nys72 · 9 years
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The curious toddler!
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nys72 · 9 years
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I love breast feeding ❤️ ever since we completed our sleep training (it was horrible) R hardly breast feed to sleep. But occasionally on the weekend when I'm alone with my sweet boy at home, we share a some bonding time together where he will snuggle and breastfeed to sleep.
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nys72 · 9 years
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Kokoro Snow Koneko size 4. I love it!!!!!!!!! Sea island cotton is the best!!! I still think this will make a perfect new born wrap. But I will find out later I guessed.
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nys72 · 9 years
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New wrap new wrap new wrap...!!! Roro's favorite carry!!! Ruck.. The simpler to better. I can't do fancy shamcy finished that takes too long. It needs to be short and sweet!!! This wrap is amaZing. It's a bloomy loom silver and turquoise cat!!! I love the color. This is my first second hand buy on a swap site. I was a little concern but also very excited. Second hand wraps have a great quality to them they are usually broken in already. When I first felt it, it didn't seem smooth like my Kokoro Koneko Snow but that is a unfair comparison. A little rough but still very floppy. I was a little hesitant to wrap Roro with a 6 since he Hated the koneko snow size 6. So I decided to throw him in a ruck and nothing else fancy. He was happy and content!! He didn't lean or straighten his legs. Wrapping win!!!! However usually a size 6 for a simple ruck seems a little long. I will attempt a DH some day. I have traded my size 6 koneko snow for a size 4!!! Roro will LOVe Kokoro!!!
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nys72 · 9 years
I just got a innobaby stainless steel one with straw. It is a little tricky to twist on. But if get it in correctly it doesn't leak.
Sippy cups
Help! I need a good sippy cup recommendation. We’ve tried like 4 different kinds and hated them all. They either leak all over or seem to hard to sip out of. My little guy is 18m, can use a straw (at times). I just want a good cup that won’t leak! fuckyeahmumblrs
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nys72 · 9 years
How do you entertain your toddlers??? Apparently a wool laundry ball and a laundry basket is all it takes!!!
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nys72 · 9 years
Best cloth diapers for boys?
Cloth mamas?
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nys72 · 9 years
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Cake smash!! When I saw the picture on Pinterest I was sold. Roro needs to do a cake smash! Every thing was great. The cake was beautiful , the props were perfect, even the little monster himself was feeling great. He had a blast. He was happy and focus on this complete sensory overload. The shoot took about an hour and our photographer was wonderful. She was organize and professional. We would definitely commission her again. I have done some reflection on this whole experience and I have concluded it was a bit wasteful. The cake was barely eaten and a majority of it ended up in the compose although the cake was delicious. When we do this again with future baby we will just do a themed one year old photo shoot to commemorate this milestone and eat the perfectly decorated cake!
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nys72 · 9 years
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Favorite Looks from Ulyana Sergeenko’s Couture S/S 2013 Lookbook
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nys72 · 9 years
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My love of wrapping. Since i have been back to work i have found less time to snuggle with Roro. So wrapping to the rescue! Every morning I will throw him in a back carry while I prepare breakfast and lunch for us. This gives us more snuggle time. Bonus Roro likes to watch me cook! This is a Fidella size 4 all cotton wrap. I am no expert as i have only started wrapping 3 months ago but im so in love with this wrap!!!! It is wide and soft. We only have 2 wraps at home at the moment and one otw, but ROro gets really excited when he sees me pulling this one out!
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nys72 · 9 years
Back to work tomorrow! A very mix feeling
This is a bittersweet day, well more bitter than sweet. Maternity leave is over, and I’m going back to work tomorrow. I’m happy to be out and about working but I am going to miss my baby so much. After spending 11 months with my sweet boy, I cannot imagine a day without him by my side.
Daddy and Grandpa is on duty from now on. This will be very interesting as Grandpa has never taken care of a child before. Fingers cross daddy and grandpa will make it through the first week with no problems.
I’m a daycare teacher and I find it odd that I can barely afford to have my son in my daycare. It’s not worth it. Thank goodness for my parents being around and able to help or else it will working seem like I’m working for free.
My new challenge will be a good balance between work and home. Since I will not be at home 24/7, both R and I have some major adjusting to do. I want to be able to give R the same amount of care in less amount of time. I have read many blogs and they all tell me the same thing, quality over quantity!
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nys72 · 9 years
Back to work tomorrow! A very mix feeling
This is a bittersweet day, well more bitter than sweet. Maternity leave is over, and I’m going back to work tomorrow. I’m happy to be out and about working but I am going to miss my baby so much. After spending 11 months with my sweet boy, I cannot imagine a day without him by my side.
Daddy and Grandpa is on duty from now on. This will be very interesting as Grandpa has never taken care of a child before. Fingers cross daddy and grandpa will make it through the first week with no problems.
I’m a daycare teacher and I find it odd that I can barely afford to have my son in my daycare. It’s not worth it. Thank goodness for my parents being around and able to help or else it will working seem like I’m working for free.
My new challenge will be a good balance between work and home. Since I will not be at home 24/7, both R and I have some major adjusting to do. I want to be able to give R the same amount of care in less amount of time. I have read many blogs and they all tell me the same thing, quality over quantity!
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nys72 · 9 years
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Fluffy bum!!
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nys72 · 9 years
Cloth diaper ew... Not so gross after all
The thought that came into my mind when I first heard about CDing was “ew.. Gross.” Being easily influenced plus naturally curious I started the research. After two weeks of intensive Internet research and looking at endless YouTube videos, I took the plunged and haven’t looked back since.
I love cloth diapers! They are cute, environmentally friendly and chemical free. I got lucky when I decided to take the plunged. There was a seconds sale at a local distributor and that help kept the cost down!
Two months later I have a fully build stash and I’m proud to say we are full time CDing now. I have a rotation stash of 31 diapers with a small variety of Canadian brands (Kawaii diapers, Lil’ helper, Giggle life, Tender Tushies, Nuggles, Mother ease, and AppleCheeks).
There are lots of benefit of CDing and the Internet or CDing groups have tons of information. I’m here to talk about why it works for our family.
1) I like doing laundry. This is very important if you want to start CDing bc you will be doing laundry every day or two. Once I have mastered my new HE washer, cleaning dirty diapers made me feel satisfied and happy!
2) I change my son more often and I’m more aware of his diapering needs. I will admit it sometimes I would leave my son in a disposable for an undetermined about of hours. They are so absorbent. But since CDs are not so absorbent I have to change him every 2-3 hours. This is was more hygienic!
3) it’s just so darn cute! Looking at the fluffy bum crawling and shaking around the house, warms my heart. Also an extra layer of protection when he falls.
4) My son has eczema so I started a less chemical routine for him. His detergents are environmentally friendly and non-scented. There are a lot more I do around the house to have less chemical around him and his eczema has improved!
Plus all the other wonderful reason to take the plunged. Happy CDing everyone!!!
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nys72 · 9 years
The many firsts...
Being a new mom is wonderful and it is an experience you only get once. And the many first you will want to remember forever… The first time he smiled. The first time he slept for 3 hours straight! The first time he laughed for no reason. His first shots and the cry he let out that completely broke your heart. The first time he roll over, sit, stand. There are so much more. Some good and some bad. Like the first time he had a blow out in his diaper and i had no clue what to do. If I can record it all I would. But i feel continuously holding a camera to capture the moment somehow loses the something.
But I’m here to start talking about my new found love of cloth diapers and my new adventure in baby wearing. Ever since R I have become more environmentally cautious especially when his eczema broke out. It broke my heart. Looking at his red face the doctor told me to use less chemical. Although all he said was use non-fragrance detergent. Being the over protective new mommy I took it to the next level. I started looking for chemical free alternatives! It began with detergent of course… Then the mild obsession began…….. I started researching about homemade lotion…. The next time I know I’m buying cloth diapers… I still have no clue how that happen!!! Now I have build my first stash of diapers…. Baby wearing has creep into my mind…..
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