Asher The Fox
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
*White let’s go of Rhea for a moment and approaches Lav… She places a comforting hand on her shoulder…*
Lavender.... You're not weak.
@officialflowercarmel-sundell @official-asher-the-fox
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
*White pulls Rhea close to her... While looking at Lavender with a saddened expression.*
Asher: No, if we couldn't have gotten to her... No one could...
White: All three of you did your best and I don't want to hear that you're weak- You've done all that you could and now, we have to think about what we have to do protect each other.
*Asher looks at White and nods...*
Asher: Flower isn't the only one that's been effected by the Brainwashing Anon.
Lavender.... You're not weak.
@officialflowercarmel-sundell @official-asher-the-fox
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
*White pulls Rhea close to her... While looking at Lavender with a saddened expression. Asher turns away unable to see Lavender like this...*
Rhea holds onto White "hey...."
*White stops sniffing the air for a moment and looks at Rhea with a small smile... She squeezes their hand.*
White: Hey, to you. What's on your mind?
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
*White looks at Meg confused for a moment, but quickly turns back to Asher...*
White: Asher, what happened to Flower?
Asher: ... She's gone! She was taken right in front of us by that... Brainwashing Anon! I don't think she-
*White looks shocked and upset as she hears this... She looks to the ground as Asher looks away, even more upset that they had yelled at their mother... They calm down after a moment and looks at Meg.*
Asher: T-This is Meg... They're not from here, but they helped us find Flower. Even though-
@officialflowercarmel-sundell @lavender-the-security-anon
Rhea holds onto White "hey...."
*White stops sniffing the air for a moment and looks at Rhea with a small smile... She squeezes their hand.*
White: Hey, to you. What's on your mind?
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
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*White is about to say something until Asher, Lavender, and Meg pop up in front of them!*
Asher: What the-?!
White: Asher! Lav!
Asher: White?!
*White embraces her son and looks over Lav... She looks back up at Rhea for a moment to make sure she's okay. Asher looks to be full-on panicking!*
Asher: What the hell?! Why didn't you answer your phone?!
White: What do you mean what happened?!
Asher: ... Flower... She's-
*Asher pauses looking really upset...*
Rhea holds onto White "hey...."
*White stops sniffing the air for a moment and looks at Rhea with a small smile... She squeezes their hand.*
White: Hey, to you. What's on your mind?
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
*White watches Rhea fly... She feels her phone ring in her pocket and hears a three note cheesy ring come from it. Without taking her eyes off from the sky, she takes out her phone but doesn't answer it; looking anxiously up at Rhea...*
Rhea holds onto White "hey...."
*White stops sniffing the air for a moment and looks at Rhea with a small smile... She squeezes their hand.*
White: Hey, to you. What's on your mind?
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
*White grasps Rhea's arm before they can take off... She looks at them with a worried expression for a moment before slowly letting go of their hand...*
White: ... Be careful...
Rhea holds onto White "hey...."
*White stops sniffing the air for a moment and looks at Rhea with a small smile... She squeezes their hand.*
White: Hey, to you. What's on your mind?
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
*They seem to be in a forest of some kind... White's ears twitch and she looks back at the door for a moment...*
Rhea holds onto White "hey...."
*White stops sniffing the air for a moment and looks at Rhea with a small smile... She squeezes their hand.*
White: Hey, to you. What's on your mind?
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
White: Sorry… I’m not as… Young as I-… used to be.
*White manages to stand up and not fall over… She looks around…*
White: Where are we?
Rhea holds onto White "hey...."
*White stops sniffing the air for a moment and looks at Rhea with a small smile... She squeezes their hand.*
White: Hey, to you. What's on your mind?
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
*Asher gives up on the call and throws the phone at Meg! They run out of hiding towards where the door was and spews fire in its direction!*
M!A Flower to lose all of her memories and become unconscious afterwards.
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Poppy was now in the cage. As the room suddenly was bright. As everyone could see that they were in a room but it was connected to something. As Flower's eyes widen. It was behind the Corporation they had escaped from. As Brain grabbed Flower from the cage.
"And now it's time to say goodbye. To them and your memories. Of course can't be permanent. But I've already told the Corp that. Heh! They better pay me a bunch for this!"
As Flower tried to grab the helmet but screams in pain before she could grab it. As Brain dragged the unconscious Flower inside the Corporation. And laughed as Brain looked at Vina, Meg, Asher, and Poppy.
"You're too late! Game over!"
Brain says as she closed a sliding door and locks it.
@official-asher-the-fox @lavender-the-security-anon @lyragotnerfed @graceful-not @officialinvisibleanon
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
Asher: Come on- Pick up the freaking phone...
*Asher whispers urgently as they pull back out of sight, pressing the phone further against the side of their head...*
Someone bumped into Asher.
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"Shoot. My bad. I was trying to get back to Abilene." The person says.
*Asher stumbles slightly and looks up at them in their fox form... They tilt their head, not giving anything away that they could talk and understand them...*
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
*Asher pulls Meg down and out of sight... They peak out and see Vina and Flower in the cage causing a growl to come out of them...*
Asher: We can't do this alone...
*Asher pulls out a phone and presses a couple of buttons before placing it to their ear... They take another peak towards the cage; trying to gauge how Flower and Vina are.*
Someone bumped into Asher.
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"Shoot. My bad. I was trying to get back to Abilene." The person says.
*Asher stumbles slightly and looks up at them in their fox form... They tilt their head, not giving anything away that they could talk and understand them...*
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
Asher: H-hey! Meg! Wait up!
*Asher runs after them!*
Someone bumped into Asher.
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"Shoot. My bad. I was trying to get back to Abilene." The person says.
*Asher stumbles slightly and looks up at them in their fox form... They tilt their head, not giving anything away that they could talk and understand them...*
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
*White straightens after a moment, but groans resting against the door... She tries to catch her breath... *
Rhea holds onto White "hey...."
*White stops sniffing the air for a moment and looks at Rhea with a small smile... She squeezes their hand.*
White: Hey, to you. What's on your mind?
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
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*Before Asher could even make it to where they were planning to go to- The two are teleported into a forest... Asher shifts back into their human form after landing and look around!*
Asher: The hell?! What's going on now?!
Someone bumped into Asher.
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"Shoot. My bad. I was trying to get back to Abilene." The person says.
*Asher stumbles slightly and looks up at them in their fox form... They tilt their head, not giving anything away that they could talk and understand them...*
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
*White runs into the room after them and presses a button on the other side causing metal doors to slam shut behind her... White breaths hard and slumps against the wall. The deep purple aura in their eye fading back to their normal light blue...*
White: Rhea-... Are.... You okay?...
Rhea holds onto White "hey...."
*White stops sniffing the air for a moment and looks at Rhea with a small smile... She squeezes their hand.*
White: Hey, to you. What's on your mind?
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official-asher-the-fox · 3 years ago
Asher: I hadn't seen her in a while... So, I'm not even sure where that would be... Unless...
*Asher thinks for a moment and looks back at Meg...*
Asher: Follow me-
*They shift into their fox form and starts to run...*
Someone bumped into Asher.
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"Shoot. My bad. I was trying to get back to Abilene." The person says.
*Asher stumbles slightly and looks up at them in their fox form... They tilt their head, not giving anything away that they could talk and understand them...*
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