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officialgreifswald · 2 days ago
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officialgreifswald · 4 days ago
I don't know if anyone knows what's going on in Austria right now except for the, like, three Austrians here, but a) it's objectively hilarious and b) can maybe serve as a lesson to our German neighbouring conservatives how NOT to go about this.
So. We had parliamentary elections on September 29th, 2024. The FPÖ, the far right party led by a guy named Kickl, won with about 28% of the vote. The conservatives had about 26%, and came in second.
What usually happens then is that the Austrian president then nominates someone to form a gouvernment. By law, he can name ANYONE he chooses. He could name some rando from the streets. He could name ME. Traditionally, however, and because gouvernment should have a majority in parliament to be effective, he names the leader of the party that just won a majority in the election. But since nobody has over 50% of the vote, they need to form a coalition to have a majority in parliament.
The thing is, Kickl is a very divisive figure, even for a far-right party leader. His followers love him. But not only does the president despise Kickl, but the entire 72% of the Austrian population who didn't vote for him hate his guts with a fiery passion. This includes most other politicians and definitely the then chancellor and conservative party leader, Nehammer. They all think he's an unreliable, arrogant asshole.
So the president basically says to Kickl, "Look, prove to me that anyone will even consider forming a coalition gouvernment with you, and I'll nominate you to form a gouvernment."
Kickl fails at this because, have I mentioned this, everyone hates his guts. He spent the last five years insulting and degrading everyone and now nobody wants to work with him, surprise Pikachu face.
So the conservatives, who for parliamentary math reasons know they HAVE to be in the next gouvernment, are like, "Yay, now we're up." So they start talks with the socialists and the liberals. Talks drag on. It's Christmas by this time, and they're all, Yeah, we love each other, it's gonna be FINE.
Shortly after the new year, news breaks that they can't agree and negotiaions are off, mostly because the business lobby part of the conservatives were all, "You know what, the FPÖ's economic programm is more to our liking, we should deal with them."
The chancellor, Nehammer, who's also leader of the ÖVP (the conservatives), nopes out at this point, because he hates Kickl's guts and he actually seems to have a conscience (gasp!). So the ÖVP elects a new leader and starts negotiations with the FPÖ.
At this point, Kickl does a victory lap, talks about how he WON (he got 1,5% more votes than the ÖVP, and the vast majority of Austrians, like I said, HATE him), and how he was first and therefore he has a MANDATE and the ÖVP needs to recognise that they're second place and how they should basically bow down, kiss his feet and thank him for the mercy of exisiting.
That's the point where we make popcorn and see how far the ÖVP is wiling to humiliate itself to stay in power (which, btw, they are GUARANTEED to do because, you know, parliamentary math). In the beginning, everything seems rosy. There's harmony because both hate women, the queers, foreigners and poor people, so there's a lot of common ground here. Meanwhile, we all slightly panic because the things that are leaking out are BAD. Like, BAD. Like, 'ignore the European Court of Human Rights' bad. Like, 'Vote against Russian sanctions' bad.
So some people in the ÖVP are like, You know what, this isn't FUN for us. Last time you guys were much nicer, seems Nehammer was right, you guys ARE dicks. And some of the things you want are, yanno, kinda nuts. So dial it back a bit, ok?
FPÖ is like, nope, our way or the highway. ÖVP are like, ok, so let's be serious here, guys. We need an absolute minimum of guarantees that you won't turn completely nuts.
So Kickl does what every seasoned party leader with the unique and once in a lifetime chance to become Austria's first far right chancellor (barf) would do. He takes his ball and goes home.
So now, guess what's happening?
We're back to talks between the ÖVP, the socialists and the liberals.
And this time it seems the ÖVP is actually taking it seriously because they realised that hey, the crazy Nazis are actually, you know, crazy, and, you know, Nazis.
So we might actually have a gouvernment before Easter.
And now our ÖVP probably future chancellor is in the news being all, "So shocking that the far right won big in Germany, but they're all unreliable jerks who can't govern constructively anyway." Which. Like. Surprised nobody. Except him.
I hope for our German siblings that your politicians will spare you this comedy of errors and won't discover the hard way that the far right are *checks notes* bad. Also Nazis, which are also *checks notes* bad.
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officialgreifswald · 4 days ago
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officialgreifswald · 10 days ago
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officialgreifswald · 16 days ago
mē, tangō leviter Miētte cum latus pedīs meī: Miētta, dēmovēre ut nōn incurrere in tē
Miētte, cum oculōs ēius magnōs: tū CALITRĀS Miētte? tū calitrās corpus ēius sīcut follis? ēheu! ēheu! carcer prō Mātre! carcer prō Mātre prō Singula Mīlla Annōs!!!!
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officialgreifswald · 16 days ago
After finishing the Wahl-O-Mat read Die Partei Standpunkte as a treat. Here are some of the highlights
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officialgreifswald · 17 days ago
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Germany right now
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officialgreifswald · 18 days ago
es ist ein ganz normaler samstagvormittag. ich ziehe meinen bollerwagen über das kopfsteinpflaster. drinnen klappern kabelbinder, wahlplakate und eine lädierte trittleiter.
plötzlich öffnet sich im zweiten stock einer stadtvilla eine balkontür. thorbert, 41, beginnt mich und meinen bollerwagen zu beschimpfen. korrupt sei ich, sagt er. ob ich denn geld für diesen mist bekäme. und außerdem, was heißt denn überhaupt "netto"? oder "wirtschaft"?
ich verzichte darauf, ihm das konzept von korruption zu erläutern, oder gar wahl-slogans. stattdessen biege ich um die nächste ecke, um thorbert einen kanzlerkandidaten direkt vor die haustür zu hängen.
es dauert einen moment, dann öffnet sich oben erneut ein fenster. thorbert hat seinen posten am balkon verlassen, um weiter zu schreien. seelenruhig knote ich meine kabelbinder fest.
neben mir hält paul, ein junger mann mit baby im tragetuch. thorbert solle doch runter kommen, wenn er reden wolle, sagt paul. thorbert hält davon nichts, möchte ihm aber trotzdem mitteilen, dass paul eine flachpfeife sei. zwischen den beiden entspinnt sich eine debatte um meinungsfreiheit.
in der stadtvilla gegenüber öffnet sich ein weiteres fenster. horst, 68, findet, dass wir alle gern über politik reden können, aber bitte nicht in dieser lautstärke!
das plakat hängt mittlerweile ordnungsgemäß an der straßenlampe. während mein bollerwagen und ich weiterziehen, geht ein stockwerk über thorben das nächste fenster auf. zu den leiser werdenden stimmen von thorbert, paul und horst gesellt sich gerda. was sie uns mitteilen möchte, höre ich nicht mehr.
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officialgreifswald · 18 days ago
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Die besten Fakten als Buch 👉 Ehrliche Nachrichten auf 👉
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officialgreifswald · 21 days ago
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Angela Merkel coming out of retirement to shame Friedrich Merz
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officialgreifswald · 25 days ago
Die Künstlerin:
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Das Kunstwerk:
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"Hier sehen wir ein Bild im Stile des postmodernen Neokubismus, angesiedelt im Spannungsfeld zwischen gesellschaftlicher Erwartung und Selbstverwirklichung. Das Medium Erde, freigiebig über die Markierungen des Kugelschreibers verteilt, eröffnet dabei den Diskurs über eigene Grenzen im Kontext rigider moderner Lebensstrukturen."
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officialgreifswald · 25 days ago
"Hier sehen wir ein Bild im Stile des postmodernen Neokubismus, angesiedelt im Spannungsfeld zwischen gesellschaftlicher Erwartung und Selbstverwirklichung. Das Medium Erde, freigiebig über die Markierungen des Kugelschreibers verteilt, eröffnet dabei den Diskurs über eigene Grenzen im Kontext rigider moderner Lebensstrukturen."
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officialgreifswald · 25 days ago
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Like to charge, reblog to cast
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officialgreifswald · 25 days ago
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officialgreifswald · 27 days ago
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Fandom: RPF (Politik)
„Du, weil Christian das Du vielleicht zurücknehmen könnte, aber an diesem Punkt auch kein Sie mehr verdient hätte. Weil er Olafs Respekt sowieso längst verloren hat. Und das noch bevor er vor Olaf auf die Knie gegangen ist.
Nicht um zu betteln. Sondern um sich das abzuholen, was er verdient hat.
[Weil humiliation kink an diesem Punkt noch die logischste Erklärung für Christian Lindners Verhalten wäre.]“
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officialgreifswald · 30 days ago
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officialgreifswald · 1 month ago
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Like to charge, reblog to cast
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