offxxmyxxchest · 3 years
I wish someone had saw the signs sooner in me. Maybe then I would have gotten treatment for my depression sooner than college, and actually been able to graduate
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offxxmyxxchest · 3 years
I think I’m autistic, but I don’t know if I’m just faking it
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offxxmyxxchest · 3 years
I don’t know what I believe in anymore
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offxxmyxxchest · 3 years
the only times I’m truly at peace is when I’m high
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offxxmyxxchest · 3 years
I haven’t regressed in what feels like forever and it’s killing me with stress
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offxxmyxxchest · 3 years
I wish I could just shut myself down sometimes and not exist for a day
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offxxmyxxchest · 3 years
The only reason I went to a “normal” college was because my parents promised to help me pay for art school if I graduated with a “real degree”.
I’ve never regretted anything more.
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offxxmyxxchest · 3 years
The pandemic saved my life. If I had to spend one more day in my family’s house, around my mother, I think I would have killed myself with how depressed I would have become. 
Getting to quarantine with my new gf gave me the strength to distance myself from my family and I’m never going back.
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offxxmyxxchest · 3 years
I am 1000% sure that my mother verbally and emotionally abused my siblings and I. I feel like I was dealt the worst of it because she sees so much of herself in me, and she hates herself. 
But god forbid I ever say anything to her about it. I can’t even bare to be in the same room as her without becoming horribly anxious.
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offxxmyxxchest · 3 years
some notes
this blog is mostly just for personal uses, as a way for me to confess things that I’m admittedly too cowardly to say out loud in my real life.  These posts are open to being reblogged, if you particularly relate to them! You’re also free to submit your own thoughts that you’re afraid to admit publicly. 
Otherwise, please be kind. 
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offxxmyxxchest · 3 years
I’m not sure if I actually love you, or if I’m just reacting to your happiness.
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