nyxielich · 6 months
The Melee Run, Cogmind Beta 13
This is my third run of B13 :3 My goal was to destroy a RIF Installer and get an ECA so I can summon Warlord's friends to help me out.
Let's go!
-9 Mats Picked up a system shield and improved visual processing unit. -9 Mines
-8 Mats Picked up corrupted proto shotgun and gained 5% corruption :( Picked up corrupted proto autogun and gained 3% corruption :(( Confirmed no branch access is available, so we're going to -7. Couldn't find a garrison. Got a maul and katana with melee analysis! Considering treads and EM cannons since I found a lot of coolant utils.
-7 Factory -7 Garrison
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Acquired advanced melee analysis. Intentionally destroyed RIF installer. Acquired nanoactuators, hardcell cannon, improved fusion compressor, and light antimatter reactor. Ran from a behemoth. Looped back to -7. -7 Factory Worried about propulsion. Lost propulsion and move time rose to 240 which is way too high, so I must respec. Found cesium-ion thruster, guess we're flight melee now!
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-7 Lower Caves Cesium-ion thruster immediately destroyed, picked up VTOL module. Core at 129 durability has me worried. ZB-3UA(g) tells me about Warlord and gives me the ECA! Yay!
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-7 more Caves? Get me outta here.
-6 Factory All melee weapons destroyed, but managed to get a couple flails soon after. Got a Xenon bombardment thruster.
-5 Factory Got field propulsion drive. I was picking up some treads but I think I'll stick with flight, it feels really good! Dropped treads. Found enhanced optical array. Found 2x cooled Cesium-ion thruster in a transport!
-4 Factory
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Lost all power sources. Found a light neutrino core! Now using two improved melee analysis suites and two advanced melee analysis suites. Lost light neutrino core but found a fusion compressor, which demands 1 matter per turn and that's not ideal.
-3 Research Swapped out fusion compressor for a cold fusion core and picked up some impulse thrusters. Got beat up but found 3 impulse thruster arrays, advanced RCS, and a couple of shock mauls! Dropped ECA for nuclear pulse array, since I've not done enough damage to get Warlord's help. There were so many Titans and even cutters surrounded me. I thought for sure the run would end there, but I bravely fought the cutters and only lost power sources and shock mauls thanks to my advanced utility shield I picked up. I swapped out the shield for a heavier power source and force lance soon after since it was quite beat up. I fly and I fly fast with my new impulse thruster arrays.
-2 Research I now equip 3 impulse thruster arrays at the same time since they are large in my 5 slot inventory. Maybe I'll get lucky and find some more utility shielding or even light armor. Reached a peak rating of over 100 when I picked up advanced RCS! Picked up a proto flight unit while running from an ARC squad of grunts, and it was a faulty electron diverter, which triggered a power surge that broke my second-to-last impulse thruster array. Very unlucky!
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I got the hunted achievement to simultaneously be tracked by 20 hostiles just after i found a lucky restock of 4 impulse thruster arrays. But my last hacking util got destroyed so now I'm wondering how I can escape from -1 Access. Maybe I can destroy the access shield with my half durability shock maul? I doubt that the melee weapon will even last me long enough to find the exit.
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-1 Access I now equip 4 impulse thruster arrays, a light quantum reactor, and a shock maul. My inventory has only a cooled field propulsion drive. I have no utility. How am I supposed to escape with this? I hope I find some hackwear I guess… I just wish I had my visual processing unit :( I did just find a basic ECM suite though. That will help! I lost 3 of my 4 impulse thruster arrays to swarmers so I equip my last prop on hand, the cooled field propulsion drive. OwO I just found a hacking suite! That's going in the inventory for safekeeping until I find the exit. I found a field propulsion array but I'm terribly worried about losing my last power source. I'm still being chased by the swarmers :( Got triple warning now: core, energy, matter. Not looking too good!
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Everything has been destroyed. I am a naked core with two advanced hacking suites in my inventory uwu
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Alert: core integrity low. I found an experimental melee analysis suite, which would be great except I haven't had any melee weapons in a little while now >w< they got shot. I ran into a heavy, another group of swarmers, and a programmer while running from cutters and… core destroyed. I must have been SO close to the exit. SO close.
Final score: 13921
New PB! Yay!
Check me out on the scoreboard under the name Lazuli (give it a day to update, I just finished this run!) :3
I should have just installed RIF! At the time of destroying it, I was still leaning towards abandoning melee and instead committing to a heavy cannon build since I had so much heat dissipation potential. I was going to switch to a tank build once I got the ECA but I just wanted a good utility to detect bots and scan for rooms. I got beat up pretty bad in the Factory -7 level between destroying RIF and entering the Lower Caves so my hand was forced.
If I had just installed RIF and gone for couplings, then I think I would have won the game with the melee flight build. Lesson learned for next time: if you want ECA, you need to clear garrisons and DSFs. Running isn't helpful for ECA and whenever I tried on the ECA, it would complain that I have a D-approval rating with Warlord :(
Next time I will just install the RIF and fly to victory!
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nyxielich · 7 months
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nyxielich · 7 months
Flying the Duna Trainees out
so they can learn how to take surface samples. #1
Bill and Jesly are training the new hires for their voyage out to Duna!
The trainees, Dunus, Hilemy, and Wilgar are flown out alongside their instructors by the flight crew, Ronwig, Lehat, Lizdock, and Kerdan to the "Dessert" Airfield.
The Kerbin desert resembles the midland seas of Duna, though Kerbin is not nearly as dusty.
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It's a beautiful day for flying! We're going to gain an hour throughout the flight, but the flight is also about an hour long so we'll be landing at just about the same local time that we left.
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There's plenty of chit-chat among the passengers as they fly out to the desert above the rainy ocean out to the west of the space center. Bill tells the excited trainees about how the plane they're all in got its name:
On the maiden flight from the space center out above the Mahi Mahi Launch Site on a food resupply delivery, a hippopotamus was discovered as a stowaway in the cargo hold! They were excitedly munching on all the leafy snacks we were carrying out and didn't even notice when the cargo bay was closed for takeoff. The plane was known as the Hippo from then onward.
The trainees laugh at Bill's story and Bill confirms for them that the hippopotamus was brought safely back to its family nearby the space center.
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Bill and Jesly take some time to discuss current events. A resource satellite was recently launched to low Kerbin orbit and is waiting for a transfer window to Eve next year. The Jool transfer window is opening soon and Jesly speculates that some probes might be sent out to study the gas giant and its moons. Naturally, both agree more crafts will fly out to Duna alongside the trainees to provide support for the team in gaining Winter Owl Corporation a foothold.
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The time passes quickly and soon enough the clouds part and the long, empty desert emerges below the flying hippo and the Kerbals safely riding along in her metal stomach. There's nearly twice as many seats as there are Kerbals onboard and Wilgar takes the opportunity to stretch out across two seats. Meanwhile, Dunus and Hilemy play some cards together.
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The flight crew has made visual contact with the Dessert Airfield! The pilot flying, Ronwig, argues with the pilot monitoring, Lizdock, about how to pronounce the name of the airfield until Lehat, the navigator, politely reminds the pilots to turn into the final approach and sterilize the cockpit for landing. Ronwig grumbles something and turns the Hippo over to a hard 60 degree bank.
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The crew land the plane safely and depart the end of the runway with a tad bit more speed than Lehat would've preferred. Lizdock shuts down the four C7 Aerospace Goliath jet engines and turns off the taxi and navigational lights.
Bill gives a lecture to the trainees about proper handling of equipment and a reminder on how to check the space suits to ensure that they are pressure-secure while donned. Ready everyone? We're about to step out into Duna, where no Kerbal has ever set foot before~
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The excursion team packs up their supplies and disembarks the Hippo. Bill and Jesly watch the trainees like hawks to make sure they're being safe. Beside all the dust on Duna, the team will need to be prepared for the vastly reduced gravity---only 30% that of Kerbin!
Wilgar plants the Winter Owl Corporation flag while Dunus and Hilemy take a surface sample together. Careful now! Steady...
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Back at the space center, Daphzon prepares for an evening survey of the storm rolling in. Simultaneously, they're taking the opportunity to test out how the Bullfrog II flies, a new rapid-response jet of Jebediah's design. The Bullfrog I had only two engines but flew just fine. However, when Bill told Jebediah that he needed to include navigational lights in his designs, Jebediah had to "cleanse his palette" by attaching another engine. Jebediah took the more nimble Bullfrog I out to the island airfield to watch the storm and asked Daphzon to deliver the new Bullfrog II over to him. Sounds like a busy evening!
The engineers at the space center leave work until tomorrow when they plan out their next big adventure~
Thanks for reading! <3
I used these mods:
EVE Redux (the prerelease version from Blackrack's Patreon), Scatterer, PlanetShine, ReStock+, Waterfall
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nyxielich · 8 months
The Tread Run - Cogmind beta 12
Where I don't really use treads because I didn't find any two-slots :/
My goal for mid-game was two sets of Heavy Treads and something to see incoming enemies through walls, ideally Sensor Array and Improved Signal Interpreter. Then I wanted some strong guns to make a tank build.
The run started really poorly getting jumped and knocked down to 20% core. I quickly escaped to -9 Materials, then -9 Storage where I met 01-MTF! What a coincidence eh? :3
Poor 01-MTF. She stepped on a saw trap and, well, I'm not going to leave that reactor just sitting around for a scav.
On -8 Materials I picked a fight with a garrison squad right next to the exit. It was greedy, but I really wanted some good treads! I'm not sure where I should go to look for Heavy Treads but I figured a garrison squad may have some equipped. Next time I'll have to actually check inside the garrison. I came out on top with the gear 01-MTF dropped for me and left to Factory.
Sublevel 7 I blitzed through with some lucky hacks and sneaks. So on -6 Factory I wanted to explore more thoroughly for those treads. Here's my kit going into the sublevel:
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Not too bad I think. I love the combo Improved Sensor Array with Improved Signal Interpreter. That's exactly what I was looking for going into the start of the run! I must have lost the reactor 01-MTF dropped for me, but that Exp. Heat Sink was really nice. Can't get enough EM and Thermal weapons.
I managed to find a stockpile of Armored Huge Wheels that made my coverage very strong, nice! Soon after, I ran into a B-75 Beast who called out the Cutters when I rolled away. Felt extra good about the armor.
I found a branch exit, but I'd really prefer the main exits because I want more propulsion and power slots.
I equipped an Improved Terrain Scanner and Improved Terrain Scan Processor when some Programmers blew off my Sensor Array. That was nice, but not as effective for identifying where enemies are.
I can't see enemies around corners anymore, and what do you know, I rounded a corner and bumped into an ARC. It went pop and there were four L-41 Fighters surrounding me, hacking away at all my components. There wasn't enough time to fire a weapon before they'd lop off anything I equipped.
Final score: 9528
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