An enemy deserves no mercy.
503 posts
Mercy is weakness. I am not weak.Nyala Adelaide Ross | 20 years young | Single Vampire Hunter | HumanJust a girl who was born into the wrong life. She lost her mother too young and deep down all she wants is to be loved. Revenge is so deeply rooted into her core that killing has become just another thing to her. Her trust has to be earned and is not easily given. The world hasn't been kind to Nyala but she isn't going to just sit back and take it.
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
“I’m always up for a drink.”
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“Do you want to go get a drink?”
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
It was thrilling to know they were getting exactly where they needed to be. Nyala loved hunting no matter how it was done but everything she did with Rashel felt that much better. It was a natural dance that the two shared. Rashel was one of the only people she felt close to these days and this brought them even closer. They made small talk as they walked to the car and then on the ride to the place they were going to stay they talked even more. Rashel sounded more and more inebriated as they went and Nyala knew it was meant to make them seem like nothing but easy prey. The place they were brought to was in the middle of nowhere but Nyala still noted their surroundings, making sure to look like she was merely admiring the place as they walked in. Then they were in their room, knowing full well that they could be heard by the two next door if they spoke. Turning on some soft music to mask the sound of her pulling out a pen and paper she gave Rashel a look meant to ask if she had anything to say.
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When it came to life or death, acting became natural and it was easier when it was with Nyala. They worked off each other, completing each others’ thoughts in a way that made their story just that much more believable. For years it had only been the two of them and sure along the way they had met more hunters, but the woman beside her was the closest thing that Rashel had gotten to a family and that level of comfort was something she couldn’t imagine establishing even with her mother. As the woman leaned in, Rashel quickly played along, throwing in a small giggle before looking back to the vampires with a broad smile. “Yes! That sounds absolutely spectacular. Thank you so much.” She exclaimed excitedly, before following the pair to their car.
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
It would have been too easy for Nyala to listen into his conversation but she had no reason to and no desire to. She almost didn’t even realize he was speaking to her when he finished because she was so immersed in her thoughts. Blinking she looked up at him and shrugged. “It’s cool. See I almost didn’t even realize you had finished your call. Not even a problem. Did everything go alright,” she prompted merely in an attempt to keep polite conversation.
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“That’s a great skill to have.” He commented before calling his mother, trying to keep his voice down. “Yeah mum, I got the number. It went fine—listen I have to go.” For a few more moments, Zander fielded his mother’s questions about his date, wondering why he had agreed to this in the first place. Finally saying his goodbyes he hung up and turned back to the woman. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
With a small flex of her legs, launching her into a small jump, Nyala snatched one of the cans and then repeated the same movement for the second. Stupid little things shouldn’t feel like achievements but clearly she could do it will others couldn’t and she was smiling as she handed them to the girl. “There you go. Glad I could help.”
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“The red can right there.”
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“Actually, if you could grab two that’d be lovely.”
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
It’ll be worth the risk.
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But if done incorrectly you’ll be dead
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
“I’m not much taller but I’ll try. Which one is it again?”
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“Um…I’m sorry, could you reach that for me?”
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
Yes but if it’s done correctly then it’ll be an even sweeter victory.
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
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Jessica Parker Kennedy for Bello Magazine, January 2014.
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
The flawless way their nearly unrehearsed story came together just reminded Nyala how well they worked together. Before this they could only plan so much and yet they still handled the details they needed to add last minute well enough for them to sound like nothing but the truth. At Rashel’s comment about thick walls she flashed her an endearing smile. “I happen to love it when you drink, darling,” she purred , leaning closer to her ear as if they were sharing a moment of their own. It was then that he vampire’s spoke up mentioning a room vacancy next to their own which was just what they had been hoping for. “Oh Rachel,” Nyala began gushing. “That just sounds perfect doesn’t it? Y’all just have to show us.”
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Rashel leaned into Nyala’s grip, her hand snaking around the other’s waist. The plan had been devised quickly and she knew that hunting with Nyala would come easy because they understood each other and played off each other’s lead naturally. There was no fumbling and no need to look over her shoulder to see if the other huntress was alright or not. They could each handle their own which was why hunting with her best friend was so much easier for the woman. Smiling at the vampires who had joined them, she listened as they gave some bullshit reason about having never seen the two of them around. “We’re just stopping by. On our way to Seattle actually. But our car broke down on the way there. You folks wouldn’t happen to know a place we could crash for the night would you? And maybe some place with thick walls.” She added with a wink and giggle before quickly shaking her head. “Oh god I should never drink.”  
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
“Really? Well I guess you learn new things every day. Still seems like a weird place to me.”
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“This is actually a pretty popular spot. I know a fraternity uses this for their parties.”
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
As soon Nyala laid eyes on Mikael and saw the huge grin on his face she felt herself flushing pink as she smiled back. It had been far too long since someone had looked that happy to see her. “I could still leave,” Nyala replied but the smile on her face gave away that she wasn’t serious at all. Still that didn’t erase her nerves. Being sure that she wanted to be here should have helped but she felt more on edge than ever. Walking a bit closer to him Nyala considered what their plan could possibly be now that they were in a closed bar together. Which is what led to her next question. “What are we doing,” she asked. The question came out sounding like it meant a lot more than her original intention for it. Nyala had merely wanted to know what they were going to do know that they were there but it sounded so much more intense. Kinda like she was asking what they planned to do about them in general. “I swear I just mean now and not let’s get deep and talk about the future,” she corrected while attempting to pretend she wasn’t nervous.
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Forbidden Encounters || Nyala & Mikael
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
“I’m fairly good at hearing what I want to here and ignoring everything else. Go ahead and do what you have to do.”
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“Well I had to make a phone call so I can pretend you’re not here but I might be a bother to you.”
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
Forbidden Encounters || Nyala & Mikael
The hunter in her should have been nervous about meeting someone at an abandoned place. Even more so since that someone was a vampire and by nature her enemy. And yet the thing she was more nervous about was whether or not he would show up. Nyala felt a level of trust in him that most people couldn't even gain from her in years. What was it that would make Mikael trust her in return? He knew what she was and he should by instinct be running away from her not seeking places to be alone with her. Alone. Oh god she was about to be alone with a vampire who she had feelings for. Feelings which scared her so much she thought she may forget to breath. But there was her hand reaching without hesitation for the door to the building and she had taken extra time before to make sure she looked nice. Sure she'd also made sure she was armed but she didn't go anywhere without weapons. It was just part of her life to be ready to fight now. As the door opened she slipped inside, pausing to look around. "Hello," she called out softly, unsure of where Mikael was.
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
"Good. I don't really feel like arguing. So...how is that? And feel free to chew and swallow before answering. I can be patient."
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"I — have no argument against that."
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
"That was answering me. Just saying."
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"I’d answer you back, but I’m eating and it’s not polite to talk while swallowing food."
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nyalaross · 10 years ago
Fake it until it feels real. One day it will be. I promise.
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See, that’s what I have trouble with.
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