occasionallyiwrite · 8 years
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occasionallyiwrite · 8 years
Bring me the thing that turns in the night, stirring up the dark like oil in a cauldron; inspiring delusion and horrid confusion in the restless minds of the cowardly.
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occasionallyiwrite · 8 years
Because I have decided to forgo working at the Mercantile, i.e the box office, front desk, classroom space, gift shop, bar, and sole restaurant of Rosebud, I awoke this morning to the knowledge that I had nothing to do. As this was undoubtedly going to be a rare occurrence, I celebrated immediately by doing as little as possible. It was some time around noon, after reading for three hours and then listening to more reading on my ipod, that I decided it would be twice as fun if I did nothing outside, because it would mean I could walk past the buildings where the other students were diligently working.
The day was bright, the sun was warm, and as I ambled along taking the odd casual picture for visual arts, I breathed in the heady, refreshing scent of dodged responsibility. With each photo I took I grew bolder. I started with a sporty yellow car, but found it was decidedly less sporty when face-to-face with the bug encrusted bumper. So I found a much older pickup and took a picture; then another from a more attractive angle. I felt rather cool lying on the ground in front of a truck; like an eccentric artist that was so driven to find the perfect shot that they were unconcerned with how they might look lying on the ground in front of a truck. I decided to play the part.
A maverick photographer wouldn’t settle for just any old photograph, they would go to extremes. I looked around and considered climbing a tree, but that seemed hard so I decided to climb the rather large hill in the distance that spelled out Rosebud’s name instead. I only made it about a fifth of a mile before I was stopped by a river. It was then that I noticed the absolutely massive grey building to my right. Any building that large and that grey had to be interesting. It was four stories tall, had overgrown grass and no windows, which meant to me that it was both abandoned, and would be expressly easy to climb inside of.
I hesitated for a moment by a small fence, wondering if it was safe, wondering if anyone was watching, and wondering if jumping through mysterious windows was in fact polite, but then remembered that I was a risk taking photographer and pulled myself easily over.
I was surprised to find upon entering that it was filled to capacity with stuff. I explored it slowly, taking pictures of whatever caught my eye. Because explaining the entire journey would get dull, I’ll list them for you. In the basement, where I had come in, I took a picture of a wall lined entirely with interesting chandeliers. On the next floor: a rocking horse shaped like a chicken. On the floor above that, a strangely comfortable looking day bed by a window, and higher still, in the attic, a wonderful view of the valley and golf course. I was so pleased until I heard footsteps coming from behind me.
I was now a criminal. Turning my head slowly I met eyes with a man clearly dressed to work on his house. I turned back around and walked down a few stairs, and wondered stupidly for a moment if he’d seen me and if I could still make a run for it. Now, when I say that I said sorry, I want you to imagine it was done in the style of a very shy creaky door, or the way someone with a crushed esophagus might wheeze out air. Fate accepted, I awaited my scolding.
Turns out nothing in Rosebud works like it’s supposed to, though, so instead he gave me a lovely tour of the work in progress, a themed bed and breakfast (which sounds absolutely incredible by the way), and I helped him run some tubing through the ceiling to the boiler room. I then went home and ate pancakes.
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occasionallyiwrite · 8 years
My things are unpacked and it seems people are entirely capable of living through drastic change, despite the hype. Though it may still be too early to say. I’ll be sure to keep this blog as much as I’m able so that at least if I manage to croak somehow it’ll benefit science.
My house is nice, the people are nice, my bedroom is large, the neighbors are quiet, the community is picturesque and weather is warm so my small time here has been good to say the least.
We’ve yet to do a proper class but for now the most notable thing about today was a journaling class. They told us to write what was on our minds and I ended up drawing a picture of a car with legs. I didn’t have to hand it in though so that’s a shame.
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occasionallyiwrite · 8 years
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I decided to abuse my power and see what Benedict Cumberbatch would look like as a lady but found out he’s just Amy from Amy’s Baking Company.
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occasionallyiwrite · 8 years
I need this for when i live in a van.
Let me tell you about my panda mini-washer
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As an apartment dweller, this is a game changer. My current apartment doesn’t have a laundry facility and the closest Laundromat about a 30 min bus ride which is just not practical. The mini-washer is a life saver
The panda mini washer hooks up to the sink, is incredibly lightweight (about 28 pounds, so light even I can lift it) and easy to use. 
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It has a surprisingly large capacity. The basket from the first picture represents about one and a half loads. The jeans took up a whole load while the rest filled the bin only half way. 
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Here’s the inside. The left is the washer the right is the spin dryer. Yes, it even drys.
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Basically you shove your cloths into the washer, fill it up with water and let it go. I use my shower head to fill it up so it goes faster, the sink hook up took about five minutes to fill the whole tub, with the shower head is is down to a minute an a half. I do it in three wash cycles, a five minute rinse with baking soda, a five minute wash with soap and a three minute rinse with water. You have to drain and refill between each cycle so it’s a little more labor intensive than a traditional washer. 
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That’s the spin dryer. It’s about half the capacity of the washer so one wash takes about two loads to dry. The spinner is much more effective than I was expecting. A three minute spin gets my cloths about 90% dry. I hang them up to air dry for that last 10%. 
The machine cost me about 150$. When you factor in two dollars for the bus, five for the machines (per week), the mini-washer pays for its self after only about six months worth of laundry. 
I’m not great at expressing emotion, but I’m hoping you can tell how excited I am.  Let me just say that the panda mini-washer is great and I highly recommend it to anyone currently using a Laundromat.  
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occasionallyiwrite · 8 years
I just remembered that this one time a boy asked me for a hug and I said I couldn't because i didn't have any arms and I feel like it kind of sums me up as a person.
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occasionallyiwrite · 8 years
La Vie En Rose - Daniela Andrade
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occasionallyiwrite · 8 years
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occasionallyiwrite · 8 years
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occasionallyiwrite · 8 years
Life is too real, I think.
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occasionallyiwrite · 9 years
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occasionallyiwrite · 9 years
He’s not himself without him.
I think it’s beautiful that when constructing a Victorian world and his place in it the first thing for Sherlock to imagine is John.
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occasionallyiwrite · 9 years
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occasionallyiwrite · 9 years
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Undertale is gr8
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occasionallyiwrite · 9 years
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God help me, I drew the skeleton...
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occasionallyiwrite · 9 years
     The thing I love most about Undetale is that it makes everything so personal. While most games give you an avatar so that you might live the game through them vicariously, Undertale makes sure the experience goes directly to you, and never lets you forget that every action you choose, and the consequences following it thereafter, are solely your responsibility. It isn’t something you notice at first. You find yourself growing attached to the characters and feeling a genuine want to make them happy, yes, but that’s what we’re already used to with regular RPGs. It isn’t until you’ve beaten the game and have gotten the “True Ending” that the distinction is made between you and Frisk. After that the experience becomes your own, and it can only mean as little or as much to you as you choose.
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