nyctoph0bia · 3 years
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Orion constellation by George Tzellos
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nyctoph0bia · 3 years
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nyctoph0bia · 4 years
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Sainte-Chapelle de Paris, France, photo by Adrianjing
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nyctoph0bia · 4 years
I used to think it was important to have common interests with the person that you are in a relationship with but now I think it is more important to be similar in other aspects. like how kind you are. how you treat the people you care about, how you treat strangers. how you deal with anger. how you deal with pain. and not necessarily dealing with all these things the same way but being perceptive enough to understand what action each situation calls for. it’s important for both people to be on the same page about what that action should be. it’s important to me to have that kind of synchrony.
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nyctoph0bia · 5 years
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Okja (2017) dir. Bong Joon-ho
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nyctoph0bia · 5 years
on purpose!!! love people on purpose!!! find someone wonderful and love them and tell them it wasn’t an accident, you had a choice, you saw who they were and realized how lovely it would be to love them, and it is!!! i made a good decision! i love you on purpose!!!
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nyctoph0bia · 5 years
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Album references, “A Summoning,” My Chemical Romance.
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nyctoph0bia · 5 years
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Jojo Rabbit (2019) dir. Taika Waititi 
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nyctoph0bia · 5 years
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Sing Street (2016) dir. John Carney
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nyctoph0bia · 5 years
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nyctoph0bia · 5 years
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nyctoph0bia · 5 years
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Marriage Story (2019) dir. Noah Baumbach
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nyctoph0bia · 5 years
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nyctoph0bia · 5 years
Todo se siente efímero.
El tiempo es tan corto, pero debí saberlo.
Todo tiene su final.
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nyctoph0bia · 5 years
Yo no quiero un amor para ratos, para poco tiempo, para pocos años.
Aunque soy joven siempre pensé en cómo conocería a alguien que conecte conmigo y estaríamos juntos, siempre.
¿Es ambicioso pensar en ello?
¿Es poco creíble?
No lo sé, probablemente.
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nyctoph0bia · 5 years
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nyctoph0bia · 5 years
i do miss feeling like a person
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