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you appeared again tonight. sad eyes, 𝓯𝓲𝓮𝓻𝓬𝓮, looking hurt. may you find the PEACE you seek.dependent trixie espinoza for sidekickhq as written by rachel !
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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ANDY: i’m so hype for school to be over. my brain is legit melting. ANDY: can’t wait to sit on a beach somewhere pretty. ANDY: what are ur summer plans?
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trixie: step one, think about how hyped you are for school to end trixie: step two, remember exams are growing ever closer. reevaluate. trixie: jokes ! mostly. i’m gonna be stuck at the hospital most of the summer :(  pls promise to send me all the hot pics
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
‘ if i say ‘backstreet’s back’ and you do not say ‘ALRIGHT!’ we’re not friends. burn in hell, you sick fuck. ’ @ofempyreans !
“There are people in the world who don’t say ‘ALRIGHT!’? Horrible, despicable people.”
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“can you believe there are people in the world who don’t even know who, and what, backstreet even IS?” she mock shuddered ; clearly HORRIFIED at the very thought that the world’s most iconic boyband ( in her most humble of opinions ) was disrespected like that, daily. “i’m not even kidding. apparently the young generation don’t know SHIT about good music.” 
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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being a medic’s assistant was turning out more work than gunnar ever anticipated. the realization also came on the heels of simply seeing how many people had gotten injured in the wake of the mist’s effects — and just how lucky he’d been during them. sure, he wouldn’t consider his father forgetting his existence lucky but — he shakes off the memory, focusing on trixie, on her words. he passes the gauze without much delay, shrugging slightly. “for me, at least, it wasn’t an eventful night. i didn’t see much action, given the lockdown.” he skirts the mention of feeling so scared he felt faint at times and relents a little, giving it to her. “well, i did leave the lockdown after, trying to find my family. it went alright.” another shrug, an avoidant one this time before he clears his throat, asking, “well? how was your night, then?”
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the gauze found its way back into her personal first aid kit, packed away until such a time as it would be needed - and one thing for sure was that with the day in it, it would be used. trixie considered herself, as someone who’d managed not to get injured in the chaos, one of a lucky few. a lot of people had gotten caught in a situation they couldn’t help, especially as there’d been so many people who “lost” their powers, only to end up turning them onto unsuspecting peers. she and gunnar would have their work cut out for them, and the peace was temporary. that much was certain. “that was probably for the better. it was all a bit nuts, and i think...- easier to into bother,” if the fact they were still sat there said anything, it was that. “yeah? and they were okay? - you’ve got... what- a sister? and your dad, right?” was their mom around? or was it the other way around? trixie couldn’t be sure. “i walked around with my wings out, thinking that they were gone, so... not so good. but i’m sure it could’ve been worse.”
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
* closed task starter for / @oncmanarmy !
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“this makes a change.” there wasn’t much of a break in people for her to get a word in - but the minute that there was, trixie took full advantage. it was nice to see gun under the current circumstances, even if THEY weren’t so good ( a lot of people had managed to hurt themselves, in the chaos, and even more had managed to hurt others ). made a difference to the usual, at least. “can you hand me that gauze, there, please?-” she motioned to one of the rolls, absently packing unused equipment away as her volume dropped, a bit, and she continued with the smallest of smiles, “all that i know ‘bout you considered, i’m surprised you’re not one of my patients.” 
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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Jude had had her fair share of gross food. Takeout was always a major food group in her diet, the easiest option when her dad worked late and later, the easiest option besides the cafeteria when she was studying. She’d gotten her fair share of food poisoning as well. “It still doesn’t sound too pleasant. Getting sick never is.”
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“i’m a med student. i think i gotta learn to deal with this sort of thing.” she didn’t dare acknowledge the fact that, while there was some merit to that thought, it was other people’s sickness she had to deal with on the regular. not her OWN. 
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
Being a guidance counselor is one thing, all this paperwork is another. Ugh why is this even a thing? He sighs and looks at the clock, and looks at the door before taking out a brown paper bag. The hero reaches in and pulls out a tupper with apple pie, that his wife oh so amazingly made him. He’s about to dig in when he hears a noise outside. 
“Uh hello?” He calls out. 
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“just me, sorry-” it was hard to adjust to having her wings again ; though she’d never really lost them, the feeling had been... so real. she wasn’t hiding them, for now - she didn’t want to NOT know if they were there anymore, at least not for a little while - but it was hard to judge things. hence... the books that fell from a shelf as she moved, clattering to the floor. “i didn’t realize i was so close to them.” 
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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❝ yup, andy, bathroom girl. ❞ she grins, even though it falls flat. she wants trixie to feel as good as she does. trixie doesn’t look great, but andy doesn’t say such a thing. it’s obvious, anyway. she’d always been a charming thing and being that entailed not asking the obvious questions even when you really, really wanted to. her eyes, however, can’t help but focus on trixie’s wings. they’re beautiful, she thinks. it’s not surprising in the least. trixie was a beautiful soul. it makes sense that her wings would reflect that. ❝ lost them ? is that a metaphor or something, because i’m not getting it ? ❞ they’re very much so present, but trixie could mean in some symbolic way, for all she knew. maybe she did something bad and was now going to stripped of them. or was that just a tv show… ? ❝ i’m so great, trixie. so great. i finally got my powers under control. it feels fantastic. ❞
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bathroom girl. if she was in the right state of mind ( so to speak ), then she would have found that funny. not in a mean way, of course, but... she would have found herself chuckling, and she would have said something about how...- how andy wasn’t defined that way for her, or something. something good. nice. THOUGHTFUL. now, she just let’s out a little exhale of breath, the smile she had fixed in place beginning to falter. it was nice that she wasn’t crying, again - that her emotions weren’t all over the place. trixie was glad, in some far reach of herself, to see her so put together after their first meeting. “they’re gone. i don’t- don’t know where, but...- but i lost them.” she didn’t know what she had done to deserve it, either, but she wasn’t in the right enough mindset to be able to explain that the only possible explanation for them being TAKEN from her was, of course, a sin. “that’s so nice. you deserve it, andy. no wonder you feel-” her emotions. the very vibe she was giving off. “so... good. do you...- do you think it’ll last?”
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
he was wandering– though the wide eyes gave away his feelings at the moment. Having a sense taken completely away… Jax never did well with weakness, he went to great lengths to escape feeling weak. Even when things got rough, he had a handle on things. There was no denying it usually. Now? He kept running his hands over his ears and head, desperately wishing he could HEAR the friction rather than just feel it. He didn’t realize his groan that escaped, still not accustomed to the feeling of his vocal chords working without hearing the result. He didn’t care, he could walk into the storm or some crazed person and just let whatever happen. What would he do without his hearing? Not even a muffled sound remained, it was all… Gone. There was nothing. After perhaps a half hour, the panic was rising. He could only handle so much in himself. Usually he could talk himself down from any sort of major break and manage his emotions with the help of his powers. Now though…. It all seemed to bubble up stubbornly. It wouldn’t stop. It kept coming and coming until it rose into his throat. Rushing into one of the empty classrooms he passed, holding his hands on either side of his head, his heavy breath turns into sobs. The tears surprise him, since it’s been so long. But they’re there. As he slides down the wall, unable to control the crushing wave of emotion that over took him, nor the level of noise he was making, the tears were certainly there. [ @ofempyreans ]
she’d gotten separated from jax somewhere at the beginning of this whole fiasco and that...- was probably for the best, once the storm had settled and the mist had crept inside. it wasn’t like her to lose her head in a crisis, but - as far as she knew, her wings were GONE. after the car accident that had killed her ( technically ; the fact she remained kicking was enough for trix to brush it off ), she had awoken different. more in touch with heaven, she supposed, than she’d ever been before. the wings that had sprung from her back - glowing white and classically feathered, bigger than she thought they had any right to be - had been the biggest indication that trixie had of her new difference, and everything that had come after as a consequence of her newfound ANGELHOOD had been secondary to the very first part of this new identity she had. losing them - or believing them to be lost, as the case was - meant losing the most defining part of her self, and though her other gifts remained... the lack of wings made her sure that they, too, would fade over time. whatever she had done - whatever SIN she had committed for the gift she had been given to be taken away, so swiftly - trixie couldn’t say, but she had fallen onto the side of ‘shock’ quickly, and feeling more isolated than she ever had before, it stood to reason that she wouldn’t be any help to anyone - especially not jax. so why was she there? how had she found him? trixie didn’t know, exactly, how she had put one step in front of another and found her way to him - she was on autopilot, and finding her way less consciously as she was by the thoughts and feelings of those around her. someone was in distress. everyone was in distress. but she forced herself up from the corner she’d sunk into in her ‘safe room’ and she had started on this journey that had led, in time, to jax - tearful and broken in an empty classroom. tearful and broken because...- because something had happened, she could feel it, and though the loss of her wings had catapulted trixie into shock, they couldn’t blind her to her own empathy. overuse of what remained would mean losing what was left, even quicker. she knew it. whatever residual gifts had stuck around, stubbornly, without her wings - they’d leave her, if she wasted them. but jax was crying. he was sobbing, a far cry from the confidently smirking man that he had been, and...- and if she hadn’t reached out, if she hadn’t willed a wave of calm to wash over him, then didn’t that make her something cruel? something even less worthy than she had been deemed, for angeldom? she didn’t know what was wrong, but she allowed the feeling of peace move ahead of her as she crept into the room and eventually sunk to her knees, before him - one hand reaching out, almost blankly, to rest upon a tear stained cheek. all the better to help.
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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he’d pulled out all the stops for her, that was for sure. there wasn’t a chance he was about to screw over perhaps the most interesting person he’d come across in years. yes, jax was most definitely interested, and he’d made that fairly clear in his actions. he met her in a floral suit, velvet embroidered with colorful blossoms in an effort to go with the theme. of course, in his eyes, it was nothing compared to her. she exuded grace, and the first time he saw her he sucked in a deep breath as if in preparation to wow her. he’d try, at least. it wasn’t often he wondered if it would work, but now? now he wondered. as she started to dance in front of him, his laugh was bright and he took it as a challenge, “oh, you don’t think i will?” he cocks his head, standing to meet her, bobbing his head in sync with her shoulders, “well watch out– oooh!” he does a quick turn, “cause I go hard.”
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he was... well - to be honest, important. he exuded the same energy that trixie had come to recognize in lucifer, and she wasn’t sure how deep it ran ; but she knew that she was far from off base in that analysis. she was woefully aware of the fact that, in comparison, she was a lowly... med student, mortician’s assistant, middle class wonder. take your PICK, really. and jax was - flashy. his expression always molded with the sort of charming disregard that cameras would pay big bucks to snap, every inch of his being tailored to perfection - like the suit, tonight. but he was INTERESTING, too. he had something that ran deeper than all of that. if trixie was wise ( or self conscious ) she’d have found a way to get out of this, or done her best to be a bore. if she’d thought herself unworthy, she would have. but she WASN’T, and she didn’t, and she liked the way he watched her, and she liked the laugh that bubbled up past his lips - giggling in her own right as he stood. that taught HER to doubt someone, she supposed ; and with a laugh like bell chimes, she clapped her hands together. “ohh, he can dance - and suddenly, i think we’re a little mismatched,” of course they were, but that didn’t STOP her from wiggling a little more, every step confident in spite of the heels, “i mighta started something i won’t be able finish.”
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
closed event starter / @ofempyreans !
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❝ oh, trixie, right ? ❞ andy recognizes her instantly. some people never forget a face. she never forgets an act of kindness. she’s casual in a way she rarely is. andy feels carefree. she feels, in her heart, that her powers are gone, and… it’s reassuring. ❝ are you sick like the others ? ❞
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"hm?” it’s a simple hum, and pretty far from a confirmation. trixie doesn’t...- there’s so much going on around her, so many feelings, so many of her own attached to the loss of her WINGS - she doesn’t feel right, and she stares blankly back at the girl speaking to her before pieces fall into place and she recalls where exactly she saw her last. “andy?” everything is... wrong. everyone’s emotions are HAYWIRE. but andy - when she’d met her, she’d been crying. now she seemed... together. “i’m ok,” she’s in a version of shock, actually, smile of reassurance that doesn’t reach her EYES in place. “i lost my wings, but...-” they’re on her back. for the first time, fully unfurled - ornate and glowing with the softest of heavenly lights. but she doesn’t see them. it seems like the beginning of the end, for trixie. “but i’m ok. you look- better. are you better?”
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
* closed stater for / @fxllenpriince !
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her date was gorgeous. he was, and she’d said it, and she heard OTHER people saying it as they’d walked in, her arm in his, and as they’d roamed around, saying hello’s like they were in a medieval court and doing the rounds. he was absolutely drop dead worthy, with the suit cut to fit the lines of his body perfectly, and that charming smile that seemed FIXED in place. and she was, you know, confident enough in herself to be aware that at least in regards to looks, she was worthy of being on his arm - she was beautiful, and she’d known it before he’d said as much, and she was safe in this knowledge that they were evenly matched. which they were. in literally everything but in the enthusiasm she had when it came to dancing. “i’m gonna do it-” finally tired of sitting like a QUEEN at his side ( he made her feel it, just with his royal presence ), trixie hopped up ; holding her dress bunched together at her waist as she moved the few feet out onto the dancefloor, turning to face him as she started to sway, goofily. “i’ll dance right here, in front of ya.” shoulders bopped to the beat, cherry lips mouthed to the song that was playing, limbs started to move just a smidge out of tune.
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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*   spring   fling   2019   /   TRIXIE   ESPINOZA   !
accompanying   :   ajax   (   @fxllenpriince   )
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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“the devil and i share notes,” he shoots her a wink, of course oblivious. he doesn’t miss a beat, mostly because he’s better than most at shoving emotions away, “and if you want, I’d be more than happy to let you in on a secret or two we share. more interesting than all that,” he waves a vague hand, smoothly offering an arm to her, “is that tempting enough for you?”
“really?” she gave him a look that might have seemed IMPRESSED, if it weren’t for the shit eating grin that had wormed it’s way onto her face, in spite of herself. “you and he must be good friends.” and though she finds him funny, finds that easy confidence and extravagant flair entertaining in a way he wouldn’t understand, just yet, there’s something else to his charm that makes her reach for him - looping one arm around his, easily, batting lashes as she replied, all trademark CASUAL, “maybe so - though i think you’ll be hardpressed to tell me something that he hasn’t, already.”
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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“Does it?” Selene asked. Since they were young. resentment for their parents had grown within them, no matter how many times they reminded themselves that they had been given a choice in which parent to live with and ultimately choose wrong. “I believe that hell watched, at least a little. However, that’s more on my father’s profession than anything I may have done.” They said with a shrug. “It’s certainly something I would not wish for.”
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“i think the kids say ‘MOOD’, nowadays,” came a wry response, trixie’s thoughts straying to her childhood - and the unique profession of one of her fathers and most of her parents friends. overseer of hell aside, it was hard to live a normal feeling life when everyone was probably thrice blessed or some shit, and the big man had his eyes on them. “what do kids do when they have relative freedom, anyway? is it all candy eating and fun, or...?”
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
@ofempyreans said: ‘ i’m gonna eat all this chili … and / or die trying . do you want any ? ’
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“No, I’m good, I think.” Jude furrowed her brow, vaguely disgusted. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? I wouldn’t want you to get sick.” 
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“i think i’m safe enough. stomach of steel,” she patted her belly, heartily, though she had still yet to dig in - thoughts maybe dwelling a bit too much, too long, on that exact fear. “i mean... worst that can happen is a couple stomach cramps, right?”
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
* closed starter for @fxllenpriince / “birth is a curse. existence is a prison.”
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“sounds like you’re taking a leaf out of the devil’s notebook.” read as: calm down, edgelord. she had grown up with lucifer. she knew what a him thing to say was, even if jax didn’t - and though the sentiment is vaguely concerning, she also knows that if lucifer were to have been the one who said it, it would only be so he could be over dramatic. “i don’t suppose you want to talk about it?”
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ofempyreans-blog ¡ 6 years ago
* closed starter for @mementomoriisms / “i had no supervision when i was a kid.” 
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“sounds like a dream. i had WAY too much-” a brief pause as she thought about her words and her childhood, trixie’s lips twisted as she amended the statement, “i guess i had the right amount for the sort of child i was. but STILL. do you know what it’s like to have heaven, hell and in between - all looking at you?” she shook her head, lips pursing, as if it were a BAD thing or something that bothered her when the contrary was the truth. “ridiculous.” 
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