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WELP here’s the project I did for school that I wanna work into a more personal project throughout this summer and in the future as well. I haven’t done a comic in a long time, so there was a lot of experimenting here and I’m gonna apologize ahead for my shaky storytelling cuz writing is not my forte, although I do plan on fixing this up in the future. It’s a sort of prequel to what I wanna do for my zodiac kids, so it was just a lot of messing around with them. Nothing is historically accurate; its psuedo history and fanstasy so hahaHA 
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favorite legendary skins (1/?): mercy’s imp
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Mass Effect: Andromeda Tech Video (x)
so pretty
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Bad things should happen to bad people. We find someone not so bad, maybe he’ll end up not so dead.
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endless list of favorite characters → amélie lacroix
↳“A single death can change everything.”
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you know, the world could always use more heroes
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Sera? Dance with me.
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Grey Hair Don’t Care 💁 Thanks Adam Ciaccia
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↳ The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim scenery [17/∞]
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The way you talk about her, I’m surprised you aren’t still together.
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Night Portrait …circa mid-2015
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This is how you find out I think about Jaehee Kang 24/7.
Being a fan of shoujo manga as I am, seeing people making a big deal of indirect kisses is a common thing lol. Also! I took the liberty of picking an eye color for MC, since there was no way I’d escape that one, haha.
That being said, I hope you liked this little Mystic Messenger comic! I know it was short, but since I didn’t want a comic in B&W, it was all I could do. Besides, this plot bunny has been bugging me for a long time (precisely, since I saw this adorable fanart).
Thank you for reading!
(( Please do not remove caption or use my art without permission. ))
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♈ ARIES //  You watched me limping, wounded, and unfamiliar with the sight of my own blood. You took my gentle hands and placed smoldering coals in their bruised palms. Curled my fingers into a fist so tight that my knuckles turned ghost white and the skin threatened to split open. You said that sometimes, it’s not enough to make them hurt. They have to burn as well. Your scorching touch left blisters. That raw skin grew back thicker.
♉ TAURUS //  You may have been an angel, the way you sat down beside me in the shade with such blissful grace. You hummed a simple something and started plucking absently at the meadow grass. I looked your way with inquisition. You brushed the dirt off my cheek and smiled. Your fingers wove wild flowers through my tangled hair as you sweetly rambled over the softness of each strand, and of how beautiful I looked. And I truly felt I did.
♊ GEMINI //  You woke me at 2am – lightning in your eyes and mischief behind your teeth. You shook the sleep from my limbs, said I didn’t need heavy things, and dragged me far from the bed I’d made. But you let go of my hands just as the storm rolled in, and started sprinting. I realized then you had made me weightless so that I wouldn’t fall behind. We became wind and raced like hurricanes until the sun returned. Now I laugh when I hear thunder.
♋ CANCER //  You led me by the light of moon to the weathered shore, and stopped at the oceans mouth. The sand slowly conformed to the curves of my toes, my feet sunk in ankle deep. You had promised me that this world would always make room for me to stand. The tides rose higher. You kept your fingers laced in mine. With waves now at our throats you said, “It will be okay”. And I was not afraid when the sea finally swallowed me whole. I will be okay.
♌ LEO //  You had to squint through your own blinding rays to see, but once you saw that I felt cold. You sauntered over, cupped my face with smiling warmth and kissed my forehead and cheeks. Bubbling light spilled from your lips as you announced that I was the brightest being you had ever seen. It was empty, I knew that – but for a fleeting moment, I did feel luminous. You had fingers dipped in summer heat. Sunburn lingered where your hands had been.
♍ VIRGO //  You had the most humble touch – almost like a whisper. You placed your hands lightly on my shaking shoulders, and I thought you were a ghost. My left arm was made of glass. It shattered on contact. You simply let me cry, and started sifting through the broken fragments. I apologized, and said you didn’t need to help. But when you placed those pieces in my right hand, I saw the fractures in your own. I felt why your touch was so gentle. You smiled. I understood.
♎ LIBRA //  Your hands are elegant, but they have never really met my own. Not completely, anyway. Because when you turned left, and I turned right. I stepped up just as you stepped down. You only ever smiled when I frowned. It isn’t bad – it’s just balanced. We have met each other, though. It was in the middle place, and only for a second. You waved kindly as we passed, and I think your fingertips may have grazed mine. Something felt like feathers.
♏ SCORPIO //  You have never been afraid of the dark, have you? Or maybe you have, and that’s how you knew I would be, too. Your hands were like that. Like mine. I thought I was alone and stumbled blindly. Frantic hands – I grasped desperately at the nothing in the empty spaces. But when my fingers suddenly felt foreign flesh, I didn’t even flinch. Because although I could not see, I somehow knew whose skin it was. And those places didn’t feel so empty. And I no longer felt alone.
♐ SAGITTARIUS //  You stopped along your endless trek one day, where the air was thin and the ground was cracked. You saw me there, too scared to move, and pushed the corners of my lips into a more positive position. The Earth split open beneath us, but you just took my wrist and spun me ‘round. You lead me in a dance, sparks on your heels. We laughed, and pretended that we weren’t on fire.
♑ CAPRICORN //  You offered a gracious hand to me as I dangled helplessly off the edge of the universe. Feebly straining to grab your fingers, I cried, “I can’t reach” and you replied simply, “You will.” And that pulled out a strength buried deep in my bones. It was not much, but it was enough. You heaved my tired mass the rest of the way – proud that I had come so far. I was full of doubt, but you were right. The view is much nicer from up here.
♒ AQUARIUS //  You asked to read my hands. Hesitant, I held them out flat, and offered an apology. You ignored the sorry, brushed my callouses and called them unique. Then you coated them in dirt and told me to look when my eyes were closed. When I did – I saw that it wasn’t dirt at all. It was stardust. I held the Milky Way, and wept into my open palms. I thanked the air, since you had vanished by the time I dried my eyes. I can still see stars on them sometimes.
♓ PISCES //  Your hands found mine on day one, out at sea. They haven’t seemed to drift too far since. They carry me back to shore when I’m flailing, being toppled by wave after wave after wave. And once when I was particularly determined to dive – you held on and sank with me to the bottom of the ocean. You said that no one should drown alone. That you’d been here many times before and that you’d breathe for us both until I was ready to inhale again. There was never any pressure.
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video game meme: [4/7] video games → Dragon Age (2009 - )  
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i renamed my da icons
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