There'2 a countdown on B'2 vent and II know iit'2 queued but that make2 me even more anxiiou2 to fiind out what iit'2 countiing down to.
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II would talk to you but we've never really held a conver2atiion before 2o II don't know what we would talk about and II 2hould probably try to 2leep.
#II managed to get Lace to cuddle me and he'2 already a2leep.#II don't know iif II can 2leep though.
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II'm 2orry your moiirallegiiance wiith my brother diidnt work out becau2e you were never there for hiim.
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Why ii2 Jaii2iin even tryiing to talk to me riight now.
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II'm 2hakiing agaiin.
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II'm not even 2cared for me II'm ju2t worriied about where B ii2 riight now.
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II 2hould have ju2t let B kiill me iin the flat then thiing2 would be alot ea2iier for iit now.
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Lace ii2 great and II love hiim but II ju2t want to be wiith B...
#Lace 2aiid iif B touche2 me agaiin he'2 goiing to kiill iit.#II don't want B to diie but II gue22 iit'2 iineviitable now.
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II don't thiink II'm even fiive year2 old and II'm goiing to diie.
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II'm 2tiill 2hakiing Lace had to giive me the2e piill2 to calm me down and they 2topped me from cryiing but my head ii2 2tiill poundiing. At lea2t II'm not bleediing anymore...
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II don't know what to do and II'm cryiing and my head hurt2...Why diid thii2 happen.
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Are they actually a2kiing me for a fiight becau2e II don't want that.
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II've told 2al to not tell B about anythiing Cho ii2 bloggiing today.
#IIt doe2n't really want to be onliine anyway but iit told 2al to tell iit know iif iit wa2 mentiioned or 2omethiing#But hey. :)
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