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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
hi, i’m moving  !
after  some  heavy  contemplating  i’ve  decided  to  move  blogs.  i  am  way  too  nostalgic  and  sentimental  as  i’ve  had  it  for  so  long  but  it’s  time  to  let  it  go  –  i  feel  stuck  and  unmotivated  here,  unfortunately.  i  needed  a  complete  change  and  i  suppose  this  is  about  time.  
i  will  be  following  everyone  i  wish  to  continue  writing  with  from  my  new  blog  in  the  next  couple  of  days,  as  i  try  to  get  back  to  writing  with  a  full  heart.  i’m  expecting  to  see  you  on  the  new  blog,  and  hopefully  write  in  the  near  future.
thank  you  for  everything.  
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
hi, i’m moving  !
after  some  heavy  contemplating  i’ve  decided  to  move  blogs.  i  am  way  too  nostalgic  and  sentimental  as  i’ve  had  it  for  so  long  but  it’s  time  to  let  it  go  –  i  feel  stuck  and  unmotivated  here,  unfortunately.  i  needed  a  complete  change  and  i  suppose  this  is  about  time.  
i  will  be  following  everyone  i  wish  to  continue  writing  with  from  my  new  blog  in  the  next  couple  of  days,  as  i  try  to  get  back  to  writing  with  a  full  heart.  i’m  expecting  to  see  you  on  the  new  blog,  and  hopefully  write  in  the  near  future.
thank  you  for  everything.  
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
hi, i’m moving  !
after  some  heavy  contemplating  i’ve  decided  to  move  blogs.  i  am  way  too  nostalgic  and  sentimental  as  i’ve  had  it  for  so  long  but  it’s  time  to  let  it  go  –  i  feel  stuck  and  unmotivated  here,  unfortunately.  i  needed  a  complete  change  and  i  suppose  this  is  about  time.  
i  will  be  following  everyone  i  wish  to  continue  writing  with  from  my  new  blog  in  the  next  couple  of  days,  as  i  try  to  get  back  to  writing  with  a  full  heart.  i’m  expecting  to  see  you  on  the  new  blog,  and  hopefully  write  in  the  near  future.
thank  you  for  everything.  
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
hi, i’m moving  !
after  some  heavy  contemplating  i’ve  decided  to  move  blogs.  i  am  way  too  nostalgic  and  sentimental  as  i’ve  had  it  for  so  long  but  it’s  time  to  let  it  go  –  i  feel  stuck  and  unmotivated  here,  unfortunately.  i  needed  a  complete  change  and  i  suppose  this  is  about  time.  
i  will  be  following  everyone  i  wish  to  continue  writing  with  from  my  new  blog  in  the  next  couple  of  days,  as  i  try  to  get  back  to  writing  with  a  full  heart.  i’m  expecting  to  see  you  on  the  new  blog,  and  hopefully  write  in  the  near  future.
thank  you  for  everything.  
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
hi, i’m moving  !
after  some  heavy  contemplating  i’ve  decided  to  move  blogs.  i  am  way  too  nostalgic  and  sentimental  as  i’ve  had  it  for  so  long  but  it’s  time  to  let  it  go  --  i  feel  stuck  and  unmotivated  here,  unfortunately.  i  needed  a  complete  change  and  i  suppose  this  is  about  time.  
i  will  be  following  everyone  i  wish  to  continue  writing  with  from  my  new  blog  in  the  next  couple  of  days,  as  i  try  to  get  back  to  writing  with  a  full  heart.  i’m  expecting  to  see  you  on  the  new  blog,  and  hopefully  write  in  the  near  future.
thank  you  for  everything.  
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
neck @demfoolz
source    :    open    :    @2oners
[ neck ]    your  muse  gives  a  gentle  kiss  to  my  muse’s  neck
      hues  of  cold  toned  white  and  indigo  flash  before  their  eyes.  their  positions  are  peculiar  ;  one  arm  around  the  shoulder,  head  tucked  at  the  back  of  the  couch,  legs  tangled  together  in  a  way  which  seems  all  too  inconvenient  when  it  is  in  fact  the  most  comfort  they’ve  ever  had.  
       the  boy  is  heedless  to  all  around  him  and  all  sensations  as  the  sole  vigilance  is  towards  images  across  the  screen  of  the  television.  warmth  exudes  of  the  body  he  leans  on,  one  that  always  has  him  drifting  to  dreamland  –  be  it  any  other  movie  displayed  and  the  boy’s  eyes  would  have  already  been  closed  alas,  this  particular  one  which  they  have  chosen  has  his  intentness  increased  and  he’s  immensely  engrossed  into  the  sight.  more  than  he  can  pay  any  attention  to  the  feeling  of  night’s  fingers  threading  through  his  hand,  or  his  own  fingers  gently  caressing  over  night’s.  
      the  sensation  of  lips  against  the  neck  is  soft  and  it  causes  him  to  quivering  in  delight  –  a  sense  of  euphoria  in  their  embrace,  one  which  he  cannot  elucidate  with  simple  words.  had  only  seunghwa  not  been  this  comfortable,  he  would  have  already  faced  this  dazzling  moon  of  his,  illuminating  the  dark  room  brighter  than  ever,  and  made  sure  his  lips  found  their  way  to  his  beloved’s  so  that  he  could  kiss  him  senseless.  albeit,  his  interest  towards  the  movie  in  play  is  at  its  peak  and  so,  he  heaves  a  light  exhale.  there  is  no  disgruntlement  nor  peeve  in  the  tone,  the  atmosphere  is  so  tender  and  placating  he  could  melt  into  night’s  frame.  merely,  he  yearns  to  spend  a  few  more  moments  of  silence  together.  
      ❛    this  is  the  most  interesting  part,  just  watch  —    ❜
      they  could  taste  one  another’s  adulation  for  the  rest  of  the  night…  when  time  is  right.
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
h,  n.
❛   is it not ?   do friends not go shopping together ?     ❜   she had seen many do it  and she often did back home when she would visit the nearest town and hang out with her friends .  nari’s brown eyes linger up towards the other as her steps do not show    any    intention of halting any time soon .  there’s a few bounces of joy within her movements as the other’s words make her nod her head feverishly and a large grin greets her tiers .      ❛  well if you don’t want to cook , then it’s fine . i can totally cook , i helped out my ma alot when i was younger .     ❜   often when she was forced to before she was allowed to go outside and continue her little ghost hunting antics .      ❛   it’s alright i don’t mind cooking for us .  you’ll get to taste my skills and hopefully you’ll enjoy it .     ❜  she really doesn’t know when to stop as the store comes to view .  eyes    glistening    with excitement at the mere motion of it all .      ❛  you know , you sound a lot like mrs. jung when i first moved in .  she was hesitant  on being my friend and now she loves me .  ❜   a   u s u a l     reaction of anyone that came to know of nari , a little too hard to swallow  but she wasn’t going to change her ways for others .  half of the neighbors adored her , while others called her pest when they crossed paths .  either way , it didn’t stop  her cheery attitude .      ❛  i’m even good at picking out vegetables too !    i grew up on a farm . i can totally help you pick out the yummy ones , laylay. ❜
     at  this  point  layla  should  have  already  known  that  to  avoid  this  insolent  and  inordinately  intrusive  young  lady  would  be  mission  impossible.  it  is  rather  aggravating  and  frustrating  that  regardless  of  arduous  endeavors  her  labor  is  unheeded  and  dismissed  with  little  significance,  for  it  is  fruitless  and  she  should  simply  succumb  to  nari’s  needs.  alas,  the  scarce  willingness  to  combat  these  feelings  of  helplessness  prevent  her  from  succumbing  to  the  other.      ❛    ah,  is  that  so  ?  --  how...  how  lovely.    ❜      she  is  certain  that  the  old  lady  from  the  apartment  near  her  own  is  simply  too  lonely  and  driven  out  of  her  sanity  due  to  the  old  age  that  even  the  slightest  joviality  which  nari  proffers  are  delightful  to  her.  that  poor  soul...  perhaps,  she  should  pay  her  a  visit  with  some  baked  goods  once  she  can.  
      the  last  exuberant  exclaimed  falling  off  of  nari’s  lips  give  her  an  idea  --  although  somewhat  timid,  her  eyes  glisten  with  an  abrupt  ( overwhelming )  sense  of  triumph.      ❛    well,  you  know  what  ?  that’s  just  great  !  how  about  you  pick  some  cucumbers,  tomatoes,  onions,  sweet  potatoes,  and  bell  peppers.  i’m  gonna  be...  over  there...  picking  up  grains.  alright  ?  excellent.    ❜      ultimately  she  finds  herself  across  the  store  and  far  from  this  leeching  nuisance  that  is  her  neighbor,  sighing  in  relief.  at  last,  freedom.
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
a,  j.
A chirpy  “hello!”  is apparently not a bright idea when Jaewoo brazenly announces his impish presence in front of Lyla. With his innate reflexes kicking in, he tries grabbing the mug in time to prevent its ultimate demise. To his relief, it is miraculously saved for now. It is one less nuisance to beg forgiveness for. Raising a brow in concern, he straightens her mug before offering it to her cautiously. “Hey, are you okay Lyla? It’s just me! Ghost boy Number Seven!” rather bewildered at her response, he figures surely by now she is used to his theatrical entrances. This time he wasn’t that bad either and opted to pop up behind her, levitating enough in the air so he could bend over to cheerily greet her. Now enthusiastically hoisting himself up on the counter with a foot propped up on the edge, he ardently hopes that she will forgive and forget as he flashes her a wide smile. “I’m so sorry! I keep forgetting that you also get those ghoulie looking ones jump scaring you too. Speaking of which, I got a special assignment just. for. you!” pointing a happy finger at her now, he wiggles in excitement. “We’re going on a trip to hunt down a very very sad soul near the bridge who has lately been lashing out lately! We don’t want him getting anymore vengeful, do we? Let’s go! Oh, after your drink of course! What were you having?” he curiously squints at her, surveying the reluctant girl. “Come on, I won’t try scaring you anymore! We’re doing serious business now, promise!” 
      unjustness  fills  the  mouth  in  an  acrid  taste.  how  can  he  be  so  defiant  and  impertinent  with  this  overly  exuberant  demeanor  that  is  displayed  to  her,  knowing  such  an  abrupt  appearance  causes  her  poor  little  heart  to  flounder  ?  not  is  lyla  quite  aggravated  but  she’s  indignant,  unsettled,  and  frightened.  what  was  she  having  ?  ‘  simply,  a  heart  attack. ’      ❛    just...  some  green  tea...    ❜      timid  vox  now  regained  as  the  rapacious  beating  of  her  heart  comes  down  to  a  more  normal  pace.  she  heaves  a  light  groan  as  she  wipes  the  spilled  liquid  from  the  floor  and  tosses  the  paper  towel  in  the  trash  bin.      ❛    blueberries  and  acai  --  it’s  nice,  if  you’d  like  to  try  one  day  when  you’re  not,  um...  .    ❜      for  a  moment  softness  reigned  over  the  space  between  them  and  yet  his  words  at  last  reach  the  realization,  soliciting  a  distraught  groan  from  her  lips.  the  appearance  of  her  habitually  perturbed  and  dismayed  countenance  is  now  contoured  with  those  same  emotions  only  amplified  greatly.  she’s  fearful  of  what  jaewoo  in  fact  hides  from  her  --  what  information  is  missing  for  her  to  comprehends  what  she  is  getting  herself  into  ?  apprehension  causes  a  light  shiver  down  her  spine.  she  ultimately  heaves  a  sigh.      ❛    can  we,  maybe...  not  ?  last  time  you  came  to  me  this  excited  i  had  to  walk  through  an  burned  house  at  three  am.  jaewoo--  the--  the  guy  had  half  of  his  face  peeled  off  i  still  see  him  whenever  i  close  my  eyes  !    ❜      she’s  evidently  scared,  aversing  to  forsake  the  ( perhaps  not  sufficient )  safety  of  her  apartment.      ❛    i  know  resisting  your  words  is  as  efficient  as  talking  to  a  wall,  but  like.  please...  can’t  you  do  it  this  just  this  once  without  me  ?    ❜
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
w,  j.
                   HE IGNORED HER RESISTANCE, shouldering instead the despondency manifested from tensing muscles and curved structure, sheltered with frail limbs a chest that did not welcome the embrace enforced. Refusing to let her go, he kept her enveloped in the warmth he could yield, repeating in a whisper a tender endearment seldom articulated, no matter who would receive it, no matter who deserved it. ❝ You’re not alone, baby… ❞ What genesis caused such suffering, it was loathed in a whole barbaric level and hence silent and ludicrous promises perforated his mind, being fueled by the sudden sound of her cry. His whole heart wrecked when the cacophony of her cry devoured the silence.
                  He did not measure the strength imposed, tightening her in the embrace she formerly refused, nestling his nose in the sand of her hair whilst trying to maintain his composer and vehemently denying the despair setting in his core. He did not know what to do, did not know what was necessary to cease the pain, to replace it with the contentment she often exhibited before him   —  and albeit the tender term escaped his tiers countless times, she did not grasp the tranquillity he tried to present. Hence, he retreated his hands when hers limbs wrapped around him   —  cupping her cheeks to observe the tragic visage    —  such a foolish, yet necessary act.
                  It hurt him so much and there was no shame in demonstrating upon the countenance what he felt, features altering to accommodate the impotence he bore each day. Trails of her droplets cascaded from the fount of her eyes, an elegant performance amidst the chaos it embraced  —  she was a natural beauty, a rare gem veiled with pointless attires, pointless maquillage. ❝ I’m here… Everything is alright. I’m here… ❞  Syllables were repeated whilst the soft pad of his thumbs swept off the lines of her tears and he lowered still, to have tiers pressing upon the corner of her beauteous eyes, kissing away those droplets threatening to fall.
                  Exhaustion settled in, he felt her body relaxing the longer delved in his own tenderness. He found the opportunity to lift her up and carry her to her room, taking note of the small cat curled up at the very end of her bed. So cautiously, he deposited her on the middle, covering her petite frame with the blanket she had previously nestled with. ❝ Did you eat anything today? ❞ He was inclining onto her, propping his torso with one arm whilst the other was having digits carding through her hair; not insisting on what was happening, knowing that she would eventually open up to him  —  if she really wanted to. ❝ I’m not leaving until I’m certain you are alright. ❞
      sturdy  arms  envelop  the  petite  for  in  an  embrace  which  fail  to  deliver  comfort  to  the  soul  or  psyche.  spurning  and  scorning  hearkened  by  the  tone  of  her  voice  when  he  picks  her  up  --  it  creates  such  immense  disgruntlement  and  indignation  within  her  body  that  had  she  not  been  too  scared  to  fall  down  from  his  grasp,  then  she  would  have  proceeded  with  her  frantic  angered  demands  to  put  her  down.
      this  type  of  recalcitrant  disinclination  shall  bring  her  down  to  her  own  destruction.  pain  that  is  engendered  by  unheralded  grounds  she  cannot  pry  into  for  the  more  she  endeavors  the  deeper  the  wounds  are  opened  --  she  knows  that  this  type  of  pique  and  petulance  will  solely  become  her  own  demise.  the  hindrance  to  felicity  or  at  the  very  least  a  ( scare )   sense  of  equanimity  is  something  which  cannot  be  obtain  when  bitterness  fills  her  mouth,  but  it  is  so  vehement  and  forcible  that  whenever  she  endeavors  oh  so  strenuously  to  battle  and  capitulate  it  against  the  will  to  finally  breathe  properly...  the  taste  of  iron  fills  her  mouth  from  within,  as  if  she’s  bit  onto  the  tongue  and  the  blood  now  splurges  into  the  mouth.
       ❛    i’m  not  a  baby,  stop  it.    ❜      she  claims  after  prolonged  moments  of  utter  quietude  that  settles  between  them,  amidst  the  bemusement  and  taciturnity.  more  so  than  perplexity  in  the  gander  there  is  rancor  and  embitterment  arising  within  --  koeun  knows  that  she  cannot  push  him  away  like  she  always  does  to  everyone.  she  is  aware  that  the  moment  she  does,  she  is  going  to  lose  him  just  as  much  as  she’s  lost  so  many  dear  ones  in  the  past.  however,  it  is  inevitable  not  to  become  so  querulous  and  exasperated  as  if  he’s  affronted  her  by  his  stubbornness.  she  claimed  it  was  none  of  his  business  to  meddle  within  --  none  of  his  matters  to  become  solicitous  towards  for  it  did  not  concern  him  and  yet,  he  comes  into  her  apartment  as  a  knight  of  a  white  horse  to  sway  her  and  swoon  her  into  a  nestle  of  his  embrace.  who  is  he  ?  how  dare  he  ?      ❛    go  away,  jackson.    ❜      no  honorifics  nor  fondness  in  the  tone  of  voice  --  simply,  his  name  rolls  of  her  tongue  and  it  becomes  so  gelid,  there  is  no  room  for  solace.      ❛    i  told  you  to  go  away.    ❜    
       dolefulness  is  not  a  ravishing  sight  to  evince  on  her  facade.  a  girl  who  habitually  is  quite  concerned  with  a  beauteous  appearance  now  feels  completely  neglected  and  unsightly  for  the  deprivation  of  slumber  lugs  under  her  eyes  and  the  exhaustion  of  a  crestfallen  stream  of  tears  causes  her  to  look  sickly.  he  is  too  close  and  the  proximity  is  discomfiting  --  this  is  a  sight  she  does  not  sanction  him  to  witness  and  so,  she  turns  over  to  cover  majority  of  her  face  with  the  blanket  and  lay  on  her  side.  coldness  in  her  aura,  as  she  dares  not  cry  again  --  her  back  turned  to  him.      ❛    i  don’t  want  to  see  you.    ❜
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
e,  y.
a fond smile tugged on her cheeks as she watched the two of them interact, waiting for the younger male to digest the soft words she had spoken about the puppy being his. when he did, yu na let out a laugh at his excitement, the bubbling in his words of disbelief and sheer delight about finally having a puppy that he had wanted.
she couldn’t help but let out a playful ew sound once he gave her such an obnoxiously loud kiss on her cheek and forehead, before pushing him away gently — a normal playful banter between the two siblings, “wow i am loved only when i get you a puppy. i feel so loved, jae kyung…” she teased him before shaking her head and standing up, “do you wanna give her a walk then?” she asked him with a smile on her features.
       this  immense  felicity  which  runs  through  his  body  is  something  which  jaekyung  cannot  even  begin  to  fathom  yet,  he  dares  not  repudiate  or  disdain  it  ;  he  embraces  this  exhilaration  which  he  has  longed  for  in  the  duration  of  many  years  until  today  and  sanctions  it  to  fulfill  his  heart,  fill  it  to  the  brim  with  joy  and  delight.  the  expression  which  is  worn  over  his  sister’s  physiognomy  is  rather  endearing  and  he  cannot  help  but  soften  at  the  mutual  and  adequate  delight  which  seems  to  be  portrayed  in  her  expression  ;  just  for  how  long  has  she  planned  this  type  of  surprise  ?  he  ponders  meanwhile  his  eyes  tremble  between  her  own  to  try  to  retrieve  this  type  of  peculiar  information  he  ought  know.      ❛    i  love  you,  noona  --  y’know  that  already.  i  mean,  you  might  not  ever  be  as  awesome  as  me,  but  i  still  love  you.    ❜      jokingly,  he  places  another  ( rather  obnoxiously  loud )  kiss  on  her  cheek  before  standing  up.  
      ❛    is  it  really  alright  if  i  did...  ?    ❜      pondering  aloud,  he’s  too  apprehensive  to  take  the  leash  from  his  sister’s  hand  yet  ultimately  succumbs  to  this  incredible  inclination  to  rejoice  and  befriend  the  new  puppy.  his  new  puppy.  he  succumbs  rather  hastily,  evidently  adrenalized  as  he  wraps  an  arm  around  his  sister’s  shoulders  as  he  pulls  her  closer  to  his  side,  animated  and  sprightly  as  he  takes  them  both  out  of  his  dorms.      ❛    so,  you  gotta  tell  me  everything  ;  why  did  you  decide  to  get  a  puppy  ?  for  how  long  did  you  think  ‘bout  this  ?  did  you  adopt  or  buy  --  i  hope  adoption’s  the  option  you  chose.  god,  i  wanna  know  everything.    ❜
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
i,  s.
❛ yes , that off and hwa   don’t go trying to play matchmaker , for namoo .❜   she utters with a soft warning tone at her words .  seunghwa and meddling did not go together and she was sure that the elder would not enjoy having the younger meddle into matters of the heart .  ❛ promise me that you won’t try to play matchmaker  .❜   although , she’ sure that her words would fall on deaf ears .  but no one said trying would hurt as she brings her legs up and underneath her  ; ears inhaling his words as she glances down at the cup of tea in her hands .  for a youth that always had something to ask or talk about , ian finds herself soften at his words as she chuckles .  ian was giving all this chance to poke away at her layers and yet he was leaving it up to her . 
 ❛  i would think you would have all this questions , but alright let’s see   .❜  she utters , relaxing against the couch underneath them as she exhales deeply before allowing her gaze to fall on him once more .   ❛ well , my mom is french and my dad is korean , i am sure i told you that. ❜ basics of her origins began with her parents as she brought her cup to her tiers allowing herself to take a swig before she could continue on .  ❛  believe it or not , i actually thought santa was real until the age of 15  .❜  she states that  only because she discovered that it was his helpers that did the christmas presents instead of the legend himself .   ❛  my dad was my rock , he was the nicer one from them both .  my mom was a lot more strict with me and now that  i think back at it , probably a lot of the things she did was abusive but it was sprinkled with love .❜ the endless hours being pushed to work on the same elixir .  sending her out into the wild for weeks on end to learn of survival on her own and herbs .  the yells and hits to the head she would get when she would mess up .  ❛ but even then ,i  thought we were happy .  my childhood is filled with a lot of interesting settings   .❜  she hums quietly as she gifts him with a smile ,  her mind heading back down memory lane .   ❛  my dad was an avid believer of  everything supernatural and lecture when he alive .❜  while her mom engraved herbs and old chants  ;  it was her mortal father that caught her of the supernatural world .  
   ❛  my mom owns a herb shop , just like i do .  although , hers was a lot more reserved with who she attended too.   mine not so much , but i guess you can say that’s where i got the inspiration for having one.  ❜
       she  is  an  open  book  for  him  to  read.  stories  of  childhood  and  the  ulterior  notions  and  emotions  of  her  heart  are  now  for  his  taking.  seunghwa  cannot  help  but  feel  their  bond  perhaps  strengthening  furthermore  as  proximity  given.  he  heeds,  he  listen.  each  words  coming  out  of  her  lips  is  a  new  piece  of  information  he  otherwise  never  got  to  be  exposed  to  before,  for  they  have  never  had  such  a  candid  colloquy.  her,  inordinately  preoccupied  with  various  responsibilities  and  he,  who  abhors  to  pry  into  others  lives  as  well  as  being  reticent,  himself.  there  are  things  to  him  which  are  now  new,  and  he  hears  them  for  the  first  time  --  accordingly,  engrossment  into  her  revelation  is  patent  across  his  face  ;  his  eyes  are  fixated  upon  her  gander  and  at  times  wanders  to  her  lips  as  he  absorbs  all  the  information  given  to  him  without  a  halt.  
      ❛    that’s  kinda  childish  of  you,  i  think.    ❜      at  fifteen  seunghwa  has  stopped  believing  in  anything.  in  god,  in  love,  in  justice...  the  world  became  such  an  abominable  and  deplorable  place  to  live  in  and  in  each  corner  his  gander  fell  on  all  he  could  evince  was  ache  and  choler  --  most  of  it  was  directed  at  him.  the  affront  and  affliction  seeped  deep  into  the  young  heart  so  that  it  became  poisoned  with  acrimony  and  hatred  towards  the  world  and  towards  himself.      ❛    i  mean,  santa  and  ghosts  or  whatever  supernatural  stuff  you  believed  it...  that’s  for  babies.  nothing  like  that  exists  in  real  life,  just  in  movies  or  stories  or  whatever.  video  games,  too  --  video  games  are  fun,  i  guess.    ❜      no  longer  does  the  rancor  subside  within  him  and  it  cannot  be  indicated  by  the  tone  of  his  voice  ;  in  fact,  there’s  a  soft  simper  gracing  over  his  lips  as  he  responds  in  a  lighthearted  manner  and  a  glistening  of  tender  delight  in  is  eyes.  
      ❛    thanks  for  telling  me  all  of  these  things,  noona.    ❜      he  adjusts  himself  over  the  couch,  one  leg  folded  underneath  the  other.  there  is  comfort  in  her  presence,  one  which  he’s  only  felt  amplifying  in  the  three  years  he’s  known  her.      ❛    i’m  not  sure  what  else  to  ask,  ‘though...  i  never  really  had  anything  like  that  with  someone  before...    ❜  
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
shipping prompts
feel free to send in more than one at the same time!
“kiss” - your muse passionately kisses mine on the lips
“thumb” - your muse runs their thumb over my muse’s knuckles
“twist” - our muses’ legs intertwine while they’re cuddling
“caress”  - your muse caresses my muse’s cheek
“wash” - your muse gently washes my muse’s hair 
“carry” - your muse carries mine when they’re falling asleep
“comb” - your muse grooms my muse’s hair
“snuggle” - your muse snuggles up against my muse
“tears” - your muse wipes away a tear from my muse’s face
“back” - your muse slowly rubs my muse’s back
“stare” - your muse stares lovingly at mine
“thigh” - your muse runs a hand across my muse’s thigh
“clothes” - my muse finds your muse wearing my their clothing
“neck” - your muse gives a gentle kiss to my muse’s neck
“hug” - your muse hugs my muse for a long time
“lap” - your muse rests their head in my muse’s lap
“hands” - your muse tightly holds onto my muse’s hand
“sleep” - our muses fall asleep together
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
s,  h.
hana was quiet for a moment as she watched the male – she could see that it was taking a toll on him and it broke her heart and that she couldn’t really do anything but listen. she had never met kiwoo but she had heard a lot about him and it was usually good things – she remembered when elijah came in and first told her about him and the happiness on his face. it always made her heart warm to know that her best friend was so happy but this was breaking her. she didn’t realise they had been having issues and she felt partially responsible that she hadn’t even checked in. what kind of a friend could she call herself when she had been so blind? now as he was here sobbing his heart out, she pursed her lips together and had to bite back the tears, she hated seeing him in such a state.
listening intently, eyes focused upon him as she nodded her head. how could she forget his ex?! she had been there by his side every second of the day when they had broken up. eyes widened however when he said that he had gone to fix things with him and she placed a comforting hand on his arm seeing how worked up her was getting. the pauses in his voice and the shakiness of his tone. but she butted in half way through it, ‘ he loves you. ’ she spoke quietly before searching for his eyes. while she wasn’t about to put words in the others mouth or speak for them, to her actions spoke louder than words. ‘ he’s probably scared to lose you… ’ she didn’t know the full story but she did want eli to see that part. ‘ he doesn’t think you got with your ex, does he? ’ it was a tentative question and one she felt uneasy to ask but she did so nonetheless.
      ❛    well,  you  see...    ❜      how  can  he  avow  such  things  when  dolor  washes  over  him  and  his  vision  is  blurry  with  the  tears  ?  no  matter  how  hard  he  will  endeavor,  this  despondency  will  prevail  for  it  is  much  more  forcible  than  any  type  of  will  he  possesses  to  heal  himself  and  move  forwards.  no  solutions  to  be  found  and  no  notions  to  accept  into  the  psyche  ;  solely  anguish  resides  within  his  body  and  elijah  finds  himself  immensely  hapless  as  he  sobs  at  her  couch.      ❛    he--  does.  not  only  does  he  think  i  slept  with  him,  which  i  explained  to  him  that  it’s  nowhere  near  what  happened,  he  claimed  that  i  broke  his  trust  by  lying  to  him.    ❜
      an  embittered  chortle  leaves  his  lips,  as  he  looks  down  at  his  lap.  the  fact  that  hana  was  sympathizing  with  him  and  the  tears  appeared  in  her  eyes  accordingly  only  causes  the  heaviness  in  his  heart  to  amplify  furthermore.  he’s  lost,  inadequate  of  pondering  of  anything  but  how  incredibly  disconsolate  this  sensation  in  the  middle  of  his  chest  is.      ❛    and  if  he  really  was  scared  of  losing  me...  he  wouldn’t  have  told  me  that  he  doesn’t  want  to  see  me  --  he  wouldn’t  leave.    ❜      a  leaden  exhale  heaves  of  his  lips,  and  he  sinks  into  the  couch  without  any  solace.      ❛    what  happened  is  that  he  wouldn’t  stop  sending  me  stuff  for  weeks  --  gifts,  flowers...  i  got  sick  of  it,  no  matter  how  many  times  i  told  him  to  leave  me  alone  he  didn’t  --  so  i  went  to  confront  him,  but  he  got  so  sad  and  broke  down  and  i  just...  even  if  someone’s  a  terrible  person  they  still  deserve  respect  so  i  just...  tried  to  help  him  and  demand  of  him  to  never  contact  me  again  after  this,  a  closure  --  we  never  had  a  closure,  you  know  ?  but  to  kiwoo  that’s  --  like  cheating  on  him.  and  i’d--  hana,    ❜      he  looks  at  her  with  desperation  in  his  eyes,  as  if  imploring  her  to  confide  in  him.      ❛    i  would  never  cheat  on  him.    ❜
      ❛    but  well,  now  he’s  left.  and  i  don’t  know  what  to  do...    ❜
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
w,  l.
livie, knowing when ko eun was joking, sometimes the older female tend to take topics seriously — especially when it came to her job. and thus, she wasn’t surprised that ko eun was very confused on her reaction. she probably also made the younger feel… insignificant at her slight scolding and thus livie reached over and patted the other’s hand, “sorry, ko eun… i know you won’t follow your own silly notions… you know how serious i take my job…” she hummed out with a light smile on her features, hoping that would lighten the other’s heart slightly. livie knew what the other’s heart wanted, through the small talks they have here and there… in addition to the condition ko eun’s heart was when livie had met her for the first time — just the need to be wanted by another.
“and i know… i know how you want to be wanted, to be loved. but i think, ko eun… sometimes i just want you to know the importance of self worth… before jumping head first into a relationship. i think that’s just… something i want you to learn…” she mused with a shrug of her shoulders. and you know i’m not judging, baby girl…” she sighed out softly as she took another sip of her drink, “and i know your definition of happiness is different from mine… what is your definition of happiness, if i may ask?”
      a  deep  furrow  adorns  her  otherwise  imperturbable  countenance,  and  the  girl  who  habitually  always  has  something  to  say  now  finds  herself  speechless  at  those  words.  how  a  mischievous  and  frivolous  banter  turned  into  something  of  this  sort  ?  she’s  evidently  confounded,  hand  gently  retracting  back  from  the  other’s  gentle  touch.      ❛    but  i  know  my  self  worth  --  wanting  to  be  loved  by  someone  doesn’t  mean  you  don’t  value  yourself  at  all,  liv.    ❜      
      ❛    why  would  you  think  that  i  can’t  do  both  --  do  you  really  believe  in  this  bullshit  that  a  person  has  to  love  themselves  before  they  can  love  someone  else  ?    ❜      livie  has  been  there  for  her  ever  since  koeun’s  hardest  moment  --  when  the  man  she  trusted  most  who  stabbed  her  in  the  heart  innumerable  times  shattered  her  spirit  into  millions  of  fragments  unable  to  mend  together  back  into  a  whole  piece  as  it  used  to  be  before.  although  she’s  aware  that  there  is  no  intention  to  deride  nor  to  belittle  her,  koeun’s  mind  and  heart  at  times  work  as  separate  units  and  she  cannot  help  herself  but  inevitably  feel  affronted  and  discomposed  by  these  words  as  well  as  queries.      ❛    what  does  it  matter  'though  ?  you  obviously  wouldn’t  understand.    ❜  
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
m,  e.
   “Well, you don’t have to see people if we get ice cream – because I’ll be doing just that!” He gave a thumbs up at Koeun, followed with a wide grin. Granted he took notice of her current mood, Edison figured having some fresh air and sun would make her feel better than keeping herself stuck in her home, but that only seem to make it worse for her. As the thought of ice cream was still in his mind, it looked as if the enhanced human was out of options to make Koeun feel better. He decided to approach her and wrapped his arm around her petite frame from behind, crooking his head to look at her with a soft smile. “But you look okay with that to me, Koey! Besides, I thought people shouldn’t judge you for what you wear, and if people do that to you, that means they don’t deserve a buddy like you.” Edison told her, the soft smile turned to a kitty-like one before he patted her head a few times. 
     AT her suggestion however, Edison squinted her eyes and moved forward to look at her. He raised his hand at the level of his head and gave a nod. “We can do that, Koey! I’ll get the ice creams and we can finally scream in delight! We’re gonna make the GREATEST blankie fort party for ourselves!” He grinned at her and jumped up, jogging his way towards the door before he turned to Koeun, who was still in the blanket. “Oh oh! Before I go Koey – do you want some snacks to put in our ice creams? Or some bubble tea? What’d you say?”
      there  is  something  so  incredibly  innocent  and  jovial  about  edison  which  is  completely  aggravating  for  her  to  evince.  how  can  one  possess  such  a  sprightly  demeanor  and  anticipate  nothing  in  return  ?  where  does  all  this  unadulterated  felicity  come  from  and  what  is  the  purpose  of  it  --  to  exasperate  her  furthermore  and  coax  her  into  tasks  she  has  already  expressed  her  reluctance  for  ?  it  is  vexing,  for  her  to  have  to  implore  not  to  do  as  he  pleases  and  while  she  should  be  immensely  beholden  that  he  displayed  kindness  and  benign  as  her  friend  to  come  and  ( attempt  to )  cheer  her  spirits,  koeun  is  incredibly  embittered.  she  is,  after  all,  quite  an  irascible  person.
      ❛    yeah,  okay,  sure--  but  tone  it  down,  ed.  you’re  not  a  baby.    ❜      in  this  type  of  incredibly  crestfallen  and  doleful  mood  she  has  capitulated  into  it  appears  that  she  is  facilely  peeved.  it  isn’t  edison’s  fault  for  making  such  endeavors  to  lift  her  mood  albeit,  to  face  koeun  is  to  face  quite  the  hurdle  and  reluctance.  it  is  as  if  she  doesn’t  want  to  be  cheered  up,  and  not  by  him  --  not  when  he  is...  like  that.      ❛    just  --  bring  whatever  you  want,  in  all  honesty.  any  more  of  this  discussion  and  i’ll  lose  my  appetite.    ❜
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obciidian-archived · 5 years ago
b,  j.
❛    then don’t try to change me . ❜  it’s a yell that parts from her lips as brown eyes narrow at him with   anguish   and disappointment . ❛   do not tell me to stop doing something when i’ve already toned it down all i could .  ❜   her body trembles as her sobs are muffled , throat    quivers   but what hurts the most is the organ within her chest as she looks at the man she loves .   he knew from the moment they met that she was not what he expected most girls to be .  so why had he kept pressing onto the subject when she had already held back her passion and dimmed her ambitions.   ❛     i am not fragile , kiha !i am not some priceless doll to be careful .  i am made much more durable than you think . so stop ,  stop treating me like glass.  ❜  she’stired  ;  broken from his constant fighting with her  and yet , she loves him so much that it brings out emotions she hardly showed .   jisoo , was never the one to cry .  his lack of trying to place himself in her shoes and the pushing back .   tension in the air is high ; deadly in a way and they have both reached a point where  they were both heated and touches weren’t going to ease the ire within their frames.  
he wrecks her  —  in the most painful ways as his words reach her ears and her head turns away from him .  streams of her tears are silent and she probably looks like a mess with mascara running down her cheeks , mixing with her pain .  ❛    i know,   but why do you not acknowledge my efforts to dim it down ?  why is it not good enough for you?  you’re so set on clipping my wings , kiha and that’s not how it’s supposed to be . ❜  she didn’t tell him that she wanted him to stop going to protests because it was in protests that  he often got into trouble in .  she never told him to cease his ideals and his passions  ; no , she would encourage him to do what he wanted , and only advice that he would think with his head rather than his emotions when fists would be tossed .  he was just as a wild card as she was ,  so why ?  she knew he loved her  —  it wasn’t always like this .  ❛  i am trying to make sense of this .  i never stop you from your passions,  never .  why can’t you do the same with mine ? ❜   make her understand , what was so wrong with her fighting ?  yes, she would come back bruised but it wasn’t like they attended to her wounds .  jisoo often cared for her own to ease their worry .  after the last time , she had come home battered and bruised to  the point bones were broken  ;  she had cut down her time.  It was another fight like this one , only he hadn’t told her to break up , not like now .  
❛  so that’s what you want then ?   ❜  her eyes linger over at him ,  forlorn expression upon features that were normally stoic when fighting come to play .  emotions run high within her as she could feel the organ within her chest slowly begin to crack .  her eyes whelmed with hot tears as her breath intake was shaky .  ❛   you’re the one that said you were done .  i am trying to work things out .  but all i do is give my best and it isn’t good enough for you .   ❜  rawness   in her voice is one that she does not recognize as she carefully bits her lower lip .  lung inhaling a deep breathe as she continues to let her emotions cascade down her cheeks .   ❛  why isn’t it enough for you ,kiha ?   i’ve been this way since the first time we met .  you knew what you were getting into with me .  it had never been a secret that i was fighting .   it’s been three years ,  i’ve tone it down for you and tae .   i have so why aren’t i enough ?  you know very well that i love you and tae .  i’ve shown it ,  but i’ve tone it down as much as i can .  what more can i do ?   ❜
      fury  is  untamable,  unjustness  and  rancor  solely  wound  his  spirit.  alike  spears  or  arrows  to  the  middle  of  the  torso,  penetrating  and  impaling  him  until  he  bleeds  out...  it  wounds,  the  way  she  speaks  to  him  with  complete  disregard  of  their  emotions  --  no  longer  does  affection  nor  adulation  reside  in  the  space  between  them  but  solely  embitterment  and  affliction.      ❛    just...  shut  up.    ❜      jisoo  is  not  a  fragile  porcelain  doll  for  him  to  shield  and  never  has  he  treated  her  as  such.  perhaps  the  way  his  colossal  solicitude  towards  her  is  expounded  that  it  become  onerous  for  her  to  comprehend  that  he  does  not  think  of  her  as  a  frail  being  but  rather,  the  only  woman  of  potency  and  vigor  he’s  ever  encountered  in  his  life  --  kiha  fails  to  perceive  her  point  of  view  in  his  eyes.  the  indignation  is  sufficient  to  mantle  the  mind  from  realization,  locking  doors  of  recognition  and  even  inclination  to  understand  what  she  must  feel  like.  
       ❛    i  am  so  sick  of  you  and  taehyun  always  trying  to  paint  me  as  the  villain.  no  matter  what  i  do,  no  matter  how  much  i  show  and  tell  you  that  i  care  --  it’s  never  enough.    ❜      sheer  disgruntlement  contours  the  countenance  in  dolefulness,  one  which  he  desperately  attempts  to  rub  off  with  his  hands  yet  succumbs  to.  kiha’s  breath  is  heaving  in  both  dejection  and  exasperation  as  there  is  nothing  he  can  do  nor  say  to  amend  matters.  it  feels  as  if  now  it’s  too  long.      ❛    i’m  always  the  hot-headed  one,  always  the  one  who  thinks  about  no  one  but  himself  and  his  own  needs,  right  ?  even  if  you  don’t  say  it,  that’s  what  it  seems  to  me  --  that’s  how  i  feel  you  feel  like,  both  of  you.  ‘cause  i’m  clipping  your  wings,  i  don’t  wanna  change  for  you,  i  always  try  to  touch  taehyun  rather  than  love  him  --  like,  i  would  delve  into  it  but  the  list  is  too  long  and  i’m  way  too  tired  to  even  go  there.    ❜
       for  how  long  has  she  accommodated  such  dolor  for  it  to  erupt  of  her  dazzling  eyes,  now  no  longer  possessing  essence  of  the  sun  but  rather,  gloom  ?  the  tearful  sight  in  front  of  him  does  not  solely  tug  on  a  heart  string  ;  it  tears  it  apart,  so  that  the  organ  ceases  to  palpitate  and  as  the  demise  is  excruciatingly  painful  he  cannot  do  anything  but  stare.  simply  stare,  and  wish  he  could  find  a  remedy  to  their  affront.      ❛    i  haven’t  done  anything  i  was  passionate  about  in  months,  jisoo.  in  case  you  haven’t  noticed  --  your  concern  to  me  is  more  important  than  punching  someone  in  a  protest,  i’ve  learned  my  lesson.  besides,  we’ve  been  together  for  long  enough  for  me  to  mature  and  grow  and  understand  what  pains  you  about  me  to  change  ‘bout  myself  --  but  you  don’t  see  that,  do  you  ?  you  don’t  see  anything  that  i  do  to  make  you  happy.    ❜      no  longer  violence  prevails  at  the  knuckles  of  his  fists  or  the  venom  on  the  tip  of  his  tongue.  he’s  changed  for  her  over  these  three  years  and  yet...  cannot  even  fathom  how  to  begin  and  display  all  which  has  altered  during  their  time  together.
      nonetheless  the  crestfallen  image  in  front  of  him,  his  ire  does  not  subside  even  in  the  slightest.      ❛    for  the  love  of  fucking  god,  stop  crying.  i  hate  it.    ❜
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