Said something bout you being happy if I eat all the gold apples and black apples don't know why
Don’t do this. I’ll not be happy. Night’s lying to you. Those apples are dangerous, don’t eat them.
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Noot gave it to me and a golden one
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Hehe *she pulls out a black apple*
... Why are you with a black apple? Who gave it to you?
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Ok, I’ll give it to him. Thank you again.
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Hey gwive this to noot *gives moon pendent*
You want me to give this to my brother?
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Becwase you saved me from noot
Oh. Thank you.
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Ok *she gives you a sun pendent*
Hn? Why are you giving it to me?
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Thwank you dreamy *the baby is now safe I think)
**He took you somewhere away from NightmareMay** No need to thank me, and if she comes back you can look for me, I’m here to protect you.
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*nightmare uses one of their tentacles to wrap the child and bring them to her*
**Dream shots your tentacle with a Crossbow and takes the child back, he ran away from you and is prepared to shit you again if necessary**
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Do I look like I care... NO I DONT -nightmare may ( meanwhile the lil kid is shaking)
**Kuuream holds Baby May in a protective way using his aura do calm her** I’m not letting you hurt her, go bother somebody else.
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I was gonna feed off the kids negative energy and you ruined it -nightmare may
Leave the kid alone, it’s only a baby.
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You ruined it!! - nightmare may
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Some where I die and everyone left me and me in a asylum and I see you where dreamy *tears fall down the baby's face* where you...
Hey hey, calm down **He holds you and makes his aura stronger to calm you down** I’m here ok? Those were just nightmares. It’s okay.
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Thank chu dreammmyy ohhh and I been having bad nootmares anddd I met nootmare *the lil baby eats the chocolate*
You meet Nightmare? What kind of nightmares are you having?
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Mmm chocolate pweaseee
**Searches on google if it’s okay to give babies chocolate** Hum... Ok. **Gives you chocolate** 
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Feed mehhh pwease - baby may
Wha- Who let a baby here? What do I feed a baby?
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........................ hi.
First Post.
Hello. I’m here. 🔪
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