ofairytales · 6 days
@devi1lute is making me sad about tavern & allie again :(
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ofairytales · 6 days
plotting call. ♡ this post for me to message you to discuss potential interactions & dynamics between our muses ( whether we’ve yet to do it or if you’d just like to plot some more ) !
note: this blog is plot heavy & dynamic based so ooc discussion is the best way to start interactions with me :)
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ofairytales · 6 days
will be adding a couple of new oc's that i've been brainrotting <3
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ofairytales · 21 days
THE MORNING AFTER PROMPTS. a collection of memes derived from the morning after trope, for roleplaying purposes. feel free to edit as you see fit. do not steal (18+). send (reverse) along with any action prompts to swap the assigned roles.
i'm surprised that you stayed.
would you believe me if i said that i don't normally do this?
last night was incredible. i especially liked it when you did the thing.
how long have you been awake?
don't move. i'm comfortable.
what would you say to some breakfast?
i should really go.
i like waking up next to you.
you know, i could go another round. or three.
you look cute first thing in the morning.
i don't think i'm gonna be able to walk today.
what time is it?
i don't think i caught your name.
stop moving.
you talk in your sleep.
you have to leave, right now.
how did my shirt get there?
i'm trying so hard not to kiss you right now.
shut up, i'm trying to sleep.
your feet are cold.
i was worried last night had been a dream.
wanna order food and spoon for a while?
i thought you'd left.
come back to bed.
i didn't want to disturb you.
your phone was ringing.
last night didn't mean anything. you know that, right?
i've been waiting so long for this.
i love you.
kiss. for sender's muse to waken receiver's muse up with a kiss.
spoon. for sender's muse to pull receiver's muse flush against them, spooning them.
breakfast. for sender's muse to bring receiver's muse breakfast in bed.
morning. for our muses to have sleepy, morning sex.
shower. for our muses to shower together.
bathe. for our muses to bathe together.
kitchen. for our muses to prepare breakfast together.
trace. for sender's muse to trace the marks they left on receiver's body.
watch. for sender's muse to just silently watch the receiver's muse as they sleep.
display. for sender's muse to watch as receiver's muse begins to get dressed.
pin. for sender's muse to stop the receiver's muse from leaving the bed.
mouth. for sender's muse to initiate sleepy oral sex on receiver's muse.
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ofairytales · 22 days
millie was born in 2002, the result of a fling between john winchester & a waitress named alicia. john stuck around while ali was pregnant, in a vague attempt to do better than he had with his other children, but unfortunately alicia died giving birth to their daughter.
knowing that there was no way in hell he could raise a newborn on his own, he named her millie, after his mother, & promptly handed her off to bobby singer who promised to find her a safe home. bobby ended up bonding with the baby & decided to raise her himself, instead.
millie grew up knowing that bobby wasn't her biological father, but he was her father in every way that mattered. he did his best to keep her away from the hunting aspects of his life, though he made sure that she knew how to protect herself if it ever became necessary. she grew up knowing sam & dean, but not that they were her brothers.
she was ten when bobby died & her entire world shattered. with no one to take care of her ( as sam & dean were still unaware that she was their sister ), millie ended up a ward of the state. after running away from multiple foster homes, she eventually ended up in a group home where she stayed until she aged out of the system at eighteen.
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ofairytales · 22 days
supernatural, seasons 1 - 5 starters.
the following is a collection of starter sentences from the cw show, supernatural.
i can’t do this alone.
where you headed?
no way i’m telling you.
i have these nightmares, and sometimes they come true.
you’re all i’ve got.
we go after this damn thing, together.
can i help you?
i kind of — i need to talk.
i’ve done some things … not good things.
there’s always forgiveness for us if we seek it.
salvation was created for sinners.
tell me what’s on your mind.
i’ve lied. a lot.
does that make me a bad person?
i know what you are.
you can’t be here.
this is hallowed ground.
maybe that works in the minor leagues, but not with me.
you’re wasting your time.
even if i did know where they were, i wouldn’t tell you.
this is everything i know.
what happened to them is not your fault.
it’s not my fault, but it’s my problem.
it’s not your problem. it’s our problem.
you got any better ideas?
this ends. now.
i’m ending it. i don’t care what it takes.
although i’m not too crazy about this new tone of yours — you’re right.
think real hard. it’ll come to you.
last time i saw you, you fell out a window.
i don’t know what you’re talking about.
this is what war looks like. it has casualties.
i’m gonna kill you, you know that?
sorry? i didn’t quite get that.
what the hell are you looking at?
who said anything about handing it over?
i want to stop losing the people i love.
i just … i just want this to be over.
did you get it?
you know this is a trap, don’t you?
don’t get yourself killed, alright? you’re no good to us dead.
it’s your fight. you finish this.
i want to thank you. for everything.
even when i couldn’t count on anyone, i could always count on you.
i wanted to let you know, just in case.
you kidding me? don’t say just in case something happens to you. i don’t want to hear that speech.
no one’s dying tonight.
i was hoping to kill more of your friends.
you know, i must admit, considering what they say about you, i thought you’d be … taller.
well aren’t you the chatty one?
i can’t believe you just shot me!
i’m so not in the mood for this.
holy water, (name). real cute.
where the hell did it go?
if you had just let me go in there, i could have ended all this.
the only thing you would have ended is your life.
you’re just willing to sacrifice yourself?
that’s not gonna happen — not as long as i’m around.
it’s not worth dying over.
no matter what we do, they’re gone. and they’re never coming back.
sometimes i barely feel like i’m holding it together.
did you really think i wouldn’t find you?
you gonna read me a story?
he begged for his life with tears in his eyes.
for your sake, i hope you’re lying.
you son of a bitch, you promised!
the things i did … it was a nightmare.
i’ll figure something out.
you’re selfish, you know that?
you don’t care about anything other than revenge.
how the hell are we gonna get in?
why are you splashing water on me?
come on. come on, we’ve got to get out of here.
(how are you?) / i’ll survive.
you saved my life back there.
i’m trying to thank you, here.
mad? i’m proud of you.
what the hell has gotten into you?
if you’re so sure, go ahead. kill me.
this was worth the wait.
two wrongs don’t make a right.
i want to know why. why’d you do it?
listen, you mind just getting this over with? ‘cause i really can’t stand the monologuing.
mask all that nasty pain, mask the truth.
you’re not my dad.
it’s inside me. i can feel it.
get back or i’ll kill you. i swear to god.
did i do this?
tell me if they’re okay!
you have to stay still.
i just need to find them.
you look good … considering.
man, tell me you can hear me.
come on, you’re the psychic.
i don’t know if we’re gonna find someone.
so, what? we just sit here with our thumbs up our ass?
well you sure know something.
if there’s only one working part, that’s enough.
you got to help me.
you haven’t called a soul for help.
aren’t you gonna do anything? aren’t you even gonna say anything?
i’ve done everything you ever asked me. everything. i’ve given everything i’ve ever had.
how is revenge gonna help him?
i should have never taken you along in the first place.
you get the hell away from me. stay back!
don’t worry, (name). i’m not going anywhere.
why won’t you look at me?
what’s happening to me?
it’s just a dream, that’s all.
i got to say, i’m impressed.
it’s out of my control. it’s just fate.
you always have a choice.
god, i feel like i’m at a slumber party.
alright, (name). this isn’t gonna work.
i’ll be damned.
oh, it’s good to hear from you.
it hasn’t been the same without you, (name).
you can’t kill death.
there’s got to be a way.
thanks for not giving up on me, (name).
this was the only way i could get you to talk to me.
what the hell do you want to talk about?
death is nothing to fear.
you’re living on borrowed time already.
how stupid do you think i am?
you really want an honest answer to that?
i took you for a lot of things, but suicidally reckless wasn’t one of them.
did you really think you could trap me?
i want to make a deal.
i don’t know how to help you. but i’ll keep trying, alright?
i mean, come on, you can’t … you can’t leave me here alone.
(name), you got to hold on.
you can’t go, not now.
we were just starting to be brothers again.
can you hear me?
it’s an honorable death. a warriors death.
you’re very cute.
there’s no such thing as an honorable death.
i’m not going with you. i don’t care what you do.
how do i know this isn’t just another trick?
oh, (name), i’m offended. don’t you trust me?
so we have a deal?
what are you doing that for?
you got some kind of angel watching over you.
you really don’t remember anything?
i had some things to take care of.
why don’t i believe you right now?
can we not fight?
half the time we’re fighting, i don’t know what we’re fighting about.
i just don’t want to fight anymore, okay?
(name), are you alright?
you shouldn’t have had to say that to me.
i put too much on your shoulders.
i made you grow up too fast.
i just want you to know … i am so proud of you.
why are you saying this stuff?
you’re scaring me.
stop asking if i need anything. stop asking if i’m okay.
i’m okay. really. i promise.
come here. i’m gonna lay my head gently on your shoulder. maybe we could cry, and hug, and maybe even slow dance.
don’t patronize me, (name).
what do you want me say?
aren’t you angry? don’t you want revenge?
look, don’t be stubborn. you know i can help you.
you’re not gonna hit me again are you?
look, if you don’t want my help, fine.
you didn’t think i remembered, did you?
they’re nice. they’re your friends.
i guess we’ll just have to blend in.
will you give me a little help here?
just because i’m not caring and sharing like you want me to —
these are your issues, quit dumping them on me.
am i gonna see you again?
(name), where did you learn to do all this?
i’m not alright. not at all. but neither are you.
that was beautiful. absolutely beautiful.
he’s the only one who gets to call me that.
something i said?
i can still see her, you know, the way she was.
but, hey, that was a long time ago.
truth is, i’m not handling it very well.
it just feel like there’s this hole inside of you? and it just gets bigger and bigger and darker and darker?
you and me? we were born to do this. it’s in our blood.
why are you even talking to me?
it’s an insult to his memory.
you can hit me all you want. it won’t change anything.
might as well put her out of her misery.
i just sharpened it, so it’s completely humane.
like i said, (name). no shades of gray.
you knew, and you just didn’t care.
i think you and i got some things to talk about.
i might be like you, i might not. but you’re the one tied up right now.
okay, i’m good now. we can go.
come on. i won’t even hit you back.
yeah, (name), but you didn’t. and that’s what matters.
you’re a pain in my ass.
i guess i might have to stick around to be a pain in the ass, then.
i don’t want to listen to you! i’m done listening to you!
it just feels like the right thing to do.
i think dad would’ve wanted you to have these.
if something evil happened there, it could have easily poisoned the ground.
well, don’t get too excited. you might pull something.
what else would it be about?
that’s perfectly normal, (name). especially with what you’re going through.
we shouldn’t even be here anymore.
you want to take another swing? go ahead. if it’ll make you feel better.
(name), where are you going?
what’s dead should stay back.
what the hell’s the matter with you?
stop it! that’s enough, okay? that’s enough!
i don’t scare easy, but you’re scaring the crap out of me!
you’re tailspinning, (name), and you refuse to talk about it, and you won’t let me help you.
i can take care of myself, thanks.
are lives are weird, man.
honey, is something bothering you?
haven’t we already talked about that?
haven’t we wasted enough time on him already?
you really think i could do something like that?
you brought me back.
you know what you did.
how could you? i loved you!
you really think this is gonna work?
it’s still me. i’m still a person.
i think she broke my hand.
you wanna stay for awhile?
i’m sorry. for the way i’ve been acting.
it’s my fault that he’s gone.
you can’t tell me there’s not a connection there.
we don’t know that, not for sure.
you’re the most important person in my life.
i never should have come back, (name).
i was dead. and i should have stayed dead.
you wanted to know how i was feeling. well, that’s it.
what could you possibly say to make that alright?
if i ran off with you, your mother might kill me.
you’re not a murderer, (name). you don’t have it in your bones.
i was upset, and i wanted to see you.
i’m sorry, baby, i’ll never leave you again.
what am i supposed to do now?
you mind your tongue with me, boy.
no one in their right mind chooses this life.
it’s my way of being close to him.
it was just a nightmare.
(name), i am trying to help you here, but you have got to be honest with me.
you asked for the truth.
can we make this quick? i’m really tired.
let’s pretend for the moment that you’re not entirely insane.
you’ve seen it, haven’t you?
what happened? talk to me.
these people are actually making deals with the damned things.
so we gotta clean up these peoples mess for them?
so, what, we should just leave them to die?
i don’t know what you’re talking about.
i was weak. i wanted to be great.
who don’t want their life to mean something?
i’m going to hell, one way or another.
you don’t really want to die.
i don’t want to die.
sit tight, alright? we’re gonna figure this out.
are you nuts?
i can buy us time to figure out something more permanent.
now allowed to say no, (name), not unless you’ve got a better idea.
we don’t have time for this.
just keep him alive.
i’m not going to put you out of your misery.
your misery is the whole point. it’s just so fun to watch.
i can’t do this anymore.
it’s all your fault.
i could have brought him back.
what the hell was that for?
shut your mouth, bitch.
it’s not the best time for a bleeding heart, (name).
what if we all have it?
it’s safer if you stay here for now.
i thought we were both going to die. you can’t hold that over me.
you can’t pull that crap with me, man.
why do we have to get stuck with all the responsibility? why can’t we live a little bit?
whatever weight you’re carrying, let me help a little bit.
you can tell me anything, you know what.
you don’t believe me.
he said that i might have to kill you.
take some responsibility for yourself, (name).
the truth is, it’s not your fault. (name), none of it is.
please, you’re in danger.
thank god you’re okay.
this has got to hurt like hell for you.
you can say a lot of stuff about me, but i’m not disloyal, and i’m not stupid.
i’m officially uncomfortable now. thank you.
well, sounds vaguely ominous.
what did you mean i looked the type?
i don’t scare that easy.
i should have found a way to save him.
you can’t save everyone.
the more people i save, the more i can change.
alright, time for bed.
if i ever turn into something i’m not … you have to kill me.
everyone around me dies.
please, you’re the only one who can do it. you have to promise me.
you have nothing to apologize for.
feels good getting back in the saddle, doesn’t it?
it had his face, but it wasn’t his face.
how’d you even know i was here?
i was chosen … for redemption.
hey, man, you’ve got to try this.
you’re enjoying that way too much, it’s kind of making me uncomfortable.
wait, there’s no such thing as unicorns?
i believe in what i can see.
i’m not enabling your sick habit.
there’s just chaos and violence, and random, unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere and rips you to shreds.
you want me to believe in this stuff? i’m gonna need to see some hard proof.
this is vengeance. this is wrong.
men cannot be angels.
what you’re doing is not god’s will.
“thou shalt not kill”. that’s the word of god.
weren’t we gonna go to the movies?
we should go, or we’re gonna be late.
look, i said i was sorry.
are you sure you’re okay?
you’re just one person, (name).
(name), it’s me.
are you bleeding?
i tried to wash it off.
i don’t think it’s my blood.
(name), what the hell happened?
(name), i don’t … remember anything.
what did you find out?
nobody’s noticed anything unusual.
nobody saw me walking around, covered in blood?
how the hell did i get here?
what happened to me?
what if i hurt someone, or worse?
we don’t know what happened.
what’s the last thing you remember?
it just … feels familiar, you know?
please tell me you didn’t steal this.
i’m not thinking anything.
okay, now this is disturbing.
look, i just want to talk to you, that’s it, okay?
oh, do you a favor. that’s what i live for.
what’s going on with you, (name)?
i don’t know how i know, i just do.
i’d say they don’t like surprises.
should we knock?
even if you did do this, i’m sure you had a reason.
i killed him, (name).
you’ve gotta snap out of it.
you never told me this.
i didn’t want to scare you.
no one can control you but you.
you promised me.
we’re gonna figure this out, okay?
i don’t want to hurt anyone else.
i don’t want to hurt you.
whatever this is, you can fight it.
you know, i’ve tried so hard to keep you safe.
you’ll live to regret this.
how’d you find me?
that looks like it hurt.
just had a run - in with a hot stove.
you’re really carrying a torch for him, aren’t you?
romance — that’s just out of the question.
i’m not trying to hurt you, (name).
i’m telling you because i care.
i care about you a lot.
maybe you should leave.
it didn’t have to be this way.
you’re not (name).
you really don’t know the truth, do you?
he put him out of his misery like a sick dog.
why are you doing this to me?
shoot me.
are you that scared of being alone?
that’s holy water, you demonic son of a bitch!
i got lots of names.
why didn’t you kill me? you had a dozen chances.
would you give me two minutes to patch you up?
how did you know he was possessed?
i know demons lie, but do they ever tell the truth, too?
i’m part of this now.
this is my fight. i’m not getting your blood on my hands.
so, what bring you?
well, it’s good to see you.
don’t try to con a con man.
(name), back from the dead. getting to be a regular thing for you, isn’t it?
how about i smack that smartass out of your mouth?
careful, now. wouldn’t want to bruise this fine packaging.
oh, don’t worry, this isn’t gonna hurt you much.
feel like talking now?
i’ll make him bite off his tongue.
you’re not getting (name), you understand?
i’m gonna kill every one of you first.
i don’t give a rats ass about the master plan.
this isn’t going like i pictured.
you know when people want to describe the worst possible thing, they say it’s like hell? there’s a reason for that.
hell is a prison made of bone and flesh and blood and fear. and you sent me back there.
whatever i do to you, it’s nothing compared to what you do to yourself, is it?
they’d have been better off without you.
by the way, you really look like crap, (name).
you wouldn’t know anything about that?
that sounds vaguely dirty, but, uh, thanks.
you okay? (name)? is that you in there?
i watched myself kill (name) with my own two hands. i saw the light go out in his eyes.
it must have been awful.
it wasn’t you.
if it’s the last thing i do, i’m gonna save you.
dude, that’s not how it happened!
sorry, i just … i can’t even concentrate.
if you wouldn’t mind, just give five minutes.
you brave little solider.
thanks, thanks for the hug, but, uh — i’m okay.
what are you talking about? i’m a joy to be around.
okay, that is just nasty.
looks to me like something was hungry.
i have had it up to here with you.
then you know that i can’t keep letting you hurt people.
come on! those people got what’s coming to them.
i don’t think i can let you do that.
i don’t want to hurt you. and i know that i can.
like i said, i liked you. but you shouldn’t have come alone.
you wanna see a real trick?
could we please just leave?
okay, so we’re taking the scenic route.
stop. i’m mad at you.
hey, you love me.
you’re a jerk.
i’m so sorry. i didn’t see you there.
you’ve got to help me.
we should get somewhere safe first.
what the hell just happened?
don’t worry, (name), everything’s going to be alright.
you’re serious about this, aren’t you?
just take it easy, alright?
something happened to them. something they couldn’t control.
i sure as hell ain’t making apologies for them.
we’re all just scared of the unknown.
the only thing i’m scared of is losing (name).
i have to see him again. i have to.
i don’t like keeping her in the dark.
i know you feel guilty, but let’s just stick to the plan.
what aren’t you telling me?
don’t what? don’t tell me because i’ll mess up your hunt?
whatever it is, tell me, please.
you’re like a walking encyclopedia of weirdness.
what did you do to him?
you should worry about yourself.
i didn’t do anything to you.
hurting me won’t bring her back.
all i got left’s hurting you.
what am i supposed to do?
this isn’t working at all, is it?
i’ll see you in the morning.
maybe we should talk privately.
god, i am so stupid.
well, i guess neither of us are who we said we were, huh?
i don’t remember anything,
is there something else we can try to make it go away?
i’m sorry. i am.
stop it. don’t talk like that.
i don’t want to hurt anyone else. i don’t want to hurt you.
i can’t do it myself.
i need you to help me.
i don’t want to die.
we don’t have a chance.
i am getting out of here right now.
no, come on, we’ve got to work.
i - i don’t really know what i’m doing.
isn’t that kind of cruel? messing with their heads like that?
hey, i just play the part. i don’t write the script.
i’m very glad that you’re, you know, alive and well.
you won’t get rid of me that easy.
i’m sorry, what were you saying?
raising these spirits from the dead? making them murder for you? that’s playing with fire, (name).
you know what, you’re right, i don’t understand.
i’ve got nothing against you. you’ve got no part in this. please, just leave.
i cannot believe there’s an afterlife.
there’s an afterlife alright — but mostly it’s a pain in the ass.
i wouldn’t have done that if i were you.
they’re not gonna be very happy with you.
would have hated to have gotten thrown in here.
hey, you feel that?
you telling me you didn’t see that?
i think i’m adorable.
we’re not quite done here.
this is, without a doubt, the dumbest and craziest thing we’ve ever done. and that’s in a long, storied career of dumb and crazy.
i’m not thrilled about this, either.
do yourself a favor: don’t talk.
i want to handle this alone.
i can’t thank you enough for this.
oh, man, are you a sight for sore eyes.
i am the last person on planet earth you want to screw with.
what are you doing up?
oh, you can’t sleep, huh?
(are you alright?) / i don’t know.
honey, you’re scaring me.
just tell me what’s going on.
forget it. i’m just happy to see you.
i guess i was wrong.
are you sure you’re alright?
get some rest. i love you.
you been drinking?
i’m really glad you’re happy.
i get it. why i chose you.
why do we have to sacrifice everything?
that was so easy, i’m embarrassed for you.
i’m sorry that we don’t get along. and i wish to hell i could stay and fix it, but i’ve got to do this.
you’re just gonna slow me down.
this is dangerous, and you could get hurt.
look, whatever stupid thing you’re about to do, you’re not doing it alone, and that’s that.
i don’t understand. why are you doing this?
you don’t want to do that.
yeah, i can see that it’s blood, (name). what the hell’s it doing in here?
there are things out there in the dark.
i’m just trying to help you out, (name).
why don’t you just sit tight and try not to get us both killed.
there’s nothing here, (name).
stick behind me and keep your mouth shut.
this is real? you’re not crazy?
why’d you have to keep digging?
put the knife down, (name).
you’re not real. none of it is.
why is it our job to save everyone? haven’t we done enough?
are you lost?
still doesn’t tell us where we are.
i feel like i’m in a nightmare, and it just keeps getting worse and worse.
you said we were chosen for a reason! that is not chosen, that’s … killed!
i don’t think god has much to do with this.
hey, look at me, it’s not even that bad.
hey, listen to me, we’re gonna patch you up, okay? gonna be good as new.
i’m gonna take care of you. i got you. that’s my job, right?
you should eat something.
i hate to bring this up, i really do. but don’t you think it’s time we … bury (name)?
i’m not going anywhere.
i just don’t think you should be alone, that’s all.
you don’t think i’ve given enough? you don’t think i’ve paid enough? i’m done with it.
i should send you straight back to hell.
you’re like a … puppy. you’re just too fun to play with.
i swear i’m gonna tear that son of a bitch apart.
i did what you asked. now what?
that was pretty cold, wasn’t it?
you of all people should know that what’s dead should stay dead.
i knew i kept you alive for some reason.
can we celebrate for a minute?
(name), tell me the truth.
you shouldn’t have done that.
don’t get mad at me. don’t do that. i had to. i had to look out for you, that’s my job.
you saved my life over and over. you sacrifice everything for me. don’t you think i should do the same for you?
there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for you.
i don’t care what it takes. i’m gonna get you out of this.
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ofairytales · 22 days
also, any characters listed as being married are still open to romantic shipping! those are just their default ships which i will refer to during any interactions when i am not shipping with someone <3
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ofairytales · 22 days
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