of-wolvcs · 8 years
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              It had been quite some time since she’d last seen her adoptive mother    —    Far too long, in fact. Krystal had never quite been one to find herself attached to much of ANYBODY but, as it stood, Natasha Romanoff had weaselled her way into the icy depths of the cryokinetic’s heart. So when the woman asked her to do much of anything, she said yes. Didn’t matter what it was.
              Especially not today, when they were planning a very intense mission. Something along the lines of infiltrating HYDRA   —  Top secret, Krys didn’t know much of the details just yet because of that whole CLASSIFIED incident, but she was ready, dressed fully with the SHIELD ensemble she’d started sporting at times like these;; it made her feel completely empowered, and much like her adoptive mother, so it was with a giant smile across her features that she stepped through the threshold into the woman’s abode and threw her arms around her.
              “  Momma    —    I’m sorry I haven’t called. Some stuff came up with my father, and I was busy. Really busy. But I’m here now and I’m SO excited to see you. And for today. And I just   —-    ”  She shut her mouth, realizing she was rambling, and then stepped back with a sheepish smile.  “I’m happy to see you. Really, really happy.”
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             The widow had missed the blonde. Krys was her family. She had few people in her life that she trusted like she did Krys, and all the rest of them were on her team. She had spent so much of her life alone. She had thought that was the only way for her to live. She had lived on the run never settling, never finding a home until she found her team. After that she would find one of the most important people she would ever meet, Krys Crock. 
              She knew that she needed someone that she could trust to have her back when she went into HYDRA and there were only three people in her life that were comfortable with her methods. She knew that Barnes and Clint would have her back, but she knew that she and Krys’ mind worked on very similar planes. That’s why she had wanted the very special cyokenetic to work with her, not to mention she wanted to spend more time with her daughter. 
              A smile creeped up the corners of her mouth at the blonde's words her arms wrapped tightly around her. She missed having her around. The blonde kept her grounded, kept her human. “I am happy to see you.” She said taking a small step backwards reaching for the box set on the table. “I have a gift.” She held it out in front of her for the blonde to take. Inside it contain a suit a mixture between her own and Wanda’s. She had made sure the have shades of blue intertwined, and most importantly it had the avengers emblem on the shoulder. 
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
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marvel moodboard | natasha romanoff (red room)
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
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Winter Soldier #7
Stop you two two, stop being so damn adorable ;-;
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
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                    She hadn’t seen her adopted mother in weeks, albeit it felt like MUCH longer.       Not that is was Natasha’s fault, per se;; S.H.I.E.L.D. had a habit of snatching the redhead       from her before they could spend any time alone together { much to Krystal’s dismay,       she suspected the institution didn’t trust her, even if Nat does, for good reason,       perhaps, but it still agitated her to no end }.
                    Which was why when the professor offered to take the two of them on an adventure,       Krys was more than willing. In fact, the cryokinetic almost threw herself onto the vehicle, arms       fastened around Natasha throughout the duration of the ride. Once they apparently arrived at       their destination, the blonde hopped off, eyes scanning the vicinity, face a picturesque model       of confusion, until the woman SPOKE.
                                  ❛       A   —–    pet  ? With me ? You think I’m responsible enough for that ?      ❜ 
                    As she spoke, her smile broadened more and more, icy hues turning to a sea foam blue       as her eyes widened with excitement. The fact that Natasha wanted to commit to something like       that with Krys, that she TRUSTED her with another life, it brought her an incalculable amount of joy. 
                                  ❛      I would love to, Momma !       ❜
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                     She had missed being with her children, but she also knew that she couldn’t neglect her duties as an agent. It took a long time for her to be trusted with intel, and even now agencies knew that she was one of the deadliest spies. She would spend days at SHIELD headquarters trying to get them to give Krys the same chance they gave her. 
                  She was more than excited to be back at the school. Almost of her children would be back at the school and she looked forward to spending time with them. The redhead looked over at her daughter when she spoke. A small smile cracked her cool facade. She thought that Krys was more than responsible. She trusted the cryokinetic with her life. 
                                 ❛       Yes, you are more than responsible.       ❜
                   Her head gestured towards the building as she began to walk singling the blonde to come along with her. She hadn’t gotten a pet in a long time. As an agent she felt like she didn’t want to, but now she left like she had the time to handle it. She also thought that a pet might be something to help keep her and the blonde grounded. 
                                 ❛      Let’s go find one you like.       ❜
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
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“i think it’s rather fitting decor,” kate shrugged with a small smile. “oh lord it was so long.” typically, kate would either go home with clint, or go to shield with clint, but she hadn’t heard from her father (sometimes kate wondered if he’d left because he regretted adopting her) since he’d disappeared, a couple months before the holidays. “first time in my life i’m glad to have classes start again,” kate joked quietly.
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“it does fit the rest of the school.” she said a small smile on her face as she looked from the arrow to the brunette. Her head ducked down for a moment before she looked back at the student. “sorry, i had spent my break undercover in a mission.” she said a small smile on her face. “i didn’t think i would ever hear that.”
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
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        Natasha had been on missions her entire break. SHIELD took full advantage of the fact she wasn’t teaching for a few weeks. Most of the missions had been successful except for a few bumps and scratches that she got. She was looking forward to being back at the school. She had missed her children. 
        That’s why when she came back she decided to take Krys some place. She had decided that she wanted to adopt a pet. Somehow she had managed to convince the blonde to get on the bike with her without knowing where the destination was. When they arrived in front of the shelter she stopped the bike stepping off, and turned to the blonde. “How do you feel about getting a pet?” She asked one of her brows raised. 
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
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“…well, i can explain,” kate tilted her head, looking at the hole in the dorm wall with the arrow sticking out of it. “actually, i can’t. i was bored, everyone has been gone for ages and it seemed like i was the only one stuck here so i shot a hole through my dorm room. that’s all i got.”
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an amused expression was etched into the professor's face. “it could have been worse.” she said looking at the arrow in the wall. “i take it your break wasn’t entertaining.” she asked looking across at the younger girl. 
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
Sonya wouldn’t exactly say that she was ‘excited’ to have all the little brats coming back, but it would mean things were more lively. The blonde was roaming the halls again, looking for wrongdoers. She was supposed to be helping students move back in, but that wasn’t going to happen.
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The bodyguard was starting toward the closed-off parts of the school when she found someone. “Are you supposed to be back here?”
Natasha had spent most of her time on breaking bouncing between missions. She had spent some time with her family, but for most of the time SHIELD had wanted her in missions.
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“I am. I’m looking to make sure that no student has been back here while we were away.”
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
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         At her words, Bucky understood. They had to play along. If this was a dream, they could escape it. If it wasn’t a dream and they were legitimately in the Red Room, they had to do as they were told… or face the consequences.
       It was Natasha. She could handle herself. She could certainly handle Bucky. Even if he had to make their battle look convincing, she could hold her own against anyone. That confidence motivated him. As much as he would never want to lay a hand on her again (unless under different circumstances), he had to do what was best for them now.
         The eyes of their observers bore down upon him. Their pause was long enough.
            “It’s like the old days.”
      Bucky surged forward, beginning with a strong right hook. Not the most impressive form of combat, but it was just a start. From the period he had spent in the Red Room, if he didn’t perform to their standards, he still would have been punished. This simple punch was going to be all the warning he could give without giving away their intentions, and then he was really going to have to put effort into it.
          “You think you can keep up, or are you a bit rusty?” Bucky found he could taunt. A weak smile appeared.
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        She knew that this was most likely just another horrible dream that she would wake up from. She hoped that it was a dream, but if there was the slightest chance that it wasn’t she had to play along knowing that the punishment would be far worse. 
         Bucky had help train Natasha. They both knew each other’s fighting style. They were equally matched. They had fought against each other before, but not for a long time. Instead of fighting each other they began fighting alongside one another. They became partners in missions, and they always worked together well. 
 She knew that they would both have to leave this with bumps and bruises or the observers would do much more damage to them. She had been through this too many times to know the possible outcomes of the situation. She remembered her youth in the Red Room.
         Upon seeing him surge forward seeing his arm coming forward she ducked. She quickly moved back to where he was standing before he had charged It had been too long since she sparred against someone that she knew could hold their own. 
        “I always do, James.” She said a small smirk on her lips. She moved toward him returning the punch that he had given her moments before. “Can you?”
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
not here, not again.
         Bucky was aware that he was prone to flashbacks. It was like they haunted him, especially when he was trying to get away. They were never much of a problem when he was the Winter Soldier— but that wasn’t what he wanted anymore. Did he ever really want that? But now, the flashbacks were powerful… powerful enough to feel real.
         Even worse was the person he was facing.
           “Commence demonstration.” An automated voice echoed in the room. Around them, galleries of observers, possibly even students, watched. It was all too familiar. How did he get back here?
         In the Red Room.
      It was obvious what they were to do: fight. But he didn’t think he could bear to make himself strike her. Not her.
        Not Natasha. And not here.
         No matter what he wanted to tell her, he couldn’t force himself to say the words. The weight of their impending battle made it hard to breathe, to talk. But he hoped that somehow Natasha would know what he was thinking…
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        Memories of her past would always haunt her. She had killed so many people that they had all become blurs in her mind. The memories that were the most vivid were the ones in the red room. Tonight though it was different it was like she was really there again. It was like she was trapped all over again. 
        James, she should have guessed from some twisted cruelty that he would be the one to appear in her dream. They had been through so much. The two of them bad been a part of the worst times in their life. The two were together through the bad, and because of that they had a bond that could never be lost. 
       She shifted looking around the room. She stared into the galleries the people hidden behind the darkened glass. She didn’t want to fight him. He was one of the last people that she wanted to hurt. 
      Instead of showing any weakness she forced herself to move her lips into a small smirk. "It’s like the old days.” She said her voice though quiet rang out clearly throughout the room. She knew that he would understand what she meant. Her words were supposed to bring comfort. The widow had found a way to communicate that she understood what they had to do. 
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
“Hey, hey look.” The redhead drunkenly giggled as she grabbed the sleeve of the first person passing. “Lookit my tongue.” Giselle mumbled as she showed the poor unsuspecting person her trick, “See.”
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Natasha smiled slightly upon seeing the trick. “That is fascinating.”
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
((Obviously, lots of trigger warnings here so please be careful - Violence tw, death tw, killing tw, physical abuse tw, blood tw))
“Is that blood?!”
“You didn’t have to kill them!”
“Your car is dented, who did you hit?!”
“I could always just kill them…”
“Why are your knuckles bruised?”
“Just go! I’ll clean up this mess.“ 
“You busted my lip!”
“You clean up, I’ll hide the body.”
“They deserved it.”
“Dont you dare hit me!“ 
“I liked killing them.”
“Oh God, there’s so much blood!“ 
"Don’t be a baby, I only kicked you in the balls.”
“Kill them! Go on!" 
"Who gave you that black eye?!”
“They died happy at least." 
"Do you want me to hit you?!" 
"Get rid of them and I promise I’ll never bother you again." 
"I’ll kill you, I swear!" 
"They were trying to kill me! I had to defend myself!”
“I’ll kill every last one of them." 
"Ow! I think you’ve broken my arm!”
“I’ll fight beside you." 
"Are you burning a body?”
“I was protecting you!”
“Don’t be alarmed, but I may have just run a guy over.”
“Have you ever killed anyone before? Be truthful.”
“It was an accident!”
“Well, you should’ve thought about that before you hit them with your car!”
“Burn the body and lets go.”
“I’m glad they’re dead!”
“They’re not going to make it.”
“Don’t you dare die on me!”
“I had to do it.”
“I killed them so we can be together, don’t you see that?”
“I may or may not have a dead person in my basement.”
“I am sick of cleaning up your mess!”
Mal | Akilah | Dani | Nikhita | Lee | Harper
Wally | Theo | Kathryn |Crystal | Jester | Tim
sonya belova-constantin || liliya shenkov || lola hadrian || brooklyn rogers || helena wayne
Natasha | Bruce | Freya | Celeste | Zalika | Shelby Ward
Violence/Death themed ask memes/prompts
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
Wally | Theo | Kathryn |Crystal | Jester | Tim
sonya belova-constantin || liliya shenkov || lola hadrian || brooklyn rogers || helena wayne
Natasha | Bruce | Freya | Celeste | Zalika | Shelby Ward
My muse has been really sick for over a week and has been hiding it, send "How could you not tell me?" for my muses reaction to yours finally finding out
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text. Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text. Send “#” for a RANDOM text. Send “@” for a SCARED text. Send “&” for a LOVING text. Send “%” for a CURIOUS text. Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
Wally | Theo | Kathryn |Crystal | Jester | Tim
sonya belova-constantin || liliya shenkov || lola hadrian || brooklyn rogers|| helena wayne
Natasha | Bruce | Freya | Celeste | Zalika | Shelby Ward
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
Natasha | Bruce | Freya | Celeste | Zalika | Shelby Ward
|REACTION MEME| Bruised and Broken Version
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
Natasha | Bruce | Freya | Celeste | Zalika | Shelby Ward
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of-wolvcs · 8 years
Would you go back to the redroom if it meant you could stop your children from dying?
Of course I would. I would do anything for my children.
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