ofjustine · 4 years
𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐄  𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐀  ;   𝓉𝒽𝑒  𝑜𝒹𝒹  𝑜𝓃𝑒  𝑜𝓊𝓉    ››   𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄  +  𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒  .  
               people  always  said  that  running  from  your  problems  NEVER  worked  .  that  eventually  ,  somewhere  down  the  line  ,  everything  would  eventually catch  up  .  &  ,  possibly  ,  be  worse  than  if  you’d  just  dealt  with  it  in  the  first  place  .  but  those  people  never  understood  .  they  didn’t  UNDERSTAND  how  hard  it  was  to  face  the  demons  that  had  taken  up  residence  in  ones  head  .  they  didn’t  understand  what  it  was  like  to  tackle  it  when  NO  ONE wanted  to  accept  the  fact  that  you  were  no  longer  the  perfect  daughter  -  girlfriend  -  friend  -  everyone  wanted  you  to  be  .  it  was  EASIER  ,  for  everyone  ,  to  pretend  as  if  nothing  was  wrong  .  it  was  easier  ,  for  everyone  ,  to  RUN  .  america  was  meant  to  be  the  solution  ,  it  was  meant  to  be  her  FRESH  START  .  she’d  put  5260 kilometres  between  her  & everyone  &  everything  she  knew  —  everything  that  had  happened  .  but  those  people  ,  no  matter  how  much  she  didn’t  want  to  believe  them  ,  were  right  .  things  ALWAYS  caught  up  with  you  in  the  end  .  it  was  impossible  to  run  from  memories  whose  volume  could  not  be  turned  down  & a  heavy  ache  in  your  leg  that  would  NEVER  go  away  .  they  were  with  her  ALWAYS  .  &  she  should  have  known  .  the  universe  hadn’t  been  kind  to  her  ,  why  would  moving  to  another  country  make  ANY  difference  ?  it  always  be  there  ,  waiting  .  but  this  was  a  whole  different  level  of  FUCKED  .  out  of  all  the  sports  teams  ,  she  had  to  be  given  THIS  .  not  football  ,  not  gymnastics  ,  not  even  swimming  ,  but  the  ICE  HOCKEY  team  .  the  knot  in  her  stomach  hadn’t  eased  since  the  moment  she’d  been  given  the  news  .  anything  else  but  that .  she  hadn’t  stepped  foot  in  an  ice  rink  ,  not  even  just  OFF  the  ice  ,  since  she  was  18  .  it  was  the  LAST  place  she  wanted  to  be  in  the  world  .  the  mere  thought  of  stepping  through  the  front  doors  was  enough  to  cause  a  tremor  in  her  hands  .  but  no  matter  how  often  she  went  back  to  the  head  of  her  program’s  office  ,  pleading  that  there  MUST  be  somewhere  else  she  could  be  placed  .  there  was  no  getting  away  from  it  .  there  was  no  running  ,  no  avoiding  .  not  without  going  back  home  to  parents  that  found  it  easier  for  her  to  be  here  .  it  was  ,  after  all  ,  easier  to  pretend  as  if  your  daughter  wasn’t  struggling  to  simply  get  through  the  day  without  breaking  down  when  she  was  5260  kilometres  away  .  it  was  easier  to  tell  EVERYONE  that  she  had  made  a  full  recovery  when  she  wasn’t  there  to  expose  the  lie  .  &  not  without  passing  up  another  opportunity  .  it  was  EVERYDAY  a  younger  student  got  to  get  hands  on  experience  .  she  HAD  to  keep  going  .  she  had  to  figure  out  a  way  to  force  herself  to  step  through  those  doors  &  act  like  she  wasn’t  SECONDS  away  from  breaking  .  but  it  was  easier  to  talk  herself  into  it  ,  to  act  like  it  was  doable  ,  when  she  wasn’t  standing  in  front  of  doors  of  the  agganis  arena  .  her  heart  felt  as  if  it  was  going  to  give  out & the  only  thing  keeping  her  hands  from  trembling  was  the  tight  grip  she  had  on  the  strap  of  her  duffle  bag  .  it’s  just  a  building  ,  a  building  with  an  ice  rink  that  has  NOTHING  to  do  with  you  .  .  .   but  why  then  was  it  so  hard  to  get  her  feet  to  move  .  she  wanted  to  run  .  she  wanted  to  go  home  &  hide  under  a  pile  of  blankets  until  the  sickness  in  her  stomach  passed  &  the  throbbing  of  her  ankle  subsided  to  the  quiet  ache  once  more  .  but  if  there  was  ONE  thing  all  this  had  taught  her  ,  it  was  how  to  act  like  NOTHING  was  wrong  . &  if  there  was  one  thing  she  hated  more  than  the  feeling  twisting  her  stomach  into  knots  ,  it  was  being  LATE  &  who  knew  how  long  she’d  been  lingering  out  here  starring  at  the  doors  .  it  took  a  minute  ,  for  her  weight  to  shift  between  her  feet  & her  fingers  to  readjust  upon  the  strap  of  her  bag  ,  before  she  stepped  forward  .  
              after  YEARS  of  avoiding  everything  to  do  with  the  one  thing  she’d  loved  most  in  the  world  ,  being  inside  an  ice  rink  was  like  a  punch  gut  .  & if  it  hadn’t  been  for  the  task  ahead  of  her  ,  she  wasn’t  sure  if  she’d  been  able  to  put  one  foot  in  front  of  the  other  as  she  navigated  her  way  to  the  locker  rooms  .  she  was  going  to  be  5  minutes  late  .  not  quite  the  introduction  she  wanted  to  make  on  her  first  day  but  that  could  easily  be  remedied  by  an  excuse  that  she  got  LOST  .  no  one  needed  to  know  that  she’d  been  terrified  of  stepping  foot  through  the  front  entrance  .  there  were  some  advantages  of  being  new  &  NON-AMERICAN  after  all  .  just  breathe  —  in  &  out  —  one  for  in  front  of  the  other  —  you’re  still  alive  .  it  was  a  constant  pep  talk  in  her  head  but  the  further  she  left  the  ice  behind  her  &  the  NOISER  the  ruckus  that  spilled  out  of  the  locker  room  into  the  hallway  became  ,  the  easier  it  was  to  focus  more  on  the  nerves  that  came  with  the  fact  she  was  about  to  step  into  a  room  full  of  boys  & not  just  ANY  boys  ,  bloody  HOCKEY  boys  .  she  was  convinced  they  had  bigger  egos  than  the  rugby  players  she  knew  back  home  &  she  didn’t  doubt  AMERICAN  hockey  boys  were  any  different  .  it  only  took  a  few  steps  into  the  locker  room  for  eyes  to  begin  to  find  her  .  she  would  have  thought  it  would  take  at  least  a  little  while  for  them  to  notice  ,  she  wasn’t  exactly  TALL .  she  doubted  she’d  even  come  up  to  the  shoulders  of  most  in  the  room  .  but  she  was  the  ONLY  girl  in  a  sea  of  22  men  —  so  maybe  it  shouldn’t  have  been  much  of  a  surprise  that  after  the  boys  at  the  edge  of  the  room  clocked  her  walking  into  a  locker  room  she  didn’t  belong  in  spread  the  word  .  her  chin  rose  a  little  higher  as  more  eyes  focused  on  her  ,  even  if  hers  stayed  directly  upon  the  coach  at  the  front  of  the  room  .  who  ,  finally  ,  lifted  his  eyes  from  the  clipboard  in  hand  as  the  room  grew  quieter  .  “ ah  ,  miss  delacroix  .  nice  of  you  to  finally  join  us  .  ”  she  allowed  a  sheepish  grin  to  spread  across  her  lips  as  her  fingers  adjusted  upon  the  strap  of  her  bag  once  more  ,  “  sorry —  i  got  a  bit  lost  .  i’m  not  use  to  such  a  BIG  campus  .  ”  if  she  didn’t  feel  out  of  place  before  ,  the  lit  of  the gloucestershire  accent  sure  separated  her  from  the  boston  lit  in  the  coach’s  .  but  the  coach  was  already  waving  her  off  as  he  continued  ,  most  likely  in  hopes  to  rein  in  the  boys  once  more  .  “  this  is  justine  delacroix  ,  she’ll  be  helping  cade  make  sure  you  lot  stay  OFF  the  benches  due  to  injury  this  season  .  ”  the  clipboard  snapped  to  his  chest  before  he  gestured  back  out  the  door  she’d  just  come  through  ,  “  i’ll  see  you  all  on  the  ice  in  5  .  ”  her  heart  faltered  within  her  chest  but  the  small  lapse  was  covered  as  she  stepped  aside  to  free  up  the  space  in  front  of  the  door  as  the  room  once  more  erupted  into  movement  .  on  the  ice  .  she’d  HOPED  they’d  start  in  the  gym  or  just  about  ANYWHERE  else  to  begin  with  ,  but  she  was  being  thrown  straight  into  the  deep  end  .  she’d  be  as  close  to  the  ice  as  she’d  ever  been  & though  she  knew  she  should  have  followed  after  the  coach  &  cade  —  who  she  assumed  was  the  team’s  physio  —  she  couldn’t  quite  bring  herself  to  move  after  them  .  who  knew  a  boy’s  locker  room  would  actually  be  a  place  she  WANTED  to  be  — even  when  it  was  filled  with  20  hockey  players  .
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ofjustine · 4 years
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ofjustine · 4 years
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Dollface S01E04: Fun Friend ( 2019 - )
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ofjustine · 4 years
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Waves (2019) Directed by Trey Edward Shults
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ofjustine · 4 years
I push away the people I want the most in my life, and I tell myself that it’s because I need to learn to live without attachments. But deep inside, all I want, is for someone to resist my efforts at pushing them away and tell me I am worth holding on to, even when I’m acting like a complete idiot.
itsczarine7 (via wnq-writers)
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ofjustine · 4 years
…I had so much fire in me and so many plans…
Claude Monet (via wordsnquotes)
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ofjustine · 4 years
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ofjustine · 4 years
。· . ˙  ☀ ⌈ ester expósito + cis female + she / her + the fallen angel ⌋ yo , have you meet that KOOK , justine delgado , yet ? — no ? well , to give you a little heads up before you do , they’re a TWENTY-ONE year old , PHYSIOTHERAPY COLLEGE STUDENT , and have been coming to coston for NINE YEARS . since i’ve known them , they’ve reminded me of EARLY MORNING ALARMS THAT PULL YOU FROM A FITFUL SLEEP , A TWISTED & DARK PATH LEADING YOU TO AN UNKNOWN LOCATION , FIGURE SKATES HIDDEN AT THE BACK OF THE WARDROBE UNTOUCHED FOR YEARS , FAKING IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT , CONSTANT REASSURANCES OF ‘I’M FINE’ TO SAVE OTHERS FEELINGS & A SMILE THAT DOESN’T QUITE REACH THE EYES . usually they’re quite OBSERVANT & COMPASSIONATE but just make sure you keep an eye out for them around town because i heard can be quite RETICENT & DISTRUSTFUL as well so here’s hoping they aren’t the ones to undo this whole peace pact they have going on this summer . but just between you & me , i kinda hope it all falls apart . the rivalry keeps this whole boring town interesting .
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trigger warnings for infertility , injuries , accidents & depression
before one can get into all that much about justine delgado , you have to know that justine’s story started long before she was even born. you see her parents — danielle & samuel delgado — were one of those couples that wanted a child more than anything in the world by sadly , for some reason , could not have one of their own . they tried for years before resigning themselves to the fact that it was just not meant to happen naturally & though adoption was on the table, there was more more option that they could try . ivf . that’s right , justine delgado is an ivf baby !
ivf in itself wasn’t the easiest road & it took a couple of rounds but on the 14th of september danielle & samuel delgado welcomed the child they’d been wanting more than anything in the world into their lives. justine delgado was a miracle baby & because of that here parents doted on her completely , she was their world & they were hers .
it was obvious from the start that justine was special . she wasn’t just a simple happy child with a small twinkle in her eye. the twinkle burned furiously and brightly , she was a bright light that filled any room she stepped into . though maybe it was what her parents had instilled in her from an earlier age that helped her grow into such a person because you see her parents had always told her to reach for the stars and that in the end if she liked who she was as a person , at the end of the day , that’s all that truly mattered . they worked hard on making sure she was confident in herself . she was without a doubt a soft person but when it came down to it justine was unapologetically herself . she knows her values , her beliefs , her abilities and her worth and i doubt there’s a person that could have ever sway her or make her change her mind .
thanks to the values & beliefs instilled in her by her parents , it was no surprise that justine excelled in almost everything that she did . once she set her mind on achieving something she didn’t stop until she reached it . she was a perfectionist through n’ through & though it aided her in excelling there was no denying that it was also one of her downfalls , she could never do things half heartedly or allow herself a moment to breathe until she was happy .
but for all the things she’s done , there’s only ever been one thing that’s she cared about most in the world . figure skating . since her parents first enrolled her into classes when she was 4 she’s known that it’s the only thing she’s ever wanted to do in life & being able to compete in the olympics was her ultimate goal . a goal she dedicated her whole life to .
her whole life revolved around figure skating . if she wasn’t at school she was at the ice rink training on & off the ice for 4 hours a day . & though she had a solid group of friends around her that did every so often manage to convince her to take a moments rest her social life was almost near non-existent . the olympics were the only thing that mattered at the end of the day , something that was highly achievable thanks to her quickly rising through the levels & winning competition after competition .
though , her plans shifted a little when she was around 15 . the planned had always been to go to the olympics as an individual but after her coach suggested that maybe she could excel in pairs justine’s goal changed course & eric daniels became an important person in her life . he was going to help her win that gold medal & if justine was honest , there was something about doing pairs that skating on her own had never come close to touching .
everything in justine’s life was on track . her & eric were dominating their competitions & were always top of the leader board . there was even talk of them attempting to qualify for the 2018 winter olympics . but one moment , one second , was all it took for justine’s world to come tumbling down .
it was a lift she & eric had done thousands of times before , but a mere second of being out of balance caused it to result in an accident no one could have seen coming . justine ended up with a fractured ankle & a concussion .
the two injuries weren’t exactly the most uncommon in the skating world but this was different. almost everything in her ankle was ruined . tendons , ligaments , bone — and even after surgery it was career ending thanks to also being diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome ( crps ) . justine’s dream of going to olympics was torn from her , leaving her completely lost . without figure skating , she didn’t know who she was or what in the world her life was going to be like now that everything had changed .
at 18 justine was at a loss , having zero plans other than figure skating & watching her friends all go off to college , affected her severely . she lost herself and allowed her crps to take over her life — crutches & pain killers made it just possible for her to walk anywhere . justine was a shell of herself and in the end her parents had to intervene & after countless doctors , pain specialists , physio and psychologist appointments , justine got off her crutches and slowly but surely got some of her life back . walking around and managing to do simple daily tasks was enough to bring back some light back into her eyes .
just around the time after her 19th birthday justine attempted to put her skates back on , after all the doctors never said anything about never being able to skate ever again , but it seemed her physical injuries  weren’t the only thing plaguing her . stepped out onto the ice brought back memories of the last time she was on the ice & since that day , she’s never stepped foot back into the ice rink that was once her whole life . she hated that something she once loved now terrified her .
she knew she had to start focusing on something else & the fact that her parents were also starting to ask questions about her future , justine finally decided to give university a go . she saw her friends having the time of their lives & thought maybe getting out there & experiencing things she’d never let herself experience completely due to her dedication to figure skating would do a world of good for her . but instead of going to college with her friends , justine enrolled in a university in england . thinking a fresh start where no one knew her would do her some good , so after being accepted into her chosen field of physiotherapy , she was off.
but no matter how much progress she’s made , there’s still a large part of her that has zero clue about what she’s doing or who she really is without figure skating . however , due to not wanting anyone to worry & wanting to appear like she’s doing okay she paints a mask of the girl everyone wants her to be , the old her . the girl that knew who she was inside & out , the girl that never put a foot wrong , the girl that hadn’t been through any trauma . she was easier that way after all , she didn’t come with ’ issues ’ no one really want to hear about , not even her parents , & it seems as though everyone’s buying into the perfect facade she’s built .
though she was born in cheltenham , england , due to her father’s work the delgado family moved to chicago when she was only about 3-4 years old & has been living there ever since . however , they do travel to england & spain a lot to visit family .
after her family were invited down to one of her father’s colleagues summer house in coston one summer , her parents fell in love with the place & bought a house there when justine was about 12 . since then , they’ve been coming down each summer ever since .
though justine has always enjoyed her time at coston , she’s become less & less enthused about going each summer . since she’s just finished her 2nd year at uni in england she’d much rather just stay in england with the friends she made over there but her parents believe it’s better for her to come back & be with her family rather than allowing her to do who knows what in england .
even though her parents never forced the level of perfection justine sees for herself , after justine learnt that she was an ivf baby she’d put a lot of pressure on herself . she feels like ... her parents literally PAYED a shit ton of money to have her ... & she doesn’t want to let them down so !! perfection !! it’s !! gotta !! be !!
the type to look put together 24/7 . even her comfy clothes look like something out of a fashion magazine ... pls chill the hell out & look a mess for once in you life , i’m BEGGING
her parents may love her but .... there’s no denying that there is a part of them that wishes that justine doesn’t .... have the ‘ issues ’ she’s dealing with . they kind of just ... pretend they’re not there & hope it goes away . news flash parents , they’re gonna be there her whole life !!
even though she is at her a core a caring , loving & compasionate person who would do anything for the people she loves , she can come across as quite cold , disinterested & seems like she’d be a bitch if we’re being HONEST . but she just has her walls built so gd high that she finds it hard to let a lot of people in , believes that it’s better to keep people at a distance bc then they can’t hurt her like previous people in her life !!! 
talking of people that have hurt her (: she’s only ever had 1 boyfriend in her life & everyone thought they were going to be those cliche high school sweethearts but turns out the boy was a DICK & everything fell apart when justine had her accident bc he just didn’t want to deal with all of that & uh .. cheated on her & then blamed it all on her bc she was ‘ hard to deal with & he didn’t need that toxicity in his life ’ basically just made her feel p worthless & i hate him (:
literally HATES being touched & is terrified of heights bc of everything that happened on the ice ): has problems with intimacy & just ... can’t deal with it all bc all she gets is images of that day on the ice when her world turned to SHIT . she just has a hard time trusting people because the last people she let into her life that had a hand in her life ... shattered that trust .
even though she’s studying physiotherapy she is currently not 100% sold on it & is kinda just .... doing it because it’s something to do & appeases her parents need of her to have a bright future even if she just wants to .... cry 
is more or less in some sort of pain every day due to her crps but for the most part she deals with it . though it sometimes does get TOO MUCH & she retreats into herself
on a happier note , she has a bengal cat called kovu that she loves with her whole heart & he means the world to her . would be devasted if anything happened to him bc he’s kinda ... keeping her going bc who’s gonna look after him if anything happens to me . has been flying him back & forth from england to america
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ofjustine · 4 years
Due to personal reasons I’ll never be trusting anyone again.
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ofjustine · 4 years
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La La Land (2016) dir. Damien Chazelle
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ofjustine · 4 years
I can’t talk about it because if I talk about it that means it matters. If it matters that means it’s real, and if it’s real that means it’s going to hurt.
I can’t talk about it. (via insanely–crazy)
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ofjustine · 4 years
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603 notes · View notes
ofjustine · 4 years
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2K notes · View notes
ofjustine · 4 years
I am afraid to show you who I really am, because if I show you who I really am, you might not like it – and that’s all I’ve got.
Sabrina Ward Harrison (via lcmongrass)
12K notes · View notes
ofjustine · 4 years
Her eyes said more than words can say.
(via difficult)
456K notes · View notes
ofjustine · 4 years
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3K notes · View notes
ofjustine · 4 years
I have this strange feeling that I’m not myself anymore. It’s hard to put into words, but I guess it’s like I was fast asleep, and someone came, disassembled me, and hurriedly put me back together again. That sort of feeling.
Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart (via
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