26 posts
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
octavinelle-oyster · 5 hours ago
It’s the same anon from the idia post, it was a wing emoji but since that one’s too new I can go with 🦇 anon!!
Anyway, another request since I have way too many ideas cooked up, could I request Sebek (or Leona if you don’t want to write him but I love my silly crocodile boy) with a shroud family!reader? Like in the ignihyde dorm, younger sibling of Idia and older sibling of Ortho, and is a shut-in like Idia just not quite as bad?
Thank you, have a good day!!
Characters: Sebek Zigvolt
Type: Headcanon
Info: Reader is Idia’s younger sibling, Reader is the same age and in the same year as Sebek, Reader is not Ramshackle Prefect
“Thank you for being friends with me. Baffling decision, but thank you.”
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Sebek Zigvolt
It all started when the two of you were put into the same history class.
The only reason the two of you ever spoke in the first place was because you were sat next to each other and Trein loved giving group projects to first years.
You two were paired up to write a report on the history of worker fairies within your first week of school.
Sebek was, at first, his usual brash, loud self— an instant contrast with your more quiet demeaner.
Whenever someone would pass the two of you in the library they always thought “That poor Ignihyde student…”
Needless to say, with Sebek you got your assignment done very quickly. He was on top of getting shit done as soon and efficiently as possible.
Even if he had to collect you from Ignihyde himself and drag you to the library for sources.
He REFUSED to use the web btw. All the information had to be sourced from the library of Night Raven College in his eyes.
If you got fed up with his behavior enough to speak up you two would clash. A lot.
But the two of you were the first to turn in the assignment and get full marks so you win some and lose some.
Depending on if the two of you would actually argue or not during the course of the assignment, he may view you in a higher regard than the other first years.
You worked quickly to get the assignment done too! (you just wanted away from him and his loud self screaming in the library.)
But, this also leads Sebek to naturally turn towards you whenever Trein tells the class to discuss readings.
He does most of the talking.
God forbid if you share any other classes.
In Alchemy he’s constantly hovering. Always reading out measurements a little louder than needed but hey! He just wants to make sure you hear him right and don't give him too much flower dust and blow up the cauldron!
At first he restricts your friendship to just in-class interactions and the occasionally acknowledgement in the hallway. But after about the 3rd month or so he’ll start to warm up to you.
Maybe walking with you to class under the guise of needing to make sure you don't get pushed around by any other students with your seeming lack of confidence! (Just deal with him please he doesn't know how to initiate a proper conversation with a friend.)
If the two of you eventually become good enough friends to the point of hanging out outside of class?
You’re never getting rid of him sorry. Especially if he claims to be your friend by this point.
He’s still a pretty busy body and will always put Malleus above all else but when he does have free time between his club responsibilities and training and classes, and homework and Malleus— he will seek out your company.
But you’ve got it all wrong if you think he’s just going to sit around with you and play video games.
He is the reason you get out of the dorm so much. Like sure, you're not nearly as bad as Idia- but you're also not nearly as socially prone as Ortho.
Speaking of the Shroud brothers.
If he notices, he never points it out until you bring it up. But his wide eyes and tense shoulders say otherwise when the two of you turn the corner, planning to leave your dorm and nearly run smack into Idia and Ortho and you hit Idia with the “hey bro…”
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Okay I kind of got carried away…
I’ve also started getting into the Diasomnia chapters and I gotta say, Sebek is growing on me
I also just realized how crazy the banter would be between an Ignihyde middle child and Sebek would be
Like actually. The joking insults would be diabolical omg maybe I’ll make a pt 2 with more romantic undertones bc I feel like this one was very bare… I'm sorry bat anon 💔
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octavinelle-oyster · 6 hours ago
My twst x reader requests are open!
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octavinelle-oyster · 5 months ago
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likes & reblogs are appreciated! | reblog if use
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octavinelle-oyster · 6 months ago
I love this card so much words can't even describe it and I cannot wait to see the groovy and I knew he was going to eat down when I say the chibis released and omg Jade come home your terrariums miss you
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A wonderful spot for a smooch.
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octavinelle-oyster · 6 months ago
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octavinelle-oyster · 6 months ago
HII platonic request but what if reader was azul's (younger) sister? i have a few ideas myself but i'd love to see your take on this!
Characters: Azul Ashengrotto, (Jade and Floyd Leech mentioned)
Type: Platonic Headcanons
Info: Fem!Reader, Reader is approx. 2 years younger than Azul, Reader is not Ramshackle Prefect and is from twst originally, Azul doesn't know how to communicate
“Because I am the big brother. I’m sorry I wasn't better at it until now.”
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Azul Ashengrotto
Growing up with Azul, you’ve seen his ugly side, and for a long time…
He resented that.
He was weak in his eyes.
Why would you ever look up to someone so disappointing?
The two of you were probably attached by the hip until then bullying started.
That's when Azul began pushing you away.
One, he didn't want you possibly getting hurt trying to defend him or something.
And two, he didn't want you to see that.
Even if you persisted, getting the twins involved, or attempted to try and connect again he would just push you back out.
As much as he wanted to be your sibling and grow up with you together, he had to be better first.
I fear the two of you would have a very distant relationship.
He wouldn't start actively reaching out until after his overblot.
After realizing that, if he had died due to his blot, he would never have had a chance to prepare his bond with you.
It started out simple.
Since he couldn't visit home without the complications of his transformation potion schedule, (that's his excuse.) he sends messages back home.
The first thing he ever sent back home to you was a souvenir he had picked up during his first year at some festival.
So when a small multicolored stained glass depicting a goldfish with a small laminated note attached to it with your brother’s name written in fancy cursive was suddenly in your possession, it felt like an obligation to write something back.
But without any paper in the Coral Sea, you settled on engraving a small message on the inside of an old clam shell.
This was eventually how a small bridge was built between the two of you.
But if you ever came on land? Ever attempted to visit Azul during a school event where outsiders were invited on campus? Or even just getting permission from the headmaster and a transformation potion?
Best believe he will have no idea on how to approach you.
He’s known you for all his life but at the same time, with the little communication the two of you shared, he has no clue how to even start a conversation with you.
(The twins will never let him EVER live this down)
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I didn't really know how to approach this request but I hope it is to your liking!
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octavinelle-oyster · 7 months ago
Hello fellow Twisted Wonderland writer!! 👋
I would like to request my favorite boy Malleus (x reader please) who is so oblivious to love (as he hasn't really had anyone that close before, let alone friends who aren't Lilia, Silver, and Sebek(and they're more family than friends lol).)
Maybe the reader is very affectionate (which causes Mal to be flustered??) idk, it's up to you! :)
Characters: Malleus Draconia
Type: Headcanon
Info: gn reader, reader is not specified to be Ramshackle Prefect, Malleus matches your freak #notclickbait
When is a monster not a monster? Oh, when you love it ~Anon
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Malleus Draconia
During the beginning of your relationship, every time you said or did something besides the regular hand holding or kiss to the cheek he would get caught off guard.
He would freeze for a moment before either quietly questioning you or matching your freak.
PDA is alright in his book just as long as it is only hand-holding and the occasional kiss.
He definitely prefers a more private relationship with his dearest.
He loves when you are affectionate.
Openly drowns in your hands as if your words were the seas itself.
Yes, play with his hair and touch his skin.
Yes, whisper sweet nothings while you hold each other, basking in the moonlight seeping in from the curtains.
And please, just continue to stay by his side.
He giggles like a school girl when you tell him you're coming over before quickly recomposing himself.
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I fear I suck at writing for Malleus…
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octavinelle-oyster · 7 months ago
🇵🇸 ‼️Hello, please share widely, Mohamed and family and children, my sister Amir Malak has been going through a particularly scary time recently even by the horrific standards of the past few months. I hope she is well. My name is Mohamed Atallah. I urgently need surgery on my left hand and to rebuild my home and my older sister Eman's home. I live with my parents, six sisters, a little girl called Malak and a little boy called Amir in northern Gaza. I have created this link to fund a bone graft on my left hand which was hit by an explosive bullet, to rebuild our destroyed home and to evacuate my family from Gaza to a safe place. And donate any amount for a safe life.. I would appreciate your help ❤️ Can you help in whatever way you can? Click all the buttons on my wall, I beg you to visit my page, view it and donate via the link in my bio 💔 Donate and share widely 🆘🆘 Every euro makes a difference 🙏 I urge you to donate. Even the smallest amount can make a huge difference. Not only does he need to be evacuated with his family, but he is in dire need of surgery! The IDF shot him in the arm with an explosive bullet. That’s not normal. It’s explosive. So he needs treatment right away! Otherwise, he’ll get an infection and possibly an amputation. We don’t want that to happen, do we? So contribute! Be sure to retweet and share his story if you can’t. Help my family. War is devastating. There’s nothing left to live for. No schools, no universities, no home, no dreams. All dreams are shattered. I hope you can help before it’s too late. @90-ghost reviewed Mohammed's identity documents and corresponded with him as well. So, in short: This is a brand new fundraiser that I can vouch for. Please share and contribute if you can. Feel free to repost on other platforms as well.🍉
I received this message recently and hope to spread it anyway I can to help Mohamed and his family !
Please use the link below if you can help raise funds for this family!
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octavinelle-oyster · 7 months ago
I saw ur requests were only headcanons atm sooo can we get some headcanons for Riddle on a picnic date >.<? I think it'd be cute, maybe his date made him some of his favorite treats for the occasion, and whatever else you'd like :3
Characters : Riddle Rosehearts
Type : Headcanon, fluff
Info : gn reader, pre-established relationship (dating), reader makes strawberry shortcake, Reader is Ramshackle prefect
Making memories with you, is my favorite thing to do ~Jordy Daniel
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Riddle Rosehearts
Sure, Riddle was nothing less than delighted when you approached him earlier in the week. Catching him as he was leaving his dorm to ask him a question.
“What would you say is your favorite sweet- besides any tarts?”
When he had given you an answer of, “Strawberry shortcake,” he thought nothing of it.
It’s normal for others to ask random questions about you in an attempt to get to know you better, correct?
While that was one of your intentions, he wasn't in the slightest prepared when you dragged him to the backyard of Ramshackle one evening.
A simple, but worn down, red checkered blanket was laid down on the ground, and what decorated it was various light food.
Small sandwiches, a few miscellaneous fruits, (that were marked down in Sam’s shop) crackers with small slices of cheese, and strawberry shortcake.
At first, Riddle wanted to chide you.
“Why, this is just excessive for only two!” were his first thoughts.
But as he turned to you, his face softened.
You seemed… excited?
No. Maybe… happy? No.
While you were definitely happy, that wasn't quite it.
“I know you must be getting a bit sick of tarts by now.” You offered him a piece of the cake. “It took a few tries but I think I’ve gotten this shortcake recipe down.”
You were proud.
Not only did you put all this together, invite him over when you knew he wasn't busy, but you also made the cake yourself?
Gosh, you’re just too good to him at times.
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Meep mop.
I wrote this instead of sleeping
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octavinelle-oyster · 7 months ago
Since you don’t have anything up yet I figured I’d be one of the first to request something! I’m guessing you write for all characters and I don’t know what your personal rules are so I’ll just write something broad.
May I suggest Idia or Malleus with a gn reader who’s popular but (healthily) obsessed with him? Like both of them are total social outcasts but they are just absolutely enamored by them?
Also if you dont mind having assigned anons, could I be 🪽 anon?
Characters : Idia
Type : Headcanons, fluff
Info : gn reader
Sometimes love is like a flower, you have to wait for it to bloom ~Unknown
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Idia Shroud
Idia’s first thought to seeing yet another bundle of flowers on his seat was “Why me?”
Sure he was pretty sometimes but he didn't know what warranted an admirer.
This whole flowers, chocolate, gifts situation had started up a few weeks ago.
And he’d be lying if he said he didn't know who was leaving him all these things.
Come on now, he’s in Ignihyde. He can get into the school camera files with his eyes closed.
But needless to say, he never expected to see you leaving things for him.
You're popular, everyone knows your name.
Not to mention how many other people would be on their knees to be in his place.
Would it be awkward to leave something in your locker? Maybe at your seat like how you've been doing him.
Not like he’d have the courage to do so anyway. What if someone saw him?
Gosh, that would be so embarrassing.
But maybe not as embarrassing as having to carry the bouquet of pink camellia out of Trein’s classroom as the tips of his own hair match the flowers in his hands.
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Don't ask how this took so long bc I don't know😭 I am constantly forgetting about this blog
But I hope you like this even if it is a bit short🙏
Also you oh so totally can be an anon, the only problem is my old iPhone 8 cannot determine what emoji you are using to present as😭
Just drop in my inbox with another emoji and I’ll make a list
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octavinelle-oyster · 7 months ago
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octavinelle-oyster · 7 months ago
Ik I just sent you a thing on their groovied cards but have you seen how Jade sees floyd in his dream? Lmfao
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This is literally canon too 💀😂
no cause jade is so valid for this it's exactly how i see my little siblings it's simply how it is
you either have the cain instinct or you see them as a dumbass no in between
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octavinelle-oyster · 7 months ago
He might be right and might be a bit crazy but I love him all the same
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Azul is on to something here...
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octavinelle-oyster · 7 months ago
I saw that we're allowed to request dorms, so I was wondering if you could to Heartslabyul x Reader who adores the hedgehogs and is always volunteering to take care of them?
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Trey Clover, Cater Diamond, Deuce Space, Ace Trappola
Type: Headcanon
Info: gn reader, mutual pining, could be read as either romantic or platonic
Let me sit here, on the threshold of two worlds. Lost in the eloquent of silence ~Jalalud’din Rumi
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Riddle Rosehearts
At first he was a tad hesitant with your excitement.
Oh, you really do love them? Then you wouldn't mind being on Hedgehog duty for a week, would you?
No, you wouldn't.
And after this little “test” of sorts to see where your interests truly lie he lets you take care of them whenever you’d like.
Just don't leave Heartslabyul with them.
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Trey Clover
He doesn't mind that you like the little guys.
Just as long as you don't do anything to anger Riddle regarding them then he’s happy to lend you a spare key into the garden to mess around with them.
Yes, you have not only volunteered multiple times to help feed and clean up after the little critters but eventually they just became so comfortable with you that Trey will allow you to give them baths.
(Literally, only him and Riddle and a few others are allowed to do this.)
Totally doesn't have a picture of you with the hedgehogs on his lock screen.
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Cater Diamond
Totally has multiple pictures of you with the hedgehogs all over his magicam profile.
You’re just so aesthetically pleasing with the small guys he HAS to snap a picture or two.
He's not the most adamant or uptight about the rules regarding Heartslabyul’s tiny companions but if you ask nicely he’ll mess around with them with you.
Will totally point out if one hedgehog seems to like you more than the most and then jokingly says something like “why don't you just take it home with you!” before immediately backtracking with a jk.
He would let you take one home if Riddle wouldn't have his head for it.
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Deuce Space
I feel like he was enamored by the hedgehogs when he first got to Heartslabyul.
(Much unlike Ace, who was obsessed with the silly flamingos.)
Definitely, volunteers to help you whenever you mention taking care of them under the guise that an honor student should help.
He would enjoy helping you bathe them the most.
Like, look at them pitter-patterning around in the tub with water up to their ankles, you can't tell me they aren't adorable.
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Ace Trappola
He didn't understand it at first.
Why would you want to be around the hedgehogs when you could be hanging out with your totally awesome and coolio best friend instead?
The only thing that gets him to change this mindset is to sit him down on the grass and plop one of the little things on his lap.
He’s quiet then.
But as soon as the moment is over he’s right back to recommending other things that you guys could be doing instead of hanging around Heartslabyul, playing with hedgehogs all day.
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Omg as I went to save this after writing everything I thought tumblr ate my draft
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octavinelle-oyster · 8 months ago
Once again, forgot about this acc
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octavinelle-oyster · 8 months ago
Audibly went “DAYUM” seeing Vil
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All I did was increasing the resolution from this picture ✨️⬇️
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octavinelle-oyster · 8 months ago
I saw ur requests were only headcanons atm sooo can we get some headcanons for Riddle on a picnic date >.<? I think it'd be cute, maybe his date made him some of his favorite treats for the occasion, and whatever else you'd like :3
Characters : Riddle Rosehearts
Type : Headcanon, fluff
Info : gn reader, pre-established relationship (dating), reader makes strawberry shortcake, Reader is Ramshackle prefect
Making memories with you, is my favorite thing to do ~Jordy Daniel
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Riddle Rosehearts
Sure, Riddle was nothing less than delighted when you approached him earlier in the week. Catching him as he was leaving his dorm to ask him a question.
“What would you say is your favorite sweet- besides any tarts?”
When he had given you an answer of, “Strawberry shortcake,” he thought nothing of it.
It’s normal for others to ask random questions about you in an attempt to get to know you better, correct?
While that was one of your intentions, he wasn't in the slightest prepared when you dragged him to the backyard of Ramshackle one evening.
A simple, but worn down, red checkered blanket was laid down on the ground, and what decorated it was various light food.
Small sandwiches, a few miscellaneous fruits, (that were marked down in Sam’s shop) crackers with small slices of cheese, and strawberry shortcake.
At first, Riddle wanted to chide you.
“Why, this is just excessive for only two!” were his first thoughts.
But as he turned to you, his face softened.
You seemed… excited?
No. Maybe… happy? No.
While you were definitely happy, that wasn't quite it.
“I know you must be getting a bit sick of tarts by now.” You offered him a piece of the cake. “It took a few tries but I think I’ve gotten this shortcake recipe down.”
You were proud.
Not only did you put all this together, invite him over when you knew he wasn't busy, but you also made the cake yourself?
Gosh, you’re just too good to him at times.
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Meep mop.
I wrote this instead of sleeping
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