oceanhook ยท 1 month
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๐imble digits carefully wrapped around glass bottle ห slowly he knelt forward allowing it to slide between her fingers ใ€‚He can only imagine the significance of a pedant but he wouldnโ€™t pry ใ€‚
โ› ๐‹ass itโ€™s quite a strong brew Iโ€™d recommend takinโ€™ careful sips instead of chugginโ€™ the bloody thing like most do ใ€‚ โœ
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๐–hether he could help ease her nerves he was unsure ใ€‚Head slightly tilted as a singular brow raised at her question ใ€‚ Water ใ€‚Somehow in some way she might be correct but in others it is far off ใ€‚Slowly allowing himself to drop to the floor to sit next to her he leaned back onto a pole ใ€‚
โ› ๐ot exactly love ห rum is far different than water and as for your pendant no unfortunately not ใ€‚ Is it important to ya or somethinโ€™ .แฃ โœ
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oceanhook ยท 1 month
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๐€ small hum erupted from his throat ห boots hitting dirt as he walked forward ใ€‚Irises fixated upon her ห adorable ห somehow the hostility mixed with an ounce of vulnerability made her more breathtaking ใ€‚Heart strings tugged against each other ห eyes flicked back to the road ahead mere moments after ใ€‚Five minutes of walking turned into ten then fifteen before he settles her down ใ€‚
โ› ๐ˆ told you I satisfy ห how are you feeling Swan .แฃ โœ
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Mild concern etched upon features ห nimble fingers carefully snatching up bottle of rubbing alcohol ห clean cloth and a needle and thread ใ€‚Swiftly approaching her he knelt down to examine her wound closely after unwrapping it ใ€‚
โ› ๐“his may hurt just a pinch but surely you are used to that no .แฃ โœ
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๐„dge of lip curled downwards ห visage temporarily shifting into one of mild concern ใ€‚ Use her ใ€‚His mind was filled with possibilities of taking advantage of the situation to get closer to his goal ใ€‚Yet in this moment he no longer cared ห his heart temporarily skipped a beat causing him to hitch his breath ใ€‚ Shit ใ€‚The hold she has on him has already deepened against his better wishes ใ€‚Slowly feet guided him forward ห body leaning forward as he wrapped his arms around her frame and hoisted her up bridal style ใ€‚Irises slowly fixating on her ห focus jones ห but a small glint in his eyes should be harmless enough ใ€‚
โ› ๐˜ou shouldnt underestimate a pirate Swan ห taking care of a womanโ€™s needs is one of the many codes we abide by ใ€‚Hold on tight alright we got a bit of a walk ใ€‚ โœ
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oceanhook ยท 2 months
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๐“ruthfully it wasnโ€™t his first time being robbed ห there are subtle notes of familiarities he was to used to ใ€‚Lips curled upright into a small smile as his irises softened ห focusing on her movements as he studied her ใ€‚Something about her obliviousness to his title drew him in ห yet that made her dangerous within her own right ใ€‚Shoulders slowly rose and fell as he managed to turn them ห a swift look towards a crew of men as a silent command before they scattered finding their own lass to dance with ใ€‚
Fingers carefully squeezed delicate hip ห experimenting on what was allowed before the music ended ใ€‚Slowly he separated lips curling upright into a small smile as his eyes flickered to examine her stature ใ€‚Confidence ใ€‚He adored it in a woman because they knew what they wanted ใ€‚Her voice rang throughout his ears each syllable that escaped her caused him to listen more closely than he has ever done with anyone ใ€‚Because he cared mildly ใ€‚Only a fool wouldnโ€™t give their full attention to a lady like this one ใ€‚
โ› ๐uite a high one my dear ห several lands want my head on a spike but none are brave enough to do so ห Iโ€™ve pillaged ห plundered ห took what I wanted when I saw fit ใ€‚โœ
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Allowing boots to hit floorboards he motioned the other to follow him ห a single flick of his wrist and he ordered the bartender to prepare a few drinks for them both yet opting for something more fruity for her ใ€‚Small hums erupted from his throat once jug was brought to his lips allowing amber liquid to slide down his throat ใ€‚Shit ใ€‚Perhaps there was a reason for liquid courage but he didnโ€™t necessarily need it to keep her attention ใ€‚
โ› ๐„arned it from the Dark One himself the lucky bastard got his knickers in a bunch and took my hand as payment ใ€‚He took somethinโ€™ special from me lass and the hand ainโ€™t it ใ€‚ โœ
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๐‡e knows how to identify other pirates ห comes with the lifestyle ใ€‚Yet the thrill of engaging in dangerous territory kept him trotting forward ใ€‚Lips curled upright into an all to familiar smirk as he listened to her ใ€‚ Beautiful ใ€‚He would be a liar if he said he wasnโ€™t captivated with her presence ห where he is from most crews tend to be men only due to the overwhelming aura most pirates radiate ใ€‚
Slowly those digits of his carefully wrapped around her hand ห gently pulling her closer to his torso ใ€‚Music slowing into a gentle tune causing the pirate to slowly step back ห forward and even sideways as he mimicked the steps of an all to familiar waltz ใ€‚Irises softened ห hooked slowly trailing downwards to rest comfortably upon her hip ใ€‚ Charm her ใ€‚
โ› ๐ˆ assure you luv ห there is plenty of gold to make this night one of the bests youโ€™ve had but perhaps youโ€™d like something more simplistic instead ใ€‚โœ
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Slowly turning her he managed to dip her before lifting her frame back up to meet his ใ€‚Something about this woman captivated him and he could not figure out exactly what it was ใ€‚Perhaps it was that charming smile or luscious hair ห nonetheless there was something drawing him in ใ€‚ Bloody hell ใ€‚
โ› ๐Šillian Jones โ€” but most of these fellows know me as Hook ห Captain Hook ใ€‚ โœ
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oceanhook ยท 2 months
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๐‡e understands the nature of skepticism ห heโ€™s honed it naturally yet a child that seemed abandoned wasnโ€™t exactly on his โ€˜leave it aloneโ€™ list ใ€‚Irises fixated upon her ห a small hum erupting from his throat as his hook slowly rested upon his hip ใ€‚
โ› ๐˜er alone in the woods I think you need some help โ€˜sides itโ€™s dangerous โ€˜round this place ใ€‚ โœ
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Closed starter @ofteaandmagic
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๐“ruth be told he has met plenty of people within Neverland ห but each were under the false idealogy of being able to leave this land ใ€‚Slowly taking a small sip of his rum out of his flask a brow raised towards them ใ€‚He should have known ห life in this place was survival of the fittest especially if someone wasnโ€™t close to Peter Pan ใ€‚
โ› ๐eed some help there love .แฃ โœ
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3 notes ยท View notes
oceanhook ยท 2 months
I havenโ€™t abandoned my boy, Iโ€™m just stuck over at @solseas
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oceanhook ยท 2 months
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โ€”Once Upon a Time, โ€œBreaking Glassโ€
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oceanhook ยท 2 months
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Back in the saddle folks, took a week off ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
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8 notes ยท View notes
oceanhook ยท 3 months
Taking a small break from tumblr
Will be back in a few days
Iโ€™m in a rut
Iโ€™ll be on discord overseeas
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oceanhook ยท 3 months
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Emma Swan and Killian Jones in OUAT, 3x22 There's No Place Like Home
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oceanhook ยท 3 months
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366 Days of Killian Jones [169/366]
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oceanhook ยท 3 months
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so, youโ€™re a pirate?
like, treasure burying, stealing and sword fighting?
OH, OH can you teach me how to sword fight??
. . . โ› ๐ˆ wouldnโ€™t say I bury my treasure ห but yes I can teach you how to sword fight Lad ใ€‚ โœ
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oceanhook ยท 3 months
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Took a little break now itโ€™s time to get to those replies ๐Ÿคญ
0 notes
oceanhook ยท 3 months
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But now...you saw into that mirror. She doesn't even remember who I am. So yes, I'm gonna climb that beanstalk, and I am gonna find that bean, because I'm not gonna lose everything I have just because some bitter fairy cast another bloody curse. Our story began on the beanstalk, and I'll be damned if it ends there too.
441 notes ยท View notes
oceanhook ยท 3 months
Where to find Harley if she isnโ€™t here
0 notes
oceanhook ยท 3 months
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๐‡e couldnโ€™t help but laugh at her bluntness ห itโ€™s been a while since he last indulged in a woman who showed an ounce of resistance ใ€‚Most tended to fall at the knees ห begging to be taken back to his ship for an unforgettable night ใ€‚ Sheโ€™s different ใ€‚Slowly hooking his leg onto the stool next to her he took a generous sip of his rum a small hum erupting from his throat ใ€‚ Hell of a day ใ€‚He has had plenty of those since he gave up the hunt for a certain crocodile ใ€‚
โ› ๐Œore so lookinโ€™ for a relaxinโ€™ night with my crew after the adventures weโ€™ve had ใ€‚Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ve heard of me Captain Hook but you can call me Killian ใ€‚ โœ
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Closed starter @sacrlegius
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๐reathing steadying ห feet guiding him forward ใ€‚Free hand slowly taking hold of door knob ห a single turn and he pulled the door open ใ€‚An audible hum escaping his throat as he found himself a spot at the bar ใ€‚Frame leaning forward as he rested his arm against wooden counter ใ€‚A single flash of a cheeky smile ห payment placed next to the bartender before he took hold of rum filled glass ใ€‚
โ› ๐–ell what brings a lovely lass like yourself in a place like this hm .แฃ โœ
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oceanhook ยท 3 months
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ONCE UPON A TIME 6.19, The Black Fairy
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oceanhook ยท 3 months
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๐„dge of lip curled downwards ห visage temporarily shifting into one of mild concern ใ€‚ Use her ใ€‚His mind was filled with possibilities of taking advantage of the situation to get closer to his goal ใ€‚Yet in this moment he no longer cared ห his heart temporarily skipped a beat causing him to hitch his breath ใ€‚ Shit ใ€‚The hold she has on him has already deepened against his better wishes ใ€‚Slowly feet guided him forward ห body leaning forward as he wrapped his arms around her frame and hoisted her up bridal style ใ€‚Irises slowly fixating on her ห focus jones ห but a small glint in his eyes should be harmless enough ใ€‚
โ› ๐˜ou shouldnt underestimate a pirate Swan ห taking care of a womanโ€™s needs is one of the many codes we abide by ใ€‚Hold on tight alright we got a bit of a walk ใ€‚ โœ
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๐row raised ห nimble digits began to unbuckle his belt in a sensually slow manner ใ€‚ Focus Jones ใ€‚A cheeky smile graced his features as he pulled the leather belt from his pants before carefully wrapping it around her leg ใ€‚Hooked hand resting upon her uninjured leg to gain some stability before he looped it and pulled tight ใ€‚ Breathtaking ใ€‚Slowly he then rised to his feet and leaned against the nearest support ใ€‚
โ› ๐uite the impatient woman now arenโ€™t you luv .แฃ Worry not the bleeding will stop shortly but Iโ€™d recommend gettinโ€™ off that leg ใ€‚ โœ
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