood.” 
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                ISLA  SMILES  WARMLY,  "trust  me,  i  understand."  despite  being  a  nurse,  isla  often  found  herself  nauseated  by  many  things  in  the  medical  center.  "i  mean,  i'm  a  nurse,  and  i  try  to  avoid  having  to  start  an  IV  myself.  it's  my  job  and  i  can't  get  past  the  feeling.  so  i  completely  understand."
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oflunas · 3 years ago
“I don’t know why you think I don’t… I mean besides all the injuries. I’m trying to take care of my mental health too you know. Can’t just sit still, sometimes.” Ben admitted.
Ben nodded at her recommendations, nothing new since again he’d gotten hurt a lot over the years. 
“Could you?” Ben perked up at that, but immediately frowned again. “I shouldn’t. Shouldn’t you be advising to take it easy on the prescription bills, especially to someone with chronic pain like me?” He said, having known all sorts of addicts in his line of work. Pill addictions were some of the worst.
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               ISLA  NODS  AS  HE  SPEAKS,  knowing  firsthand  the  impacts  of  poor  mental  health.  it's  risky,  but  she  decides  to  make  a  suggestion.  "have  you...  maybe  thought  about  seeing  a  psychiatrist  or  maybe  even  just  a  therapist?  i  think  you're  handling  everything  fairly  well  on  your  own  but  sometimes  it's  nice  to  have  a  little  extra  support."               she  scoffs  at  his  question,  shaking  her  head.  while  ben  did  have  a  point,  isla  trusted  him.  she  trusted  that  he  wouldn't  use  his  prescription  improperly  and  trusted  that  if  he  had  questions  or  concerns,  he  wouldn't  hesitate  to  reach  out  to  her.  "typically,  yes,  i  do  advise  patients  to  take  it  easy  on  pain  killers.  but  i  trust  you  and  if  i  wasn't  one  hundred  percent  sure  you  needed  it,  i  wouldn't  have  suggested  it."  
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oflunas · 3 years ago
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Chris took the bottle, wincing as he squirted it onto his hand and then onto his face. Everything seemed to be red and painful. “Aloe vera…. isn’t there a joke about that?” he mused, trying to keep the pretty woman’s attention. “Don’t be a total moron and fall asleep in the midday heat again, you mean?” 
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                SHE  HUMS  THOUGHTFULLY  as  she  watches  him  as  he  smoothes  it  across  his  face,  giving  a  slight  shrug.  "is  there?  i  don't  think  i've  heard  it."  isla  reached  out  and  points  to  his  nose,  holding  back  a  smile.  "you've  got  some  there  --  but  uh,  precisely.  though,  i  wouldn't  quite  call  you  a  moron.  i  might've  fallen  asleep  under  the  sun  a  few  times  myself."  
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oflunas · 3 years ago
When: dusk/night where: The Cavity  who: @maplestarters
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“Alright, before you say it I’m well aware this is weird. But trust me I wasn’t scoping this place out by volition—I’ve had my share of summer nights here alright— I got lost.” Flashlight beamed in all directions even his own, to accent his seriousness, “But true as legend goes, I did hear something in there…a flash caught my eye.” 
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               "I  WASN'T  GOING  TO  JUDGE  YOU."  isla  says  nonchalantly,  pointing  her  flashlight  downwards  and  away  from  her  face.  "in  fact,  i'm  glad  i  bumped  into  you.  i'm  also  lost  so...  i  guess  we  can  help  each  other  out?"
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oflunas · 3 years ago
[TXT]:  what? i have a 50 and a 25, that’s 75 spf protection [TXT]:  i’m good at math 
[TXT]:    christopher [TXT]:    i  see  that  you  are  good  at  math  --  excellent  actually [TXT]:    but  the  sun  does  not  care  that  you're  good  at  math [TXT]:    you're  still  wearing  just  50  spf.  which  is  more  than  most  people  tbh  so  good  job
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oflunas · 3 years ago
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Chris let the woman observe him, smiling slightly as her eyes glanced over him. “Until then i have to just look like a cherry tomato?” he joked. “Sure, i’ll take a little. It can’t get worse, right?” 
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                 "HERE,"  she  says,  handing  him  a  travel-sized  bottle  of  sunscreen.  "it  shouldn't  get  worse  as  long  as  you  don't  fall  asleep  outside  again.  but  if  you  have  some  aloe  vera  at  home,  it  might  help  to  put  some  on."
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oflunas · 3 years ago
Ray was grateful for her. She was steady and calm energy, it’s what he needed, and he sat heavily next to her. He was just quite at first, his head a rush and unsure how to share things that were that personal.
“Bad dreams.” He said, wanting to be vague because talking about seeing his late husband was still very hard.
“I’m finding it almost impossible to sleep. The stress…” He kept his gaze down. “It’s a lot.” Ray admitted. 
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                DARK  HAIR  BRUSHES  AGAINST  his  shoulder  as  isla  rests  her  head  against  it,  linking  their  arms  together.  she  listened  to  him  closely,  taking  note  of  how  vague  he  was  being  and  knowing  she  shouldn't  pry.  "have  you  tried  melatonin?  it  might  help  keep  you  asleep."  isla  doesn't  remember  when,  but  she  must  have  begun  loving  him  at  some  point  because  all  she  wanted  was  for  him  to  be  happy.  the  love  she  had  for  him  was  past  friendly,  but  nothing  more  than  familial.  "would  having  company  at  night  help?  you  know  i  don't  mind  staying  with  you,  right?"
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oflunas · 3 years ago
[TXT]:  factor 50, just as the doctor ordered [TXT]:  if you wear two sun creams is it like double protection? 
[TXT]:  good [TXT]:  and  no,  chris [TXT]:  are  you  asking  out  of  genuine  curiosity  or  because  you  tried  it
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oflunas · 3 years ago
​BEN ;
“Really? I thought decals were only for cars.” He shrugged, having just heard that word around a lot and figuring they were different.
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“Now that you mention it, hot topic is probably not way off.” Ben said, of the cat that was holding up a middle finger. “They sold really good tank tops. Great to work out in.” He said of his teenage, emo self.
Ben scrunched up his nose at her stickers, but did as she said, sure enough it bounced colors around as the sun hit it directly. “Much more special than mine.” He had to agree, “Though that one is a scratch and sniff.” He said, pointing to the tire that smelled like actual goodyear tires.
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                HER  BROWS  RAISE  when  ben  points  out  the  scratch-and-sniff,  shaking  her  head.  there  was  nothing  ben  could  do  that  would  convince  her  to  smell  a  scratch-and-sniff  sticker  that  looked  like  that.  "no  offense,  ben,  but  if  it  doesn't  smell  like  fruit  or  flowers...  i'm  not  gonna  risk  it."
                isla  reaches  for  and  successfully  grabs  her  bottle  from  ben  as  she  feels  her  phone  vibrate  in  her  side  pocket  --  a  reminder  that  she  has  other  things  to  do.  "now,  come  walk  me  to  my  car  like  a  gentleman,  benedict."  she  says  in  a  playful  tone,  placing  an  emphasis  on  his  name.  "i  have  something  to  give  you."  it  was  a  small  gift  --  a  rather  spontaneous  one,  too,  but  she  felt  it  was  right  after  their  most  recent  interaction.  
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oflunas · 3 years ago
CHRIS ; / @ohxchris​
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[TXT]:  psst [TXT]:  did you remember spf today  🙈 [TXT]:  no but really, how’s your sunburn
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oflunas · 3 years ago
“I am in love with the simple idea of us.”
— Unknown (via quotemadness)
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oflunas · 3 years ago
[TXT]: He wouldn’t have to diet so much if he agreed to work out with me
[TXT]: Operation: retrieve the vodka is go
[TXT]: Only if I get to pick the movie!
[TXT]:  what  movie  are  you  thinking [TXT]:  can  we  watch  mamma  mia  🥰 [TXT]:  i  promise  i  won't  yell  at  you  when  i  get  to  ray's  if  you  say  yes
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oflunas · 3 years ago
[TXT]: He wants a salad?
[TXT]: Do they have salads there?
[TXT]: Says he’ll settle for a chicken sandwich and fries
[TXT]: On it 👍
[TXT]:  a  salad?? [TXT]:  what  an  old  man.  who  gets  a  salad  when  they  get  takeout? [TXT]:  i'm  assuming  he's  also  having  beer [TXT]:  should  i  get...  cookies?  i  kinda  feel  like  bothering  ray  all  night [TXT]:  we  could  put  a  movie  on
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oflunas · 3 years ago
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Alex closed her eyes. She wasn’t good with blood at all and she happily took the comfort. “I work up at the well being retreat, it’s a occupational hazard i guess. Tripped over some gym equipment.” She took a deep breath, knowing if she opened her eyes she was going to get dizzy again.  
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                SHE  WORKS  QUICKLY,  going  through  the  typical  routine:  clean,  protect,  wrap.  "i  see,"  isla  decides  to  continue  making  small  talk,  "do  you  like  your  job  there?"  soon  enough,  she  has  alex's  hand  all  taken  care  off.  "can  you  open  and  close  your  hand  for  me?  i  just  want  to  make  sure  it  isn't  limiting  your  mobility  too  much."
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oflunas · 3 years ago
[TXT]: medium thx
[TXT]: I’ll just drink water
[TXT]: Ray says he has beer
[TXT]: And I know he’s hiding bottle around here if you need something stronger
[TXT]:  find  the  bottle.  i  don't  care  what  it  is [TXT]:  i  just  need  something  strong  if  i'm  going  to  be  stuck  with  you [TXT]:  no  offense,  you  know  i  love  you [TXT]:  also  ask  ray  what  he  wants,  i'm  leaving  work  soon
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oflunas · 3 years ago
[TXT]: That would be lovely, my dear. I’ll venmo you some money for it. 😍💗💓💘💝❣️😻🥰💖
[TXT]: Ray stood no chance
[TXT]: I’m sitting on him now
[TXT]: I want a triple cheeseburger
[TXT]:  i  shouldn't  get  you  anything  🤨 [TXT]:  but  since  you  need  to  be  properly  nourished  to  heal  and  im  a  good  nurse... [TXT]:  large  or  medium  fries? [TXT]:  and  what  do  you  want  to  drink
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oflunas · 3 years ago
[TXT]: 🙉
[TXT]: BOLD of you to assume I can’t take both of you
[TXT]: lsakjdlasjdf
[TXT]: This is Ray. I told him he gets his phone back when he apologizes to you or sits still for 10min. I think we’ll be here all night.
[TXT]:�� don't  underestimate  me  benedict [TXT]:  i  will  singlehandedly  take  you  down [TXT]:  ray,  you  absolute  angel.  i  promise  i  will  take  him  off  your  hands  soon [TXT]:  should  i  bring  takeout?  tell  ben  he  can  starve
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