oflcstmcmories · 4 years
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oflcstmcmories · 4 years
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oflcstmcmories · 5 years
Did you see QUENTIN BECK from MARVEL walking around Limbo? The MALE looks like JAKE GYLLENHAAL, and is THIRTY-FIVE years old. I’ve heard he can be BRILLIANT but also RECKLESS. When I think of them I think of EMPTY CUPS OF COFFEE AND PAPERS ALL OVER THE TABLE, BRUISED KNUCKLES, A DESIRE FOR REVENGE. They’ve been here WITH their memories as a ENGINEERING PROFESSOR at LIMBO UNLV for TWO MONTHS. I heard they’re seeking a sanctum.
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he’s taken from right after the moment he died in london - after being accidentally shot by one of the drones and dying in front of peter parker.
to those of you that don’t now him yet - this is my favorite drama queen, mr. quentin beck, who also goes by the name of mysterio.. and is literally the biggest drama queen you’ll ever meet (he lives for revenge)
alright, so..quentin used to work for tony stark and created B.A.R.F - which happened to be a very interesting piece of technology (quentin’s life work, as he will very often put it), until tony named it B.A.R.F and when quentin insisted that it was worth much more, that it could change lives.. tony fired him, eventually sending him down a path of self-hatred, revenge and bitterness, which created the man he is today
he created his own team of tony stark renegades and eventually, they managed to steal edith from peter parker, using it to fulfill quentin’s dream of becoming the next iron man - hence why he created the mysterio persona (like i said, drama queen)
eventually, he .. died in london, after trying to pull the biggest stunt yet. (i’m kinda hoping he’s still alive and somehow managed to fake his death, but as of now, quentin believes he died and was brought here.. he also thinks requiem is hell) at the feet of peter parker, his one great enemy but managed to put one last trick before going - he revealed peter’s identity to the whole world, with the help of his team of idiots .
quentin’s life is pretty much the same as it was before - he was a failed engineer, who was fired by his former boss after going a little bit insane after his boss taking his former project from him and naming it his own. after that, he started working on his own as an engineer, hoping to one day build something grand that would make him more famous than his former boss. 
(the wife and family backstory wasn’t a fake, at least in my opinion, considering he’s still wearing his ring even when he’s not playing mysterio).
wanted connection: his wife, im me for more details if interested, can be anyone from the mcu universe, considering she’s a canon character.
  he feels terrible about it and believes it was his fault but.. quentin has come to realize that he can do nothing about it but move on. it hurts, it does, but.. he knows he has to do it.
he still keeps up the mysterio facade and helps people whenever he needs to, but.. he has stopped believing that a threat as big as thanos will ever come by, in order for him to step up and become the next iron man.
still.. he’s trying and has perfected his illusion tech in the few months he’s spend in here.
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oflcstmcmories · 5 years
i’m still working on finishing quentin and richie’s intros but until then, please give this a like and specify muse if you’d like a starter from the following:
quentin beck - mcu
richie tozier - it
diana prince - dc
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oflcstmcmories · 5 years
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i’m a crumpled up piece of paper lying here, ‘cause i remember it all too well.
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oflcstmcmories · 5 years
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Did you see DIANA PRINCE from DC COMICS walking around Limbo? The FEMALE looks like GAL GADOT, and is THIRTY-FIVE years old. I’ve heard he can be LOYAL but also RECKLESS. When I think of them I think of BLOODY SWORDS, GOLDEN ARMOR, BELIEVING IN LOVE. They’ve been here WITH their memories as a OWNER at LIMBO ANTIQUE CENTRE for TWO MONTHS. I heard they’re seeking a sanctum. 
so... hello, yes, the name’s aj and i’ll be playing my three children for now (no self-control here, so they’ll probably be thirty instead of three soon enough) and here’s diana!
i think everyone might be familiar with who she is but basically, diana prince is an amazon, daughter of zeus and queen hippolyta! she lived her whole life on the amazon island, right until a certain steve trevor came and swept her off her feet (kidding).
she followed steve trevor into the world of man, knowing very well that she could never come back into her home but.. as someone who had always had a desire to be more, to destroy ares and be the great hero that the amazons always talked about, diana didn’t hesitate. she did with a heavy heart, knowing she could never see her mother again.
(insert the plot of the wonder woman movie here) so, after defeating ares and losing steve trevor, diana closed herself off to the world, believing she could never love again.
she’s here seeking a sanctum right after the death of superman!
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oflcstmcmories · 5 years
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oflcstmcmories · 5 years
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D i a n a of T h e m y s c i r a ♡ requested by @rogeers Be careful in the world of men, Diana. They do not deserve you.
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oflcstmcmories · 5 years
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How deeply are you sleeping or are you still awake? A good friend told me you’ve been staying out so late
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oflcstmcmories · 5 years
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i tried not to upset you let you rescue me the day i met you i just wanted to protect you                … but now i’ll never get to
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oflcstmcmories · 5 years
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favourite character meme  ♡  [1/1] characters | richie tozier
wait, can only virgins see this stuff? is that why i’m not seeing any of this shit?
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oflcstmcmories · 5 years
please ignore everything below this post.
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oflcstmcmories · 5 years
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 of course beck knew exactly that she wasn’t married anymore, exactly why he had this plan to get to her instead now. a heartbroken widow could also be the best target. “Oh, I am sorry to hear that. I hope you are doing alright with that, if not I heard talking with strangers about it helps.” he said and smiled lightly at the other. “Pepper it is.”he then said and kept the charming smile on his face. Taking a sip from his drink he then listened to the other again and smiled lightly. “Exactly, if we would have meet we would know.” he said, he really was hoping that this plan would work out. of course he knew Peter would be a little in the way but once the other would be head over heels for him beck knew that there was nothing peter could do. “I know yeah, but I kind of got used to living here now. That really sounds crazy, it must also be pretty weird to suddenly see your daughter all grown up.” the man said and smiled. “It would not surprise me either yeah, this place truly is strange.”
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                         was she alright with it?      not really, no, but.. pepper had never been one to complain, especially not to strangers. her heartbreaks were her own - her pain was her own.. but still, there was something about quentin that told her she could trust him, no matter how weird that seemed, considering they had just met. perhaps she should have thought better about all if it - what good ever came out of telling a complete stranger your problems in the middle of a bar? - but for a moment, she wanted to not think that much about it. she wanted to be happy, even if it was only for a little while.        “i’m not alright with it. i mean, what wife would be alright with her husband having no idea of who she is? i suppose it would have been worse, if my daughter wasn’t here to help. i don’t know what i would have done without her, to be honest with you. morgan is.. my everything, even if she’ll probably drive me insane one of these days. she’s her father’s daughter, through and through. i can.. i can only hope that doesn’t lead her to an early grave, like it did with him. ”      
                nodding, pepper returned his smile, before turning her attention to her drink. perhaps she shouldn’t have been holding back from meeting other people in here, because if she had done it sooner, she might have met quentin earlier. “i know, this place.. is not so bad. after skrulls and titans and invasions, i can gladly welcome some peace.”  smiling at him, pepper moved in a little bit closer, suddenly interested. he was different , she knew that much, but. so was she. after all, who came out of fighting in a giant battle like the new york one without being completely different?  “it is. morgan claims i was there through it all but.. i wish i could remember it, you know? i’m glad some version of me was there with her, though. “ turning to him, pepper placed her chin against her hand, not taking her eyes off of him. “what about you, quentin? what do you here? i mean, it doesn’t seem fair that you know everything about my life here and i don’t know anything about yours. where did you come from? a strange world, like this or somewhere completely normal?”
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oflcstmcmories · 5 years
☆ [ Khalid Lyric Starters ] ☆
Because some of these lyrics are too gorgeous not to use.
"I just like the way it feels when you're around."
"So you're still thinking of me?"
"Give me your heart 'cause I ain't gonna break it."
"Run away with me.'
"Honey, I forgot to mention.."
"You'd rather speak more than listen."
"I'm so entranced by you it hurts."
"That made me feel like I'm just speeding, doing 60 in a 35."
"We're sitting in a car and just holding hands."
"Love to see you shine in the might like the diamond you are."
"Now, I know we're not dating, maybe soon, by the way things go,"
"I'm on the other side, it's alright,"
"Just hold me in the dark."
"I cannot give you everything."
"No one's got to know what we do, hit me up when you're bored."
"You say we're just friends but I swear when nobody's around..."
"Keep my hand around your neck,"
"Are you feeling it now?"
"I got so high the other night, I swear to God, I felt my feet leave the ground."
"Nothin' feels better than this."
"Turn off the lights."
"If the love feels good and it's real, it'll all work out."
"What's fun about commitment?"
"We're so in denial of breaking up."
"Every time I look in your eyes I'm back in love."
"I've waited all my life for someone like you."
"I'll make sure I leave the door unlocked."
"Now I'm on the way, swear I won't be late."
"I'm here outside when you're ready."
"I feel like there's nothing for me here but still I try."
"Let's plan a road trip, me and you."
"My family doesn't like you anymore 'cause they know about our history."
"Got me sittin' by my phone, I've been waitin' for hours."
"We're young, dumb, and broke."
"But for you, I got something to prove, what do you say?"
"I would die for you."
"Got a lot of time, I just need somewhere to spend it. So I might as well swing over to your place."
"You take me to places I've never known."
"Pick up your worries, and throw them out the window."
"I lost my mind when you left me."
"I'm in love with the moment."
"My love if yours,.if you're willing to take it."
"I've never felt like this before."
"I apologize if I'm movin' too far."
"Can we just talk?"
"I'm not the best at showing my emotions."
"They don't care about you the way that I do."
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oflcstmcmories · 5 years
Some sinday prompts centered around deadly sins other than lust for muns who may not ship or write smut!
Send me a number and I’ll write a starter centered around the sin of:
1- Pride
2- Wrath
3- Greed
4- Gluttony
5- Sloth
6- Envy
Send a symbol to find my muse:
🍟 Eating a bunch of junk food
🍶 Drinking too much alcohol
🛌 Laying in bed all day
⚔️ Picking fights
💰 Spending too much money
💵 Exploiting others to make money
👀 Power-hungry
🔥 Enraged
💪 Bragging about themself
😇 Unable to admit their faults
😓 Putting themself down in comparison to someone else
🖤 Glaring at someone else jealously
👿 + add your own!
Add + ↩️ to any prompt for my muse to find yours!
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oflcstmcmories · 5 years
@shcpcrsistcd​ - natasha romanoff.
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                  carol didn’t know what to do. she felt lost - without a purpose, without a gain and.. after yon-rogg arrived in everly, it got even worse. she had been doing her best to avoid him but until then, it was about to drive her mad. grabbing a few pizzas and a bottle of wine, carol made her way to natasha’s apartment, knocking twice, before waiting for an answer.  natasha was one of her closest friends - the only good friend she had in here and after everything that had happened, she needed to talk about it with someone or.. she’d be going mad sometime soon. if there was anyone who would understand, it was natasha.  she was sure of it. when the other opened the door, carol grinned from ear to ear, holding up the wine bottle and the pizzas. “feel like taking a break from everything and just having a girl’s night? listen.. you remember my old commander? the one who.. well, you know, lied to me for six years and still pretended to be in love with me? yeah, well, he’s here and.. i need to talk to someone about it, before i end up blowing up something.. hopefully not the school. you in?”
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oflcstmcmories · 5 years
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“You see, I was once like you. A common thief. Only I thought bigger. Steal an apple, and you’re a thief. Steal a kingdom, and you’re a statesman. Only weak men stop there. You’re either the most powerful man in the room, or you’re nothing. ”
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