odettedelacour · 2 years
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Natalie Dormer
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odettedelacour · 2 years
Elijah spotted her. He had considered turning the other way. But he had a feeling that it was better to address the issue head on when it comes to Odette. He moved to sit next to her. He chuckled at her words. “No,” he said. “Though I would not exactly call you a stranger,” he commented. 
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Her head turned at the sound of her sire’s voice. She had known he was in town but she had not laid eyes on him until now. It had been quite some time since she was face to face with him, the last time wasn’t exactly one of her best moments. Odette had matured over the years, learning not to over indulge, or at least, not so publicly like she used to. She had certainly calmed down a bit compared to the wild years of her youth. “Elijah,” a soft smile curled at the corner of her lips. “No, I suppose we are the farthest thing from strangers… What brings you to New Orleans? Chasing after Niklaus as always?”
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odettedelacour · 2 years
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No matter how much time had passed, his memories remained plagued by her face. The face of the beginning of it all; the genesis of many lifetimes of pain, suffering, sin and death. How many lives could have been spared had she never turned him? She was a plague worse than the sickness that took his family from him. It was like staring at a ghost; like staring into everything he hated about the world– about himself. And that pretty face just smiled right back at him, as if nothing had ever happened. As if they were just two old bantering friends. It enraged him even more. 
One of the young men, the one closest to him, whirled around to face the new challenger, but Aeron shut it down before it could even begin. A strong hand was placed on the kid’s shoulder, a firm warning. “I suggest you leave, and take your friends with you,” his pupils constricted and dilated, the compulsion working its magic instantaneously. He turned to his friends, muttered “Let’s get out of here,” and followed suit. 
Aeron took his place at the bar, standing between her and the empty seat. Sitting would be too casual– and it would send the wrong message. He wasn’t here to chat, nor to stick around long enough to make sitting worth it; he approached only to give a warning. 
“I have been questioning for weeks whether it was really you or just my imagination bringing about the worst of what my memory has to offer. What game do you think you’re playing? Toying with me as if seven hundred years hasn’t passed since the last time I’ve seen you.” He took a small step closer, leg brushing against her exposed knee. “Regardless of your intentions, I will give you this warning only once– I am not the man you remember.”
Human Aeron was sweet– gentle, even. But vampirism had amplified the worst parts of himself. His feelings of emptiness, of always wanting more, feelings of resentment, his short-tempered nature; all of it was once buried deep as a human. But with the power of immortality, he no longer needed to hide the monstrous parts of himself. 
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Odette didn’t bat an eye as he compelled her dinner to flee. She would find them later on. Her head fell back and her neck craned in order to hold his gaze, his large frame completely towering here as she sat. His warrior frame was one of the many things that drew her to him initially. A man of his stature and size was a rarity in their time. Most men were short and stout, but Aeron always towered over them in court.
“Has it really been that long? My, my…. I must’ve lost track of time,” she teased, a playful tone ever present in her voice. Odette rarely let her true feelings show, Aeron being one of the only men she’s ever let her guard down with. Now however, her walls were solid and towering, her emotions hidden behind the mischief in her eyes. She dropped her gaze momentarily as his leg brush hers, the fabric of his jeans rough against her knee. “Good. I found the old you to be quite a bore at times. So sensitive and delicate.”
Odette uncrossed her legs and slipped from the stool gracefully, coming to stand in from of him. Her chest brushing against his given the tight spaces between the barstools, her cleavage moving with each breath she took. Even in heels her height couldn’t compare to him, the top of her head barely reaching the sharp line of his jaw. 
“Does this mean you’ve finally moved on from your dead wife? Or are you still pretending that you hate me for giving you everything you’ve wanted?” she taunted, her fingers dragging along his chest. She knew her comment would only rile him up further but she couldn’t help it. She wanted to see what sort of monster she had created.
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odettedelacour · 2 years
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Odette Delacour - 28/802 - Vampire
☾. was that natalie dormer walking around New Orleans? no, it was just Odette Delacour. You know, the age in 28/802 year old cis female that goes by she/her who also happens to be a vampire. They have been in New Orleans for 3 weeks and they remind me of a moonless night, fresh untouched snowfall, the dancing flames of a fire, the sharpened edge of a knife.
Born in France 1220 to a highborn noble family, Odette was raised to be a proper lady, ready for a husband as soon as she was of age. The only girl of the family, it was on her shoulders to marry a successful duke or prince in order to secure her family’s status among the royals. Her two brothers could do as they pleased, often causing a rift between Odette and her father. She didn’t want to be sold off like cattle to the highest bidder. Her father was constantly striving to climb the socialite ladder, willing to sacrifice whatever necessary, even his own daughter’s happiness. 
She was eventually married off to an English duke when she was 17, forced to leave behind everything she ever knew of her beloved home. Once in England, she struggled, barely able to speak or understand the language. She was a quick learner, determined to never be left in the dark when it came to her husband and his affairs. It didn’t take her long to assimilate to the English culture. By the time she was 25, they were still childless, much to her glee and her husband’s dismay. What only few knew was that her husband was impotent which left her bed empty most nights. Odette found pleasure in other ways, such as her studies and entertaining her comrades by hosting lavish feasts with her husband’s coin. 
It was during one of these grand feasts, that she met the Mikaelson brothers; Elijah and Niklaus. Everyone at court was taken with the brothers, even her husband who invited them to stay for as long as they liked. Odette had no objections. She admired them and their stories, hanging on every word from their mouths. It wasn’t long before she found herself falling for the older brother, Elijah. He was everything she had ever wanted from life. Intelligence, beauty, freedom. They grew close as the days passed, Odette sneaking him into her chambers at night whenever she could. She soon learned of his dark secret, but instead of running in fear, she was intrigued. It was the answer to all of her problems. It was the key to unshackle her from this mundane live she lived. She begged him to turn her, and eventually he gave in. 
It was an entirely new world to Odette after she awoke as a vampire. Everything was heightened. She simply could not get enough of life, indulging in anything and everything she could. As the months past, she couldn’t contain her bloodlust, nor did she feel she needed to. Elijah did his best to control her and teach her how to blend into society, but eventually he realized there was no containing her. It wasn’t long before he and Odette parted ways for good. Though her humanity wasn’t completely shut off, she certainly reveled in the bloodshed and the pure power she now possessed. As the years past, she learned to control herself, knowing she needed to keep herself alive if she wanted to enjoy the freedom she had so desperately craved for years.
Odette spent the years on her own, travelling around the world and soaking up every ounce of freedom she never had in her past life. Now that she was a vampire, she no longer saw human as her equals, instead toying with them like a cat would a mouse. Everything had become a game to her, one she thoroughly enjoyed winning. It was around this time she met a man named Aeron Payne. 
At first he was only another toy to her, but soon, he became far more than that to her. He was the only man since Elijah that she had actually felt something for, but even this was different than Elijah. It wasn’t like anything she had ever felt before. She cared for him far more than any vampire should care for a mere mortal. Though, she dare not let him know the true extent of her feelings. When he chose to return to his wife, it shattered what was left of her blackened heart. When he came to her, begging her to save his wife from the black death, she denied him. However when he was soon dying of the same plague, she couldn’t bare to be in a world without him. Odette turned him and left him to awaken alone. 
In the following years, Odette grew somber, maturing in a way she hadn’t previously. She kept tabs on Aeron throughout the years, never engaging with him, but making sure he stayed alive. Odette still had her fun, but she now kept to herself, keeping a lower profile. At least until recently when she heard rumors of the happenings in New Orleans. The city seemed to hold many ghosts from her past, an opportunity that was too tempting to pass up. 
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odettedelacour · 2 years
Odette was sitting on a bench in Jackson square, watching the crowd. To anyone else, she looked like a woman simply people watching. In reality, she was picking out her next meal. The night was still young, the sun have only just set and the city’s nightlife was just starting to come to life. Odette wanted to bide her time, feeling no need to rush into something that wouldn’t be satisfying. It was long before some sat next to her on the bench. 
“Do you often choose to sit next to complete strangers when there are plenty of empty benches around you?” she questioned, not bothering to look at the person to her left.
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odettedelacour · 2 years
Though she had been in New Orleans for a few weeks, she had yet to make her presence known. Odette preferred to get the lay of the land, compelling some humans to do her bidding, discover the ins and outs of the city before throwing herself head first into the crossfire. It was almost intimidating seeing so many faces from her past in one place at the same time. Not that she would ever admit it. There was one face in particular that make her chest ache being so close to him once more.
Odette had always kept tabs on Aeron. Even after their fallout, even after all this time. She had put herself through enough pain to turn him, so she might as well ensure his survival. At least, that was what she would tell herself. 
She had been toying with him since she arrived, allowing him to see her for split seconds, before disappearing from his view. Odette was surprised he had not caught onto her ruse sooner, seeing as her long brunette curls had long since been replaced with blonde layers. She did her best to keep up with the times, though she sometimes longed for the decorum of her time. Aeron looked different as well. His long hair now cropped short, slicked back in a neat and tidy style. The mustache was certainly a choice but Odette couldn’t help but admire the way he managed to pull it off. She stopped herself from letting her thoughts drift to how that mustache would feel against her skin.
Feeling satisfied with the amount of knowledge she now had about the town and the supernatural beings walking its dark streets, she decided to let her presence be known. She found a barstool in the center of the bar, the lights shining down on her as if it were a spotlight for a show. And for her, it was. She knew he frequented this bar, and didn’t take long for him to enter and find his own corner of the boisterous place. It wasn’t long before she had a flock of frat boys around her. She ate up the attention, imagining how easily she could drain the three of them. 
Though her eyes stayed on the young men in front of her, she knew the second he spotted her. A shiver ran down her spine as she heard his chair scrape across the floor, a sound only she could distinguish from the loud noises of the bar. She continued to laugh even as his looming figured blocked the light, casting a shadow over her. She crossed her legs, the pale skin of her thighs on display due to the short black dress and heels she currently wore. 
“You know I’ve always loved a challenge, mon cher,” she let her native accent slip through, her eyes finally meeting his as she spoke. Icey blue clashed with the dark ocean eyes of his. Her heartbeat stuttered, the casual smile on her face never once faltering, but the look in her eyes said far more than her face ever could. Despite seeing him from afar throughout the years, seeing him again face to face, was something she hadn’t actually been prepared for. 
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It was a Monday night– a Monday night– and yet this bar was packed shoulder to shoulder with college kids, tourists, and locals alike. In any other town, Aeron would have to restrict his diet to a schedule; feed on Friday and Saturday nights only, when smaller town bars were half as full as this one. But this was New Orleans, the city that has hosted a never-ending party from the moment the feet of settlers touched these grounds. It was any vampire’s heaven. A place where so many people from so many places moved all at once. Where there was no shortage of warm bodies and no shortage of hungry vampires ready to feed on them. Kill them–oftentimes brazenly. 
Aeron exercised much more discretion when satiating his urges. His ‘hunt’ involved finding a willing participant to go home with him, free of compulsion, with intentions of spending the night with him. Compulsion was only used once within the walls of his temporary home. Lives were never taken, but memories were altered and they were sent on their way. So, on this Monday night, as he had done on so many other nights, Aeron waited for the opportunity to strike. 
Until he saw her. Again. Not a painful shadow of his memory that would disappear in an instant, but the real thing. She sat at the bar, toying with a group of young men, making them feel like they were the most important beings in the world– he still knew that feeling well, despite the distance of the memories. If only they knew that they were nothing but little gnats in her web. 
He couldn’t stop himself. His hunger morphed into rage; rage that had been sitting dormant and unaddressed within him for seven centuries. He stood abruptly, the chair’s wooden legs scraping across the floor as it was shoved away from him. Memories of her flashed in his mind, but even the best of them were blackened like blotted ink from the casted shadow of her wrongdoing. He closed the distance between them in no time, picking up on the last bit of their conversation; rather, her perilous flirtations. Each of them were hooked on her every word, blind to her manipulation– as he once was. How could he blame them? She was magnetic. Even now, despite it being driven by hatred, he was pulled in her direction at the sight of her. 
“Three at once– that’s ambitious, even for you.” Every syllable was laced with hostility.
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odettedelacour · 2 years
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odettedelacour · 2 years
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