nyxxielove · 5 days
"This fic was ai generated—" Cool, so lemme block you real quick
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nyxxielove · 5 days
and it’s like. don’t get me wrong. i understand why it’s controversial to say that your boundaries WILL get crossed. like i get it. but listen. are you mythologizing sex? are you putting it on a pedestal where it is completely separate from other human actions? are there other social situations where you believe there is ZERO margin for error? if you genuinely believe that no mistakes or accidents ever happen during sex between consenting adults, i can only imagine you’ve never had sex, you don’t make your partners feel safe coming to you when they feel uncomfortable, or you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how boundaries work. it’s not that it’s GOOD or that we should NORMALIZE crossing boundaries, it’s that we recognize that human interaction is complicated and sometimes there’s stuff to work through rather than just burning it all down.
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nyxxielove · 13 days
you’d have to be some kind of knotslut to reblog this
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nyxxielove · 15 days
As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.
It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.
Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.
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nyxxielove · 15 days
As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.
It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.
Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.
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nyxxielove · 15 days
I finally found an essay that discusses the origins of the word "bulldagger" and its association with black lesbians, hell yeah!
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nyxxielove · 18 days
Reblog if you want to get violently fucked into a mattress while being called a good little fucktoy or if you just really like frogs :) (nobody will know which)
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nyxxielove · 18 days
If you wish or ever wished, even once, to be treated like a hucow, reblog this post.
Let’s see how many of you out there.
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nyxxielove · 20 days
reblog if you support:
• pre- or non-hrt trans people
• genderfluid/non-binary people who want hrt
• genderfluid/non-binary people who don't want hrt
• pre- or non-op trans people
• tall transfems
• short transmascs
• fat/plus size trans people
• fem trans men
• masc trans women
• transmascs who don't/can't/won't bind
• transfems who don't/can't/won't tuck
• transfems with wide shoulders
• transmascs with wide hips
• genderfluid/non-binary people with facial hair or tits
• genderfluid people whose presentation is static but their gender is not
• non-binary people whose desired presentation is how society says their agab should present
• transmascs who bind but still have a visible chest
• non- conventionally-attractive trans people
• non-conforming trans people
• non-"passing" trans people
• non-stereotypical trans people
We don't all fit into cisnormative society's bullshit stereotypes!
I'm trying to prove a point to some transphobic relatives. Back me up tumblr.
21K notes · View notes
nyxxielove · 21 days
reblog if humiliation turns you on!!
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nyxxielove · 28 days
How do I feel right now?
I want to be on my back, legs spread, tits out, mind off, in a cute dress. Ready to be used by someone.
Reblog agreeing if you are feeling the same or saying you want to be that someone.
416 notes · View notes
nyxxielove · 1 month
Tumblr media
i said wat i said
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nyxxielove · 2 months
Monster fucker blogs please reblog this
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nyxxielove · 2 months
I am not a straight people.
Reblog if you are also not a straight people.
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nyxxielove · 2 months
verified ways to donate to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, rebuilding homes/businesses or more. Site run by Palestinians, all GFMs verified (full list here). Spotlights 1 stagnant GFM at a time. (*If you can't decide who/where to donate, just go to gazafunds.com & donate to the 1 GFM they show you!)
masterlist of 200+ verified Palestinian families' GFMs: Operation Olive Branch
Help provide tents: (*emergency as Rafah is being bombarded as we speak)
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents & transport for families in Rafah who urgently need to evacuate to Deir Al Balah. Has a team on the ground in Gaza who have supplied tents to 1% of the displaced population in Rafah. Run by Palestinians. (paypal) (gfm)
@helpgazachildren: Currently helping Palestinians in a refugee camp in Rafah flee the Rafah invasion to Khan Younis. Funds go directly to Hussam, a Palestinian in Rafah who hosts a refugee camp. Funds will cover the cost of tents & transport fuel. Managed by a Palestinian @.fairuzfan. (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Palestinian charity on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their Twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
We Feed Gaza: Team of Palestinian volunteers in the heart of Gaza distributing food & water to 344+ families. More details & proof in their gfm. Vetted & promoted by LetsTalkPalestine. (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: A Palestinian activist on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash & other essential supplies to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
Water (*only 2 weeks left to donate!):
Gaza Municipality's water campaign: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water & waste management services for the people of Gaza.
guide to buy & send esims to gaza (highly needed, esim supply very low)
Crips for eSims for Gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims, don't have enough $ for an esim plan, or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), you can donate any amt to this team of volunteers who pool funds to buy & maintain gaza esims regularly (see their financial accountability document).
Medical Aid:
Gaza Wound Care (urgent): Palestinian doctors in central Gaza treating injured/sick children & mothers in neglected displacement camps far from hospitals. Facing a severe shortage of medicines, medical equipment, and supplies. They need funds for their current campaign to battle infectious diseases in refugee camps. (paypal) (gogetfunding) (gfm)
international charities: Palestine Red Crescent Society, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Medical Aid for Palestinians
108K notes · View notes
nyxxielove · 3 months
If you’re a monster fucker, reblog this.
5K notes · View notes
nyxxielove · 3 months
Induced Lactation (lactophilia) 411
I know a lot of people have the lactophilia fetish both in and out of the BDSM community. The hucow community (sub-part of pet play) often fantasizes about milk producing breasts. This piece is supposed to help inform the reader about different birth controls that MAY lead to milk production, different herbal supplements, different stimulation techniques, etc.
This list is intended for people who have never produced milk (and/or haven’t been pregnant/breast feeding for a long time).
Birth control you can be on that can still possibly produce milk:
Mini pill
depo shot
Birth control TO AVOID while trying to lactate:
the patch (ortho vera)
**NOTE** you MAY have different results, depending on the exact hormonal based birth control method you use. Everyone reacts differently to different hormonal based birth control, since everyone’s natural body chemistry is slightly different. 
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) s a common plant from the pea family and is one of the oldest and most cultivated crops in history. References to alfalfa date back to early Roman, Greek and Chinese cultures. It is believed to have played an important role in these and other early civilizations. As a Food: The best way to benefit from alfalfa is by adding it to your diet naturally. Alfalfa sprouts or seeds have a pea-like taste and can be added to salads, soups or other foods. As a Tea: Unlike the sprouts, the alfalfa leaf is bitter so it is usually dried and prepared as a tea. Use 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried alfalfa leaves per cup (8 oz) of boiling water. AS a Tablet or Capsule: You can typically start with one tablet or capsule 4 times a day, gradually increasing the amount up to 8 per day. Your doctor or lactation consultant will instruct you on the dose that is best for you. Side effects of alfalfa tend to be mild. Diarrhea could occur if you begin taking a high dose of alfalfa too quickly. To prevent gastric problems, start with a low dose and slowly work your way up to the higher dose. If you tend to have an overabundant milk supply, alfalfa could further increase your supply leading to engorgement and mastitis. Alfalfa, like other green leafy vegetables, contains vitamin K which can interfere with anticoagulant medication. Alfalfa can trigger auto-immune disorders or make them worse. Do not use alfalfa if you suffer from Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) or another auto-immune condition.All the above information on Alfalfa came from this: website
Goat’s Rue: Motherlove brand is what I’m most familiar with, which I bought from Amazon.com. The suggested use from the label reads: “Take 1 capsule 4 times daily. For women over 175 lbs take 2 capsules 3 times a day. For maximum effectiveness avoid more than 1-2 oz. of liquid for 15 minutes before and after each dose.” Do not take more than the recommended dose of this herb. Another popular way to take GR, is to take a tincture. I use Herb Lore brand which comes in an alcohol base or a non-alcohol base. The alcohol based does taste pretty bad, but the non-alcohol is very sweet; too sweet for my taste, so I’ll stick to the alcohol base which I did get used to. Suggested Use: Take ¼ tsp (1ml) 4 times per day. Women over 175 lbs take ½ tsp (2 ml) 3 times per day. Goat’s Rue Info1 Goat’s Rue Info2 Goat’s Rue Info3 Goat’s Rue Adverse Reactions Discontinue use if symptoms such as headache, jitteriness, or weakness occur. The safety of the plant has not been proven in pregnancy or breastfeeding. Goat’s rue may interfere with the absorption of iron and other minerals. Source
Fenugreek: If you’re allergic to peanuts or legumes, you may want to avoid taking Fenugreek since they are in the same family. Taking this herb will cause your natural bodily fluids to have a Maple scent. This is attractive to some, and a annoyance to others. Be aware of this. This herb also is used by some to lower blood sugar’s in the body. IF you are Hypoglycemic DO NOT TAKE THIS HERB!!!!Fenugreek Info
Blessed Thistle: Blessed Thistle Info Blessed Thistle InfoUsing Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle Together: In my research I have found mention of using these two herbs together. The recommended dose it 3 capsules, 3 times a day of each herb. Source
Shatavari: (Asparagus racemosusIs) is actually a member of the Asparagus family and is another herb originating in Asia, specifically India, predominantly. In Sanskrit, Shatavari means ‘she who possesses a hundred husbands,’ implying its ability to help support fertility and vitality. It regulates hormonal secretion and acts as a galactogogue in nursing women. There is also some sightings that it can help with reducing menstrual cramps and if a woman has a lot of trouble bleeding heavy during her period.Not ALL sources of this herb are pure, and a few have been found to be contaminated with not nice things. Make sure your source is reputable!Shatavari Info 1Shatavari info 2Shatavari Supplier
“More Milk Special Blend”: It contains Goat’s Rue, Fengreek Seed, Blessed Thistle, Nettle, and Fennel Seed. Personally I would not use this product because I do not believe that it contains enough of each herb. But with that being said, we are all different and what works for one, may not work for another.Moringa Oleifera is another herb with long standing use as a galactogogue predominantly in Asia, particularly in the Philippines where it is called Philippines where it is called Malunggay, though it originated in India and Africa.Here are a few links to enlighten you on the efficacy of this herb in increasing milk supply.Moringa 1 Moringa 2
Black Cohosh
Black Walnut
Cascara Sagrada
Comfrey Leaf
Comfrey Root
Ephedra Ginseng (Siberian Ginseng aka Eleuthero is fine, except for those with high blood pressure)
Jamaican Dogwood
Juniper Berry
Kava Kava Root
Licorice Root
Oregon Grape Root
(in jaundiced newborns)
Pleurisy Root
Sage (reduces milk supply)
Saw Palmetto
Turkey Rhubarb
Uva Ursi
Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum)
Lemon Balm
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
Peppermint (Mentha piperita)/Menthol
Periwinkle Herb (Vinca minor)
Sorrel (Rumex acetosa)
*Please be wary of any allergic reactions. Take the herbs ONE AT A TIME to see if the user is allergic to any!*
Water Many women are very thirsty during breastfeeding, a sign that you need to drink plenty. Expect to drink around 2½ litres a day. Water is the best source of fluid, so include a large share of your fluids as water.
Protein Breast milk contains a lot of protein. So you will need to include extra protein in your diet, from foods such as:
Meat, fish and chicken
Cheese and yoghurt
Nuts and seeds
Legumes, for example, lentils, baked beans and split peas.
Calcium Calcium is another major ingredient in breast milk. You will need extra calcium from:
Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt. These are the
best source of calcium.
Soymilk fortified with calcium - look for a brand that includes
around 120mg calcium per 100ml soymilk.
You need around four serves of calcium-rich foods daily. If your diet does not contain plenty of calcium, your body will use calcium from your bones to meet your increased needs. This may weaken your bones and increase the risk of developing osteoporosis later in life.
Oatmeal is one of the most popular methods to increase milk supply. And not only can it increase your milk supply, but it’s good for you. It’s a good source of iron, and it lowers cholestrol.
Folate and vitamins Breastfeeding also increases your need for:
Folate - for example, leafy green vegetables such as spinach,
broccoli, cabbage and brussel sprouts.
Vitamin C - for example, citrus fruits, berries, tropical fruit,
tomatoes, capsicum and potatoes.
Vitamin A - for example, dark green and yellow vegetables such
as broccoli, carrots and pumpkin.
Vegetarian mothers A vegetarian diet can meet the nutritional needs of a breastfeeding mother as long as it includes a variety of foods, such as:
Eggs, milk, cheese and yoghurt
Wholegrain breads and cereals
Fruit and vegetables.
Hospital Grade or Single User? When inducing, we always recommend hospital grade. The reason is that a single user, drug store/big box store pump, is fine for a nursing mother who already has an abundance of milk. When you are a nursing mother it takes little effort to get your milk to flow.
Inducees are asking their body to do something which, while it is a normal bodily function, our bodies would not be producing milk at that time, as we aren’t a new mom. Hospital grade pumps have a stronger vacuum/suction and you are able to vary the pulse to mimick that of an infant. We need a pump that is a bit stronger.
New or Used? Yes you can by a used pump BUT only a used hospital grade pump, multi user type (i hear they are now making hospital grade single user pumps but i have no knowledge of them) and you puchase an accessory kit (bottles, hoses, filters, shields, etc). The accessory kit usually runs about US $20. With hospital grade pumps, no milk goes thru the pump itself. So when you replace the kit you remove any risk of cross contamination.
Please note that reusing the kit from someone else is not safe. Plastic cannot be thoroughly serilized without damaging the intergrity of the plastic. the risk of cross contamination from the previous owner (if they were sick while using it) is just too much of a risk.
How, When, How Often? It is recommended that you massage/marmet/Tens/suckle/pump for 20 minutes every 3 to 4 hours. Please don’t think that more or longer sessions are better. They are not and could well have the adverse effect. You also run the risk of getting dry cracked nipples, which is very painful.
When using a pump, always be sure to coat the inside of the shield with a little water based lube or if you are already making milk, a few drops of milk. This will create a better seal between the shield and your breast tissue and will keep you from chaffing.
Always remember to wash your shields and bottles according to the directions provided with the kit. Even is you are not making milk, bacteria can still collect and grow in and on these parts from shed skin cells and sweat.
It is not necessary to wake in the overnights to pump. Just be sure to pump as soon as you get up. You might get milk faster getting up every 4 hours but a good night’s sleep is also important to inducing. Lack of sleep causes stress and all manner of problems which is very bad when you are inducing.
So which pump should you get? The following information was supplied by Sleeping_beauty and has been redirected from another post. Some of the original links were no longer working and have been replaced by ones that i found.
Hospital grade pumps available today: • Ameda Elite • Ameda Lact-e • Ameda SMB • Hygeia EnDeare • Medela Classic • Medela Lactina • Medela Symphony http://www.breastpumpsdirect.com
Here are some that are considered some of the best, hospital-grade pumps (designed for multiple users): • Ameda Elite • Ameda Platinum • Hygeia EnDeare • Limerick PJ’s Comfort Go here to compare: http://breast-pumps.findthebest.com/
Here are some that are considered some of the best, hospital-grade pumps (designed for single user): • Bailey Medical Deluxe Nurture • Hygeia EnJoye-LBI
Here are some that are considered the best of the best, non-hospital-grade pumps (in order of top selling rank): • Ameda Purely Yours • Ameda Purely Yours Ultra • Philips Avent Isis iQ Duo • Ameda One-Hand Manual
How much do they cost and where do you find a used pump? i’ve heard amounts ranging from US$50 up to $500 for a used, hospital grade pump. Depends on how lucky you are! i got mine from eBay. You can also look on CraigsList. Try consignment or thrift stores that specialize in baby gear. Your local chapter of LaLecheLeague may have a list of women selling pumps they no longer need. Yard/Garage/Tag sales that list baby gear are also a good place to look. You might also want to call around to local hospitals or medical supply stores that rent pumps. Maybe they sell the old pumps when they get new units in.
Here’s a list of pumps where the milk never comes in contact with the motor, so it’s relatively ok to buy these pumps USED: Ameda Purely Yours, Lanisoh Double Electric, Hygeia. If you’re using this for a hucow and/or adult breast feeding relationship, you’re relatively safe.
*Soure, if you want illustrations too!* http://www.medelabreastfeedingus.com/tips-and-solutions/130/how-to-manually-express-breastmilk—the-marmet-technique
*Video version of this technique!* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tuhuekl-3JY
1. Position the thumb (above the nipple) and first two fingers (below the nipple) about 1” to 1–1/2” from the nipple, though not necessarily at the outer edges of the areola. Use this measurement as a guide, since breasts and areolas vary in size from one woman to another. Be sure the hand forms the letter “C” and the finger pads are at 6 and 12 o’clock in line with the nipple. Note the fingers are positioned so that the milk reservoirs lie beneath them. • Avoid cupping the breast
2. Push straight into the chest wall
• Avoid spreading the fingers apart. • For large breasts, first lift and then push into the chest wall 3. Roll thumb and fingers forward at the same time. This rolling motion compresses and empties milk reservoirs without injuring sensitive breast tissue. Note the position of thumb and fingernails during the finish roll as shown in the illustration. 4. Repeat rhythmically to completely drain reservoirs. • Position, push, roll… • Position, push, roll… 5. Rotate the thumb and fingers to milk other reservoirs, using both hands on each breast. 
Avoid These Motions
Do not squeeze the breast, as this can cause bruising.
Sliding hands over the breast may cause painful skin burns.
Avoid pulling the nipple which may result in tissue damage. 
When inducing lactation, physical stimulation of the nipples and areolas must emulate the suckling of an infant. When an infant suckles, not only is it stimulating the nerve endings in the nipples and areolas, it is also compressing the milk sinuses beneath the nipple. While nursing, the child isn’t “sucking” milk from the breast; rather, the nursing infant is pumping milk from the breast by compressing the milk sinuses inside the nipple.
Milk sinuses are tiny “bulb shaped” dilations near the end of the milk ducts that work like little squeeze pumps. When an infant begins suckling, it sucks the nipple/areola into a small “teat shape” so it can more easily pump milk from the breast by compressing the milk sinuses with its mouth.
When an infant is suckling correctly, signals are sent to the brain via the nervous system. These unique signals created by suckling, (which identify the stimulation as nursing as opposed to foreplay), stimulate the release of the milk producing hormones Prolactin and Oxytocin. Elevated levels of Prolactin stimulate the mammary glands to produce milk, while elevated levels of Oxytocin triggers the let-down reflex.
It is the unique balance of milk producing hormones created by stimulation of the nerve endings in the teat, (nipple/areola), coupled with simultaneous compression of the milk sinuses within the teat, that induces the breast feeding mother’s mammary glands to continue lactating as long as milk is needed.
Regardless of whether a woman is lactating as the result of pregnancy, or having induced lactation outside of pregnancy, continual lactation is the result of the same unique stimulation that closely emulates the suckling of an infant.
Compression of the milk sinuses coupled with simultaneous stimulation of the nipples/areolas is how the brain senses the difference between foreplay and nursing. If only the nerve endings in the nipples/areolas are stimulated, (and compression of the milk sinuses is omitted), arousal may occur, but the necessary milk producing hormones will not be released, and as a result, little or no milk will be produced.
When stimulation of the breasts closely emulates the suckling of an infant, a woman may experience slight arousal; however, she will also experience an overriding feeling of deep inner-peace. The sudden feeling of tranquility signals: the brain has released the milk producing hormones Prolactin and Oxytocin. While Prolactin stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk, and Oxytocin stimulates the let-down reflex, both of these hormones together stimulate the brain to experience tranquility.
Proper stimulation of the nipples and areolas can be accomplished by the suckling of a compatible adult nursing companion, an effective breast pump, or by manual nipple/areola stimulation and breast massage.
By far, the best stimulation comes from a compatible adult nursing companion; unfortunately, an adult nursing partner may not always be available when needed. When this is the case, a woman may choose to stimulate by pumping. Breast pumps can provide adequate stimulation; however, the shield, (the cone shaped part that fits over the nipple), must be the correct size and shape. As the pump pulses, (and tries to pull the nipple deeper into the cone), the shield must compress and release the milk sinuses beneath the nipple with each pulse of the pump. If the shield is too small, it will collapse the milk sinuses and restrict milk flow. If the shield is too big, it won’t compress the milk sinuses properly.
Manual nipple/areola stimulation and breast massage is also an option; however, this method by its self can become tiring. When an adult nursing partner is not available, a combination of both manual nipple/areola stimulation and breast massage, and pumping seems to work best.
Lactation can be induced by stimulation of the nipples, areolas and milk sinuses in a manner that closely emulates the suckling of an infant. When the brain senses that nipple/areola stimulation is the result of, or emulates suckling, it creates the unique balance of hormones necessary to produce milk.
Yes! A person whose never been pregnant can also lactate!
This is a specific type of “mother’s milk” that can ONLY happen with women who have RECENTLY given birth. This is due to the rapid hormonal changes in the body. Since this is the case, those who induce lactation (Rather than brought on “naturally” by hormonal changes when someone is pregnant) can NOT obtain colostrum. 
This totally depends on the individual’s natural body chemistry. Those who are on specific types of birth control might take particularly a very long time. I’ve heard some people do it “by accident” and others take 6 months-1 year+! It also depends on how faithful you are with the nipple stimulation, herbal supplements, etc. 
For me, I tried to lactate over the summer. I didn’t have much success, I guess it’s because of my birth control (nexplanon). Personally, I like the herbal supplements and since I’m a poor college student, I can’t afford pumps right now. 
Manually stimulate the nipples yourself for 10-20 minutes, every 3 hours. DO NOT do it longer than 20 minutes. Another option is to have your partner(s) suck on your nipples for that long. A suckling partner is a better alternative to a pump because it’s “natural” stimulation. Make sure your partner doesn’t use their teeth. 
I’ve also heard that mental imagery of having milk come out of your breasts also helps some people.
Yes, this is due to a hormonal change :)
A lot of people who turn to doctors to help them induce for sexual reasons will often say they’re doing it to help their cousin/sister/whatever with a newborn child and are curious about how to help :) This is how I’ve personally handled these questions when asking pharmacists for recommendations and the like. DO NOT let them tell you “if you’ve never had a baby, you can’t induce.” this is bullshit and has been done by MANY people within the fetish community :)
You should still be able to lactate :)  First, please make sure the piercing is completely healed. This normally takes 6-10 weeks (2.5 months-3.5 months), depending on individual body chemistry, how good the pierce was, and how good you keep up the cleaning and aftercare of it. Next, if using a pump, take the jewelry out so you can get a better suction. The jewlery when actually sucking MIGHT be a choking hazard, but this is more for inexperienced and/or children.
It is best to place the electrodes each side of your areola border and NOT on the nipple., finding a comfortable sequence and frequency to suit yourself is a slow exploratory process but when you find it you will discover a whole new world of pleasure! and the sensations feel very much like suckling. I tried it for a while and it certainly stimulated some activity in my ducts., I now use it occasionally to supplement marmet or when i feel like a change in pace. I use a German machine which I got from Germany off eBay., you need to get one which allows you to alter the pulse modulation as well as the pulse milliamp settings, this will allow you to dial up a pulse rate which will mimic suckling. its a bit of trial and error but OMG can you have some fun in exploring the settings. Look around on eBay for medical grade TENS units. They are relatively inexpensive but make sure you get some extra 40mm x 40 mm electrodes to go on your boobies.
FULL INFORMATION HERE(fetlife): https://fetlife.com/groups/22623/group_posts/3400116
More than likely, yes. Some have gone so much as from a B to a DD.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1094914027187709/
Depends on the individual to be frank. 
Yes, since estrogen for women contributes to a woman’s natural lubrication. 
The European Medicines Agency’s (EMA’s) Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) has recommended changes to the use of domperidone-containing antiemetics in the European Union (EU), owing to concerns about adverse cardiac effects, including QT prolongation and arrhythmias.
These restrictions include using these agents “only to relieve symptoms of nausea and vomiting, restricting the dose and adjusting doses carefully by weight where it is licensed in children,” the PRAC said in a statement released March 7.
Reducing the recommended dose and duration of treatment is “key to minimizing its risks,” the Committee said. They noted that the benefits of domperidone still appear to outweigh risks when given short-term and in low doses to treat nausea and vomiting.
Domperidone-containing drugs are authorized in the EU for treatment of nausea and vomiting of various causes, including in children in some member states, and also for the management of symptoms of bloating, discomfort, and heartburn. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved domperidone for any indication.
In 2011, the EMA’s former Pharmacovigilance Working Party recommended that the product information for domperidone-containing drugs be updated to reflect the risk for serious adverse effects on the heart, including QT prolongation and arrhythmias, and to warn that domperidone should be used with caution in patients with certain heart conditions.
However, cases of cardiac events in patients using domperidone continued to be reported, which led the PRAC to reassess whether the benefits still outweigh the risks, as reported by Medcape Medical Newslast year.
Today, the PRAC recommended that domperidone-containing medicines remain available and that they continue to be used for the management of the symptoms of nausea and vomiting, but that the recommended dose be reduced to 10 mg up to 3 times daily by mouth for adults and adolescents weighing 35 kg or more.
“These patients may also be given the medicine as suppositories of 30 mg twice daily. Where the medicine is licensed in children and adolescents weighing less than 35 kg, it should be given by mouth at a dose of 0.25 mg per kg bodyweight up to 3 times daily,” the PRAC advised.
“Measuring devices should be included with liquid formulations to allow accurate dosing by bodyweight. The medicine should not normally be used for longer than one week,” the committee said.
The panel also advised that “products supplying a dose of 20 mg by mouth, and suppositories of 10 or 60 mg are no longer recommended for use and should be withdrawn, as should combination products with cinnarizine (an antihistamine) where available.”
The medication should also no longer be used for bloating or heartburn or for patients with moderate or severe impairment of liver function.
The PRAC’s recommendations will now be sent to the Coordination Group for Mutual Recognition and Decentralised Procedures – Human (CMDh), which will adopt a final position.
*Here are some food, herbs, supplments, etc. that can help INCREASE the milk supply, ONCE IT’S STARED!*
Oats - Steel cut work the best.
Fenugreek - Both an herb and a supplement
Green beans
Sweet potatoes
Beet greens
Dandelion greens
Beer (with or without alcohol)
Fenugreek - Both an herb and a supplement
Motilium (Domperidone) - available at inhousepharmacy.biz (Use at own risk, read caution in this post)
Motherlove More Milk Special Blend
Mother’s Milk Tea
Shatavari - purchase only from a U.S. supplier for purity
Blessed Thistle
Marshmallow Root
Moringa Oleifera
Brewers Yeast
*Big thanks to different lactation and hucow groups found on Fetlife. It is an 18+ kink community. Please use at your own safety risk! A lot of this information was a direct copy/paste from documents posted in these groups, so credit goes to proper writers!*
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