nyetown · 6 years
don’t tell me how to live my life!! kidding,  i am currently revamping the rules and making it more modern day.. so maybe i will! 
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nyetown · 6 years
holy hell it has been two years since we hit the tags! this role play was open so long before we ended up having to close it. i was thinking of revamping and reopening this beauty! would anyone be interest?!! i am going to do some editing and see where it lands me. in the meantime i would love to get some feedback on being bag in the tags.
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nyetown · 8 years
why dont you give the group a chance to get more active again instead of closing right away?
We aren’t closing it right away, we have given it a month actually to keep up with the activity  and see how keeping new members and complaints had been. They just got worse and worse, trust me I hate more than anything to have to close because this was my little baby. But we will be back!
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nyetown · 8 years
This groups veen open so long, you shouldnt close because of a slow patch. people still come on and we can get threw this
It isn’t just the slow patch, love. That isn’t the major issue we have been having, but like I said don’t worry. We will revamp this baby in no time!
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nyetown · 8 years
please dont close the rp. all rps have slow times, you just have to trudge past it. i know we can do it. i love this group and my characters to much for it to die
I think there has been a on going issue with it for the past few months. We haven’t been able to get new members. When we did get new members they wouldn’t stay. So I think keeping it open right now isn’t the best idea. Though don’t worry we will revamp in the future. Just keep an eye open, and we will be back eventually.
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nyetown · 8 years
Dear members,
As much as we hate to do this- and we do a lot. We have had this wonderful role play open for a year and a half. It has been our baby and we have watched it grow. Maci and myself have come to the choice that it is time to close it down. Right now things are just too busy and the dash has kind of died out. It hurts our heart to see such a strong role play finally have it’s last days. We have made so many good friendships and developed so many great characters and none of them will be forgotten.  But- with that said, we love you all and have appreciated everyone who has been there from the start. Keep us followed because we will be revamping it in the near future once summer is over. We love you all. xx
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nyetown · 8 years
i would really hate to see this rp die.
I think all of us would hate to see this roleplay die out since we’ve been going strong since Feburary 2015. But all good things have to come to and end eventually. We’re going to try and keep it afloat, but if it dies out, we’ll most likely revamp it.
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nyetown · 8 years
Please unfollow: 
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nyetown · 8 years
Nina Dobrev or Blake Lively? I'M STUCK BETWEEN THESE TWO BEAUTIES. Members and Admins? HELP.
My vote is for Nina.
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nyetown · 8 years
it's not bubble rping anymore, and i don't wanna sound rude but the rp is dead.
It doesn’t sond rude, all Britt was saying was that the people who did leave the roleplay were people who complained of bubble roleplaying. But also keep in mind there are 28 characters on hiatus/semi-hiatus as of right now. If you aren’t on hiatus, be sure you’re on as often as you can and interacting with everyone. Its the only way to get the activity back up.
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nyetown · 8 years
Guys I know we have a lot of Hiatus, but it makes for a dead role play. Please make sure that you are being as active as you can and that you are not bubble role playing. We have lost nearly half our role play because complaints of bubble role playing, it is becoming a serious issue.  If you are wanting this role play to stay open please talk to everyone.
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nyetown · 8 years
Daisy here
Welcome DAISY to the great state of New York. Please make sure to do everything our guide says HERE. All residents have 12 hours to make their first post in our tags or will be reopened and have to reapply.Please make sure everything in the navi is completed accordingly.
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nyetown · 8 years
Please Unfollow
@detectivetaylor-oconnor @tbhdexter @thekolbytreager @roland-king @theholtsamuels @gabe-prior
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nyetown · 8 years
Sasha's url is sasha--williams
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nyetown · 8 years
delilah is @ ctrldelilah
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nyetown · 8 years
DAISY BUCHANAN is a(n) TWENTY-THREE year old BARISTA/INTERN. Around Manhattan SHE is known as THE DREAMER. Everyone says they are WHIMSICAL & CHARISMATIC but also can be very CURIOUS & INVASIVE. I’d say they remind me of ELIZABETH OLSEN, wouldn’t you? (Alexis 18 EST She)
Welcome to Manhattan! We take great pride in the accomplishments that come from the great state of New York. All residents have 12 hours to send their accounts in before they will need to reapply for residence.
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nyetown · 8 years
SASHA WILLIAMS is a 20 year old JUNIOR at NYE UNI. Around the campus they are known as AMERICA'S SWEETHEART because they are so OPTIMISTIC but also very PARANOID. Last I heard SHE was studying THEATRE ARTS EDUCATION. I’d say they remind me of SELENA GOMEZ, wouldn’t you? (Meg, 18+, EST, SHE) (i'm dropping Nathan, I just have no muse for him at all and picking up Sasha)
Welcome to Manhattan! We take great pride in the accomplishments that come from the great state of New York. All residents have 12 hours to send their accounts in before they will need to reapply for residence.
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