official-enjolras · 9 months
“How can we take down this flag and erase the honor of those proud Americans-”
Confederates weren’t Americans. They were actual, honest-to-god Not Americans; that was the whole fucking point of the Civil War. They were a bunch of people who collectively said “fuck America” and then spent years desperately fighting in order to not be Americans anymore. Flying the Confederate flag doesn’t honor Americans, it honors Confederates, and they don’t exist anymore because they lost the war, so there is no goddamn point to this flag ever at all. Right-wing folks really love to talk about “anti-American sentiments” and “treason” until it comes to the (white) people who actually did commit treason and were anti-American in every sense of the word. 
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official-enjolras · 9 months
can we take a moment to just think about how incredibly scary magical healing is in-context?
You get your insides ripped open but your friend waves his hands and your flesh just pulls back together, agony and evisceration pulling back to a ‘kinda hurts’ level of pain and you’re physically whole, with the 100% expectation that you’ll get back up and keep fighting whatever it was that struck you down the first time.
You break your arm after falling somewhere and after you’re healed instead of looking for ‘another way around’ everybody just looks at you and goes “okay try again”.
You’ve been fighting for hours, you’re hungry, thirsty, bleeding, crying from exhaustion, and a hand-wave happens and only two of those things go away. you’re still hungry, you’re still weak from thirst, but the handwave means you have ‘no excuse’ to stop.
You act out aggressively maybe punch a wall or gnash your teeth or hit your head on something and it’s hand-waved because it’s ‘such a small injury you probably can’t even feel it anymore’ but the point was that you felt it at all?
Your pain literally means nothing because as long as you’re not bleeding you’re not injured, right? Here drink this potion and who cares about the emotional exhaustion of that butchered village, why are you so reserved in camp don’t you think it’s fun retelling that time you fell through a burning building and with a hand-wave you got back up again and ran out with those two kids and their dog? 
Older warriors who get a shiver around magic-users not because of the whole ‘fireball’ thing but the ‘I don’t know what a normal pain tolerance is anymore’ effect of too much healing. Permanent paralysis and loss of sensation in limbs is pretty much a given in the later years of any fighter’s life. Did I have a stroke or did the mage just heal too hard and now this side of my face doesn’t work? No i’m not dead from the dragon’s claws but I can’t even bend my torso anymore because of how the scar tissue grew out of me like a vine.
Magical healing is great and keeps casualties down.
But man.
That stuff is scary.
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official-enjolras · 9 months
Just released: my unofficial soundtrack for Wii Snorkeling
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official-enjolras · 9 months
hey, @bunjywunjy - this might be your jam (and any other dinosaur enthusiasts, it’s a heck of a read)
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official-enjolras · 9 months
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Last one of the set! Based on the scene in the novels where Kyoshi paints her eye makeup with her own blood because she is a certified badass.
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official-enjolras · 9 months
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Has this been done yet
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official-enjolras · 9 months
free my girl she did the same things as the celebrated male protagonists but the fandom has labeled her irredeemable
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official-enjolras · 9 months
no yeah we've been getting into some role reversal stuff lately it's great. basically we're trying to get her pussy inside my dick
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official-enjolras · 1 year
if we wanna save tumblr we just have to put on the biggest talent show this town’s ever seen
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official-enjolras · 1 year
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official-enjolras · 1 year
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‘Cause everything is rent
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official-enjolras · 1 year
i love when people say they “had a thing” with someone. were u in love? did u have sex? got slushies one time?
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official-enjolras · 1 year
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official-enjolras · 1 year
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official-enjolras · 1 year
And the car door opened
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and a man schtepped out
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official-enjolras · 2 years
Holy shit 
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official-enjolras · 2 years
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