They told me that I couldn’t be here.  That sandslash weren’t welcome in the region...
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So I came in anyways.  Howdy, all!  It’s been a while, but I’m alive and kickin’!   I’ve been enjoyin’ life and this nifty Galar place as much as I possibly can.  Hopin’ to enjoy the pleasure of talkin’ to all of y’all again a lil’ more often.  It’ll be just like ol’ times! 
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~Show breed Glaceon Giveaway!~
Follow me I guessEnds when I go to bed tonight or tomorrow morningreblogs only plsGlaceonOption to have a pre-determined relationship with Vivi open.
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Sandslash, my clincher from Gen 1.
With a new style! 3 posts a day till I’m caught back up. :) Original
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Sandshrew, the un-sung hero of Gen 1.
With a new style! 3 posts a day till I’m caught back up. :) Original
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Klutz at the beach.
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Best spot on the beach!
((thank you @occasionally-sandslash for the guest art!!!))
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Well howdy there, teensy darlin'! Haven't met any lil' sparkers like yourself before, but I've heard tell that your kind can cause quite a bit o' mischief for humans and their power! Ever find yourself in the midst of shenanigans on account of your shockin' nature? Or your size?
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Well… I had many.. adventures, usually I don’t bother humans mostly other pokemon. I once zapped a murkrow and it chased me for a while till ran into a cave that homed a purrloin. After it trying to eat me I escaped and had a run in with a ghastly that tried to.. Actually I had no idea what it was doing. But a jolteon came to my rescue!
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Boof visits his grandma
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can the zapper get dapper? :O
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dapper zapper 
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Brought a waterin’ can over!  Have you named the lil’ flower yet?
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Litten’s gone gardening, but it seems a bit lonely… Join her?
(Never done this before so let’s see what happens)
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In honor of Queen Darina’s birthday (june 20th) the town of Mirstone that lays near the castle is throwing a huge festival! (Im going kinda tangled themed with this so bare with me xD)
It will be June 10th to June 30th
it’s long so I’ll put it under the cut!
Keep reading
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Oh darlin', those wings of yours are GORGEOUS! What's your favorite thing about bein' able to fly? How high do you think you can go??
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“It is pretty fun to fly when there’s a good breeze!”(I am so sorry it took this long aaa.)
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Turtsparce Dunswig A derp-dorable pokemon that I WISH was real! A lil’ tardy to the party, I know, but I so badly wanted to draw up this gem from @daily-azurill ‘s fusions!
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Funnily enough, I was itchin’ to figure out a way to hash out the horde of schtuff from my past travels!  Plenty of interesting baubles lost and found in the desert!  Would do wonders to set up a trading post here for wearable items and accessories!  Sign me up!
Shop sign up
This is the post you reblog if you want to set up a shop for the event! All you have to do is reblog with what your shop will be so I can make a list for everyone to see c:
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Desmond the Sandslash: Hello beautiful! The shine of your spines look gorgeous is the sun.
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Well snip my spikes, another sandslash!  Ooo, and a real sweet talker at that, haha!  Didn’t know we could have the ‘Cute Charm’ ability!Thank ya kindly for such a generous compliment!  To be honest with ya, it’s been a long while since I’ve seen one of our own in my travels!  It’s an honor to make the acquaintance of such a dapper, golden sandslash!  Maybe we could have a lil’ friendly race across the dunes sometime?
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Hiya! What do ya know about the social structure or behaviors for the sandshrew/sandslash evolutionary line? Does it change at all depending on if they’re wild or domesticated?
In the wild, Sandshrew and Sandslash will live in burrows made by the parents. A pair of Sandslash will raise a brood of up to seven Sandshrew to adulthood, then send them out on their own.
In domesticated Sandshrew, they do not have this familial bond, but still do have the urge to burrow and be safe in an enclosed space. This leads to many upsets with new Sandshrew owners as their new Pokémon attempt to get this safety by making holes in anywhere they can muster, including the plaster in the walls of their new homes. Make sure to have an enclosed backyard whilst raising a Sandshrew, or perhaps a dirt pit of some kind.
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Hey-o, mod here!  Just wanted to apologize for the sudden drop in activity these last few days!  Between online summer courses starting up, special project commissions from professors, summer camp plan + prep, and the bit of travel I have planned for the next few weekends for family events, I’m not sure when I’ll have the time to sit down and draw up replies or asks waiting in my inbox. Of course I’ll still be around to poke around my dash and chat!  The ask box will also still stay wide open, and I’ll get to the ones I have waiting as soon as I can!  Thank y’all for your time, patience, and support! ^u^  ~Pear Bear
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@occasionally-sandslash said: Look at you, chickadee! A big, blue, bouncin’ bubble of smiles! Now that you’ve evolved (if only temporarily, o’ course) is there anything special you’d wanna do that you couldn’t do before? Wave your new hands? Stand higher up on tippy toes to reach for berries? Make use of your newfound water-typing?
Ruru’s really excited to be able to hug their friends! They want to give as many hugs as possible while they’re still able! They can still easily cuddle as an azurill, but there’s something very special about being able to put their arms around other Pokemon!
Marill!Ruru Ask [1/5]
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