ofcrxwns-blog · 8 years
how about no
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
*french moustache on* bonjour
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
mary worried too much, but one of them had to be like that, for the sake of both. god only knew what could have happened if they had been found. he didn’t even want to think about it, he just wanted to spend the little time they had, with her and her only. that’s why he was so hardly trying to ease her worry. her touches on his skin make him smile despite everything.
“you do. you always have.”
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                              it was known to both that they never had too much time                               together, that was exactly why mary decided to drop the                               matter, knowing francis would only keep reassuring her                               (and she still wouldn’t be convinced). she just wanted to                               be with him. she forced a rather convincing smile --ever                               the politician-- and sighed slowly, resting her cheek                               against francis’ chest, just breathing him in for a few                               moments, remaining silent. softly, very softly, she spoke                               again.
                                                     ‘ i love you, alright? no matter what. no matter                                                        risks or politics or-- anything. i love you. ‘
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
the mere thought of letting mary go again was too painful for him; he needed her in his life, he just couldn’t function without. she was a part of him, he knew it. no matter how it always felt as if she was about to slip away, he held onto her and didn’t want to let her go. not again.
a small smile curves his lips as she touches his face and he nods, as his hands find her hips almost on their own accord.
“i know, it’s alright. it’s not your fault, you’ve got nothing to be sorry for, my love.”
                           even though he tried to reassure her, she knew it wasn’t alright.                            it wasn’t fair for them to always have mary worrying about her                            duties, about the fact that, yes, she’d do whatever was needed                            for scotland and to keep her country safe. she’d do whatever                            was needed even if it meant leaving francis, no matter how bad                            she ached with the mere thought of it. gentle hands cupped                            francis’ cheeks, thumbs caressing over the skin.
                                                       ‘ i just wish i could give you everything you deserve. ‘
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
 francis’ grin spread a little bit as he realised mary had given up on their argument; she still refused to turn to him, but he knew she was no longer mad at him. he knew her so well, and yet he was surprised every time she let her walls fall down, every time she let him in.
he felt her lean back against his chest, and immediately his grin softened, turning into a loving smile, as his thumbs caressed the back of her hands.
he can’t help but holding his breath as she whispers that; no matter how many times she had said those words, to him, it always feels like the first time.
“i know you do. i don’t know what i did to deserve your love, but i know that.”
as she turned, he looked right into her eyes, while leaning in to tenderly brush his nose against hers.
“are you still mad at me?”
he asked, even if he knew the answer.
                            what she felt for francis terrified her, both in the best and worst                             of senses. he thrilled her, he made her challenge HERSELF                             and it was all by choice. god, she was fully aware of what she                             was doing, all of the RISKS she was putting them both in. if                             something went wrong, if they were to get caught, mary knew,                             she was aware, it would be HER FAULT, all of it.
                             and she still kept doing it, she kept going back to HIM and feeling                              at home in his embrace.
                                                           ‘ what DIDN’T you do to deserve my love is the                                                              real question, my love. you’ve done so much. ‘
                             the queen looked at him with a thousand shining stars in her eyes,                              as if he’d put the sun in the sky, as if he moved the moon across                              the sky each night. she smiled gently and somewhat amused,                              nuzzling her nose into his cheek and giving his lips a brief peck.                              then she shook her head, sucking in her lips momentarily.
                                                           ‘ not at all, no. ‘
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
vxlois replied to your post:
o kay i’m leaving u bye
why must u be so r UD E
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
do not touch me without my consent do not touch me without my consent do not touch me without my consent do not touch me without my consent do not touch me without my consent do not touch me without my consent do not touch me without my consent
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
vxlois replied to your post:
……. i cant bout to leave again
dude remember when !!!!!!!!
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
His jaw clenched at that answer, for it was not what he was expecting; it was always like that, with Mary: she loved him, he knew that, but she was always ready to give him up for a greater good. 
That’s what a good ruler would do, but he’s too selfish for that.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry.”
                      it wasn’t that mary didn’t WANT to let herself believe (that things                       could go the way they wanted them to go? that she could find a                       steady, secure happiness again?), she just COULDN’T, found it                       physically impossible. believing had only ever led her to bad                       outcomes and now she was naturally WARY of such a strong and                       dangerous emotion (nearly as strong as LOVE, truth is).
                       she sighed quietly, clearly distressed by the whole situation, and                        closed the distance between them, gently turning his face to meet                        his eyes.
                                                                         ‘ i’m sorry. ‘
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
The boy looks at her through the mirror, the rain outside is hitting agaist the windows, their argument has lasted too long and he hates wasting the little time they have like that. 
He grins, then, at her words and walks to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and leaning in.
“You know how much I love you, I didn’t want to argue, Mary, you know that.”
                             mary huffed, well aware that she was DEFEATED as soon                              as she saw his grin through the mirror. stubborn as she was,                              however, the queen still did not turn to look at him as he                              approached her but, at this point, it was only for keeping half                              of her pride at the very least.
                             she let out a soft hum, gently leaning back against his chest,                              hands placing over his.
                                                       ‘ i KNOW... i love you, francis. i do. truly. ‘
                             with this, she turns around still wrapped in his embrace and                              places her hands at the sides of his neck, thumbs caressing                              over the tender flesh.
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
vxlois replied to your post:“I won’t let you go again.”
[07:40:37 p.m.] Char lie: fuck you [07:40:41 p.m.] Char lie: wow seriously [07:40:43 p.m.] Char lie: I just got back [07:40:55 p.m.] Char lie: Couldn't you give me five minutes to adjust
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
“I won’t let you go again.”
                            the char slays meme edition tbh.status: char.
                                          ‘ there might not be another way, francis....                                            ------- please don’t make such promises. ‘
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
“You groan and shake your head, but you smile, too. It is why I love you.”
                             the char slays meme edition tbh.status: char.
                                       ‘ ---- i can’t be mad at you when                                         you’re being sweet. stop that. ‘
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
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I am the K i n g of F r a n c e
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
i will not apologize for being devastatingly beautiful
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ofcrxwns-blog · 9 years
someday my activity will be good again
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