Hi I'm Nyreena Dark!
64 posts
Hey! I'm Nyreena Dark (Danny Phantom oc) and I'm here to show you everything about me!
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 7 years ago
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Another version from this 👇 post, I didn’t like or as much but a friend convinced me to post it too anyways :’)
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 7 years ago
Reblog from my main account.
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Idk what to caption tbh
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 7 years ago
@risayume Oh man this is totally awesome! This makes Danny so much more relatable with how you're able to have his expressions have their own character to him. Now I know not to mess with him when he's got his scary eyes going!
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I’m trying to make the DP style more expressive bc dammit it deserves to be. Fuck you Butch and your stale cartoon styles
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 7 years ago
Awww. This would have been totally awesome to see.
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Vlad being a mentor figure for Danny is all I need to be happy. I live for badgercereal.
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 7 years ago
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What song does this remind you off?
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 7 years ago
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Everything ends eventually.
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 7 years ago
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Hello everyone! I’m back once again with a brand new oc that I’ve been working on for some time. This is Airian Valkris, a former prince of a region deep in the Ghost Zone until Pariah’s tyranny reached it and took it over. Then to top off his bad luck he gets cursed to be a vampire and has to carry said curse for as long as he exists. And the only way to break it is to find what is known as the “living fire” that is said to able to purge any dark curse from a being and cleanse them completely. So he must begin his journey to find the key to breaking his curse and being whole once again.
As for the designs the version on the left is his ghost form with a scheme of green and gray and the right is his vampire form and I’m still deciding on a color scheme for him.
Alright, that is it for now. I am currently working on the colored version right now and I should have it soon! See you next time!
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 7 years ago
Totally love!
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Oh boy :|
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 7 years ago
Post-it Scribble Series #1
Hey everyone! Well, this is it! This Friday I finally graduate from college which means I will be finally free to do so much more art than I could ever imagine!
So with that I will be starting a series I like to call my Post-it Scribble Series where I take a Post-it note and do a quick sketch or doodle on it. Just something that's quick and off the top of my head.
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For the first one I decided to draw Nyreena in a bit of a blue (no pun intended) state after recent events that happened on one of the roleplay sites I have her on.
Alright, that's it for now! Keep a look out for the next one and I'll see you all later!
Don't forget to hit the reblog and like buttons! Your support and appreciation is truly wonderful!
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 7 years ago
Whoo, talk about some hot stuff XD
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 7 years ago
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Hello! So, I have had this character around for a while but I never really got around to really designing him. This is Raythnir, an old enemy of the Dark family line who has it in his head that he should rule instead and bend the Zone to his will. 
I’m still reworking his backstory from what I had before but I promise that it will be absolutely superb! So stay tuned and I’ll see you next time!
Please reblog, like, and share!
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 7 years ago
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Hey there! So I know that this is long overdue but this was the project I had created for this year’s Inktober. I had decided to finally draw Nyreena in a princess-like gown with all the glitter and glam that comes with it. This was completely drawn, colored, and detailed in Medibang Paint Pro. 
Alright, another round done from me so stay tuned and I’ll see you next time!
Please reblog, like, and share!
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 7 years ago
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Hey everyone! I meant to get this up around Halloween but…. I forgot XD. College life is not easy to keep up with art blogs.
So, with this, I decided to have my characters on one of the rp boards I’m on dress up for Halloween and do a little…. something for the community Halloween party.
I also decided that it was time for a change in my signature and make it a much simpler watermark. And try a new way of shading that I’m liking very much.
That’s it from me. Stay tuned for more and I’ll see you next time!
Please reblog, like, and share!
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 7 years ago
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Hey everyone! I am so sorry that I haven't been active for a while. Real life and being somewhat being addicted to the Amino community app took up a lot of time and attention. But I'm back with a new art piece of Nyreena! 
During my time away I tried the Medibang art program and I fell in love with it. It has really helped my free-form line art improve. Plus with the apps for Android and iPhone I can work on my art anywhere. 
I promise that I will be more active in the future with all sorts of ideas that I have planned so stay tuned! Thanks everyone and I'll see you all next time! 
Please reblog, like, and share!
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 8 years ago
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Hey everyone! This is a little something I whipped up for a Danny Phantom Amino community (which is an awesome app and you need to check it out. I've been having a blast since I joined.) This is Nyreena in her human disguise. I'm really proud of this because I'm finally getting over my hurdle of trying to draw hands properly. Well that's all from me for now. I'll see you all later! Please reblog, like, and share!
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 8 years ago
Reblog for Father's Day today. I wish everyone a great day with their dads, grand dads, stepdads, and anyone who is a fatherly figure to them!
Father’s Day
(Simple late one-shot that I came up with in honor of Father’s Day. Certainly a thing that was thrown together last minute because I thought of it last minute but either way happy late Father’s Day everyone!)
    Father’s Day. A day set aside where families celebrated the fathers in the family showing them how much they were appreciated for what they did as a father or a grandfather for their family members. And even though she loved her adoptive father so much Nyreena felt a sting in her heart at the fact that her birth father was locked away for eternity for what he did long ago in the Ghost Zone. After spending some time with her current father, enjoying the time spent with him she got the idea of going to the castle and just talking to the Sarcophagus, getting what she wanted to say to Pariah off of her chest. Managing to sneak into FentonWorks and down into the lab (thankful that Danny and Jazz were keeping their parents busy with something that was Father’s Day related), she switched forms and entered the Zone, flying straight to Pariah’s Keep while trying to think of what she had wanted to say exactly to someone who wasn’t going to be able to hear it. Once she had arrived she made her way in and flew straight to where her father’s prison was kept and landing at the base of the stairs she looked up at the top, feeling her nerves starting to get the best of her but sighing through her nose she walked up the staircase, reaching the top in no time. Staring at the Sarcophagus again she paced back in forth in front of it a few times until she stopped, reached up to touch it and finally said, “Hello…Father. I…I really don’t know how to go about saying what I want to say but today is a special day on Earth and it’s called Father’s Day where you celebrate…well, your father. I know that you really weren’t a father to me due to being locked up and I taken away from you as a baby so there’s really not much to be celebrated about you. But I was able to grow up with a dad that showed me and taught me a lot of things that I will always be grateful for and he tried to be the father I truly needed to have even though he, or even I, had no clue of who you were and what you had done for me to be taken away from you all that time ago. I’m sure that you might take this the wrong way but I know that he’s not going to replace you as being my one and only dad. You have to know that I still consider you a father even though we were together for only the beginning of my afterlife and that short time when you were released by that crazy fruit loop, not mine term for him by the way it was something a friend of mine coined for him a long time ago, you were there as I came into this dimension but never got the chance to see me one last time before being sealed away by the Ancient Ones long, long ago.”
    Stopping for a few moments to get her bearings, wiping away a couple of tears that had managed to appear in her eyes Nyreena sighed again and continued, “And to be honest…I really wish that you were out here with me right now. Just to spend a few hours with you telling you all that I’ve done in the years that I’ve been with my adoptive family, from all the years I’ve been in dance and how I want to be a fashion designer and…and try to make a better reputation for our family’s name. I definitely know that there’s nothing I can do to fix what happened in the past but if I can try to make a change here in present, try to show the ghosts of the dimension that I’m trying to make a change in the way they see how a Dark can rule with heart and impartial judgment. I don’t want the last threads of our legacy to be marred by the scars and horrors of what your actions caused.” Pausing again to figure out what to say next she wiped a few more tears from her eyes then said, “I…I really don’t know what else to say but…but I guess what I’m really trying to say is…I love you, Father. Throughout everything that’s happened and the history made you’re my father and I love you.” Stepping closer and placing a kiss on the Sarcophagus she whispered, “Happy Father’s Day, father.” Feeling a lot better now that she had done this she took one last look around, smiled then took off, deciding that the next thing to do was to spend some more time with her other dad and appreciate him for all that he did for her, making up for what she had missed out with her real dad and hoped that one day soon Pariah would be free and be a changed ghost in the process, letting him be a father that he never was able to be. 
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nyreenadarkdpocs · 8 years ago
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A little something that I've had in mind for a while to do. More or less a new look for Pariah for the fan on version I play of him on a roleplay forum I'm on. On to inking next! Pariah Dark belongs to Danny Phantom. Please reblog, like, and share!
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