oceansatomiques · 10 years
If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you’re scared that it’s not the right thing. Even if you’re scared that it’ll cause problems. Even if you’re scared that it will burn your life to the ground, you say it, and you say it loud and you go from there.
Mark Sloan Grey’s Anatomy (via cosmiccalculation)
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oceansatomiques · 10 years
what if it changes things.
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oceansatomiques · 10 years
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oceansatomiques · 10 years
it's not like i never thought about this before it's just that so much has happened in between it feels like it happened in another lifetime.
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oceansatomiques · 10 years
i want to
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oceansatomiques · 11 years
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get over it, lindsay bottos
thoughts about my assault embroidered onto my mascara-stained pillowcase, 2014
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oceansatomiques · 11 years
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oceansatomiques · 11 years
i don't know what historia drugged me with but it's making me really di zzy.
i didn;t turn. i though,t i was gonning to bu t i didn/t? i mus tn ot have been bite tten.
my arm doesn' t hurt a sm uch. it stoped  hurting around hour 14 (ho  w long was i even i nthat cupboard, for that matter? i losttrack of time around hour 8.)but th ppain came ba ck fukll force as so o n as i had to mo vi t to get ou   tt. i i feel so b a f for making them wor ry i did it b ecaus i didnt n want to hu t them i di nt wan t to go f or them im so sor y mi kasa s  e  yys aere so niic e s he crie s nig ghibl i tears i t s triagi cally beauti fu k  wher e sr e m rfffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff f fff
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oceansatomiques · 11 years
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oceansatomiques · 11 years
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oceansatomiques · 11 years
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oceansatomiques · 11 years
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oceansatomiques · 11 years
important: we are relatively safe and alive and healthy.
very important: the way the light is catching on eren's hair makes it seem like he's not from this world and i want to kiss him.
also important: i'm hungry and i've read pride&prejudice twice this month and i still don't like mr. darcy.
kind of important: what does fish taste like.
not that important: the details of living in-walls are getting fuzzy but i remember being more afraid than i am now. kind of like how you're afraid of falling off your bicycle until it actually happens.
relatively important: feeling safe doesn't mean we actually are.
might be important: i saw snuggles trying to eat grass and i think that means he's sick.
relevant: i can't remember the last time i heard mikasa's voice above a whisper.
very relevant: i've got helena.
irrelevant: i miss jean and sasha.
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oceansatomiques · 11 years
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oceansatomiques · 11 years
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oceansatomiques · 11 years
somewhere along the way i started feeling out of place again.
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oceansatomiques · 11 years
i've been feeling sick. more so than usual i don't know what's
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