I don't think a family is so bad...
686 posts
-----indie Angel rp blog------- a milti-ship, milti-verse blog Semi-selective
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
Ah little Angel from heaven ;)! Ive missed you!!
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“Missed you too Dodge~ How have you been?”
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
angel do you know how to clean wounds right?
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“Yea... for the most part. Is this a hypothetical question or...?”
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
How are things with you and Scamp?
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“Well... Tenderfoot still gets into trouble... and I’m still getting used to the whole “family” thing...”
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“But things are good.”
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
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"Everything fell apart and I can't pick up the pieces anymore."
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
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"...Everything hurts."
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
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{Hey, could y’all do me a favor and like/reply to this if I owe you something? Be it a starter or a reply or what have you? Cheers~}
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
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{hey, kinda still here, it just seems Angel has taken a back burner compared to the rest of my muses. Hopefully I can change that Mutuals like for a starter?}
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
You look tasty Can I eat you?
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“Don’t even think about it, fleabag.”
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
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“My dog Angel died in August, after 13 years of being named after Angel from Lady and the Tramp 2. We recently got a new puppy, and while I love the name we gave him (Digby, after the dog in Animal Crossing New Leaf), I now regret not calling him Scamp, to match with my late Angel. I feel like it would have been the perfect tribute to her, seeing I think they’re so similar and would have been really close friends, had they gotten a chance to meet. Maybe one day.”
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and outside !!
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{awww, thanks! And right back atch’ya! ^w^}
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
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Tramp ve Leydi-Scamp ve Angel
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
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“Nobody can help everybody, but you help people more than most do, that has to count for something. I’ve seen how cruel life can get. Trust me, the world needs more people like you.”
“You help people. That’s who you are.”
jessica jones sentence meme. | accepting.
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                                ’ unfortunately, i do not get to help as much people as you would think.         sometimes, i really do feel like the halliwell screw-up. ‘  andy came to mind, he died saving the halliwells.
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
Misc. starter sentences.
Send one or more for my muse’s reaction!
“I have something to tell you… I’m leaving. For good.” “Get out. And don’t you ever, EVER come back.” “Where were you when I needed you?!” “What is WRONG with you?! You always do this! Every time we’re happy, you ruin it!” “I forgot you only ever think about yourself.”
“So, this might be a little forward, but I bought you (flowers/chocolate/etc).” “You’re not what I expected, but you’re exactly what I need.” “You’re crazy, but I love you.” “Can I be the big spoon?” / “Can I be the little spoon?” “Being around you always makes things seem less terrible for a while.”
“You think you’re in pain? I’ll fucking SHOW you pain.” “Ah-ah, stay with me. We’re not done here.” “I’ll make you wish you were dead.” “I’ve been watching you for the past six months. I know everything about you.” “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll do as I say.”
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
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“Right, sorry...” She had a habit of being overly observant of anyone who seemed to be following or watching her. Though “paranoid” wasn’t the word she’d use.
  “𝓐ctually I’m just walking around. No need to    be paranoid.” Jack informed the woman, keeping    a straight face as he spoke.
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
Before you forever banish them to the realm of ‘I’m not gonna write with you, you low life son of a bitch’ you’ve got hidden beneath your sink, just give them a chance. 
Give them a thread, ONE thread to show you what they’re worth and how they handle themselves. You might be surprised at how much you get done by avoiding the whole ‘The cover of this book sucks, I don’t want it.’ wave you’ve been on.
 One chance, that’s all I’m asking for.
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nxt-your-angel-blog · 9 years ago
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{OHhhh trust me, I know what you mean.  I’ve had many a characters picked apart in the past for allegedly being too “Mary Sue”. Granted, I have had some that were mary-sue-ish, but not nearly as bad as people seemed to claim they were. Yes, I have some characters that have magical powers, or are immortal, or what have you, but ya wanna know why? Because it’s the SPECIES (sorta, does an angel count as a species?) that my character is, and she ISN’T the only one. After about 8 years of crating my own characters, I’ve learned how to divert away from the mary sure traits, but still give my characters enough personality and good traits to keep them interesting and unique. Unfortunately, to some, interesting and unique = mary sue by default. which is a shame.
Look at how many canon characters could be concidered mary sues if they weren’t in published work.
TL;DR: I totally understand and agree with you}
{people need to stop harping on ocs as much as they do. yea there are some pretty crappy mary sues out there, but for the most part people put a lot of time and effort and thought into their original characters. As someone who rped ocs LONG before ever rping a canon character, I have to say the stigma they get needs to stop!}
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[ no, but really though. I mean, I don’t think my baby’s a Mary Sue, but it’s hard to tell and figure that out if A) no one will give you a chance and B) well you’re writing the character so it seems like that.
I mean, I know she’s not wonderfully developed. I made her in my freshman year of high school, i mean c’mon. but gods it’s so frustrating to not be given a chance.
I will say, having the canon character to retreat to is nice. but DUDES. WHAT THE HECKIE. Let me live my life and don’t send me anons tearing her apart if you haven’t even written with her like bro. ] 
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