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Life after Weight Loss Surgery
Weight loss surgery is the only way to reduce weight for an obese person. It does lose weight of patient after surgery with proper care and moderate lifestyle. None other care and the medication itself help an obese person to lose weight. It is quite effective and time-saving process for those who don’t want to take more time to lose weight. It is an amazing process of transforming an obese person into fit person day by day.
Many people think that after weight loss surgery they have to face lots of complications and other problems. They think they can’t be able to bear those situations, so they don’t get ready for this procedure, which is totally a myth. There is nothing like these situations and circumstances, the person just needs to take care of some small things like diet and exercise and they see the result in the very first month after weight loss surgery.
Some things which should keep in mind after weight loss surgery are:-
Vitamins, Nutrition food, and supplements:-
Always follow your diet chart which your dietitian has given to you after surgery.
You should take the proper amount of vitamins and minerals in your daily food.
Proteins should be taken in small amount again and again as directed by your dietitian.
Don’t ever try to eat all protein and supplements at once, take after few hours gap.
Avoid Caffeine and related food items:-
Caffeine plays an important role to keep your body hydrated, which is not good for weight loss surgery. After surgery, your internal organs such as stomach and other parts are little sensitive for a month which can’t resist caffeine and cause you internal pain and other problems like dysentery and inflammation of the intestine. It also contains sugar and carbohydrate in drinks and shakes so must aware about all that before intake.
Consumption of alcohol and tobacco:-
Every doctor suggests that patient must stop taking all these cigarettes and chewing tobacco permanently. These are the poisonous substance which normally decreased blood supply to your body’s tissues and delays healing. The patient also avoids of having alcohol which contains more calories and less nutrition that is not good for weight loss goal in the future.
Exercise and Fitness:-
If any person wants that their surgery helps them for being fit in long run then they must have taken care of their body and physical fitness. They should do regular exercises after the recovery of wounds and health. They should not do heavy weight exercise because it can affect the operated part and increase stress on it which is not good for their future health. If they do exercise regular basis then there are very fewer chances to gain weight again in near future.
Pregnancy:- It is a myth that a woman can never get pregnant in after weight loss surgery. Doctors suggest that you should avoid getting pregnant after weight loss surgery because it makes you fat and gain weight again after childbirth. So must take care to use precautions around 18 months of surgery, after that you can easily get pregnant without any complications and problems.
These are the following steps you should have taken care of daily life after weight loss surgery which is only beneficial to you and your health. If you want to stay fit for a long time after surgery then must take proper sleep, never take the stress, proper medicines timely, monthly check-up, balanced diet, and regular exercise will help you to get fit and stay active to live life normally.
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Can you afford bariatric surgery cost?
Obesity is a quite common disease in today’s generation especially amongst children’s and youngsters. Obesity can happen to anyone, it doesn’t take anything to age, sex, and parental genes. The main reason behind obesity is depression, medication, unhealthy eating habits and no physical exercise of the body. In some cases, it is genetically. Obesity is measured by the BMI of a person. BMI stands for body mass index, which is calculated by the height and weight proportion ratio. According to doctors a fit person’s BMI is below or equals to 20, but if it goes more than 25 person comes under the fat category. When BMI of any person reaches 30 then the person comes in the obese category.
Obesity never comes alone it takes several morbid diseases with it like heart problems, joints pain, asthma, type 2 diabetes etc. The only way to get rid of obesity is bariatric surgery || weight loss surgery. It is the most efficient & effective way to lose weight and get rid of obesity for a long period of time. Bariatric surgery is the only option for those obese patients who don’t want to do any exercise and dieting for their weight control. According to Dr. Apoorv Shrivastava; when they tell a patient to get bariatric surgery for weight loss, then almost many patients get flabbergasted because of the name of surgery. He said what people think that weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery cost is extremely high but it’s not true. Bariatric surgery cost used to be high a decade ago but bariatric surgery cost is really affordable nowadays; it is so cheap that anyone can afford bariatric surgery cost.
Apoorv Hi-tech bariatric and laparoscopic surgery center in Indore is famous for successful low cost bariatric or weight loss surgery. We have many veteran surgeons who have an experience of more than thousands of successful bariatric surgeries. Here bariatric surgery cost is quite less than any other cities in India.
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Apoorv Hi-Tech – Most Attractive Weight Loss Surgery Cost
Obesity is a clinical disorder which is caused by many reasons depending on the genes & physical conditions of person’s body. Sometimes it is genetically or sometimes it is due to non systematic daily routine and food habits. Obesity surgery or weight loss surgery is the ultimate way to reduce weight and get rid of obesity. Indore is becoming a potential medical hub in the field of obesity & bariatric surgery; Dr. Apoorv Shrivastava is one of the best bariatric and laparoscopic surgeons in Indore. He has an experience of more than nine thousand successful surgeries. According to a survey it has been found that the weight loss surgery cost is quite less now a days as compare to early days. Also it is the best and easy way to get fit in short period duration of time without doing any hard workout & exercise. Dr Apoorv Shrivastava says, we have seen many cases in which some patients only denied of getting surgery because of cost issues but they don’t see the benefits of surgery and its good effects on their health. Obesity surgery is very helpful for various severe diseases such as high blood pressure, joint pain, arthritis, type2 diabetes colon cancer and heart disease. The most obvious benefit is weight loss: it depends on the type of procedure, but generally patients can see maximum percentage of weight loss. This varies from one person to another but is an expected result is 80% weight loss. Obesity surgery also reduces the age factor risks. It is one of the best and effective ways of reducing fat without doing any sweat breaking exercise and spending hours and hours by doing heavy weight lifting exercise in gymnasium. One thing should be kept in mind that person just need to change their eating habit after surgery most probably avoid fast food and unhealthy eating for better and long term results.
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What Exactly is Bariatric Surgery?
Bariatric surgery or obesity surgery is the surgery to remove fat from the obese person. Now the question arises in person mind that who is obese or we can say that which kind of people comes under the obese category. We make you understand that what is obesity and obese category. As you all know that doctors said person weight should be proportional to person height. This is the main reason people do exercise and eat healthy food to maintain their weight according to their height. But what happens if your body weight is greater than your height proportion, which doctors sometimes call BMI (Body Mass Index). Obesity category is decided by this BMI of a person’s body. An adult person BMI is between, 15-20. If the BMI is greater than 20 persons come under a fat category. But if the BMI is equal to 30 or greater than 30 then this kind of persons come under the obese category and the disease termed as Obesity.
Bariatric surgery is the best way to get rid of obesity in a short period of time and without doing any dieting and lifting heavy weight. Weight loss surgery is of two types one is laparoscopic surgery (laparoscope is a device which has a camera on its head to see internal organs more clearly on a monitor). The second method is open surgery or old procedure in which all surgical instruments is used and operate patient by applying a long 10 inch cut on the upper layer of stomach skin. Whereas the laparoscopic method is minimally invasive i.e. doctors apply 5 to 6, half-inch cut and wounds also recover too fast and patient do well after a week of surgery. Doctors almost prescribe laparoscopic surgery to the patient but sometimes according to patients body type or some kind health issues laparoscopic surgery can turned into major surgery or open surgery depending on patients health and circumstances.
Dr Apoorv Shrivastav, is one of the best-experienced surgeons in Indore (India). He has an experience of more than 6000 successful bariatric surgery all over in India. Apoorv Hi-tech laparoscopic and bariatric surgery center Indore is well known for its successful bariatric surgeries and best results. People come here from across India and get weight loss surgery and live a healthy life after it.
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Obesity Surgery- What Is It? Can It Help Me!!
People are really confused about obesity surgery; they don’t have much knowledge about this surgery. They are quite confused about the procedure and its benefits because sometime’s they don’t get proper counselor and advice. These kinds of confusions create a dilemma in their mind and they feel hesitation to talk about it. They sometimes get hypocritical people and their self-styled suggestions make their mind like that. Obesity surgery or weight loss surgery is two name of one thing. Obesity surgery is suggested to those patients whose BMI is greater than 30. BMI refers to body mass index; it is the measurement unit of a person body according to their height and weight proportion. Generally, BMI is used to measure if a person is physically fit and healthy. BMI of an adult is lie between 15-20 if somebody’s BMI is greater than that then person comes under the fat category, but if it crosses over 35 he comes under obese category. These kinds of patients are called obese and surgery to remove this extra fat is obesity surgery.
Obesity surgeries are of two types:
Laparoscopic surgery (with the help of laparoscopy)
Open surgery (old procedure)
These two surgeries also have some procedures depending on obesity type and other risk associated with their body diseases. These procedures are as under
Restrictive procedures:-
Procedures that are restrictive shrink the size of the stomach or take up space inside the stomach, making people feel fuller when they eat less. It is ultimately the best procedure for not regain extra weight after surgery because it helps people to satisfy their hunger in less intake. When you can’t eat more your body automatically be in shape and keeps you healthy. It does not have any adverse effect. People do daily household work very easily and live a healthy life.
Blocking procedures:-
Some procedures block absorption of food, although they also reduce stomach size. In this procedure, doctors create a small stomach by resects some part of the stomach which helps patient to take free diet as they want but due to this small stomach the mechanism of digestion change and person feel satisfied in less and his body does not demand food again and again until the stomach is really empty.
Mixed procedures:-
Mixed procedures apply block and restrict at the same time. This procedure is done very rarely in some cases of very high obesity type person. It depends on doctors and patients body which kind of surgery should be done. In this surgery, the stomach’s high-end curve is removed completely which makes a small pouch and this small pouch is attached with small intestine and upper part of the intestine is reattached with the duodenum.
Obesity surgery really helps in weight loss very soon and in short period of time. It is best for those who come under highly obese category and wants to lose weight ultimately. Apoorv- Hi-tech center for weight loss surgery in Indore is one of the best bariatric surgery centers in (Indore) India.
Dr. Apoorv Shrivastav is a well-experienced surgeon and has done more than 6000 successful surgeries. According to him, obesity surgery is good for type-2 diabetic people, who are suffering from thyroid, joint pain and heart disease due to obesity, It is the very effective way and beneficial in these health issues.
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Understanding Weight Loss Surgery
Weight loss surgery or Bariatric surgery when this thing comes into mind every patient gets afraid. People are worried about weight loss techniques and surgeries. Almost not everyone has proper knowledge regarding these kinds of surgeries. Here we share some factors and procedure which helps you to understand about weight loss surgery.
Weight loss surgery is a technique by which extra fat is removed from patient’s body with the help of open surgery and laparoscopic surgery techniques. Weight loss surgery is a way to treat obesity and control. Weight loss surgery is only prescribed by doctors if the BMI (body mass index) is greater than 30. BMI of an adult person is 15-20 considered as healthy person above 20 is considered as overweight. Obesity is not same as usual fat; it is the class in which BMI is greater than overweight category i.e. BMI of a person which lies between 30 to 40, are considered as obese person.
Bariatric surgeries are of two types:
· Minimal invasive surgery (Laparoscopic surgery)
· Open surgery procedure.
Minimal invasive surgery means it is the procedure in which doctor does not need to apply long cut on upper skin of patient’s stomach. In minimal invasive surgery doctors do small incisions of half an inch and with the help of Laparoscope (device which contain camera on its head) are inserted in this hole with the help of long surgical rod and a pouch in another incision to take out the effected part. This is modern method by which doctors become able to see internal organs more clearly. It is a procedure which takes only 10-12 hours maximum to complete. It is best option for those patients who don’t able to do daily physical activities and for those who wants to reduce their fat instantly without any dieting and weight lifting. In some cases it has seen that if patient are suffering from some kind of serious diseases such as type-2 diabetes, and colon disease.
Open surgery procedure is an old method to remove fat. Open weight loss surgery involves the use of traditional surgical methods, often requiring abdominal incisions of up to ten inches. Open surgery method is only prescribed when certain health conditions that make laparoscopic obesity surgery risky. In some cases, the procedure will be converted from laparoscopic to open method during surgery; if doctors find any serious risk which can take life of patients. It is only done for patient’s safety or procedure effectiveness reasons. It takes more time than laparoscopic method and recovery of wounds is slower than minimal invasive surgery.
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Obesity and Weight Loss - Causes and Treatments
“Obesity” is quite a popular term in these days. Those were the days when few people knew this disease and what is it. As time passed this disease has spread all over the world and reached every ninth person. It is a body disorder that not only affects physical appearance of the patient but also badly affects their mind and other internal organs too. It is kind of disease in which a person body mass index (BMI) is greater than 30. BMI is calculated by a person’s height and weight. A healthy person has a BMI of 18-24.9, but if an adult who has a BMI of 25-29.9 is overweight, and an adult who has a BMI over 30 is “Obese”.
Causes of the obesity:-
Obesity is not a disease which comes up in two-three days, but it’s a result of years of unhealthy eating habit and unsystematic routine lifestyle. The most common causes of obesity are overeating and physical inactivity. Ultimately, body weight is the result of genetics, metabolism, environment, behavior, and culture.
Overeating: -
We often hear that a person should eat 4-5 times in a day to stay healthy and fit. But how much food intake like calories and carbohydrates your food contains can make you healthy or obese. Due to the excess of carbohydrate in a person’s body makes him obese and unhealthy.
Psychological conditions:-
Yes, you have read right a person’s mental condition is highly responsible for gaining weight and sometimes makes him obese. If a person is disturbed then the chances of his inactivity are increases they start having more and due to inactiveness, they burn few calories. And in the end, they get highly depressed and obese too.
Medicine is the basic thing which we all take’s when we get ill and suffers from other health issues. Some medicine such as antidepressants drug which is used to cure depression is also responsible for increasing weight rapidly. Some other drugs such as oral contraceptive pills, antihistamines, diabetes medicine, and some blood pressure control medicine are responsible for excessive weight gain.
Physical inactivity:-
Exercise plays an important role in a person’s life. People who do workout such as jogging, cycling, running and weight lifting are more fit and healthy than others who don’t. But due to busy lifestyle nowadays people don’t have time to go the gym and do workout and it results in the form of weight gain and obesity.
Treatments to overcome obesity:-
Although this problem is very serious and to overcome this, a person needs patience and follow the proper lifestyle and clean eating habit regular exercise and physical activity and sometimes surgery and medication too.
Some basic exercises such as cycling, jogging, running and swimming helps in normal cases, and some time weightlifting depending on your body weight.
Clean eating:-
Stop overeating habit and heavy food such as pizza, pasta and deserts should be completely avoided.
Final option to reduce fat faster is surgeries. Laparoscopic and bariatric surgeries are performed to remove extra fat from the body. Surgeries are most prominent method it takes only a week to recover and get back to daily routine life. It is long-term and quite effective technique wounds recovers in two days, the patient can lift weight after it and can live the normal life.
There are many surgery centers in India but Apoorv-Hi-tech weight loss surgery center in Indore is the best among all. Dr. Apoorv Shrivastava has successfully done more than 6000 surgeries all over in India. He is one of the best bariatric surgeons in the world and has got many award and prizes for their contribution in the field of weight loss surgery.
Stay tuned I’ll write more about obesity:
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Apoorv Hi-Tech- Weight Loss Surgery Center in Indore
Mostly people are facing excessive weight problem these days. They have been suffering from weight disorder so far, but don’t take any step towards its solution. Instead, they become frustrated and depressed and eat more than before due to depression and frustration. They get depressed when they see their relatives and people around them are doing well. They see people around them are wearing whatever they want because they are fit. This frustration leads them to eat more and gain weight and as time passes, they become obese.
Obesity is very serious body disorder and spreading fast due to an unhealthy lifestyle. What happens is due to the busy lifestyle they don’t have time to do exercise and also unsystematic schedule they don’t eat properly. According to a survey held in the USA in 2011, it had been found that fast-food such as coke, pizza, burger and finger chips are highly consumed by working people. These fast foods are the major reason behind the obesity in America. So as in India till the year 2015, it had been found that every ninth person is suffering from obesity.
Weight loss surgery in Indore is the only option to get rid of this serious problem. Apoorv-Hi-Tech is well known bariatric surgery center in Indore. Dr. Apoorv has successfully done more than six thousand surgeries. And people who had this surgery are doing well and living the normal life as before. Bariatric surgeries are often prescribed by doctors to those patients who are suffering from type-2 diabetes and other serious diseases. Weight loss surgery in Indore includes Bariatric and Laparoscopic both surgeries are done in Apoorv-Hi-Tech.
Bariatric surgery includes these categories:-
· Sleeve Gastrectomy
· Mini Gastric Bypass
· Single Incision Lap Sleeve
· Banded Gastric Bypass
· Duodenal Jejunal Bypass
· Diabetes Surgery
· Intragastric Balloon
Laparoscopic surgery includes these categories:-
· Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
· Laparoscopic Liver Surgery
· Laparoscopic Cancer Surgery
· Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery
· Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
· Laparoscopic Appendectomy
· Gynocological Laparoscopic
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Best Bariatric Surgery in Indore

Science is growing day by day more and more inventions are done on daily basis. So as to in medical field bariatric surgery is quite complicated to be done. India is also doing well in the field of bariatric surgery our doctors are awesome work in the field weight loss surgery. Indore is becoming a new place where more and more people are come to get surgery done by best bariatric surgeons.
Obesity is now quite popular disease and it’s almost non-curable without weight loss surgery. Obesity is becoming very serious problem nowadays across the globe. According to survey of “MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY” worlds 30% population is suffering from this severe disease.
According to doctors and specialist of bariatric surgery, it is often seen that patient get obese while they are suffering from some kind of trauma and depression. Actually what happen is they eat more than their appetite, and they don’t even know that this unhealthy eating habit led them to obesity and they put on excessive weight which is very difficult to lose without weight loss surgery.
Bariatric surgeries are of two type restrictive surgeries and malabsorptive / restrictive surgeries. An example of restrictive surgery is adjustable gastric banding also called lap band surgery. Stomach banding is the process of placing a synthetic band around the upper portion of the stomach on the other hand restrictive / malabsorptive, weight loss surgeries procedures enhance weight loss by altering the structure of the digestive tract, allowing food to bypass portions of the small intestine.
Best bariatric surgery in Indore is done by Apoorv Hi-Tech bariatric surgery centre. It is famous for its successful surgeries and facility in Indore. Patient gets proper treatment after surgery and they do well and live a healthy lifestyle.
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Fast and Effective Weight Loosing Techniques
Modern life style is very hectic and busy. In this metro lifestyle people don’t have even time to take proper breakfast, lunch and dinner. This cause them to eat unhealthy food like fast-food (burger, chips, soft drinks, french-fries) etc. This unhealthy life style makes people unfit and “obese”.
According to a survey by W.H.O (World Health Organization) every 20th person is suffering from obesity in the whole world, due to unhealthy lifestyle and improper eating habit. The reason is only that, in this busy life no one has time to do exercise and take proper food timely.
Weight increasing problem is common nowadays. And we have seen many times that people who are suffering from weight issues, getting obese probably. Weight loss is not an easy task one has to follow strict diet and lots of sweating in gymnasium and ground.
Obese people only treated by weight loss surgery. Weight loss surgery procedures are of two types:-
Bariatric Surgery (Open procedure more invasive)
Laparoscopic Surgery ( Laparoscope procedure less invasive)
Weight loss is achieved by reducing the size of the stomach with a Gastric band or through removal of a portion of the stomach (Sleeve Gastrectomy or with Duodenal switch) or by re-routing the small intestine to a small stomach pouches (gastric bypass surgery). Adjustable gastric band, Sleeve gastrectomy, Intragastric balloon (gastric balloon), Stomach folding, Gastric bypass surgery.
Both Open surgery and laparoscopic surgery are successful procedure. But in open surgery patient get major operation and it is more invasive, wounds take more time to fill completely. Procedure takes 18-20 hours for completion. Patient could not move at least one week after the procedure. If done by expert surgeons and team then it is good. Otherwise risk of life and various issues can take place.
On the other side Laparoscopic procedure is safe and reliable. It is less invasive also called minimum invasive surgery. It is done with the help of (Laparoscope) an instrument which has high resolution camera on the head to see the internal affected organ more clearly on a monitor screen. Only three incisions is done to complete the procedure. It only takes 4-5 hours if case is complicated. Patient can back to work after a week. It is more effective and successful and obviously less risk of complication.
APOORV HI –TECH Laparoscopic and Bariatric surgery Center in Indore is very well known weight loss surgery centre. Weight loss surgery is quite useful and easy way to reduce weight fast and for long time. Dr. Apoorv Shrivastava is one of the famous and successful surgeons for weight loss. He has successfully done more than thousands of Open surgery and laparoscopic surgery and has made many people fit and active.
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Are You a Right Candidate for Bariatric Surgery?
Bariatric surgery, based on the Greek word "baros" meaning weight, was created to reduce obesity indirectly by restricting the quantity of food calories an individual can digest. Some bariatric operations (eg. lap band) achieve this by reducing how big the stomach size. Other operations (eg. roux-en-Y gastric bypass) go one step further. Along with reducing stomach volume, additionally, they reduce along the tiny intestine. This is really a more permanent alteration of the intestinal tract and helps it be harder for the individual to cheat.
How to Qualify For Bariatric Surgery?
Based on the National Institutes of Health Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults, you might be a candidate for obesity surgery as long as: (1) you have a human anatomy mass index (BMI) of 40+ (about 100 pounds overweight), or (2) your BMI is 35+ and you have problems with severe weight-related health issues such as for instance hypertension, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, heart disease or severe sleep apnea.
To check your BMI follow at: BMI CALCULATOR
Are You a Suitable Candidate for Bariatric Surgery?
Meeting the above criteria does not guarantee your eligibility for weight loss surgery. Best bariatric surgery center in Indore i.e. Apoorv Hi-Tech operate a screening policy and only approve candidates who are (a) ready to produce appropriate long-term behavioral changes; and (b) committed to long-term (even lifelong) medical follow-up. The reason being weight reduction surgery can just only be successful if you are willing to improve your existing eating and exercise habits, on a permanent basis.
What Are The Main Forms of Bariatric Operation?
You can find two main forms of obesity surgery: gastric banding and gastric bypass. These operations may be performed using traditional "open" surgical techniques, or minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques using instruments attached to video monitors, which permit the surgeon to "see inside" the individual without having to make large incisions. Patients who undergo laparoscopic surgery suffer fewer perioperative and post-operative health complications and typically remain in the hospital for 2-3 days, in comparison to 4-5 days for open surgery. They come back to work within 2-3 weeks, in comparison to 4-6 weeks for traditional surgeries.
Dr Apoorv Shrivastava is a renowned Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgeon based at Indore MP India. He started Laparoscopic and Bariatrics more than a decade ago and laid the foundation of an organization now known APOORV HI – TECH.
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Obesity Surgery in Indore for Weight Loss
Obesity is definitely the bane on the modern' takeaway food’world. Obesity surgical treatment is a remedy to any or all the'weight issues ‘faced by an individual. In tune with purchasing, it's really a quick answer, to a problem that otherwise could take years to generally be solved.
For the reason that name suggests, obesity surgery in Indore, is usually a medical procedures so that a person to lose weight. It is specifically for people, who may have practically tried everything, to lose weight or tried challenging to maintain how much they weigh loss but failed in all of their attempts. Though obesity is actually harmless, when compared with other issues, and also produces health issues in the long term and decreases a person's everyday life expectancy. Because of this, fat loss assumes paramount importance.
A person should ideally go for Indore obesity surgery, if he/she is affected with morbid obesity. Morbid obesity is a condition wherein individuals have a weight that is definitely 50 to 100% above what is measured by the Body Mass Index (BMI). The BMI is calculated taking in mind the human being weight with regards to his/her height. In medical parlance, a BMI between 30-40 is regarded obese and therefore lying over 40 is regarded morbidly obese.
Occasionally obesity manifests itself in cycles. A person might drastically shed fat and in a little time could the proper way drastically. For this reason new, improved and innovative fat loss measures will be introduced and among these is obesity surgery. Obesity surgery in Indore is not as drastic a pace as many individuals trust me to be. An invasive medical procedure has some volume of associated risks, as is the case with obesity surgery. However, there are numerous bariatric surgeons, who will be experts in this type of surgery. In conjunction with state-of-the-art hospitals and medical clinics, the complications are minimized to an incredible extent.
Dr Apoorv Shrivastava is a renowned Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgeon based at Indore MP India. He started Laparoscopic and Bariatrics more than a decade ago and laid the foundation of an organization now known APOORV HI – TECH.
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APOORV HI – TECH - Best Bariatric Surgery Center in Indore
Bariatric surgery in Central India is very good option provided by obesity surgery hospitals of India. It is due to low cost of treatment and other benefits associated with getting surgery in India. Overweight surgery in India has made tremendous improvement during recent years. Expert unhealthy weight surgeons trained at offshore universities adorn the systems of world class hospital wards in India at places likeIndore, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore an Hyderabad. They treat obesity through most advanced surgical procedures at low cost. Affordable price obesity surgery requires procedures like bariatric surgery, gastric bypass surgery altlanta ga, lap band surgery, outter gastrectomy surgery, revision digestive, and gastrointestinal bypass. Best Bariatric surgery in Indore is very great option provided by obesity surgery hospitals. In India the expense of bariatric surgery is very low in comparison with the cost in foreign countries obesity surgery hospitals.
Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, refers to the different surgical procedures performed to treat obesity by customization of the gastrointestinal area to reduce nutrient absorption or absorption. The word does indeed not include procedures for surgery of body extra fat such as liposuction or abdominoplasty. Obesity is a serious and rapidly increasing medical problem. Bariatric surgery is the only effective long lasting treatment for morbid weight problems and the performance with this surgery has increased drastically through the years. Obesity is a complex and chronic disease with many causes. It cannot simply a consequence of overeating. Research has shown that genetics often plays a role, especially if you're morbidly obese. To help patients lose weight and maintain the weight loss, most advanced surgical techniques are being used to treat morbid obesity all over the world. Right now there are several conditions to ascertain morbid obesity. And treatment is must required for morbid obese patients. Obesity becomes morbid when it increases your risk for life-threatening conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and severe joint problems. On many occasions, bariatric surgery is the most effective way to treat abnormal obesity. Several bariatric techniques can be obtained. The most common are restrictive procedures that reduce the stomach size and limit the calories from fat you can consume.
Dr Apoorv Shrivastava is a renowned Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgeon based at Indore MP India. He started Laparoscopic and Bariatrics more than a decade ago and laid the foundation of an organization now known APOORV HI – TECH.
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